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Japanese invent car that runs on water

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posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:26 AM
Well...this IS the solution to Global warming (provided GW is an artificial in nature, and not due to Nibiru/etc).

Imagine this tech scaled up say 20 or 30 X, and set in banks of say 50 units?

Hey presto! Instant water powered power station.

At present, they say it will do about 50 mph for an hour on one litre of water (or any h2o based liquid, even piss apparently), so approx 250 MPG of water!

Or shedloads of KWh for power generation.

This could be an individual item installed into peoples houses, or as i say, installed in multiple banks or rows inside a traditional power station.

This is literally the solution to our energy problems.

Of course, from our point of view, installed into our homes would be ideal for the individual, but to lessen the impact of this on the worlds economies, it would seem prudent to install these, either scaled up, or enmasse into power stations, and then charge the public a 'yearly maintenance' fee (for upkeep of infrastructure etc), a portion of which would be used to 'subsidise' the oil industry, to lessen the economic impact of suddenly requiring 70 -80% less oil/fossil fuels.

This way, the oil industry would be able to absorb the losses associated with less demand (would still need shedloads of oil for plastics, lubrication, etc etc ), and gradually redirect their (oil industry) resources into other areas. And we would avoid the economic hard times resultant from suddenly reducing oil requirements.

There's no excuses for not ditching fossil fuels now.


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by DigitalKid


I assume you have a water powered car at home?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 09:51 AM
for those that say you MUST use elctricity
from reading the op, it sounds like they are using germanium and aluminium in that fuel cell
go look it up

also, all this nonsense about cant use water as fuel
go look up the atomic hydrogen prcoess
williakm lyne has writen on it a fair bit i believe, and if memory setves, it produces 10.5 times MORE energy then gas/pretol
actually, ill link an Article about it here now
go do the maths
here is another article from a french guy

edit, added another link

[edit on 15-6-2008 by babylonstew]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by DigitalKid
You can run a standard car on water with just a few minor adjustments to a standard engine, this really isnt new technology.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by DigitalKid]

Congratulations on winning the most asinine statement in ATS.

I see some people really really need to go out more and stop confusing digital made up stuff in immature games and cartoons with you know the real world?

Wow I am once glad that the planet ecosystem is going into decline. The young people today deserve a rotten planet because they are too stupid to think logically anyway.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Macrotus]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Macrotus

To be honest chap, you've made some pretty ignorant statement on this thread too. See my post on the last page about one of the many methods you could actually run a car off water, namely using an MFC.

As the poster say's above (although i think he is confusing germanium with Gallium) you can also use an Al-Ga catalyst as well to split H from O. The only draw back with that method is that, over time, I believe the Ge is used up and is actually quite expensive.

EDIT: It would be the Al used up, as it binds with the oxygen in water releasing the Hydrogen. But if I remember rightly, there was a way to recover the AL to be used again......

Please read and learn.

There are several emerging fuel cell types that actually make "water powered" cars a reality. Two being the one's I have mentioned above. There is no need on either method for an external energy input to split hydrogen and oxygen, thereby given you a net positive energy return when used in a combustion engine or electricity production.

If you had one of these new MFC's attached to the side of your house, thats 2KW of power you'd get for essentially nothing. The microbes do all the work, all you have to do is make sure they're fed.

[edit on 15/6/08 by stumason]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:10 AM
For those that keep saying this technology exists, or that it has been around a long time, I agree to an extent. Yes, water can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen through a variety of methods, with electrolysis being the most well know. Yes, the gas (Brown’s gas) that is generated can be used as a fuel to run a car engine. Yes, the result of burning the gas is the molecules recombine to make water. But, the energy output of burning or recombining is at best the same as it took to separate the molecules. And in any system, there are always losses due to inefficiency, which makes it impossible that this can put out more energy than is put in, or in other words, it is not a free energy device.

This new Japanese car, is using a different method to separate the molecules and recombining them using well know fuel cell technology like what has been used by NASA on the Space Shuttle for years. You can go to the Genepex website to see the graphic on what they also describe in this article.

The key to that system, it seems, is its membrane electrode assembly (or MEA), which contains a material that's capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

I believe this may be the same technology that stumason is referring to in the link he posted (thank you). I am now less skeptical, but not entirely convinced that this is possible. I would expect the separation rate would not be fast enough to keep up with the demand of running an electric car. The container would have to be large, or maybe the pellets will become less efficient with time, and need to be replaced continuously. I don’t know, but this is certainly interesting.

I still don’t understand why they would not make a home sized generator first. I am still waiting on the one that was promised back in 2000, on this website.

