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Leave American Politics to Americans

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posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Wotan

It seems like if the United States don't take action against a terriorist threat then no one will. I don't agree with us invading Iraq at all. Bush and Cheney are the worst administration the US has seen. They have made the US look bad to the rest of the world. And most of the world not everybody jumps to the conclusion that everybody in America is a warmonger. For one thing our country is going broke fighting these pointless wars. I wish that the US would just worry about its own people instead of the rest of the world. It's time for another country to step up and protect the rest of the world. The US needs to heal it's wounds with the rest of the world and, that is something that will take time. So I ask the rest of the world to make a judgment per person not per the whole nation.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
I'm terribly sorry that I've not had the 'pleasure' of living in America, but I'm very happy to say i've visited many, many wonderful places on this planet and the idea of being shot at by a fat, racist, fast-food swallowing hunter with a gun bigger than his ego doesn't really appeal to me...

With an attitude like that, I'm kind of glad you haven't had the pleasure. FYI, I'm born and raised in America. I'm not fat, I'm not a racist, I very rarely eat fast food, and I don't even own a gun. You can judge my ego for yourself, but I don't think it's anything major either. With your preconceptions and your obvious contempt for Americans you really should keep your nose out of our political system.

Anyone out there who's willing to intelligently argue American politics and doesn't feel the need to spout off what basically amounts to a mouthful of grade school insults are more than welcome to debate.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by eric52081
So I ask the rest of the world to make a judgment per person not per the whole nation.

Believe me, I do. I was in Buffalo last fall, not the first time to the States. Had an amazing time. The people are exceptional. You MUST seperate the people from the gov because it's day and night.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Don't we already have a thread with content such as this? Though, maybe not as poignant... or politically motivated... or openly brazen.

"Fight Club Pub"

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by eric52081
Everybody that does not live in the United States of American should stay out of discussions about the Presidential Race. They are making assumptions and thoughts and theories about a Country they have never had the pleasure of living in. If you are so worried about our presidential race i suggest you move over here and deal with what real Americans have to deal with on an everyday basis. I don't talk about politics in your country so return the favor to the American People and butt out of our discussions.

Wow, what anger and violence you have, when our U.S. politics affect the rest of the world, foreigners sure don't seem to have a reason to complain then, do they?

Different countries do not like America, because of the politicians that are in office, past, present, and future, I would say they have plenty to say, plenty to complain about, plenty to express. While it does not do anything, other than seemingly piss you off, eric52081, it sure helps them express themselves when they have no other recourse for action.

Their only other recourse for action instead of complaining about it on a conspiracy theory website, might just be to use physical violence the next time you're standing in front of one of them while in a line at the airport.

Yup, security might get them, but not before they knock you on the noggin.

All I'm trying to say, is before you go blasting foreigners for their views and opinions, you might want to strongly considers thinking about yours before you express yours in a public arena, where other American's post also, and get affected because of it.

I could say so much more about ignorance being bliss in your world, but I would only end up getting pegged for points, so I won't.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by eric52081
reply to post by Wotan

It seems like if the United States don't take action against a terriorist threat then no one will.

Erm... yeah, thanks for your help when the IRA were bombing the crap out of us in the 70's and 80's and 90's.... Big help there.... Oh wait, it didn't have any material gain for you did it?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Why would England need our help to defend themselves against the Irish Republican Army. England had that covered easily. The United States defends the defenseless. England has quite a substantial army and can a threat from the IRA.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by eric52081

Are you for real? and/or serious?

Obviously your lack of political knowledge means that YOU should be staying out of political discussions.

Of course anyone can be concerned with any countries elections because other countries politics affects on what goes on in your own.

And just because someone is from outside the US doesn't mean they can't understand US politics, as obscenely complicated as they can be. In fact, I like to hear outside viewpoints in the hopes that they are more unbiased. And more then likely they don't have their head up their butt.

Not even just on an international level. This can go down to the township my friend. What happens in the next county can affect your own.

As an American, I have begun to concern myself with other countries politics for this very reason. That and I am tired of my own. *GRINS*

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle

Originally posted by mr-lizard
I'm terribly sorry that I've not had the 'pleasure' of living in America, but I'm very happy to say i've visited many, many wonderful places on this planet and the idea of being shot at by a fat, racist, fast-food swallowing hunter with a gun bigger than his ego doesn't really appeal to me...

With an attitude like that, I'm kind of glad you haven't had the pleasure. FYI, I'm born and raised in America. I'm not fat, I'm not a racist, I very rarely eat fast food, and I don't even own a gun. You can judge my ego for yourself, but I don't think it's anything major either. With your preconceptions and your obvious contempt for Americans you really should keep your nose out of our political system.

Anyone out there who's willing to intelligently argue American politics and doesn't feel the need to spout off what basically amounts to a mouthful of grade school insults are more than welcome to debate.

Seems like the irony of stereotypical assumption was wasted on you then?
Never mind...

Dare I ask, will you be sat next to me at grade school or will you be joining me in a few years?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by eric52081

The reason I think Americans (at least the ones that care about politics in general) care less about other countries politics is because we are currently at the top of the world holding the most power as a single country. No other country effects this country or any other country around the world like the US does. And to say that people from another country should just shut their trap about our politics when they directly effect what may or may not happen to that country and its people is just ridiculous.

If you cant deal with a bit of criticism, stereotyping, slandering, and so on then I think you should choose something other then politics to debate. All this is inevitable from all sides of the argument.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
Grady, my friend, one thing I've learned here is that the US can't do anything right and everybody else can do no wrong.

Wanna bet? Talk to a Canadian that doesn't live in Alberta and see what they've got to say about our gov.

