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BREAKING: Prophet Yahweh TRIES TO TWIST Challenge to Summon UFOs For ATS and FAILS

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:29 PM
Just for the record, I have no problem with ATS's standards for testing Mr.Yahweh. I agree, they should be non-negotiable. I feel that a certain line has been crossed, however, on both sides. Starting with Yahweh comparing ATS to the KKK, and then ATS claiming he has failed before any test could be performed. All the thread title changing by the ATS staff puts a bit of a queezy feeling in my stomach. sorry guys... Perhaps the aliens can settle this one.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by NightVision]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:33 PM
This man obviously does not like people questioning his views and takes people questioning his views very personally. And to me, that screams fraud.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:36 PM
from the desk of:


Dear MrdDstrbr,

Please post this email to the group for me. Afterward, if you stop writing me, it will be the last one I want you to post because I will not contact you back.

But, if you keep writing me, I will keep answering you with the hope that you will post what I send you.

Now let me address some of the things you said in your latest email to me:


> As you can see from the thread, I think the biggest concern is your stipulation that the event be turned into a "pay-per-view" event, a money-making venture. There are problems with that on SO many levels. A legitimate Prophet sent to us by God should be solely concerned with showing the world the Truth - not with making money!!! This only cements people's perception that you are hoaxing and only in it for the money. Please read the thread to what everyone is saying about this. “


I do not want to read the threads at ATS about me because of their blasphemies, slanders, defamation of my character and disrespect of my prophethood and manhood.

But, I will say this:

Most of the controversy about me and the things I say come from the fact that the masses of the people are ignorant, especially of biblical scriptures and principles.

Even though you so emphatically disrespect me, to my face, in your statement above about the legitimacy of a true prophet in relationship to money, with all your exclamation points, I forgive you.

You see, what you said suggests that you, and those people know more about what being a legitimate prophet is than me.

But, the truth is that you all lack the true knowledge about it. And, you all should not try to define my prophethood, but rather, seek clarification thereof via questions.

Please consider these clarifications:

1.) Even the Creator, Himself (YAHWEH) knows that any effort He makes for truth and caring for humanity calls for money. This is why He asks for a tenth of all wealth and money people generate.

2.) The Creator designated priests and prophets to collect the money, but not for themselves, but rather for the people’s sake.

3.) Truthfully, there is no such thing as getting the truth to the people free and continuing without making money.

4.) All efforts for getting the truth to the world calls for someone to have to spend money to cover the expense to do it.

5.) You see, most people don’t think about how that if you try to get a place to teach people the truth, someone will need to pay rent, lights, water, and other things.

6.) Even if a person chose to minister on a street corner, he/she will need someone to pay for the leaflets if one is to be effective, unless they think people can remember everything they say.

7.) Even if a person has no leaflets and wants to testify crying out to the wind, he will need someone to pay for a bus pass or for the gas to get there.

8.) Even on the Internet, there is no such thing as free video streaming. Someone has to pay for all that data being sent out to all who wants it in some way.

9.) And even if you are using services that claim to do it for free, they are really making money off your videos and giving you much of nothing. Also, you are subject to their terms, conditions, and rules that allow them to adversely affect your operations, and even terminate it if you don’t do it exactly like they say, without even notifying you.

10.) I will not go into any more examples of why it is of sound reasoning to make money to insure the continued success of your efforts to make the truth available to the world in a more powerful and consistent way.

11.) What is wrong is when a person, pastor, or prophet takes the money and uses it for themselves or violates the religious, ethical, or legal principles for why the money was raised.

12.) This I would never do because I have a vow of poverty between me and holy YAHWEH. I have given my life to Him and all money I raise goes directly to His causes as laid down in scriptures.

13.) If I am to make my ability to summon UFOs known to the world, to try to do it without recouping the money to do the same thing again is simply stupid.

14.) I will not be stupid anymore. I have been down that path. In times past, if I was able to raise money for a project, after it was over with, I had to try to raise it again.