In case you missed it, I used the links posted by g210b in this post. Thanks for the links.

Originally posted by g210b
Also confuesing is this mask the one wear.

I did not get that the first time, but now I see what you meant.

Who do they have driving this car? Jason, from the Friday the 13th movies?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Macrotus

You know, it never fails to amaze me how many people put a hellofalot of energy and time into rubbishing people and their ideas.

Would you agree Thomas Edison was at least a famous inventor, if not a highly successful one?

Would it surprise you to know that Edison (when he wasn't knicking Tesla's ideas) was very fond of saying things along the lines of "if i try an

experiment 100 different ways, and the first 99 do not work, but the 100th does, all this means is i have not failed 99 times, but have discovered 99 methods of the wrong way to do the experiment and 1 right way.

Obviously this is true, if a little inefficient.
IOW, try try and try again.

Basic school level science, at one point held that if a human were to travel by train over 25MPH, the passengers would probably suffocate!

Science is a progression of learning, of new discoveries.

What is held as scientific truth today, would be laughed out of your 8th grade classroom in 100 years.

The future is an undiscovered country.


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

NOT a PM machine actually.

It runs on hydrogen extracted from the water, if i don't use energy getting water, putting it into my tank, then the generator it will stop.

So, it IS a hydrogen powered car, but certainly not a PM machine.

As a side note, of course this is not impossible, water fracturing using frequency adjusted electrolisis has been used for donkeys years, only up until recently one would use more electricity to get the H out that the H actually provides in terms of energy equivilence.

The secret to this recent stuff is finding and applying the correct frequencies and such to split the molocules much more efficiently that before. H extraction from water has been around for decade upon decade.


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 11:30 AM
This car has no problem running on water..


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by spikey

yes, from the theory point of view you can say there must be an optimal frequency to resonate the "bridges" that keep the Hydrogen and Oxygen connected . However, to this date I am not aware of a frequency that will always work. As someone said on this post - science is not science unless you can repeat the experiment. So, the question remains : what is the magic frequency to split the water using a small amount of energy?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
For those that keep saying this technology exists, or that it has been around a long time, I agree to an extent. Yes, water can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen through a variety of methods, with electrolysis being the most well know. Yes, the gas (Brown’s gas) that is generated can be used as a fuel to run a car engine. Yes, the result of burning the gas is the molecules recombine to make water. But, the energy output of burning or recombining is at best the same as it took to separate the molecules. And in any system, there are always losses due to inefficiency, which makes it impossible that this can put out more energy than is put in, or in other words, it is not a free energy device.

Emphasis mine..

Indeed it isn't and I think alot of the "debunkers" here have been operating under the impression it is. All it and many other fuel cell types do is use an internal chemical or biological process to seperate the hydrogen from water.

I had the same thought as you when considering would it be able to generate enough hydrogen to power a vehicle though. I don't disbelieve the idea works in theory, but getting it to a practical standpoint where it could run a car for a length of time is another thing. But, you have to start somewhere I suppose.

Other companies, like the one I mentioned in my other post about Australia, seem to operating from the standpoint of developing a small power plant for home/commercial use. I think if we could achieve energy independence for the home, that would be a major step in freeing us from fossil fuels.

The one I mentioned has a power output of 2Kw, which is quite small but enough to power a small home. All that you require is food for the microbes and they do all the work. I'm sure with further development, a larger power output could be achieved.

Maybe one day, neighborhoods will have small, local power plants full of these cells where all they require is some food for the bugs to keep generating that electricity. that food could be supplied from agricultural waste, or even sewage. We tend to forget that nature has had a few billion years head start on us in every regard, so utilising it should be our top priority.

It is a proven concept, at least in the context of the Australian MFC. All that is required is a little further development and in 5-10 years time, you would probably be able to buy a fuel cell to power your home. Just mix up some sugar in some water, pour it in and let the little buggers power your TV.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Lets clear some things up.

Electrolysis is the caveman's way to do it. Electrolysis is like using dynamite to open a locked door, when you could just use a key.

Water is diamagnetic. Hydrogen is electromagnetic, and oxygen is electromagnetic. All you need is 2 magnets that are the exact same strength as the hydrogen and oxygen molecules, and a tad bit of extra strength to break the bonds. But there is another method some are not aware of. I like to call the method the "rubber band" effect.

When you stretch a rubber band, and then let go, it springs back into place. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms do that same thing in water. When you pull apart the hydrogen and oxygen atoms with electricity, they want to "rubber band" back into place.

What happens to a rubber band when you stretch it as far as it goes, then let go, then stretch it again, then let go, then stretch it again and let go, over and over? Well the rubber band heats up, and looses its strength because heat weakens magnetic force. You can even find videos of rubber bands in a thermal camera, when it is stretched it glows with heat.

