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Intelligent people less likely to believe in God

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posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 05:53 PM
We should probebely ask ouer selfs this.
Dont ask God what he can do for us but what we can do for God

But then again God is not needy like humans we cant give God anything but love.

We dont have to pray to God to make sure he knows us. He knows all of us already. The bibel talkes a lot about Gods book of life. Yeah people its alredy written. He already knows who is going to heaven, but we dont.

We can play a good human on the outside and hide whats on the inside. But God knows ouer true hart and soul you cant hide that from him.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 02:30 AM
Quazzi? Quazzi honey? You don't believe in god?

It was god who sent you those delicious pizzas.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Quazga

I don't think this is completely true at all. I believe that when they rate intelligence based on religion athiests and agnostics stack up second to people of the Jewish faith. I wonder sometimes if these studies aren't made so athiests can circle jerk and quote it when they are going on about themselves.

I personally am agnostic because to dismiss anything out of hand is to put a limit on learning. A bad analogy would be someone counting to 100 and then stopping and insisting that numbers couldn't go beyond it with no evidence or proof (told you it was a bad analogy). If you deem a problem solved without actually having solved it eventually everyone is going to stop looking for an answer. It's just a lazy end to learning and thinking.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:07 AM
I have been saying this for decades through casually watching my own evolution. No degree in psychology even needed. The more knowledge I gained, the less I believed in religion. Now, I have realized that religion was created to control those with primal behaviors and no common sense or morals. Obviously the fear of God is not enough for some, and this is where the police come in. I honestly feel that humans would be killing each other right and left if there were no repercussions.

Religion is just a simple custom created by either one person, or perhaps a group. Religion suited its purpose at one time. Since I feel that without it, man would not have developed communities that worked together and the resultant advanced intellect. And it also resulted in a gene pool that held an equal amount of intellect vs the lone survival of the brutish most fit that would kill off those with the most intelligence.

It would be a great day in history for an archeologist to find the first documentation of the creation of religion. To be valid, it would have to show collusion of those that decided to develop the custom further. Sort of like the story of the development of the US constitution. A bunch of rules written for others to live by.

Man has written the bible. Just like man has written the constitution and Dr Zeus books. How are we certain that the bible didn't start off as fiction? What if someone in the distant future were to find a fiction book written in the twentieth century. Will they think it is an accurate depiction of our present times? Likely not since documentation of written words has advanced. But do you get my point?
edit on 2-3-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:59 AM
I'd rather put it as; "less intelligent people likely to believe in religion, but wise people likely to follow its wisdom".

When speaking about God one must consider which God we are talking about as it is a term meaning different things to a multitude of different people.
Atheists tend to think of God as a giant bearded man in a robe who is supposed to have created the Universe, Earth and finally Mankind in his own image. However this notion of God is entirely based upon paintings depicting God as such, but in almost every religious tradition, at least as far as I know, God is infact not a physical being but a Holy Spirit.
Considering this as actuality one must consider what the literall meanings of both "holy" and "spirit" are.

"Holy" derives directly from "divine", "divine" being the natural "force/power" of a "diety", "diety" being a non physical "entity" and "entity" being a "consciousness" and "consciousness", the "source" of "thought", is as any intelligent human being would know not visible.

The "spirit" basically comes down to the same thing in the end. It is a non physical conscious "force".

In other words, "God, the Holy Spirit" literally means "God, the conscious force" and not "God, the bearded man in a robe who is pointing fingers".

Now with that out of the way one must consider what creationists believe to be the truth about the creation and what the "divine plan" is all about.

First of all, God should always be considered to be a Trinity of Holy Spirits; the Mother, Father and the Son.
Now, instantly a picture of a woman, a man and their male child appears in your imagination, correct?
But understant that a "trinity" is three essential parts of a singular cell allowing symbiosis to occur and harmony to be maintained, thus one part cannot survive without the other two and the cell which they create through harmonious coexistence would not exist at all.

What does this have to do with anything you ask? And the answer is "everything".

Why? Becuase scientific research suggests that in the creation of the Universe; in the beginning all that was was an infinite space of "nothing" but suddenly out of "nothing" an infinitely concentrated mass of infinite energy, which is "everything", appeared and through the nuclear reaction between "nothing" and "everything" what followed was a "big bang" through which the Universe was born.

How is this significant? Ask yourself this; "if there was no consciousness to experience the existence of existence would existence exist?"

After you have come to a conclusion I ask you to meditate upon this; "nothing is "nothing" thus it is always something".

And if this doesn't make any sense either, read this carefully and let it soak in; "the empty nothingness of space is full of everything of it".

Now, you probably sit there looking like the definition of confusion but remember what a trinity is and it will all make a lot more sense.

There is no such thing as "nothing" and "never" in infinity, thus, infinity is always infinitely everything.

