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Incubus & Succubus Spirits

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 03:47 PM
I was sitting on the armchair with my head on the armrest. I had been struggling with my faith recently and went to sleep happy that it was coming back. My father says I was really smiling in my sleep but I don�t remember anything I was dreaming about, only that there was no way I was smiling for the last art of my sleep.

The next thing I was aware of I could feel my foot slipping away from me. I had been sitting with my right leg leaning towards my left and my right foot was now just sliding on the floor away from me, nothing strange in that. This all happened in the space of 10 seconds I imagine. I realised my body was just frozen. Except for my fingers I wasn�t aware of anything else being able to move. I had felt like this before and for some reason I thought that I had to keep on moving in order not to go further into this state. I tried �controlling� my leg but nothing happened. I thought about keeping my right fingers moving but felt that I was losing the use of my body bit by bit and thought it best to concentrate on my left hand. If only I could keep that moving I�d be ok.

Every time previously that I had felt �dead� I always tried to shout so that those around would wake me up out of it but this time I didn�t try because I was sure that no one was around. I �saw� that I was in a dark room, almost dungeon like, but I didn�t feel scared or in danger, just uncomfortable. The room was longer than wide, about 12 ft to the far wall and 4ft or so either side of me. It wasn�t featureless, I remember an object in the left corner, a chair, or tallish desk or box of some sort. I seem to remember a door nearer the right side. The room wasn�t lit up, it was more just dull coloured than darkly lit, a bit like a dark night where everything is the same browny black colour but you can easily make out their shapes. I thought it would be pointless to shout because there was no one to wake me so I still concentrated on my left hand.
I could feel my fingers moving and was relieved when they didn�t deaden like the rest of me. I then just woke up and felt like if I tried to do anything much, even sit back up straight, that I might fall away.

One other thing. As I felt I was in this state, toward the end of it, I heard a buzzing, it was exactly like being at a loud niteclub for the night and once you get to bed your ears buzz for a while, but this felt deeper into my head. I remember listening for my heartbeat.

After googling for a while I concluded that my leg had just started to slip while I was asleep and it woke me up but my body stayed asleep, this SP thing. But how come there definitely was a dark room.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 10:14 AM
In my limited experience of such things, I found refuge practise extremely helpful. Visualising and mentally requesting the aid of holy beings to aid you. For me that would be Buddha, but for you maybe Christ. if you find it difficult to visualise him, you can imagine a beautiful light (to represent him). And just ask that he protect you. Also, I would recommend developing compassion for the spirit, as spirits often live in a state of misery. Pray that the spirit be released from his state of suffering. If you can do this, it will be very powerful protection.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:04 AM
There was a film in the 80's based on a true story called
'The Entity' where a woman was 'visited' by an incubus/succubus over years.

The scientists tried to capture it with some sort of plastic/plasma I think.

Has anyone else seen this film and remember it a bit better?

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 01:01 AM
Hi there,

I have had a similar experience, and it scared the .... out of me. I woke up to find that I was totally paralyzed, I couldn't feel anything, and therefore started to panic, my wife was sleeping next to me and I wanted to wake her up so she could help me somehow, but I just lay there, I tried so hard to lift my arm, but nothing, and then I paniced and tried to scream, but when I am terrified I can't scream, it's like I am too tensed up to scream. Eventually I was able to move my body slowly and recover, but it was damn scary !
Incubus never crossed my mind, and I really don't think that's what it was, as there was Nothing sexual about it, so from my experience, one should easily be able to discern between Sleep Paralysis or an Incubus experience. Perhaps if you delve into such thing such as Incubi and other deamon theology, perhaps your mind tends to lean towards creating the deamon, and making the experience more demonic than having a medical explanation for it. I am only speaking from my experience and feeling on the subject, please don't feel or think that I Think you are a Crazy dude or something.

What I don�t really understand (and I am not medically knowledgeable) is why are you able to look around with your eyes, if only your mind is awake, but your body is still asleep ? IF anyone knows, please tell me.

Good luck with your endeavors !


posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 01:08 AM

Carla Moran awakens one night to find herself being beaten and raped by an unseen presence. Terrified of what's happening to her, and shunned by friends and family who think she's lost her mind, she seeks help from parapsychologists. The researchers soon discover that evil spiritual force has been drawn to Carla and is responsible for the violent attacks. The question now, however, is how do they stop it? Based on a supposedly true story.

