posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 12:30 PM
I found this website very interesting . Especially now that Kerry is running for the Presidential and he is allways speaking about his vietnam
What a " hero " we have there.
" Sen. Kerry, the "noble statesman" and "highly decorated Vietnam vet" of today, is a far cry from Kerry, the radical, hippie-like leader of
Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) in the early 1970s.
Soon after Kerry, as a Navy Lieutenant (junior grade) commanding a Swift boat in Vietnam, was awarded the Silver Star, he used an obscure Navy
regulation to leave Vietnam and his crew before completing his tour of duty.
After returning home, he quit the Navy early and changed the color of his politics to become a leader of VVAW. Kerry wasted no time organizing
opposition in the United States against the efforts of his former buddies still ducking communist bullets back in Vietnam.