Hey now...I am in Alberta, I am not a fact I think a few of the people here have called a "liberal nazi scum". So not all of us are that bad.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 04:51 PM
What hypocracy...

Calling for others to stay out of American Politics when America assassinates other countries leaders if they don't fit the ideology that America deems fit. Imprisons other countries leaders; remember Panama and Noriega? Funds and trains rightwing death squads.

Americans want to keep their political process private when they meddle in other countries affairs at the drop of a hat, even to the extent of installing a puppet govt. in Iraq. Election myass!

The average American doesn't even know how the national political/election process works and they vote based on the most effective campaign; not what is truly best for the country.
We should welcome input from others, they probably know more about our political system than we do.

Even a small amount of research into American current affairs could go a long way in preventing what I like to call "moronism."

[edit on 9-6-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:11 PM

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpottWe Americans watch with interest the politics of other nations, but for the most part I've never heard an American presume to act like foreign and domestic policy experts for other nations the way many non-Americas do.

Well, unless, of course, you'll invade them.

Everybody is entitled to an opinion, and let's face it, especially so when the rest of the world is subject to the ramifications of American foreign policy.

I'd say the day the States stops messing in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations is the day we can be expected to keep our own council.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:35 PM
Everyone not native to Iraq, Iran, Israel or Palestine should stay out the political business there.

Don't throw stones when you yourself live in a greenhouse (this one being without supporting beams)

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Grady, my friend, one thing I've learned here is that the US can't do anything right and everybody else can do no wrong. Must be why the UN is so good at its job???Ya' Think??

Perhaps you should be flattered that the United States is held to higher standards than many. I know lots of Americans, and I love visiting your country. I think Americans are great, and perhaps it's in the context of that familiarity that I can say that the United States of America is capable of so much better than its present national persona.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:07 PM
moronism at it's finest with the original post there. Stunned but not surprised at all. Have at'r and get'r done clueless wonder.

And what's with the thinly veiled 'foreigners' label? You are all foreigners in your stolen country ... duh - oh but you're number one! ...well that's what you can keep telling yourself.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by eric52081
So I ask the rest of the world to make a judgment per person not per the whole nation.

Believe me, I do. I was in Buffalo last fall, not the first time to the States. Had an amazing time. The people are exceptional. You MUST seperate the people from the gov because it's day and night.

I agree wholeheartedly Intrepid. We just spent a terrific week in Orlando, and I have nothing but praise for our American cousins. My wife and I were treated with decency and respect, and I plan on returning whenever I can.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:24 PM
I've lived in both the US and Canada and believe me when I say Canadian Immigration does not discriminate against rednecks.

I've met as many beer-drinking, mullet-wearing Canadian rednecks as I have their American cousins. Any Canadian that bashes American culture and values should take a long look in the mirror.

It is impossible to get through a day in Canada without hearing the topic of the US election discussed at the bus stop, the office, the gym, etc......

So if Canadians can pass judgement on American politics it's only fair Americans can do the same for Candaian politics.

Oh, one more thing, McDonalds, Wendy's and Burger King are all do quite well north of the border.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 07:24 PM
As an American, I am getting so sick and tired of the world
telling us what to do! I am a firm believer in the Constitution
especially espousing the terms of the Bill of Rights
escpecially the 2nd and 4th Amendments.

As such, we need to go completely *** Isolationist ***
forcing the UN headquarters out of the USA,
closing our borders on Canada and Mexico, absolving ourselves
from any entaglement in the WTO, NAFTA, FTAA, United Nations/Nato
and make it *** illegal *** for the government of the United States
to financially aid any country or organization outside of US territory.
No more 3rd world aid, no preferred trade partners, no *N*O*T*H*I*N*G*
We are not the world's policeman and we won't be.

If Uganda or Somalia or Ethiopia or Mexico want to continue being
3rd world hell holes then let's their people and their
government and not ours to interfere or say!

If china wants to take Taiwan, then let it.

If Isreal wants to pound the sandheads, or the sandheads pound
the Israelis then let them. It's *N*O*T* our problem!

Trade will be managed and imports will be tarriffed at 100% of their
in-country retail price to encourage self-sufficiency.

Our military should be completely withdrawn from ALL countries and redeployed to the Mexican and Canadian Borders to enforce
our immigration and trade laws.

And those executives who don't like our new trade laws will be
encouraged to *** LEAVE PERMANENTLY ***

Terrorists who even *** ATTEMPT *** to invoke an attack on our shores
will have their home countries *** POUNDED *** by immediate
retaliatory strikes with video warnings broadcast to their home countries
and surrounding states that *** ANY FURTHER ATTACKS *** on our
country will result in immediate full out attack on your infrastructure.
No ifs and or buts about it - We will act in America's Interest Only!

F--- with us ever again and we'll hit back *H*A*R*D*. With these types
of people the only language they understand is the business end of
very big guns!

We will increase the spending on our military to ensure
our technological superiority on the seas, air and space
and to ensure that America is by America for Americans.

So the rest of the world can go stuff itself into your rotten hell holes
and we'll live the way we Americans want to live!
If I want to drive an F350 Superduty truck all across the south
western desert country then who in the world has the right to
tell *M*E* what the F--- I can do in my own country!

My Constitution, My Rights, My Guns, My Trucks, My Life,
I am an American and Proud to Live in a Country that the rest
of the world can *** DREAM *** of emulating.

I say to the rest of the world that if you're so p--ssed off
about your country then *** YOU *** have your *** OWN *** 1776
and stop being so f------ lazy sitting on your asses and you can work
like *** REAL AMERICANS DO ***

That My 2 bits

Texas Ranger
The Land of Big Guns and Bigger Trucks

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