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NWO my butt!!

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:55 AM
Ok I’m tired of this CRAP!!

Ok people listen up this will save your life when the time comes!!

First off, all I hear on this site is fear mongering, some justified some not (depending on your pint of view).

But no one is coming up with any solutions!! To hell with the Gov, Obama, Clinton and McCain. Lets see some ideas of our own here.

Are we freethinking people or not?

Who is in control of America, A group of a few people or you?

Screw arguing and warnings about aliens, planet-x, the illuminati, Bigfoot, ghosts, Freemasons eating our homework and all the rest if they are out there well… then they are out there screw it, to hell with them.

Lets concentrate on the things that we can solve by our selves. WHO IS WITH ME!!!!

We all need to stop looking for someone else to save us, to help us yes but to do it for us NEVER!!!

We need to show the US Gov what being an American is all about, It is about us telling them what do. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!

We need to get angry every time we are told we are FREE because only slaves need to be told about freedom. Truly Free people don’t even need to know the word, THEY LIVE IT!!! THEY DO IT!!! THEY TEACH IT!! AND THEY NEVER LET ANYONE TAKE IT AWAY!!!

We need to understand that the NWO is not coming it’s here yesterday. The fox needs to already be in the hen house to feast on the chickens. And that they did not take control WE GAVE IT TO THEM!!



The people up top (the bad ones that is) are just waiting for the last piece of their puzzle, they are waiting for us to fight back so they can take complete control. They totally out weigh us by force, intelligence, surveillance and resources. To fight them by force is not only stupid but also exactly what they want and expect from us sheep. So much so that I bet the World Bank would make money on both sides like they always do.


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:25 AM
Second we must use the tools of this country to protect us. We need to use our state representatives and our rights to get the things we want done well…….done.

We need to start standing up for the rights of not only our selves but the rights of people we can’t stand like smokers, drunk drivers, flag burners and anything we just dislike but constitutionally have all the right in the world to do.

Every right we take away from our selves will hurt us in the end.

Go to any library or on the net and pleas look up what your double-damned rights are. Learn the tools that this country has and use it to enhance freedom.

Screw protesting!!! If every man woman and child that has ever been to a demonstration would write a letter to their congressmen a lot more would get done.

Get your friends and neighbors to become aware of their rights and obligations (obligations not to their country but to them selves)

You are a human being and this is your world you are not a slave if you choose not to be one.

US constitution


posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:45 AM
Tired we need to debate the real problems we have and come to tangible solutions.

And I’m talking about necessities like water shortages, food price hikes, real cheap alternative energies, housing, jobs, education, the reintegration of common sense into the country and not stupid things like gays getting married. Let people do what they double-damn well pleas STOP TRYING TO TAKE RIGHTS AWAY FROM PEOPLE!!

Forth once we identify the real problem and come up with a solution we need to use our rights, brains, and representatives to get it done…….and hope it works and if it does not we need to keep trying!!!

Pleas give your 2 cents on problems we can debate a solution for any info on alternative energy, how to grow food, how to raise live stock, how to be independent, how to heal or own illnesses, how to recycle water anything and everything you can think of that will help us be more solitary and self-sufficient and in control of our government as possible.


P.S. I’ll start…………

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:47 AM
Say, is there an online database/resource that give the addresses of state senators?

Outside of being too lazy to write out a letter, a lot of people really just have no clue where to start... They don't want to be led around, but some people really have no way of knowing all the issues, or who they need to be writing to (much less an address to send it to!) It's not always easy to keep informed on all these things...

I think many many many people could do much more if they knew how... of course you don't learn how to write a letter to congress people or how to protect your rights in any "social studies" classes in school... I think it's kind of funny that they don't really teach most students in depth about these things.


EDIT: Hideously bad grammatical error...

[edit on 1-6-2008 by the raytownian]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by the raytownian

Hello Ray,

Hey yea I will look into that great idea.

I hope that your first letter to your state representative ……Teach my kid something useful at school like their foocken rights!!!...........

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:04 AM
Your post contains way too many sensible ideas and takes too much effort for most people to follow. The majority of the U.S. population are sheep and too uniformed and intimidated to do anything.

I think most people on ATS are exceptions to that, even the ones that I think are full of it. If everyone on ATS took the time to email there congressmen whenever something struck them as a violation of our rights, or an overstepping of government, that would at least slow things down and get some attention.
Remember these people have to be elected and are sensitive to public support.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by smokingmonkey

Hello Smokie,

It's not going to be easy my friend.

But we have to try to turn the sheep into shepherds of their own person.

What better place to start than here on a site where people cry about the NWO day in and day out.....right?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:27 AM
Problem------Water: shortage, increase in price, contamination and forced rationing.

Water is a very important part of our lives I could say a lot of pretty tings about is but the moral of the story is we double-damn need the stuff.