Anyway, all the entire world is made of mini-magnets. Including water. You just got to know how to seperate magnets, with other magnets.

You can read my first few posts in my "Secret to Anti-gravity" thread, and you will see I link to Stanely Meyers patent on one of my posts. It shows how he uses a "frequency" to pull the water apart.

B.t.w. "frequency" is not as fancy as you think. When they say "frequency" they are actually just talking about the rate of speed at which you turn the power "on/off/on/off/on/off", or "stretch/release/stretch/release/stretch/release". The power input is totaly different, you don't need that much power really.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by sty

even if you do have to plug the car in to charge up the battery pack----from the video explanation the current draw is so low (1/2 amp)? to the electronics that break up the hydrogen from the oxygen, that 1 charge should be sufficient for a couple of thousand miles?

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

Thanks for this amazing contribution ALLisONE!


posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Rumrunner
This is one of the stupidest/scariest idea's I have ever heard of!

The world can do without oil but it CANNOT do without water!

dude were not going to run out of water... the water still evaporates, causing it to go come back in the form of condensation... ie: rain...

This isnt new though, we have Hydrogen cars my honda, bmw, and gm operating in LA.
they are only in LA right now bc that is where the only hydro stations are, and you dont buy the car, you rent it out for like 5 years...

The thing that really gets me is that people in America have invented cars that run on water before and the govt bans the patent... The govt WANTS us to buy oil... it is their biggest money maker...

the govt wont let it happen... its saf, but true...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:20 PM
There have been so many Automobile Fuel Alternatives and the Oil Companies have bout out the fuel alternative companies and then buried the invention so it never surfaces.

If this water car is true than the oil companies will buy the patent for that also and it will never become a reality.

Think about it, there is a reason why alternative fuels have never become a reality and you can thank the Oil industry for that.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
Lets clear some things up.

Electrolysis is the caveman's way to do it. Electrolysis is like using dynamite to open a locked door, when you could just use a key.

Water is diamagnetic. Hydrogen is electromagnetic, and oxygen is electromagnetic. All you need is 2 magnets that are the exact same strength as the hydrogen and oxygen molecules, and a tad bit of extra strength to break the bonds. But there is another method some are not aware of. I like to call the method the "rubber band" effect.

When you stretch a rubber band, and then let go, it springs back into place. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms do that same thing in water. When you pull apart the hydrogen and oxygen atoms with electricity, they want to "rubber band" back into place.

What happens to a rubber band when you stretch it as far as it goes, then let go, then stretch it again, then let go, then stretch it again and let go, over and over? Well the rubber band heats up, and looses its strength because heat weakens magnetic force. You can even find videos of rubber bands in a thermal camera, when it is stretched it glows with heat.

Anyway, all the entire world is made of mini-magnets. Including water. You just got to know how to seperate magnets, with other magnets.

You can read my first few posts in my "Secret to Anti-gravity" thread, and you will see I link to Stanely Meyers patent on one of my posts. It shows how he uses a "frequency" to pull the water apart.

B.t.w. "frequency" is not as fancy as you think. When they say "frequency" they are actually just talking about the rate of speed at which you turn the power "on/off/on/off/on/off", or "stretch/release/stretch/release/stretch/release". The power input is totaly different, you don't need that much power really.

We know all that in theory (although the diamagnetic sounds new to me), and Meyers video's are great, Still, why don't you build a (even small) engine like that for us all to see? Or did you already do that and can I see it somewhere? All the examples I saw were flawed and needed a lot of external power or stopped working (Steorn) , and I could not get a good look in Meyers car.

I sure hope the Japanese engine works with all its "caveman technology" as you call it, I would buy one if it did.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by Pjotr]

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by DigitalKid
You can run a standard car on water with just a few minor adjustments to a standard engine, this really isnt new technology.

[edit on 15-6-2008 by DigitalKid]

What adjustments, dear Digitalkid? It woudl be very interesting for the rest of the oilneeding world and truckers all around to know how that works.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Beautiful, Absolutely Beautiful for the lovely news from Japan. Only the Japanese can do it up-side-down, but for a Sushi Price. This company if it is true may have invented this water-pipe, a long time ago, but kept it in the Freezer to thaw a bit and they are now feeling the Market to see, who is out there that can pay them a Massive Bonanza Bribe to go Usual.

If it ever has a chance to make it to the Public, it will first have to be approved by the 9/11 Commission of Energy Affairs.

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 07:10 PM
Is their anything the Japanese / Chinese havent thought to make ??

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