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A thread on how to see Aura's....

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posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:05 AM
I have posted this elsewhere after reading so mnay replies to many people who cannot see aura's. So i thought i would make a seperate post to show an exercise that is an easier way to see an aura that everyone can do.

Here is part of the post..
you can see auras without having to use your minds eye or focusing point with your eyes fully opened. Put your hand on the computer screen and concentrate on it for a while. Then close your eyes and you will see the outline of your hand form then you will see the colour of your hand with eyes closed. That is the colour of your aura now. Now you can see auras with your eyes closed. So when you look at people concentrate on them then close your eyes and let the colour form in your eyes that is their aura colour. At the moment when i just put my hand on the computer the colour i saw with my eyes closed was light green & blue on my hand so my aura is light green & blue at this moment. Keep practising this till you are able to see aura's with your eyes opened. You may even see unusal beings this way next to the person. OUr eyes are like camera's and can capture beings not from this world when you do this exercise. I have seen Angels, animals and alien like beings next to people when i concentrate on them and then close my eyes.

If you do this exercise tell me the colour you saw and your experiences in doign this exercise when you concentrate on subjects or focal points such as loved ones for example.

If anyone has any more exercises to see Aura's please post away.

I thought this would be fun to see if it works for you too. Also here is a google search of aura colour meanings for your perousal. Maybe you can see what your colour means.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:13 AM
Hmmmm i'm seeing a purple/ blue

So how does doing this exercise help you see auras without closing your eyes??

BTW, what does that colour correspond to?? Does it have anything to do with the colours of the chakras??

[edit on 20/6/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:21 AM
HI Pretty vacant,

If you look at the link i posted above can explain the colour meanings better ad yes it can relate to the chakra's depending on your mood. The last time i did this exercise my hand was purple. So it can change on different days.

The way to see this aura with your eyes opens takes alot more practice to see the outline of the energy. Every living thing has energy. You will need to do more focal exercises and let the colour flow to you mostly has to do with you third eye which you can open through meditation. To some it comes naturally. But i find with the eyes closed you get more brilliance of colour.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 05:49 AM
Hey meadowfairy

You know, i don't know if this is the same thing or if it's just some queer thing that's unique to me, but on occasion i tend to zone out and really just stare or look at things and i can see an outline around some things, but i've never really taken much notice of this before.
I don't recall the colour that they are or, as i write this, what particular things were outlined, all i remember seeing is like a glow surrounding the object.

I don't know, i'm a pretty vague person loll

Mines more of an indigo or violet:

INDIGO AURA COLOR: Relates to the third eye, visual and pituitary gland. Intuitive, sensitive, deep feeling.

VIOLET AURA COLOR: Relates to crown, pineal gland and nervous system. The most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura, and reveals psychic power of attunement with self. Intuitive, visionary, futuristic, idealistic, artistic, magical.

Actually, it's as if my finger tips are a soft blue and the rest of my hand is violet colour
is that possible??

This is a cool thread!

[edit on 20/6/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 06:17 AM
I tried it twice, both times i got an orange, sometimes yellowish glow for my hand.

I had an elderly woman approach me one time, she told me that i was giving off a very strong orange aura.

Makes me wUnder.

When i shut my eyes to go to sleep i always see all kinds of colors though. If you've ever seen 2001: A Space Odyssey. What i normally see is very similar to the "Star Gate" sequence at the end of the film.

Optical tricks? people with vision impairment? Or maybe something more . . .

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:41 PM
Well, mine is sort of light blue, and my flashlight is really white, and one of my Blythe dolls is yellowish white, and one of my CDs is pale blue. Do you see where this is going? You are seeing a natural phenomenon- I believe it is called an after image

[edit on 20-6-2008 by raven bombshell]

[edit on 20-6-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by raven bombshell

People get afterimages and auras mixed up very easy.

I believe auras are real, which are [supposedly] a electromagnet field around a living organism. I'm pretty sure this is proven, but how human eyes can see this is beyond me and I know I can't see an aura, but I haven't really tried either.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Monsterenergy791

I probably sound like I dont believe they exist, but I am not that closed-minded. It is just that I did exactly what the OP said and got the same result with inanimate ojects, so I have to say it is not the aura they are seeing, unless a flashlight has an aura. If a flashlight has an aura, then the whole significance of them is nil.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:56 PM
(Monster energy, i really like your pic, saying "Deny limit." How did you get it that way?)
I also believe the aura exists. I saw it once. I just did the thing where you try reading someone up against a plain white surface. It worked well. And in response to the person saying they have different colored finger tips, it is entirely possible. When you see the aura (though i did only see it once, and of a few people, i saw well )~it is multiple different colors, and it constantly moves. It is not just a stationary blur of eyeball illusion around a person. The colors come and go, and the whole field of enegy around the person is incredibly dynamic.