This was a while ago, but from what I remember, they tried to freeze the entity in Liquid Nitrogen. and it turned out to be the huge daemon, and it broke free, she then left the States, and I think move to Europe but the attacks continue but not as server as before. I stand to be corrected, as I saw the film yonks ago, but this is what I remember...

One of the few movies, I never could forget.

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 01:35 AM

what you experienced i believe was a split from your body, alright, sounds silly, but is true, i have done this volutarily, look, sometimes, rarely but it does happen is that you get the menctioned sleap paralysis and your mind is awake and your body is asleep, this is when the "soul" to so name it is most deattached from your body, but what happenned here is that you were mostly concentrated on your physical body when that was happening, if you would be willing to leave your body in the stage you were, you could`ve easily done it, what you were moving was most probably your astral body, and you were actually seeing through your closed eyelids, this is very common to me or others with knowledge on astral experiences or meditating, etc, and im not trying to show off, (i am just barely a begginer on the subject), the buzzing sound is very known in splitting from your body, is one of the adcanced stages in which the astral body is deattaching from the physical, i dont know if you also got to feel some vibrations and bright colors.

ooh.. and about the attacks...

i know a bit on the subject, that kind of encouters as far as i know is done by evil spirits in the astral (the plane you access when asleep)... this spirits usually attack the people who is achieving spiritual progress to prevent them from going on or advancing further on it, to scare them, i have experienced those kind of attacks, and they take advantage on the situation between sleep and awake in which you are at the moment, which is paralysis, so they can try to scare you and bother you, i have experienced the sensation that i am running out of oxygen or air, kind of running out of air and my breathes become shorter each time, for furhter information on these subjects you might want to take one of the courses available at the site:
at this time the site is under maintenance, so the online courses might be available shortly...

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 12:42 PM
I have something similar happen to me on two different occassions. The first time was last year.
I had woke-up with what felt like a heavy weight upon my chest. When I opened my eyes, there was this being sitting on my chest and holding my arms down. I truly felt powerless. This thing then raised one of it's arms, and it appeared to be waving something over. I twisted my body and somehow broke free from it. Needless to say. It scared the crap out of me. I ran out of the house, and didn't return until I had chain-smoked at least half a pack of smokes.
The second time was just recently. I again woke up with the thing upon me, unable to move. The strange thing was it left as quickly as it appeared. And I swear that there was a woman sitting on the edge of the bed. In my mind I felt that she had made it leave.
Now if I was the only person I knew experiencing this phenom, I wouldn't have spent the last two hours trying to find websites. Trying to find info on how to get rid of these things. But I am not the only one plagued.
My fiancee has had quite a few of experiences. Once it was so bad, she had woke up with scratches on her lower back, and left ass cheek. So I'm here looking for answers. What can I do about it?
One more thing. Last night she was feeling a little depressed, when she went into her bathroom, (she doesn't live with me yet) she said she could smell me. Could this be related as well?

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 01:02 PM
I do suffer from sleep paralysis disorder and the problem is that you truly believe you are awake. You are aware of your paralyzed rem state and your mind manifests reason for it. the pressure on the chest is your body realizing paralized muscles making it SEEM as though it is difficult fo to breathe. In all cases the hallucinations are forboding and ominous. you ARE asleep and therefor unable to cry out.
These occur sometimes during periods of mental exhaustion or trauma. It is often accompanied by a sense of internal tremor, loud buzzing/crackling from within and bright lights. If you cease to resist the episode, you can have amazing lucid dreams afterwards, but you must allow the episode to run its course which is absolutely terrifying the first few times

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 01:06 PM
And what if it's not really an episode, but an actual creature of the night? Do you let it run it's course?

posted on Dec, 29 2003 @ 01:29 PM
Physically resisting will not help you either way, being of a more scientific backround than religious one, Id bet on the sleep paralysis disorder rather than demons(though i could be wrong). This is a sleep disorder that affects at least 30% of the pop. Its not something you've likely heard of because most believe they were attacked by a ghost, had an out of body exp. or was abducted, or they dont talk about it because they think they are crazy. I thought I was having seizures. After being scared awake and the exhaustion spurred more episodes I researched this phenom. This was 7 yrs ago. I have had 100s of such episodes since and now I purposely induce them to acheive a heightened quality of dreaming afterwards. It can actually be an amazing experience. The 1st time someone told me that I thought they were crazy because I have NEVER been so terrified in MY ENTIRE LIFE. I find the lucid and dramatic dreaming afterwards to be outragous, and a personally spiritual experience

