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Is this God???

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posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Ops that should be cant.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by phl0gist0n
There are no mathematics or geometry in nature. Math is purely a human invention that can only approximate nature. I don't believe in god, but if he exists, he would laugh at math, geometry and physics, and say "nice try".

Not so fast, my friend
- reason being that mathematical principles are descriptions of nature/universe - which have a similar coherence to that of language and some of the greatest scientific minds in the world have asked the question - "if mathematics is the language of the universe 'who' is it that is speaking?"

Here is an essay which looks at the different views on the subject - my view is echoed somewhat in the following paragraph but is not the only view offered so I encourage all to read it and decide on the merits for themselves

Mathmatics and the Languag of Nature

Of course, the idea of an unknown, unconditioned source which is the origin of matter and consciousness may seem far fetched to many readers. But it is, after all, simply another way of accounting for the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. Our own age is out of sympathy with such sweeping assertions as "God is a mathematician", but suppose one suggests that mind and the universe have an common order and that the source of material and mental existence lies in a sort of unconditioned creativity, and in the generation of orders of infinite subtlety and complexity7? While the nature of such an order may never be explicitly known in its entirely, it may still be possible to unfold certain of its aspects through music, art and mathematics. The great aesthetic joy of mathematics is not, therefore, far from the joy of music or any great art, for it arises in that sense of contact with something much greater than ourselves, with the heart of the universe itself. Mathematics is effective when it becomes a hymn to this underlying order of consciousness and the universe, and when it expresses something of the truth inherent in nature.

and here is another article that argues more from your side of the question...fascinating...

New Scientist

I love this stuff

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
Sacred Geometry was what it was,but I can't for the life of me find the clip now.Does anyone on here know what video I am talking about(have any of you seen it)?I was trying to find it to re-post it on here.

I'm not sure if this is the one you're referencing but none the less a very good series on sacred geometry. First of a four part series... Sacred Geometry 101A: 7 Pennies

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:39 PM
Here is another question - Since DNA is a 'code' where does the code come from? Software engineers will tell you that 'code' does not write itself - if this is true then who wrote the code for our "software"???

Tried to find some links arguing this point but could not - any suggestions? Thoughts?

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by realshanti

My way of thinking is... If there is somthing that has been made. Something must have made it. A atom dont just appear out of nowhere and colide with som other form for energy. And create a big bang. Both the energy and the atom/wave current must come from something. No mather hove smal it is or in what form it is.

The idea that ouer creation its a thought by God is possebely as close as we will ever get to knowing the beginning. I think we will be abel to figure out somthing close to the big bang. But not if it was the real big bang that started creation. We will just create a BANG.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by realshanti

Well some say that ouer DNA code comes from DNA mutations over a long period of time. But i dont see hove that is possibel. Humans cant breed with other than humans.

In my point of wew the only thing that has changed is sience and that we dont live in caves any more. We have just moved in to a wooden box insted.

We have just distanced ouer self from the time when we had to use ouer feet to move around. Rest is just mabojambo lol.

[edit on 26-6-2008 by spy66]

[edit on 26-6-2008 by spy66]

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by ListenD

No that's not it

I think this all brings us back to the age old paradox(even more than a question,lol) of 'Who created God?' is possible that our human minds at this point in evolution can't conceive a plane of existence without time and space,an existence before existence!How can something be before the universe(or multi-verse) was made,obviously something had to spark all this,but how?why?If we can answer that then we will be much closer to God then we can imagine.

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by ListenD

No that's not it

I think this all brings us back to the age old paradox(even more than a question,lol) of 'Who created God?' is possible that our human minds at this point in evolution can't conceive a plane of existence without time and space,an existence before existence!How can something be before the universe(or multi-verse) was made,obviously something had to spark all this,but how?why?If we can answer that then we will be much closer to God then we can imagine.

Youre so right.

If we can figure that out we will become Gods .

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by ListenD

No that's not it

I think this all brings us back to the age old paradox(even more than a question,lol) of 'Who created God?' is possible that our human minds at this point in evolution can't conceive a plane of existence without time and space,an existence before existence!How can something be before the universe(or multi-verse) was made,obviously something had to spark all this,but how?why?If we can answer that then we will be much closer to God then we can imagine.

Youre so right.

If we can figure that out we will become Gods .

Check out my old posts.

Originally posted by ListenD
While being components of God, we are not nor have ever been or ever will be Him. Likewise, as we are not omnipotent, we will simply never be able to understand the true nature of God. This includes the who/what/when/where/why aspect of existance before The Big Bang.

BTW, we can never fully become that which we dont understand!

posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by cindymars

Just wanted to say Jeri Ryan is hot!Lol,I was wanting to say that all day but kept forgeting,lol.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by ListenD

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by ListenD

No that's not it

I think this all brings us back to the age old paradox(even more than a question,lol) of 'Who created God?' is possible that our human minds at this point in evolution can't conceive a plane of existence without time and space,an existence before existence!How can something be before the universe(or multi-verse) was made,obviously something had to spark all this,but how?why?If we can answer that then we will be much closer to God then we can imagine.

Youre so right.

If we can figure that out we will become Gods .

Check out my old posts.