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:49 AM

Post by raven bombshell
Well, mine is sort of light blue, and my flashlight is really white, and one of my Blythe dolls is yellowish white, and one of my CDs is pale blue. Do you see where this is going? You are seeing a natural phenomenon- I believe it is called an after image

Hmmm, i tried the same exercise with a book, an ipod and a stapler instead of my hand and saw no colour in any of these things, but i still saw the colour in my hand where i was holding these items up

Post by Levita
And in response to the person saying they have different colored finger tips, it is entirely possible. When you see the aura (though i did only see it once, and of a few people, i saw well )~it is multiple different colors, and it constantly moves. It is not just a stationary blur of eyeball illusion around a person. The colors come and go, and the whole field of enegy around the person is incredibly dynamic.

hey thanks!

i'd love to learn more about the aura, where the idea originated and everything
glad to know my two-tone aura is completely valid Hmmm, do you know of any explanation as to why my fingertips would be a different colour to rest of my hand???
oh i guess what i was seeing with the glow around certain objects was something different altogether

UPDATE: my aura is still the same colour...


[edit on 21/6/08 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 06:02 AM
Auras surround both living and non-living things. What i posted is actually a practice in seeing the after image (aura colour) till you can learn to do it with your eyes open. Also the exercise i have posted is a good starting point for this. You will see that if you practice it on for eg 1 week and then another the colour changes. You can always explain an after image but you can never explain the colour change.
Usually to do an aura practice with your eyes open has to be done with either a full light or dark background.
You are able to see you body's aura much more because of the heat it generates. Jsut like a body heat sensor. You will see usually non living objects colour does not change but a humans after image colour does. Depending on the person aura can change different colours from a day, to a week, to a month but it does not always remain constant. YOu can notice this also with Krilian photos. The camera captures the colour and so does your eyes.
Here is an article that may explain non living things having an aura. Yes in the after image is your aura colour. Yes you can capture an after image not from this realm because your eyes act like a camera. I have posted a few websites to help.

Besides this thread is all in fun. Anyhow amazing everyones colour of the hand is different because we would all have dark blue hands would we not?

[edit on 21-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

[edit on 21-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by meadowfairy

Nice thread meadowfairy.

I very rarely can see color. Usually when I concentrate I see grey-white-ish matter or film around everything, but when I do this I start to get really dizzy or weak and I can no longer concentrate until I have had rest. Since then I have increased the duration of concentration, and also I now see lots of static-like-sparkles on and highlighting metal objects, especially magnets. Still yet I do not see colors on a regular basis.

Perhaps you can give me some advice meadowfairy?

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Levita

I got my avatar by a thread in a BTS thread where he/she was just posting free avatars for people too lazy for who do not how to make one.
I like my avatar and think it's special.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by meadowfairy

Auras. Don't. Exist.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you can prove they do, you'd be the first person ever in the history of the world to do so, and people have been trying since the victorian era, when all this spiritual/mystic parlour trick nonsense first took hold of western society.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by awakened sleeper
reply to post by meadowfairy

Nice thread meadowfairy.

I very rarely can see color. Usually when I concentrate I see grey-white-ish matter or film around everything, but when I do this I start to get really dizzy or weak and I can no longer concentrate until I have had rest. Since then I have increased the duration of concentration, and also I now see lots of static-like-sparkles on and highlighting metal objects, especially magnets. Still yet I do not see colors on a regular basis.

Perhaps you can give me some advice meadowfairy?

Hi awakened sleeper i would love to. What you are seeing could be concentrating too hard and your eyes can play up this way. Sparkles are known to be different types of things so spiritually people perceive this as divine to see sparkles. You may be on the right track buts its too early to knwo for sure.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by meadowfairy

Auras. Don't. Exist.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you can prove they do, you'd be the first person ever in the history of the world to do so, and people have been trying since the victorian era, when all this spiritual/mystic parlour trick nonsense first took hold of western society.

HI Dave,
Well when its spiritual it is hard to be proven. So your right i cannot prove from experience.
But if you want a scientific stand point its already proven that humans have bio energy fields that stem from the brain and surround our bodies. Aura's are another word for energy that has been noted by NDE experiences , who see the energy of doctors operating on them.
Anyway it would be an interesting study, they just brought out a new technology for doctors and other practitioners to use called the RFI from websites here:

Would be interesting to see what they can prove from new technologies such as this one. This just may be the opening gateway for further technology on AUra. They may be able to study the human energy field abit more with regards to interactions and its use within all living things. Only time will tell.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by meadowfairy

Pseudoscience is not science.

And if you can perceive something, as in if you are aware of something, then science can observe it. That convenient "get out of rational debate free" card of "oooh science can't know the spiritual" is absolute rubbish, factually inaccurate, and naive as heck.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 06:44 AM
I have a friend and her and her husband is in to all this stuff. She told me mine is really white. Don't know what that means or anything but that is what she said.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:02 AM
wow....that was really cool, i looked at mine and saw green with yellow lining...wonder what that means...what if you do the same thing to objects?

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by meadowfairy

Pseudoscience is not science.

And if you can perceive something, as in if you are aware of something, then science can observe it. That convenient "get out of rational debate free" card of "oooh science can't know the spiritual" is absolute rubbish, factually inaccurate, and naive as heck.

Science ain't the be all and end all and science rules your life so be it. Meditate and open up your wisdom you will learn more!

[edit on 22-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

[edit on 22-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

[edit on 22-6-2008 by meadowfairy]

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