[Edited on 29-12-2003 by xxKristinexx]

[Edited on 29-12-2003 by xxKristinexx]


posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 07:05 AM
there are even places where angels fear to go...

hi, call me lee

is deepwater still watching this thread?

a couple of q&a and i will tell you of my *experiences*

anyone out there can answer this too if they like!

send to [email protected], pls no long explanations, stick to the questions!

have you ever been with a prostitute, gigolo, raped, or molested (this is a sensitive question - optional)?

did your experiences start happening after this or before this?

what occult has been in your family(father/mother,husband/wife,brother/sister), freemasonry, astral travelling/projection, witchcraft, whitemagic?

this (previous) is a huge question which reveals the *foothold* these experiences have in your life. think of the dutchman trying to plug all the holes in the leaky dyke and he runs out of spare fingers and toes. you begin identifying the chinks in your armour and then systematically and faithfully start plugging the holes.
more on this later.

what moods do you experience, fear, panic, hate, lust, desire, anger? sometimes you my have hardened yourself to exhibit anger against these entities.

when was your last sexual experience?(optional)

a few things to think about right now. You may be harassed by fellow astral travellers, this may account for the lack of authority exorcists have over them and the lack of the power of prayer(although powerful in the right context). This kind of AP may be a person in your neighbourhood who has a *crush* on you although is perverse in the displaying their affections .

succubi may just be incubi posing as *female*, the thought is horrendous I know!

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 07:12 AM
Something tells me the proportion of ATS members who have experienced sleep paralysis is greater than that evident in the general population.

Why would that be? Is it by necessity associated with spiritual entities? What exactly makes the scratch marks appear on the skin? Is this phenomenon explicable by watching a sleep disordered person in a sleep lab?

I'm about 1/2 way to believing in an explanation that is outside my endocronilogical and brainwave states.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 07:36 AM

have had personal experiences with an "Incubus" spirit that would regularly attack me whilst I slept (attacks began the instant I began to slip from consciousness). The attacks would often begin with bright colours like a kaleidoscope and strange sounds in my mind. Other times they were connected to frightening dreams.

This is what the incubus and succubus do,
Incubus: This vampire demon is the male incarnation of the well documented 'Succubus'. The 'Incubus' appears to be a form of 'energy vampire' and regularly preys on women at night until they are drained of all physical and sexual energies. This can occur through intensive love-making and by tormenting the victim's dreams with terrifying nightmares. The 'Incubus' is similar in concept to the Scandinavian 'Mara' and, like Slavic and Gypsy vampire folklore, it has the ability to father children.
I much prefer my succubus title than incubus, seems more appealing to my victims

Succubus: The female counterpart to the 'Incubus', this creature attacks men during their sleep using the same methods as above.

What I'm a vampire and succubus I know these things lol.

That sounds more like the world of
Vrykolakas Not a incubus or succubus, they are highly sexual and you are very much awake.

Vrykolasla like to sit on a person until they are unconscious or dead. But as with most vampires you have to invite them in first.

Alp enjoys creating nightmares, but it attacks are aimed at women(preference) as it likes to suck milk from womens breasts.

I do so hate it when mortals confuse the vampires and their methods.

Yours sound more like a simple sleep disorder like sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis, or more properly, sleep paralysis with hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations have been singled out as a particularly likely source of beliefs concerning not only alien abductions, but all manner of beliefs in alternative realities and otherworldly creatures. Sleep paralysis is a condition in which someone, most often lying in a supine position, about to drop of to sleep, or just upon waking from sleep realises that s/he is unable to move, or speak, or cry out. This may last a few seconds or several moments, occasionally longer. People frequently report feeling a "presence" that is often described as malevolent, threatening, or evil

sleep paralysis

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by QueenoftheDamned]

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by QueenoftheDamned]

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by squintingcat
the prescence or incubi is the reason I'm having difficulty writing this though not because of how terrifying it feels but of how easy it is to get rid of.the first time i felt it i was rigid with fear,it was there i couldn't quite see it but i could feel it,i used to frighten myself awake.when i started to get used to it it began to growl,still in the shadows but closer.the first day it attacked me it scared me so much i was screaming and sitting bolt upright in bed as i woke.this went on for weeks until one day i didn't try to move when it attacked and i felt couldn't hurt me because i couldn't feel showed itself by walking up my body and looking at me showing its teeth.i ignored it but i knew what it deepest fear has always been to be helpless and have a dog repeatedly bite my body and work its way to my face and here i was paralysed with something sitting on my chest snarling at me.the only thing was it couldn't hurt me.i was no longer scared of it and used to ignore it until it eventually stopped fear created it and my and my realisation of this took it away. everyones worst nightmare is to be helpless at the hands of there worst fear.