15.) But, the way I do it from now on, is like this: when I raise money to produce a broadcast or anything for local or worldwide consumption, I will try to at least make all the money back I spent to do it so I can do it again the next day.


You went on to say:

> I have requested that you be permitted to re-register an account and post directly in the thread. This will help simplify these communications. Please post any further communications directly in the thread created for you. I am still hoping that a mutually-beneficial agreement can be reached here.


My response is that I will not post anything to the current thread. Neither do I desire to. The only post I would make there is to the private thread between me and Springer and, as time goes on, our attorneys’. Therein lies the “mutually-beneficial agreement” you hope can be reached.

Once again, please post this response to them for me so they all can see how much they lack the knowledge of the fact that it is nothing with making money off truth so that it will continue to go out in a far more effective way, consistently, than it would without doing raising money in the first place.

If Springer does not open a private thread of communications between me and him only, and later our attorney's who will review, finalize, and draft what he and I decided on, then I will remain willing to work with him, in the ATS UFO challenge your group presented to me even though me may not.

Regardless, I will wait patiently for his email letting me know the address of the thread regardless how long it takes.



Alright, that should be the last one, I'm not going to bother responding back to him any more......

Sorry for the enormous waste of time and energy everybody....

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:38 PM
I think in submitting a formal challenge with simple rules ATS did a fine job in offerering this person a chance to validate themselves. By taking the path that he has.. PY has proven himself without a doubt to be a total HOAX.

ATS has debunked PY without even having to lift a finger.

well done.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:46 PM
I stopped reading his stupid email as soon as I read this part:

You see, what you said suggests that you, and those people know more about what being a legitimate prophet is than me.

But, the truth is that you all lack the true knowledge about it. And, you all should not try to define my prophethood, but rather, seek clarification thereof via questions.

Please consider these clarifications:

1.) Even the Creator, Himself (YAHWEH) knows that any effort He makes for truth and caring for humanity calls for money. This is why He asks for a tenth of all wealth and money people generate.


I am the prophet here, not you. You should not question me, but follow me blindly and give your money to me. God says so because I say so and he is speaking through me.


By all means, please keep posting emails he sends. With each one, I find he digs himself into a deeper and deeper hole.

[edit on 6/17/2008 by Mad_Hatter]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Well thank God he will not be coming here to taint the ATS community with his deceptions and his 3 ring circus act

On another note.....what a reminder for me, of why this Christian wont step foot in another church, since there are so many self-proclaimed prophets and "experts" of the Bible who profess that they are the only ones in the know and its their way or the highway.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

I'd take him up on his suggestion to stop writing him. (whoops, see that you did
) I, for one, don't care to read anything more that this man has to say. And, judging from his finer points on money, priests/prophets and God, I venture that he is sadly misinformed or has a very self-serving view of the scriptures.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Hey you certainly did not waste my time. I found this entire thread VERY entertaining.

I think PY is not able to summons UFO's.

I do not agree that a spiritual teacher, prophet, guru or whatever should not ask for money. We all need money here on Earth.

Not a fan of someone using a well known name of a god as his own. Just my personal dislike but hey I sure enjoyed this thread. You deserve all those points.

[edit on 17-6-2008 by cindymars]

Sorry typos

[edit on 17-6-2008 by cindymars]

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:50 PM
I cant even be bothered to log in to make this comment, sorry!

Please ditch this thread it is now obvious this will go knowhere and this guy is after making some money, even if he does put this money to good use whats to stop the next person and the person after doing the same?

If he wants to make money perhaps he should start a cable channel or something? Certainly not use the good people on ats is to further his agenda.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Mad_Hatter
By all means, please keep posting emails he sends. With each one, I find he digs himself into a deeper and deeper hole.

Others can engage him if they want, but I'm done now. I tried my best to reason with him. I'm not responding any more.

Again, sorry for wasting everyone's time and energy....

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

Others can engage him if they want, but I'm done now. I tried my best to reason with him. I'm not responding any more.