Originally posted by ListenD
While being components of God, we are not nor have ever been or ever will be Him. Likewise, as we are not omnipotent, we will simply never be able to understand the true nature of God. This includes the who/what/when/where/why aspect of existance before The Big Bang.

BTW, we can never fully become that which we dont understand!

Well we like to say to ouer self that there is no limits to knowlage. We only put limits on to ouer selvs.

If youre religius. You know that God made us in hes/their image. That can mean a lot. We are creators. But God dident say we where made greater than him. So i gues there is a limit to what we can do.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 02:40 PM
Dr Stephen Phillips, a theoretical physicist, has investigated the Tree of Life, the I Ching table of 64 hexagrams, the Sri Yantra and the five Platonic solids. He has a website containing 44 research articles (downloadable PDFs) at:
He has proven in rigorous mathematical terms that these sacred geometries are isomorphic, that is, they have structures characterized by the same set of parameters. This means that, although separated in origin by thousands of years and thousands of miles, they embody exactly the same information about the nature of reality. Moreover, these sacred geometries have properties exactly analogous the root structure of E8 and E8xE8, the gauge symmetry groups at the heart of superstring theory. This means that superstring theory really is part of the divine paradigm.
Article 40 (Four parts) is a good introduction to this research. He presents no theories. He does not need to because he claims he has discovered the highest form of knowledge - one that transcends the format and limitations of scientific methodology because it is very knowledge of God, yet one that contains scientific information about the physical universe confirming some of the discoveries in string theory.
His work demands effort and time to understand and assimilate, so don't expect to master it in a few hours. Indeed, it will take you several months of intense study to discover and understand properly what he has found. Only after much effort will you see the connections, correlations and isomorphisms between topics such as the seven musical scales, Plato's Lambda, the heterotic superstring, the polygonal Tree of Life, the Sri Yantra, the I Ching, the polyhedral Tree of Life and one of the most important equations in pure mathematics - the Klein quartic and the [3,2] tessellation of its Riemann surface on a 3-torus. But once you have studied his work thoroughly, you will at last discover the true mathematics of the divine mind, what its Pythagorean basis is and how the mathematical nature of reality has been captured in ancient sacred geometries, as well as how it has been re-discovered by mathematicians today without their realizing it.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 10:48 AM
I believe in things I can see, touch, smell, taste, or hear, so I don't believe in a deity or "god". Some will say "You can't see gravity, does that make it imaginary?". No, because I can see the products and reaction of gravity on different objects, and I can repeat that experiment. Once I see some physical evidence of a god, I will become an agnostic.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:32 AM
Just to clarify a point in this thread, since i have advanced my knowledge since this OP last year....

When I said void I was referring to 'hyperspace', the multi dimensional space in which bubble nucleation or brane clashing occurs. LOL, just thought I would clear that up.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

Good post, I agree with most of your theory. I believe God is the ultimate scientist and one day it will all make since to us. I do not however believe in Aliens. I believe God had a plan and that is why dinasaures were here before us, it was part of his plan. As far as evolution I do not believe we decended from monkeys or slim out of the sea or tad poles but I do believe that adaptation is built in and we learn to adapt. I believe God created man out of the dust a blew life into him giving him a living soul just like Genesis states I do not think we evolved from any other species. If we had of evolved then there would be no monkeys or apes they would have evolved into humans and they would be extinct. Other than that I like your post and I agree.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

I think that "God" is something that we can not BEGIN TO COMPREHEND, even in 100 years time. Sure some people may be able to somewhat, but "it" is beyond all. As a student of cosmology I must say that so far what I have learned (and formed my own opinion on) leads me to think that God is simply the "omnidimensional force", if that makes sense. Yes this is similar to Star Was but it does make sense. God IMHO is a form of pure infinite energy. I do not think 'it" (more appropriate) really controls anything by itself, but rather it is a result of ones or manys collective consciousness.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by flyindevil

I notice your name contains devil. So you believe in satan but not God? You cannot have one without the other can you? Or do you worship satan and deny God? I am not trying to be smart I just wonder? Also when you have what you think is tangible proof that God exists won't it be to late?

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

RIGHT (IMO), it is like physics, anti matter and matter, yin and yang, light and dark, GOD AND SATAN. They both MUST exist is one does. Basic physics, albeit hyperspatial,lol.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

Great post J, I enjoyed the content but I must say I don't believe you or I are anywhere even remotely close to understanding the nature of God.

I have a hard time believing we can even understand the implications of omnipotince much less a being with such power and knowledge that would not use this power to enslave the rest of known reality.

I do not think that it matters if you view "God" as an entity, race, particle or idea, I simply think it is beyond our current means to comprehend in a rational human sense.

That being said..... It sure is fun to speculate about and I applaud the post

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Helious]

[edit on 26-7-2009 by Helious]

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by Helious

Cool, thanks for your reply. This was from last year. I have since focused more on things I feel I and others can prove, such as UFOs! But God and whatever he/she/it/? is important and I know many times I should have died but did not.Probability or God????? Like I said, as a student of cosmology and thus quantum mechanics, I have now had to change my outlook on things realizing what few do......That everything can and does happen by natural and none supernatural processes.

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