Sorry, but that is not a incubus. For one your male and they do not go for males. The Succubus go for males and females. The incubus are gender specific they go for females and they sex you to death.

Chiang #h shows you it's teeth and growl.
Bhuta is the ghost form vampire.

There are others that fit the bill and I search my records for them later and add more. After all vampires is what I love and I search and and write down all the vampires names and attack patterns from around the world. It's a hobby I enjoy.

But let me make this perfectly clear it is not a incubus that attacked.

Most supposed vampire attacks are often of demon origin.

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by QueenoftheDamned]

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by QueenoftheDamned

Originally posted by squintingcat
the prescence or incubi is the reason I'm having difficulty writing this though not because of how terrifying it feels but of how easy it is to get rid of.the first time i felt it i was rigid with fear,it was there i couldn't quite see it but i could feel it,i used to frighten myself awake.when i started to get used to it it began to growl,still in the shadows but closer.the first day it attacked me it scared me so much i was screaming and sitting bolt upright in bed as i woke.this went on for weeks until one day i didn't try to move when it attacked and i felt couldn't hurt me because i couldn't feel showed itself by walking up my body and looking at me showing its teeth.i ignored it but i knew what it deepest fear has always been to be helpless and have a dog repeatedly bite my body and work its way to my face and here i was paralysed with something sitting on my chest snarling at me.the only thing was it couldn't hurt me.i was no longer scared of it and used to ignore it until it eventually stopped fear created it and my and my realisation of this took it away. everyones worst nightmare is to be helpless at the hands of there worst fear.

Sorry, but that is not a incubus. For one your male and they do not go for males. The Succubus go for males and females. The incubus are gender specific they go for females and they sex you to death.

Chiang #h shows you it's teeth and growl.
Bhuta is the ghost form vampire.

There are others that fit the bill and I search my records for them later and add more. After all vampires is what I love and I search and and write down all the vampires names and attack patterns from around the world. It's a hobby I enjoy.

But let me make this perfectly clear it is not a incubus that attacked.

Most supposed vampire attacks are often of demon origin.

[Edited on 9-1-2004 by QueenoftheDamned]

i never thought it was incubus just like i didnt describe what it looked like.

i was after a name.

if i wanted to talk about spirits that have fantastic sex with people id go visit my sister she could fill a book.

she met this one as well as did my younger sister but could only describe it as "sensing something utterly and completly evil"and neither of them could bring themselves to face terrified both of them.

they both got rid of the presence everybody seems to experience brushing it aside for what it annoyance.

posted on Jan, 9 2004 @ 11:22 PM
From deepwaters>

BTW: since I've stopped practicing Christianity the attacks have also stopped.

An interesting comment.
Supposedly being under the protection of God or Christ is
supposed to protect you from such things as demonic attacks or possession.
Here in your case it's the other way around.
If what you're saying is true then that goes to show that
christianity is certainly far from being what it's cracked up
to be.

But to be honest with you I do not really believe in incubi
or sucubi.
I've had sexual dreams with lovely women one of whom appeared as a vampire.
But that is strictly a product of my subconscious mind and
not a real spirit entity.
There's no way I could ever believe in such a thing as this.
Especially the stories of succubi or incubi creating offspring
by impregnating women.
That is just too ludicrous.

By the way this does remind me of so-called extraterrestrial encounters.
There have been reports of alien creatures abducting
humans and having sex with them.
I have to put this in the same category with the incubus/sucubus stories.

My conclusion is simply a Freudian one.
What this proves is not the existence of such things
but rather our sexual frustrations or energies trying
to reach an outlet.
When repressed our sexual urges can manifest themselves in strange ways depending on the person

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by deepwaters
I'm wondering if anyone has any awareness or personal experiences with spirits.

One particular type of spirit is known as either an Incubus (male form) or Succubus (female form). The Incubus spirit is described in the dictionary as, "A Spirit that attacks a person in their sleep and presses down upon them". This spirit is the type portrayed in the film called "The Entity" and is commonly associated with sexual attacks on women, often leaving cuts or scratches.