Again, sorry for wasting everyone's time and energy....

You have not wasted any time here. You have successfully created a thread that in my eyes, completely debunks this guy and exposes him for the fraud he is. If I were you, I'd take these emails and start an Ant-Prophet Yahweh site. If you do a search on the internet, you cannot find much information that debunks him and if you do find it, it has been removed with the exception of a small amount. Seems he is a fan of the old, "Silence your opposition" strategy.

The above poster is right, you earned those points for helping to expose this money hungry fraud though his own emails. I applaud you.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

Again, sorry for wasting everyone's time and energy....

Don't be sorry! This was a great thread. It brought to light some very important things for me.

By the way...I am a prophet too...anyone wanna give me money?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:00 PM

such a fraud, you should take a ride on one of your baloons,
set your navigation to Auto Pilot directly in to the Sun!

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Definitely not a waste of time. What you've done, maybe unintentionally, is to reveal just how sordid this man's viewpoint is. Still, it's a good stayed on topic, stayed civil....and was worth contributing to.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:04 PM
I giggle when I see his emails

I mean if you are going to try to be a so call "prophet" at least don't say you can "summon UFO's" there better ways to lie than that

Prophet Yahweh= HOAX!

ATS does it again...deny ignorance

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:09 PM
I just want to say, the way Springer upped the ante with his official challenge, that was amazing

Springer is pure awesome, and one of the reasons I'm thoroughly addicted to ATS

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

I agree. Althought what Springer did was merely common sense. To take him out of his own turf to level the battlefield. Basic war strategy.

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by MrdDstrbr

Respect. I respect you. You had an idea, you went with it. It took twists and turns that you could not anticipate. Would I have gone that route? No, BUT it took a lot of cojones, and you carried through your thread, through hell and high water and that's commendable.

You said something like "I'm sorry for the waste of time and energy". No, dude, no waste. You brought to the member's attention something that you thought was of merit, and many others did too. Don't ever feel awkward about going for the long view......... those times when you see a culmination of efforts, and you see a path toward that event. The fact that it mattered so much to you, made it matter more to me. I have kept going back to this thread, chiding myself, saying "it'll only piss you off...." or passing it off as my current guilty pleasure. Well, I think time spent on this thread has been beneficial. I admit I've had to bite back things I wanted to say..... ugly, human, unnecessary things. I'm sure I was perceived as a hater of ... *sigh* Prophet Yahweh. I really would have enjoyed the thrill of the actualizations of his claims. Should it ever come to pass, I will toast the skies in his direction, and publicly smile and apologize. No, I just hate, I mean HATE to see people taken advantage of. That is one of the sharp things that rankles me to the core.

It was not a waste of time. PY is going to get bigger, and more exposure, and perhaps a significant following someday. There has to be a time at which people looking at and judging and researching various ideas finally conclude......... X = false, so far as our expressions and research can conclude. We are in times where we cannot KNOW the answers to much. There is far too much deception. I think that the ATS staff and the folks that posted here have been real and honest and who can expect more than that.

You have nothing to apologize for. Respect.

Cheers and peace

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:19 PM
All I can say is...

If Ramon Watkins thinks I know nothing about business, I am GLAD I am a businessman and not a "profit".

If Ramon Watkins thinks I am "like a child" in my dealings with our company, then I am GLAD to be childish!

MrDstrbr You did well here today, unintentionally or not, you did well mate!

As has been said, "Profit Yaweh" is either DELUSIONAL or a CHARLATAN and a CON MAN HOAXER looking to make a free buck off the unsuspecting, well meaning and gullible in society with his FALSE, HOAXED UFO "summoning". You can quote me ANYWHERE with that!


posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 06:32 PM
I have to say, even though it ended up Barnum & Baileys (as LEO said), this was probably one of the most entertaining threads I have ever seen here.

Big props to MrDdstrbr for going out on a limb to start up something that could have been collosal, and big props to Springer for stepping up to it without blinking an eye.

Man I love this site.

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