If you still don't comprehend what I am explaining to you then let me spell it out for you; "existence", "universe", "reality" and "infinity".

Foundation, creation, construct.
Mother, Father and Son.
The Holy Trinity of God.

Have you ever heard about the theory regarding parallel realities?
If you have then you have probably had it explained for you that in every instant of time every action creates a seperate alternativ parallel reality, in which the same process is repeated and this natural phenomenon continues infinitely.
And you have probably heard about "thought, visualization and realization" as well?
That is how you function in a conscious state of existence.
Your consciousness creates a command, your mind visualizes it and then your body, the physical manifestation of you carries out the command in the physical reality.

In the reality in which you experience existence you experience existence in the present, not past, present and future which is a concept man constructed to keep track of time but in reality only allows you to keep track of the present and help you plan the future.
You do not travel back in time and you do not travel forward into the future. You are always in the present and manifests a reality consciously so theoretically speaking; if you were to "travel back in time" what you really would be doing would be to manifest a present reality of existence in which you would create a present reality, based upon the foundation of another present reality that you would consider as "the past", in which you would fool yourself into thinking was a previous moment of existence.
The same principle applies to future travel. You simply create a present reality in which you manifest your image of the future.
Time should rather be considered as "previously continuesly, present reality and thought, visualization, realization in present reality" or simple as "existence".

I like to call this "the infinite consciousness realization".

You still don't get it do you?
God, is the universal consciousness of existence and you are but an extension/thought/experience of the universal "mind's" existence.

What is the "divine plan" then? Evolution. Trial and error in search of perfection.
The original and still on going divine plan is to find peace of mind and harmony in existence.

Look at it this way and imagine this in regards to "and God said, let us create man in our own image";

God is the mind of a meditating monk who since the beginning of everything realized the infinite consciousness realization or ultimate truth of existence and the reality of infinity.
This came to the monk as a "big bang" of revelation and the Universe in which we exist was born out of the thought of nothing always being something.
Since then, approximetly about 13.7 billion years ago this poor monk has tried desperatly to find peace of mind because this realization is nothing short of infinitely chaotic, but, through conscious evolution it can theorietically be achieved.
Find a way to evolve this thought into a perfect state of being and allow it to simply be.

Now ask yourself; am I less intelligent for believing in a Creator, as the simple thought of the Universe?

Theism, aetheism and agnosticism is equally stuck in their tracks.
Let your consciousness and God sort out this in peace. Meanwhile, go out there and appreciate life.

What can I do? I am not the source. I'm just happy to be here.
edit on 2-3-2013 by ABeing because: Added top sentence.

edit on 2-3-2013 by ABeing because: And added some more.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 11:46 AM
It's so simple really.
God is just a word, but we use it to describe the almighty.
Down here, it is us, you and me, top of the tree, WE are God, we never die, just live, 'die', but come back as something else, someone else, just for the joy of experiencing it all, something that could take up an infinite number of lives. This 'God' - let's call him the Creator - wants to experience his own creation.
But there are days - bad days - when he wished otherwise.
Exactly. Today, I, this 'god', am experiencing negativity.
As for religion, oooo.... just crutches, fairytales for children.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 12:20 PM
Its common sense that the more intelligent someone is, the more they will hold to the dogma of materialist science and its trends, besides being entirely head based and many times lacking the connection to intuition and heart that allows one to experience God.

Most Atheists I personally know, are engineers or work in science related fields.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
Its common sense that the more intelligent someone is, the more they will hold to the dogma of materialist science and its trends, besides being entirely head based and many times lacking the connection to intuition and heart that allows one to experience God.

Most Atheists I personally know, are engineers or work in science related fields.

Raises hand... Yup I am in this group. But another thought is that perhaps having an analytical mindset decreases the ability of the brain to embrace religious ideologies? Sort of like working out the muscles unevenly at the gym. If so, then this would mean that we are not really free thinking individuals. But instead governed by the physiologies of our brains. AKA, just more advanced forms of animals with bigger brains that have more advanced methods of controlling predictable behaviors.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Its common sense that the more intelligent someone is, the more they will hold to the dogma of materialist science and its trends, besides being entirely head based and many times lacking the connection to intuition and heart that allows one to experience God.

Most Atheists I personally know, are engineers or work in science related fields.

Probably because they are unable to reconcile belief with plain facts.
I am not a scientist, but an artist. I was fortunate in not being conditioned, i.e. forced to go to church every Sunday, had religion forced down my throat. When younger, I did have a belief in God and had a picture of him looking something like pictures of Jesus. Later on, these images faded when my youthful ideals were shattered by cold facts of reality. Now I realise that, although there is order governing the nature of things, it is more likely an intelligence totally beyond my comprehension. Throughout my short life, I see chaos first, then the emergence of beauty. In the past mountains were formed from powerful destructuive geophysical forces, but leaving, over long, long periods of time, beauty. I don't have to be a scientist to know that over time, things change from better to worse and vice versa. I beleive Mars, for example, was at one time a thriving planet, had civilisations, life, etc. Now it's inert, has no atmosphere and is likely to be impacted by a huge comet in October 2014. Is this, like other catastrophic events, part of god's 'divine plan'?