I have had personal experiences with an "Incubus" spirit that would regularly attack me whilst I slept (attacks began the instant I began to slip from consciousness). The attacks would often begin with bright colours like a kaleidoscope and strange sounds in my mind. Other times they were connected to frightening dreams.

Those experiences continued for about 25 years and were witnessed by my former wife and one of my girlfriends, who both totally freaked out.

Any sceptical and rational person could easily shoot holes in that story by logical arguments. But, until a person experiences this stuff for themselves - they don't have a clue! I would not wish my experiences with those spirits on anyone. I'm a big guy, former boxer and lifted weights for 30 years - but I'm not too proud to say that I was terrified to fall asleep because the spirit being would choke my vocal chords so I couldn't speak & wrap what felt like steel bands around me so I couldn't move at all. I was actually awake once the attacks began and fully conscious of everything that was happening in the room. I remember one time realxing in hope that if I stopped resisting, the spirit would loosen it's grip. Well, it did and as soon as I could speak again, I screamed as loud as I could - I remember my mother & aunt running into my room to see what had happened. At that time, I was about 17 years old.

It's very easy to dismiss what we don't recognise, understand or want to admit exists. I have never had an alien encounter, but I believe that phenomenon really happens.

BTW: my former fianc� here in England told me about the farm house where she grew up near Halifax. A few years ago there began to happen very odd things like strange sounds, things being moved (including furniture) and even deep scratches suddenly appearing in the walls. I have slept in that house and nothing unusual happened to my awareness, but I do believe my former girlfriend and her family�s stories.

Any comments would be appreciated.


Ive had my own incubus experiences as well as many other paranormal ones. People who mock, do so because as they've never been through such trauma can't understand it. (Which is fair enough)
We just have to accept there are many things in this world which can be explained by man (whether they are right or wrong)....and some things which can not be.

posted on Oct, 17 2004 @ 07:09 PM
Hi DeepWaters:

I fully sympathise with all those males and females that have to cope with this strange and disturbing phenomenon:

Here are a couple of questions re: night attacks

l. How old were you when the Incubus-entity was first detected?
2. How often did these episodes occur? Did they stop? When?
3. Did you feel physical warmth or cold from the entity?
4. How large was the entity (could you gauge size)?
5. Presumably a male presence? (Incubus as opposed to Succubus)
6. Was there any physical characteristics you could detect (hands, fingers, breath, pressure of its nose or other body parts?)
7. Was sexual penetration attempted by the entity?
8. Did the entity try to "roll you over" on to your stomach?
9. Was the entity humanoid in shape, or could you tell?
10. What time of night or day did these attacks take place?
11. Any odors that lingered after the attack stopped (or you woke to full consciousness?)
12. Was there any part of your body you could move at all during these episodes, or were you TOTALLY paralysed?
13. Any feelings of "territoriality" on the part of the Entity, e.g. violent sqeezing or rage?
14. Was there any specific areas of pressure from the entity on to your body?

Even though I am biologically male, I myself began being shall we say "visited" by a very large semi-corporeal humanoid male entity beginning at age 5, generally between 3 and 6 in the morning, but occasionally one hour after sleep had ensued.

The entity seemed large, angy and possessive, and "foreign". I can honestly say I was conscious during these seizures and am not imagining them, but one wonders what tricks the mind plays....when it is "in between various states" of sleep and totally alert wakefulness.

These "visitation events" lasted what seemd to be about 10 minutes each and continued for 3 to 4 times a year until the present day.

Scratches were sometimes found in the morning specifically my back calves, chest area, upper arms and facial cheeks (not noticed during the event generally, but only discovered in the morning: these could well be self inflicted during sleep: some were deep enough to cause blood. )

During the events, there was evident human-like temperature body warmth and male sweat odor emanating from the entity--not perfumed and I seemed to be held down by very heavy-muscular fingers and hands, and there seemed as if there was real and tremendous weight placed on top of my body, as if the entity was very solid and weighing more than 250 pounds.

The entity could not be viewed (trying to turn my eyes to the entities perceived front was difficult if not impossible with him pressing me, and force against my face was used to keep me from doing so: the only glimpse I could get was from peripheral vision, and the entity appeared to be a large thick muscled hairy (not furry) olive skinned male humanoid possibly 7 feet in height judging from the weight and pressure placed on my legs and especially my chest.

