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9/11; what are we gonna do?

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by v4vendetta


1)The first place to start would be to write a respectful but firm letter - put it the form of questions and make it an open letter and send to every member of the congress and the Senate......I am speaking of things like the military exercise of the exact scenario that took place that morning and caused the confusion for the air force, juxtaposed to Rice claiming that the government had no knowledge that anything like the Towers could ever happen....that was a clear lie....present your concerns without coming across like a nutter...

2) non violent guerrila actions like - a banner across a freeway over pass - something that can be carried and unwrapped quickly and wrapped up just as quickly at rushhour - you reach quite a few people this way and are not destroying property - choose different locations and do it everyday for about a week....this keeps the conversation going among people you will never meet..

3) Send the letter you wrote to the congress and Senate to media outlets as well letting them know that the letter is circulating among congress...

4)Make a private appointment to talk to your representative - they frequently see regular citizens who have real concerns - you have to be persistant but it is possible to get some one on one time - you will only have a few minutes at most so you have present yourself quickly, coherently, and respectfully...

5) Get yourself a bullhorn (and a couple of people to do body guard assistance) and simply talk about it on the street or in a park on a busy Saturday and watch the fun start -you will gather a crowd - people will debate (and probably call you a few names..hehehe...but thats to be expected)

6) Set up a website for like minded activists and network network network...

Thats just a few suggestions - once you think about it you will come up many more...these are all nonviolent and will do more than you realize to raise awareness and give folk who sympathize the very real sense that they are not alone...

Now for the hard reality - once you do these things be prepared for the backlash form the Fed which there most definitely will be....I speak from personal experience...they will harass - first your family and friends - they may follow you - take pictures - question your employer - bug your phones and capture your emails...make sure your taxes are all paid up because this is one of the first places the Fed will stir the pot to make things difficult for you.....

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by tide88

your joking......right?

THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS..........why don`t you?
theres no other way to say it.

theres no N.W.O ??? again, where have you been,under a rock?


every truth movement theory has been shot down????
again... ARE YOU NUTS?, or are you just having fun FU%$ING
with good honest caring people.
SHAME ON YOU.. to anyone who would do such a thing.

this is insane.

I`m goin to go jam some guitar now so I can escape
from this NIGHTMARE for a little while.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
They know for a fact that they dont stand a chance against the mighty USA, so why would they declare war if they cant really back it up.
if they did, then where was they're secondary attack? where were they planning to attack from? if you say iraq, you're really stupid!!
how small is your brain?

Dude, you're talking about people who are blinded by their religion, in this case, Radical Islamo-Fascists Muslims. Do a little research on this, you'll find they are pretty much bent on destroying everything the West stands for, and instituting a World Religion.....theirs.

They know for a fact they don't stand a chance against the mighty USA? Au Contraire, they ABSOLUTELY believe that with Allah, they will prevail...and they will not stop. Ever.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by tide88
The point is you are picking and choosing what you want to believe. I have looked at both sides. There is no proof of a conspiracy.

If it's obvious to you that WTC 7 was a controlled demolition, then I'm afraid you're the one who's picking and choosing what you want to believe.

Why don't you trust your own eyes? The evidence is overwhelming for anyone with the eyes to see.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:20 PM
This thread has clearly been derailed by folks both for and against 9/11 conspiracy - point of the thread was to get suggestions for action to take....if you are not interested in giving any but only in fighting with each other then start your own damn thread...have some consideration for the OP..Crickey!

No offense meant

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by tide88
just watched that video above. When it shows that first building being demolished it is completly different then the world trade centers collapse. That build just falls no debris or smoke coming out of each floor, and it is obviously falling a lot faster. I can watch that video and without doing any math I can tell that one is a controlled demolition, and the trade center is not.

Guess what? That first building IS the World Trade Center. It's WTC 7.

And you're right -- it's obviously a controlled demolition. Larry "pull it" Silverstein admitted it on national TV.

Keep investigating. You'll eventually come to the same conclusion about WTC 1 and 2.
pull it means pull the fire fighters out of building 7. not pull as in start the demolition. This has already been proven. but then again you are just believing what you want. Why does that video only show the last 7 seconds. It edits out the penthouse falling before the building collapses. LOL. this is exactly what i mean. all you have to do is some research and it shows that video has been edited. Why would the people who say it is a conspiracy edit the video. Why not show the whole video. because by showing the last seven seconds it seem like it might be a controlled video. of course if they show the two second before it it clearly shows what really happened. The first video at 1:33 you can hear a fireman say "look at that hole in the building...That might come down"

This video shows the whole collapse not just the last 7 seconds.

as you can see the penthouse collapses into the building causing the rest of the building to collapse.
well i dont know how to post videos but here is the link explainig everything about building 7. watch the video at the bottom. it shows the whole collapse of building 7.
Although i am sure none of you will actually go to this site, because it would be just more evidence there is no conspiracy.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by tide88
The point is you are picking and choosing what you want to believe. I have looked at both sides. There is no proof of a conspiracy.