If we let Gov take control of our water we are foocked. So the obvious solution to that problem is we need to be in control of the water….right?

I know that’s not the only problem that comes to it but it’s the most important and here is why.

We live on a planet that is ¾ water that’s why. Actually the only reason (I think) we call this planet earth is because we are pretentious and arrogant. So how is it that there are increasing reports of water shortages? Lies I tell you lies.

They tell us that we are running out of drinkable water on a planet full of the double-damned stuff and we eat their half-truth up like candy. What they don’t tell us is that filthy water and salt water is very easy to turn into drinkable water. Instead they tell us it would be very hard and expensive to do. OH REALLY!!

Here is how poop water is treated at a plant. Its not that hard.

Here is how hard and expensive it is to desalinate water. Lies I tell you!!

Her is the truth about how easy it is.

All you have to do to desalinate water from the sea is evaporate it and them purify it so it is suitable for drinking or at least washing cloths and body. Here are some ideas on how.

I bet your thinking foock solar panels I’m getting me a fresenel lens!! and here some things you can do with it like evaporate water like a son of a gun!! You can also use this to make electrical power.


If your stored emergency water is destroyed in the disaster, you may need to know how to purify water. Water, whether cloudy or clear, that has been exposed to the air for a few days should be boiled vigoriously for 10 minutes to kill bacteria. Also water purification tablets are available at many drug and camping supply stores; follow directions on the label.
Some kinds of "Liquid Chlorine Bleach" can be used. Check the label; it should contain 5.25% hypochlorite to be effective in killing bacteria. Add to water using an eye dropper in the amount indicated below. Stir. Wait 30 minutes before drinking.

Amount of Water
1 gallon
5 gallons

Amount of Bleach If water is Clear
8 drops
1/2 teaspoon

Amount of Bleach If water is Cloudy
16 drops
1 teaspoon

Make sure always to purify it and boil it as well before drinking.

I’m telling you kids there is a bunch of primitive inexpensive technology out there that can break our bonds of slavery and make us truly free and self sufficient.

I’m going to try to come up with a simple schematic to desalinate salt water nothing new but forgotten. Pleas feel free to join in with your own designs and schematics.

WARNING!! Now one problem that we still face is water contamination because cretin chemicals that get into our water like anti-freeze and such evaporate as well so be very careful not to try to clean chemically contaminated water.

Edit-cant get ex-text to work right grrrrr.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Izarith]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:42 AM
You keep calling us sheep, and then you need our help. Why do you keep calling the general populace sheep for enjoying their life. Or you call us sheepe if we disagree. You want to get help get people together stop being so condescending.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by the raytownian

Hey Ray,

Ok here is that database for I think all the US congress.

Here is the link look yours up………

Contacting the Congress

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Zealott

Hello Zealot,

If you enjoy your life than keep doing what you are doing. Its your life I’m not trying to force anything on you. I’m actually trying to make your life harder and put more responsibility on you.

I’m trying to open your eyes and it is the worst thing I could do to you because if you knew what you are you would piss your pants.

If you can’t tell that you are a slave then go be free copper-top………..

By the way I'm a sheep too not just you 80% of the world is.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 08:37 AM
Well what you suggest is simply not going to work. We write our congressman and we may get a little bit of change locally. And that's fine that's good. But you seem to want more done. And going about it that way is playing by their rules in a game that's stacked.
Unfortunately I don't have the answer. But I can tell you this. We need help from each other we need to come together.
Coppertop? Heh. Very doubleplusclever of you.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Zealott

Hey Zealott,

Your right writing congressmen wont change much but it will a bit and we are going to need all the little bits we can get.

But becoming self-sufficient will help a lot. Imagine not being dependant on the utility company because you produce your own energy. Imagine if they had to pay you for energy. There are very simple ways to do this but because of permits and ordnances the state wont let you do it. It’s the walls to self-reliance we need to bring down. Imagine if the people set the price of a house and not the economist. We need to tell all the “supply and demand” that we demand houses to be affordable because there is plenty of houses as our supply.

We have to wake up and start applying common sense in our way of thinking its now or never.

Think of a problem in our lives Zealott and then try to think of a solution then tell people about it, spread that seed it might hit soil and grow.

This is your world you da man............

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:18 PM
This thread is getting dangerously close to violating ATS T&C's...This is a forum for discussions, not activism. However, it's not against T&C's (Section 1e, concerning activism & recruiting for activist causes) to discuss your points & sources here & then go somewhere else to get active. There's been some posts here that presume that "everybody's talking but nobody's doing." This would be a false presumption...I'm active, but not here, & I'm willing to bet that a lot of other ATS'ers are the same way.

