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United States Quits Human Rights Council

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posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by pavil
reply to post by manson_322

My point is made for me yet again. You brush aside other nations human rights violations and failings and focus on the U.S. .

and your point is completely off topic as the thread is related to 'US quits UNHRC' and not china or other nations ....

if you want to argue start another thread relevant to what you argue ... the human rights violations by other nations' ...


posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by manson_322

I noticed your adding on to your previous post and insulting another poster as well, very classy. Great way to debate others there.

Anyhow my point was on topic as people or nations who only bring up certain countries records and blatently ignore others nations gross human rights violations is one of the reasons the U.S. has left the UNHRC as an observer even.

Considering the record of the U.S. as you portray it, you should be glad the U.S. has left the UNHRC manson, aren't you? After all, you wouldn't want such a major abuser of Human Rights to be sitting or even participating on such an esteemed Council such as the UNHRC right? I mean we have such stalwarts of Human Rights on the Council right now, don't we?

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:28 PM

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

Of course, it's "useless" given that the United States government agrees with you. That it shouldn't so much be a "United Nations" but rather a conveniant forum for America to tell other nations how best to lick its nethers clean.

You really don't think America has a racism problem? Aren't you one of hte people calling for mass deportatiosn and landmines on hte southern border, Don't you CONSTANTLY rail about anyone and everyone who beleives Mohammed was a prophet? Don't you slaver over a political party that was ahnding out buttons that said "If we elect Barak Obama, can we still call it the White House?" Have you ever been to one of the many Reservations scattered around the nation?

You're a pasty-hued middle-class dude. You see a biracial guy in the presidential race and you really think everything is solved, don't you? Thnen you and your right-wing buddies will argue that Hispanicshate black people, that he'll want to deport all the whites, or whatever else you can cook up to scare hte bejeezus out of people.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:48 PM
Anyone happen to think we withdrew because of the hypocrisy involved with the HRC?

Seriously, how can an alleged council on human rights have the following as members?

- China

- Saudi Arabia

- Mexico

- Nigeria

- Egypt

etc etc.

the HRC is nothing more than a joke designed to make western nations look worse than they are.

posted on Jun, 18 2008 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Could you provide some proof that the Republican Party was handing out those buttons?

It would benefit you greatly to actually know the facts before making a fool of yourself.

One person handing out buttons doesn't condemn an entire group. If it did, the racism problem you actually believe exists would be exponentially worse.

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

Of course, it's "useless" given that the United States government agrees with you. That it shouldn't so much be a "United Nations" but rather a convenient forum for America to tell other nations how best to lick its nethers clean.

Most of the UN is a "hate the developed West" group that isn't interested in the real ideals of the UN. Research the UNHRC in detail before you claim them to be a productive and useful group that monitors ALL Nations human rights. It is a Joke on a almost Orwellian level. I'd laugh if it weren't true. Here's a great example of that:

The resolution itself at first calls for freedom of religion, but then goes on to say that people must speak “with responsibility”, and freedoms of speech may be limited in areas regarding “public health and morals” or “respect for religions and beliefs”.

Of the Council's members from the Organization of the Islamic Conference, 16 of 17 voted for the resolution, along with China, Russia, and South Africa. The 14 members that voted against included all of the European Union, Japan, Ukraine and South Korea. Nine developing countries abstained from the vote.

So let's see, Mainly Islamic countries try to pass a resolution talking about freedom of religion, of which there isn't , except for Islam, in most Muslim countries. Especially in context of how many Muslim countries portray the Jewish religion and people. Then they say that Freedom of speech may be limited. Hmmmmm, that makes perfect sense to me, if I lived in Oceania,
Eurasia or Eastasia.

You really don't think America has a racism problem?

I know this wasn't directed at me but for someone lambasting people for racism, you sure seem to have some preconceived stereotypes of other people. Just a little food for thought there.

Yes America has a racism problem. the whole freaking world has racism problems, except for maybe Scandinavia. I have traveled around the globe, racism is hardly a U.S. specific problem.

You're a pasty-hued middle-class dude. You see a biracial guy in the presidential race and you really think everything is solved, don't you? Then you and your right-wing buddies will argue that Hispanics hate black people, that he'll want to deport all the whites, or whatever else you can cook up to scare the bejeezus out of people.

Man. Again you go off with the stereotypes and way off topic as well. Just because we have issues with a flawed UNHRC doesn't mean we are all racist SOB's ok? Focus on the issue we are debating.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by pavil
reply to post by manson_322

I noticed your adding on to your previous post and insulting another poster as well, very classy. Great way to debate others there.

Anyhow my point was on topic as people or nations who only bring up certain countries records and blatently ignore others nations gross human rights violations is one of the reasons the U.S. has left the UNHRC as an observer even.

Considering the record of the U.S. as you portray it, you should be glad the U.S. has left the UNHRC manson, aren't you? After all, you wouldn't want such a major abuser of Human Rights to be sitting or even participating on such an esteemed Council such as the UNHRC right? I mean we have such stalwarts of Human Rights on the Council right now, don't we?

Anyhow my point was on topic as people or nations who only bring up certain countries records and blatently ignore others nations gross human rights violations is one of the reasons the U.S. has left the UNHRC as an observer even.

as US is a hypocrite nation ,others nation behave in the same fashion , as fact is fact , that usa considers itself above internationaL LAW

I noticed your adding on to your previous post and insulting another poster as well, very classy. Great way to debate others there.

except that poster can only use terms like infantile , anti-semitic etc.. and add nothing constructive ...

Considering the record of the U.S. as you portray it, you should be glad the U.S. has left the UNHRC manson, aren't you? After all, you wouldn't want such a major abuser of Human Rights to be sitting or even participating on such an esteemed Council such as the UNHRC right? I mean we have such stalwarts of Human Rights on the Council right now, don't we?

i am happy as the USA by doing this has exposed its fascist teeth

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by evanmontegarde

i agree with most here the whole human rights concil is a Joke
and the US by quiting doesnt make it look any better then the other fudged up countries that use torture and so on.

its not like the US is a bloody saint, they hold people without charge for years
and all the sudden think they are much better then others.

Egypt, suddan,Israel and so on are no better.

so before anyone says my post is politicaly motivated
i will repeat the whole thing is a joke and waste of money and space.

then again the whole commity is Politicaly motivated, look at how many times the US vetos things against Israel

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by bodrul

While I don't agree often with you, I agree with you on this on. The UNHRC is a flawed group and the U.S. along with other nations aren't without sin. The whole thing needs reforming.

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