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 11:11 AM
Intelligent people shouldn't believe in ANYTHING. Believing in something which is not a living experience for you, would neither be wise or intelligent.

edit on 3-3-2013 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Visitor2012
Intelligent people shouldn't believe in ANYTHING. Believing in something which is not a living experience for you, would neither be wise or intelligent.

edit on 3-3-2013 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

Everyone operates on belief one way or another and to certain degrees. For example believing that you will wake up tomorrow, or believing that a certain girl is beautiful (even though beauty is relative and in the eye of the beholder), believing you are the body, your name, your personality, etc....

It starts to get real deep and technical once you get into the philosophy of belief, yet everyone operates by them.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:01 PM
I am a member of Mensa International, and I am a firm believer in GOD.

I think a new study should be done to show how many narcissistic, elitist jerks believe in God.

But maybe that was the original study to begin with.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:21 PM
I could either be described as a very liberal Christian or as an agnostic. I see no evidence that proves that a higher intelligence does not exist, so I accept it as a possibility, and I love the message of Jesus, regardless of whether he was a man or a myth. But in my whole life I have also never seen the tiniest bit of evidence that a higher power does exist. I think those who claim to be absolutely sure that God exists are either lying to get along, mentally ill, or of below-average intelligence.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Quazga

well there ya go right there in the first sentence......from page one...... the university boys are in a cliche, they rapidly become psuedo-intellectuals, only working and living within their education sector, don't be a victim of them.!

edit on 3-3-2013 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Grumble

It is a matter of faith. You have to have faith in order to understand it.

With that being said, I am not a "bible thumper" or an extremist. I consider myself a Christian. I do not have a specific denomination. I do not regularly attend any church. I have visited many, and I have been greatly disappointed by most. Those with very narrow views are disturbing to me. I believe that those are to blame for the increasing amount of people that have turned away from religion.

My husband does not share my religious views, but none of his arguments have ever shaken my faith or beliefs.

I know that GOD exists. I have seen, felt, and experienced things in my life that make me certain of that.

As the bible was written by men, I do not have 100% belief in everything contained in the bible.
Do I believe that God created man? Yes. Does that mean that I believe that God stuck his hands in the dirt and made Adam? Not necessarily.
Do I believe in a Great Flood? Yes. The story has been told throughout history in places other than the bible. Do I believe that Noah herded two of each animal on to a big wooden boat and floated around with them? Not necessarily. I feel that the explanation of a DNA ark sounds more plausible. But how would a man living in biblical times be able to understand that and put it into words?
Do I believe that every encounter with God in the bible was actually an encounter with a Supreme being? No. When people heard voices from the heavens, who else were they going to attribute them to?

I have no problem accepting that there may be extra-terrestrial life, that some things in the bible do not make sense, and I do have serious issues with the Catholic church.

But I am a devout believer in GOD. And I believe that there are probably many more people out there in the world that have similar views to mine.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 12:53 PM
I must be dumb as hell since I believe there is something out there that we refer to as god. Does the word intelligence they are talking about really mean conceit?

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:52 PM
Not a month goes by without some news report linking intelligence and atheism. How insecure are these atheists anyway? Most atheists Ive come across are the most obnoxious and ignorant people around. If I had the choice of being locked in a cell with a muslim-exremist, christian fundamentalist or an atheist Id choose the religious nutter.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by dominicus

Originally posted by Visitor2012
Intelligent people shouldn't believe in ANYTHING. Believing in something which is not a living experience for you, would neither be wise or intelligent.

edit on 3-3-2013 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

Everyone operates on belief one way or another and to certain degrees. For example believing that you will wake up tomorrow, or believing that a certain girl is beautiful (even though beauty is relative and in the eye of the beholder), believing you are the body, your name, your personality, etc....

It starts to get real deep and technical once you get into the philosophy of belief, yet everyone operates by them.

Not everyone operates by them.
edit on 3-3-2013 by Visitor2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Not a month goes by without some news report linking intelligence and atheism. How insecure are these atheists anyway? Most atheists Ive come across are the most obnoxious and ignorant people around. If I had the choice of being locked in a cell with a muslim-exremist, christian fundamentalist or an atheist Id choose the religious nutter.

That's because to an atheist a believer sounds like a child insistent on the reality of Santa Claus.

posted on Mar, 3 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by region331

That's because to an atheist a believer sounds like a child insistent on the reality of Santa Claus.

Santa? I believe in him too. I LOVE him.

edit on 3-3-2013 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2013 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

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