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The World Has Rendezvous With The Sphinx

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posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Alazar
Win , by the way, could you give us more details about your dream in 2005 related to the discovery under the Sphinx? What kind of "guide"? What was "his" point of view about the warning?

Thanks for your contribution !

The dream was over 2 days, about 2 hrs long on 2 consecutive days. In the afternoon on both days, when I was wide awake.

There was a lot about my past life and choices I made, the results of those choices and what alternate choices would have led me.

The narrator was also transporting me to different scenes and times. At times I felt like I was wrapped in the arms of love.

There was quite a bit involving other societies from other parts of the universe, taking on roles as family, brothers and sisters. There is a lot of interaction.

I was told about discoveries in the Southern hemisphere and around The Giza plateau.

Ice core samples could be something, but I was told when the Ice melted at the South Pole, this would start the big movement.......ha ha... not that kind, but it will accomplish the same thing......get rid of the crap.

There will be no option left but to change the world's direction.

I also saw many things; the struggling economy; disasters around the globe; people, animals, vegetation dieing; obsessive energy costs; it is all in part why we need to uncover the truth about our past, so we can survive the future.

Finally in the end, we will come to rely heavily on ancestors we don't recognise at this moment....Well, some of us understand the truth.

We will have taken the cover-up too far. It will just make the changes needed harder to implement, the longer we turn our backs on these issues.

There was a lot of other personal things in that dream, enough to make me trust the source. Some of it started the minute the dream was over, and right on the money, so to speak.

We had the option to stop this madness

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Alazar

I can Seriously see that happening (The video and it being the top of an old civilization and not the whole of it)

Even as a child I was asked a question... Where is it that I want to go visit... Astoundingly... Egypt was a large percentage of everyones anwsers... Go figure right?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by tinfoil hatter


The reprocussions don't bear thinking about ... if Mr Hawass and Co, were to find themselves with the details of access ... and in turn the PTB.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Alazar

Hi Alazar,

I have read/participated in many threads since I became a member of ATS but there are only a handful of them that have genuinely excited me ... this is one of them !

(Justyc); I remember the '95-'96 events that you mention very clearly because just prior to this I had come across some interesting info on the subject of the 'AHR' ... I even met Hancock in York ('96) and discussed this very topic (amongst others) with him at some length.

As for Hawass
... the very mention of that man's name makes me bristle (apologies to any of his admirers who might be disgruntled by my statement but that's how he makes me feel).

They (Hawass & Co), have indeed been into the 'anti-chamber' in the rear portion of the Sphinx ... and also the tunnel system that runs between the pyramids and sphinx.


I strongly recommend that anyone with an interest in this subject (whichever side of the fence you sit), should definately take the time to read the articles on the link below ... they certainly make for some interesting reading !

(THE SHAFT, THE SUBWAY & THE CAUSEWAY) ... after reading this it will leave no-one in any doubt about Dr Zahi Hawass.

As exciting as the discovery of the chamber beneath the sphinx was, we must remember that the 'anti-chamber' is just that ... an 'anti-chamber', not 'The Hall of Records'.


On a personal level, I was particularly interested to learn about the tunnel system (pyramids to sphinx), because it backed-up what I'd suspected all along. This being the case it made me feel more confident about the other details that I'd worked-out, about the location and access point of the 'AHR' (of course only time will tell whether or not I was right about that too ... so I have something of a vested interest in these things being discovered and proven during this lifetime ... just so I can childishly say 'I told you so' to all the nay-sayers).

I believe this vault will be found to be a massive, inverted pyramid ... that was positioned in such a way that it's nadir is resting on a crossover point of the electromagnetic energy lines, that runs deep below the earth (for security purposes).


Shortly after I joined ATS I made a thread on the 'Ancient Civilizations' forum called 'Pyramid Building- ever notice the deliberate mistake'?

Long story short, it was 'trial by fire' and a couple of posters (but one in particular) became very offensive ... and I'm ashamed to say that I rose to the bait. As a result the main topic was kind of lost amongst the sniping (hence the reason I hardly ever post on that forum nowadays ... brings out the worst in me) !

However, I went through the entire thread earlier today and found a few posts relevant to this thread ... I'll pinpoint them below so that if you'd like to read them, you don't have to go through several pages of derailment first.