If it's obvious to you that WTC 7 was a controlled demolition, then I'm afraid you're the one who's picking and choosing what you want to believe.

Why don't you trust your own eyes? The evidence is overwhelming for anyone with the eyes to see.

i am saying it wasnt a controlled demolition. ANd this is just one example. see my post above for proof of no demo.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:36 PM
i am sorry for highjacking the thread. I started a new topic. Debunking the debunkers here

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:42 PM
As to what to do...I don't know that everything we little folk can do is not already being done. But on the "sidenote" of this thread...I recall seeing a video from the BBC where the reporter is stating that the WTC 7 has just collapsed when in fact it was still standing behind her...about 15 seconds after the statement by the reporter, and the ongoing conversation between her and the anchor...magically the WTC 7 collapsed. I will look for the link...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 05:56 PM
I'm pretty sure it was towards the end of Loose Change:The Final Cut

I'm currently at work so my resources are a bit limited...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by daddymax
As to what to do...I don't know that everything we little folk can do is not already being done. But on the "sidenote" of this thread...I recall seeing a video from the BBC where the reporter is stating that the WTC 7 has just collapsed when in fact it was still standing behind her...about 15 seconds after the statement by the reporter, and the ongoing conversation between her and the anchor...magically the WTC 7 collapsed. I will look for the link...

that is the point of the video above, it did start to collapse. the whole collapse took over 15 seconds. the penthouse collapsed into the building, then the rest of the building collapse seconds later. The penthouse collapse is the part that all these consp. videos leace out.. Why would they leave that part out?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by v4vendetta
listen bruv!! When two MASSIVE scyscapers COLLAPSE just because they were burning for not even an hour, something stinks. The conspiracy sounds so much more plausible than the "truth", and you expect me to believe that all those bodies were disintergrated BUT the passport of an alleged terrorist happens to fall from the sky????!!!
How would this terrorist attack benefit Islam? They know for a fact that they dont stand a chance against the mighty USA, so why would they declare war if they cant really back it up.
if they did, then where was they're secondary attack? where were they planning to attack from? if you say iraq, you're really stupid!!
how small is your brain?

LOL its proof like this that you people ask for and then happily refute it... WAKE UP and smell the sh** dude. There is so much evidence.. just look it up. And also, HOW ON EARTH can people in a cave, orchestrate such a grand plan? Oh thats right.. with their brick Nokia phones and their high tech radio equipment..Give me a break!!!! Bin Laden is a TOOL for the U.S.. why haven't they caught him yet?? And yet, where able to find Saddam in a damn hole.. which he couldn't have fit in the first place! Doesn't all seem odd to you? What's the reason for you being in so much denial?

Can you tell me why did tower 2 collapse BEFORE tower 1 even though Tower 1 was hit first? Why was NONE of the steel from ANY of the towers ever examined? Why did another tower near tower 2 fall as well, even though it was never damaged?? Why didn't the Almighty American Air Force react, they had atleast 30 minutes to respond, they have based all around the U.S ?? How the hell did a passport from one of the "hijackers" fall to the ground, when steel, was "melted" and those poor souls disintegrated.. yet it was in perfect condition?

Questions like these plus ten's of others DO make you wonder... take some time and read, before posting nonsense like "Bush and Cheney are patriots for Americans" Hahahah I dare you to go say that to some American troops based in Iraq who have been re-assigned. Seriously, HOW small is your brain.. damn, come on now. They are patriots for their daddies and their oil companies ok? Now get some sense knocked into your noggin buddy.

IMO, ALL Nations must stand up, its not just the citizens, the Jewish Zionists must be blamed. America the great Nation was sold out a long time ago.. Its no longer seen as a country but a Corporation by these people. As long as their pockets become fatter they couldn't care less about your rights and your beliefs. They are just trying to destroy all but themselves, they are extremely greedy and will stop at nothing to take the world. Cant you see? NWO has already started.

[edited for typos]

[edit on 09/06/2008 by MASH_DADDY]

[edit on 09/06/2008 by MASH_DADDY]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Can you help me out re. 7/7. I think I read or saw a video on the BBC website about 7/7, and how on the very day those attacks took place the emergency services were actually out training for a very similar scenario on the very same day. Is this true?

Guess what - that is emergency services/military do, they train and
simulate. Scenarios are as realistic as possible. Been at several
drills where we had a real call - had to drop everything and respond.

Recently OEM staged a "dirty bomb" drill in park right down street from
me using small amount of radioactive material.

Does that mean if a "dirty bomb" goes off we were responsible?