Sometimes grunting or heavy breathing could be discerned, but mostly dead silence and the "constant feeling of being watched or studied intently"...

Often, I would be "encouraged" by this thing to turn and lie on my stomach by persistent nudging from the left side of my body, and there is usually some attempts at anal penetration and separation of the legs.

Sometimes I would comply, and still be paralysed a second later The only part of my body I could normally (during these episodes) move at all freely is the upper part of my neck and both my eye balls which I would swing back and forth in order to jolt myself awake and out of the "predicament" otherwise, absolute total paralysis...

Tell me more about your experiences along these lines: there might be some way to ward them off....and this is not something one generally talks about at work....or with family !!

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:24 AM
I came across this discussion wile apon searching for a photo of a succubus and an inccubus together as a background.

I have decided to educate you on the ways of "Magic" or as i like to call it Perswasion. As you have seen on tv people have the ability to influence others by thought alone. Now by saying this i mean that i can not seperare which is for entainment nor which is real on tv. for i have not been the nor have i tryed it for my self. but getting back to basics. rituals and spells are mainly for the weaker minded. Mainly thay are for the purpose of concentration. Now to say this the Mind is the MOST power full force in exzistance. Do not try to fool your self into thinking something greater. the Humand mind has the ability to create, to chose, and the ability to controal.

The areas i will be discussing abought is the minds ability to Controal. but to begin you have to understand one thing. everything in the universe is connected in some way shape or form. now this connectiong between all liveing thing is popuraly referred to as god. to most he is the embodyment to that which is all being. that also means you are apart of that connection. that gives you some power over certin things depending on how hard you can focuse your mind.

Trust me when i say this You CAN controal the weather among other things. the problem is you have to have enough concentration to,this is were sience comes into play, include Every last detail. down to the last molicule in your mind. It even sounds hard. and it is. thats why it takes your FULL conecentration. I have tested this over a period of 4 Months. and in a 3 day process it rained every time i ran the thoght of the rain cycle and location in my head. for instance i "imagened" a section og the gulf of mexico eveporateing into the air and then winds shifting every last drop of molicules through the air, then freezeing and melting to form raindrops over my house. And every time it worked. after about 2 moths of doing this our local forcast "CNN" started anounceing about rain drifting from gulf of mexico to the easter united states.
There is no part of this that is not fact. i assure you if your play it out properly in your head it will work. Granted you will feel exausted after doing so.

But controaling the weather is far from my point. My point here is that you may repel evil souls your self. With enough concentration. Just in your head Immagen a barrier emitting from your body comeing from the energy reservs stored in you. and the key for all of this to happen is that you do give up some of that energy. minded youve learned how to move it place to place, say your hand, palm, head, feet, whatever. there are no hand symbols to remember or rituals. just your mind. Im not telling you to belive anything. just that you try it your self.

An the succubi or tiher inccubi that is attacking you is probly a manisfestation of some ones anger toward you that is apparently Stronger than normal.
Remember that succubi usally come from the souls of dominet female angry wemon. and incubi come from angry intellengent or just strong willed guys. Mainly succubi are created out of evil thougt. wether this is sexual or emotional thought. usally afther this persons hatred or strong evil emotional feeling torard you dissapates. the succubi will too.

I know more about this world than no one should know. and "God" does have a concience he just wont do for others that thay can do unto them selves. Becarefull at what you do or try to do. there are some things God wont allow shch as killing a mass of people. but if your mind is strong enough to figure this out on your own you may get away with some things. Like that tornano that landed on top of that school up north of here. that was probly some emotionaly recked emo kid.

I have given this gift of knolage to you. do with it what you will im not in the plesure of it. just like to be informative.

posted on Nov, 17 2007 @ 03:45 AM
Dear, Amandeus

If the figure is Very distinctly Human The it May very well be Human.
Because You must Remember that Succubi are Evil souls or Demons. Thay will never Appear or emit oder such as a normal human would.
As shuch i belive you should Lock your door at night. There are Easy Ways to tell if this figure is human or not in you Can Feel warmth, touch, and smell.

usally a succubi will have its touch as force aplied. like an air pocket. you cant feel it but it is pressing apon you. but as for presence there is an immedate sence of evil or unworldly presence. Not to mention that every time this happens that you will feel as if your life span has shortened every time. not to be confused as to being weaker

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