NOTE; for some reason this link doesn't seem to be working but if you type the thread title into the search engine it will take you to it ... or you can go to my profile by clicking 'woodwytch' then click 'threads' followed by clicking 'Pyramid Building - ever noticed the deliberate mistake' ? (sorry about that).

(my relevant posts);

(Page 1) ... The 'OP' - and - the 4th post down

(Page 5) ... 4th post down (inverted pyramid theory)

(Page 6) ... 13th post down

(Page 7) ... 4th post down - and - the 13th post down

(Page 8) ... 7th post down


(win 52); 'we are going to be many from all around the globe' ...

YES ! I've always thought of it as being like small cogs or cells ... that as individual components are fully functioning and comprehensive ... but who have the ability to coalesce as a reciprocal organism / machine.

I found your reply to 'Alazar' particularly interesting ... this is almost word for word what happened to me ... obviously the pastlife choices ... even down to the ice-core samples.

How synchronistic !


[edit on 18-6-2008 by woodwytch]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 02:00 PM
It has recently been revealed to me knowledge about the time of the discovery.

"Two measures beyond the outstretched wingspan of the risen phoenix, for those who know the way."

This is your answer. If you cannot understand this, you are not yet ready.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by tinfoil hatter]

[edit on 18-6-2008 by tinfoil hatter]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by tinfoil hatter

WOW this is just amazing ... along extremely similar lines, it was told to me as follows ...

'... to stand at a distance (from the Khufu and Khafre pyramid) ... so that the outstretched arms give the illusion of wingtips touching each pyramid'.

I was also told the height that the person being used as a 'measuring stick' needed to be so as to get accurate alignments.


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Anything there has most likely already been removed. What we would get is forged disinfo to herald in our new false paradigm.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 18-6-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Anything there has most likely already been removed. What we would get is forged disinfo to herald in our new false paradigm.

[edit on 18-6-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 18-6-2008 by mystiq]

I agree, the only reason they would put it off for so long is because they need more time to do what they are to cover the truth up. (Possibly scrubbing off old hieroglyphics... important ones... or adding more lies to them)

Anyone who believes in archeology would be MORE THEN HAPPY to get inside of that thing... that man is full of it. (Hawass)

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

Interesting coincidence Woodwytch, or is it? It sounds like your riddle was more of a clue to the location of the hall, where the riddle I posted was more of a time frame of its discovery and doesn't contain any info that could lead one to the actual location of the hall of records. Funny though the similarity between the two.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:42 AM
hi board..

this is page i found some time ago from the ATON institute..

these are what i think seem genuine pictures of a shaft going straight down between the sphinx and the pyramids..

a quote follows

"I have found a shaft, going 29 meters [95 feet, approximately] vertically down into the ground, exactly halfway between the Chefren Pyramid and the Sphinx. At the bottom, which was filled with water, we have found a burial chamber with four pillars. In the middle is a large granite sarcophagus which I expect to be the grave of Osiris, the god,"

---ZAHI HAWASS, (Directed of the Giza Plateau, Egyptologist), In newspaper Extra Bladet (Copenhagen), January 31, 1999, "Sandpit Of Royalty", By Dorte Quist

Some astonishing revelations are emerging out of Egypt. Set to shake the tradition notions of our recorded history, and seeing the light of day with far too much delay, due to vested interests in the profit margin, and notions of human development status. Now let us unveil one curtain, amidst a hundred-thousand, to humanity at large.

Whilst the above quote is from a report from journalist Dort Qvist, who had access to the royal meetings, where Zahi Hawass, director of the Giza Plateau, briefed the Scandinavia royals on "his" discovery of the "grave of Osiris", I can independently confirm this story. Why. Because I was there, I have touched the tomb.

I, with a small group of colleagues also managed to interview numerous persons who have been involved in excavation, as well as higher officials, who essentially confirmed the particulars of the "Osiris" tomb belief of Hawass.

In this article you will find the copy righted, but freely accessible photographs, that for the first time in the public domain show the adequate details of this tomb, and my testimony also reveals that much more excavations have gone on there, which lead to the Sphinx and pyramids.