On both 9/11 and 7/7, training programs were on, this was used as a distraction to carry out the attacks.

Bascially turning a trainging drill into a real drill.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by MASH_DADDY

Originally posted by v4vendetta
listen bruv!! When two MASSIVE scyscapers COLLAPSE just because they were burning for not even an hour, something stinks. The conspiracy sounds so much more plausible than the "truth", and you expect me to believe that all those bodies were disintergrated BUT the passport of an alleged terrorist happens to fall from the sky????!!!
How would this terrorist attack benefit Islam? They know for a fact that they dont stand a chance against the mighty USA, so why would they declare war if they cant really back it up.
if they did, then where was they're secondary attack? where were they planning to attack from? if you say iraq, you're really stupid!!
how small is your brain?

LOL its proof like this that you people ask for and then happily refute it... WAKE UP and smell the sh** dude. F*** MAN! there is so much evidence.. just look it up. And also, HOW ON EARTH can people in a cave, orchestrate such a grand plan? Ohh thats right.. with their brick Nokia phones and their high tech radio equipment..Give me a break!!!! Bin Laden is a TOOL for the U.S.. why havn't they caught him yet?? And yet, where able to find Saddam in a damn hole.. which he couldn't have fit in the first place! Doesn't all seem odd to you?

WHY the hell did tower 2 collapse BEFORE tower 1 even though Tower 1 was hit first? Why was NONE of the steel from ANY of the towers ever examined?
Why did ANOTHER tower near tower 2 fall aswell, even though it was never damaged?? Why didn't the Almighty American Air Force react, they had atleast 30 minutes to respond, they have based all around the U.S ??
How the hell did a passport from one of the "hijackers" fall to the ground, when steel, was "melted" and those poor souls disintegrated.. yet it was in perfect condition?

Questions like these plus ten's of others DO make you wonder... take some time and read, before posting sh** like "Bush and Cheney are patriots for Americans" Hahahah I dare you to go say that to some American troops based in Iraq who have been re-assigned. Seriously, HOW small is your brain.. damn, come on now. They are patriots for their daddies and their oil companies ok? Now get some sense knocked into your noggin.

IMO, ALL Nations must stand up, its not just the citizens, the Zionists must be eliminated ONE by ONE... America was sold out a long time ago.. its time you's took it back for your REAL father's!

Conspiracy theorists like to say "Some Arabs with box cutters couldn't have pulled this off." Let's forget for a minute how racist that statement is. (Arabs can do anything Americans can do) Let's also imagine that the hijackers didn't make it clear they had a bomb as well as the box cutters. The fact is they were the perfect ones to pull this off. Osama went to school for civil engineering at a time when the towers were being built. America thought enough of him to use him to hold off the USSR in Afghanistan. Most of the hijackers have college educations. Some had flight experience and trained with simulators.

An Airliner filled with jet fuel is just a very destructive flying car bomb. Is he really that smart or was the US government not smart enough to realize this? There is evidence some thought about this but failed to act quickly enough to stop it. Telling pilots not to open the cockpit doors under any circumstance and fitting the airliners with better cockpit doors may have stopped the attacks. Just as tellers in a bank are instructed to give money to bank robbers, pilots were under the old rules of letting hijackers do what they want. Any small group could have done what he did. Saying they were a few Arabs from the desert is appealing to the racist in us.

the towers collapsing

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by superstef

NICE ONE GEEZ!! ur on my wavelength! its good to hear something positive for a change! how shall we do this? are you an artist or a musician?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by realshanti

I appreciate your ideas but i do not see the point in doing so because i believe that these politicians would not answer back, what are they even going to say? keep it up! we will get there...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by DavidsNite

GET REAL! Look deep within yourself and you will REALISE that they dont stand a chance against USA. You know it very deep down but you are just not going to admit it. Be a human

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by realshanti

Thank .you! Well said. your ideas are really motivating me. We need more positivity

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by tide88
i am saying it wasnt a controlled demolition. ANd this is just one example. see my post above for proof of no demo.

No way man, forget the new thread, I'm calling you out here and now so everyone can go back and read your post, in it's full context.

You viewed the video and stated:

"just watched that video above. When it shows that first building being demolished it is completly different then the world trade centers collapse. That build just falls no debris or smoke coming out of each floor, and it is obviously falling a lot faster. I can watch that video and without doing any math I can tell that one is a controlled demolition, and the trade center is not."

You claim there is no conspiracy, the 9/11 Commision state WTC 7 fell due to fire damage and you agree with the government version of events. You then watched a video of the fall and stated you could easily tell it was a controlled demolition. When it was pointed out it was WTC 7 you were commenting on, you have now tried to completely back track on your comment. You are two faced, and anyone who reads your posts can easily see that you've completely lied and tried to cover your tracks. If ever there was a time to call someone a shill it's now.


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