How did I get there? I received some non-local "guidance", which brought me there almost immediately upon arriving at Giza, with a form of "Andromedian" Deja Vu for of remote viewing. This article is just one of the numerous revelations that are making grounds now on the Giza plateau, which we will cover on this site.

edited link to hall of osiris.....

index page containing link for the halls of osiris...

i'm not sure if these are the tunnels of which you speak.

peace n luv


[edit on 19-6-2008 by daz__]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by daz__

Hey there daz,

It does sounds like the same place that I mentioned (to me at least). The link you gave says 'under construction' so I couldn't see the whole thing. There are quite a few photo's of the tunnels / chamber etc. in the link that I provided too ... as you have already seen the full article/pics on the site you refer to, maybe you could take a quick look at the 'towers-online' link - (THE SHAFT, THE SUBWAY & THE CAUSEWAY), just to confirm that they are the same location ?

It's been a while since I read it myself but if memory serves me correctly the chamber was referred to (by Hawass) as 'The Tomb of Orsirus'.


(tinfoil hatter); Yes, my little piece of the riddle was about the location, not the time ... but it was the terminology used that made me sit-up and pay attention.

Almost like they had come from the same source don't you think ?


posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:47 AM
I remember seeing that special on tv when Hawass went into the so-called tomb of Osiris. I remember him saying that he didn't discover it, but it had actually been discovered in the late 1800's and it then filled up with water.

I thought it was funny they way he teased the viewers at the end of the special by saying there was another tunnel leading off of this tomb and they hadn't explored it yet and had no idea what was down the tunnel.

It's not highly publicized, but if you look into it, the Egyptian government (and no doubt Hawass) has known for years about the complex of underground tunnels beneath the Giza plateau.

@ Woodwytch

Not knowing your source, I couldn't say for sure if your source is the same as mine. Somehow I doubt it. But the KA only knows.

[edit on 19-6-2008 by tinfoil hatter]

[edit on 19-6-2008 by tinfoil hatter]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Hello everybody !
It's great to see the beginning of a debate on Giza taking place here.

Spacevisitor : about the "master of keys", here is my guess, inspired mostly by esoterical way of thinking and Cayce allusion. Those who will open the hall of records are those who have sealed it. Precisely, the ones who have been responsible for this high project (a time capsule) have returned, by reincarnation, this last century to "publicize" in a way and prepare the opening the way they can. And the "master of keys" will be the one with the right "electro pattern energy" carried by his own soul. That pattern will unlock the door, with the correct sound pronounced and the right distance in front of the "door", at the right time...

Justyc and Daz : you refer mainly to the "Tomb of osiris", a false discovery which had been alerady explored in the 1930s by Selim Hassan. The tunnel between the sphinx and the pyramid of Khafre is this little complex or network, halfway the pyramid and the sphinx. There is also at the rear of the sphinx a small entrance which drives nowhere.

Pretty vacant : an entrance behind the ears of the Sphinx? the main source for that speculation comes from a so-called medium, Boriska, a little boy from Russia. I don't reallly know about his credibility. But i remember that in the end of 1990s, he said also that "life will change", once the sphinx is opened.

Win52 : great dream that you had. I do agree with you about the fact that many people all around the globe feel connected to this place because of their past life choices during that time of the Giza edification. I also think like you that we would be able and maybe forced to "rely heavily on our ancestors" who let this Hall of records to "survive" in the future...

Rjmelter : you were intuitive as a child about your "desire" for Egypt. This country holds a special place for those keen on archeology, maybe because some deep inner/unconscious reasons...

Woodwytch : I agree with you about the "inverted pyramid" under Giza. This speculation is well known in fact for some esoterical circles. And the point is about to find the entrance to go deep inside that underground cathedral which had been built during a long time according to force lines...

Tinfoil hatter : could you be more specific about the timing you suggest? And by the way, how and why did "someone" give you a clue about it?

Mystiq : a "new false paradigm" about a discovery on Giza is a nice speculation coming from the book "stargate conspiracy" published in 1999. That's a risk but i do believe that those who would love to manipulate this treasure for dominance will not be able to achieve their goal. As i suggested , this place is "protected" by forces higher than governements...

All of you : do you feel that the Giza plateau, or the Sphinx specifically, will play a key role in the near future? If so, what is your "scenario" about this?
Thanks for any new precision or suggestion on that...!

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 02:10 PM
I probably would be worried about "poisons" when opening the Sphinx. Wouldn't want to smell the wrong smell. It could probably make someone sick, and maybe loose their lives. This would probably be viewed as a curse to the not so knowledgeable.

I wouldn't touch anything either, not until it is tested for biological stuff.

[edit on 19-6-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Alazar
All of you : do you feel that the Giza plateau, or the Sphinx specifically, will play a key role in the near future? If so, what is your "scenario" about this?

Alazar, this is my view.
I think that they play a certain key role already because for many people as me it is very clear that they must come from a much older timeframe and could therefore not being build by those as claimed by the Mainstream Egyptologists.
So far they have succeeded by means of disguising certain facts, but that will not hold forever.
And it is just a matter of time before the truth finally could be revealed.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:47 PM
Allsone, smart thought !
In 1922, when Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Toutankamon, many in his team died . Without being hurt, poisoned or "cursed" himself. But you could be right about strange or dangerous air to breathe in the Hall of Records....

Spacevisitor, good point : many all around the world feel since a long time that this place, the Giza Plateau, holds something sacred, secret, old, dangerous or miraculous about the human condition.
The new thing is that we can all be sharing this kind of growing feeling on the Internet, like a virtual collective testimony of what is about to RISE, there and soon....

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

sorry been takin so long to get back to ya..

i'll have a look at those pictures soon and let ya know if the places are the same. i had no problems accessing the links.. links seem to work fine for me.

get back to you soon


posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:13 PM
All interesting stuff, good thread so far. If your interested in this you should read the 'Emerald tablets of Thoth', I think you'll read some interesting stuff if you haven't already.

Quick description: Supposedly written, originally, 36,000 years ago, by Thoth and buried in the 'Halls of Amenti' (hall of records I think). They were later re written by hermes (3rd incarnation of Thoth) and buried in the 'Great pyramid', later to be moved to South America to the Mayan culture.

These were later 'discovered' by Doctor Maurice Doreal, member of 'the great white lodge', later creating the 'brotherhood of the white temple', after he was given instructions from a priest of the white lodge where to find them. He was told to collect them from South America and bring them back to Egypt, to the great pyramid. Before entombing them forever, he was told to copy the tablets and spread its wisdom.

Now, if you believe the story of how the tablets were 'discovered' or not, it doesn't make the wisdom within them any less profound.

Link to brief summary on Doreal:

Link to Tablets:

very enlightening I found.

As for what will happen if they 'discover' the shafts and tunnel system to the press, I for one believe they discovered these chambers and 'networks' a decade or so ago and are waiting for the right time to 'disclose'. There will definetely be press, the whole thing will be televised world wide, but I doubt we will be shown everything. We will see enough to herald in a new 'golden age', the world will unite to usher in a new 'religion' and historical record, everything will seem to be peachy. Problem is, we would've just shifted into an 'evolved' form of the same manipulation we have now, they have to do something soon, alot of people are taking notice and asking questions, or so I see it, could be very wrong.

Thanks. EMM

[edit on 21-6-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Jun, 21 2008 @ 04:16 PM
Hey dude, I have these awesome videos of clouds that transform into various shapes, giants, creatures, and you gotta check this one out cuz it looks to like The Sphinx
are transforming in this cloud.

The video moves slow cuz I wanted every1 to watch the transformations.

Oh and the Elohim seem to responsible for everything.. clouds.. essence.. air....
Elohim truly are the Lord's angels, sparks of the sun.

[edit on 21-6-2008 by angelofelohim]

[edit on 21-6-2008 by angelofelohim]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by woodwytch
reply to post by daz__

Hey there daz,
The link you gave says 'under construction' so I couldn't see the whole thing.

i redone the links and checked them.. dz
they seem to be fine.. dz

There are quite a few photo's of the tunnels / chamber etc. in the link that I provided too ... as you have already seen the full article/pics on the site you refer to, maybe you could take a quick look at the 'towers-online' link - (THE SHAFT, THE SUBWAY & THE CAUSEWAY), just to confirm that they are the same location

had a good look at the pictures and the more i look at them the more they are NOT the same locations..

they seem like two different shafts.. dz

the shafts on the link you provide are shallow wheres the pictures from the link i provide are very deep..

It's been a while since I read it myself but if memory serves me correctly the chamber was referred to (by Hawass) as 'The Tomb of Orsirus'.

i think the ATON site were calling their's the halway of osirus


(tinfoil hatter); Yes, my little piece of the riddle was about the location, not the time ... but it was the terminology used that made me sit-up and pay attention.

Almost like they had come from the same source don't you think ?


hope this helps


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