Try to tone down this discussion a bit to avoid being banned for using ATS for an activist platform. No, I'm not a Mod & have no real authority here...Consider this as a friendly warning to avoid making trouble for yourself. You'll have a harder time if you get cut off from the useful info here.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:41 PM

I can’t stand activists!!!!

Activists are trying to take peoples rights away. They are worried about the striped mosquito and the sea lion and the Smokers and the evil Mexicans.

They are pro gay anti gay , pro this anti that. They fight with each other and flood the streets and cause traffic jams so they can get on the news and show they don’t like something Then they go home and watch themselves on T-vo. Foock that.


Contacting the congress is not Activism!!! Its our job as Citizens!!.

I’m not telling anyone to do anything they are not soposed to. I’m not asking anyone to join any group. I’m telling them to be solitary and free nothing new or different from what the constitution says.

I’m just letting them know that the US constitution says that it is their obligation beyond their right to be an American and there are tools set up to help them be an American.

People should not wait for Gov to do everything for them. This is not China yet.

This thread is for a discussion on problems and possible solution. If it opens up a few eyes along the way, cool.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Izarith]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer

Try to tone down this discussion a bit to avoid being banned for using ATS for an activist platform. No, I'm not a Mod & have no real authority here...Consider this as a friendly warning to avoid making trouble for yourself. You'll have a harder time if you get cut off from the useful info here.

Oh and DStroyer,

I find it funny that you would call this activism my illuminated undercover friend.

Who do you work for?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Izarith
reply to post by the raytownian

Hey Ray,

Ok here is that database for I think all the US congress.

Here is the link look yours up………

Contacting the Congress


posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 03:14 AM
1) You've taken the term "activist" out of context as far as ATS Staff enforces the T&C's: For one thing, organizations that fight for restoration of the Constitution are also "activists" if they're trying to enact a change in a corrupted government. I'm already signed up with at least 3 of those types of groups & fight against the corruption along with them.

If you would simply look up my Profile & read the kind of posts I've been writing since 2002, you'd understand my position on the Constitution & the corrupted government better.

2) You've also expressed an extremely hostile reaction & used unfounded accusations towards a friendly warning of the T&C's from one ATS member to another...That extreme of hostility is also a violation of ATS T&C's.

3) I'm not so emotionally volatile that I can't think things through...You have obviously been writing with extreme emotion, because you couldn't even put all of your retorts into a single post. Therefore, since I've noticed that you've been around ATS for almost 2 years, I'm not going to take any action based upon your hostile attitude, because you do have the Right to express your opinion...But I won't put up with open hostility for long.

Now, if you could set aside your hostility, we can get back on topic.
One point that you don't seem to have considered is that the corruption in government has been in action for the long-term...It's been building for quite a few decades before either of us were born, so restoration of the Constitution isn't something that can take place overnight, no matter how many People get involved.

In the meantime, there are steps that we all can take to reduce the government's oppression on us...But it takes research into the existing laws. The sheer magnitude of Unconstitutional laws in place now are so extensive, it may be wise to protect yourself from them as much as possible...Up until such time as those laws can be repealed or at least modified to act in accordance with the Constitution. There is at least one such thread on ATS that can help us get started...I've already begun.

If you intend to oppose what they're doing, you at least should be able to track what they're doing...It's impossible to stop them if you can't see what needs to be stopped! You should also be able to see each person in Congress & learn their views & positions, so you can try to anticipate what they may try next...And maybe even contact them to let them know what they're doing wrong & how it will affect their careers if they don't abide by their Oaths of Office.

Also in the meantime, for The People to understand what they would be fighting for, you would also need to be able to cut through the broken education system & help educate them in the Constitution to a depth of understanding that isn't taught in schools. We can never restore the Constitutional Republic if too few People understand its intent & meaning. There would be more numerous & far-reaching change taking place if more People actually know what changes need to be made.

All of the Presidential candidates that were mentioned in the OP are criminals against the Constitution...One candidate that wasn't mentioned is Ron Paul. It may be a good idea to check out his 15-year record in Congress to confirm his impeccable record of acting in accordance with his Constitutional Oath...Maybe even check out a comparison of Dr. Paul with those other candidates.

You may notice that my post here does not try to entice people into forming any kind of organization or ask for recruiting into any organization...As per ATS T&C's, I merely provide information so that people can decide for themselves what to do with it.

posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
1) You've taken the term "activist" out of context as far as ATS Staff enforces the T&C's: For one thing, organizations that fight for restoration of the Constitution are also "activists" if they're trying to enact a change in a corrupted government. I'm already signed up with at least 3 of those types of groups & fight against the corruption along with them.

The word "activist" has one meaning ATS has no authority to change the definition of a word. Let the mods do their job pleas. Government will always be corrupted and that cannot be changed. The Constitution does not need to be reinstated. The Constitution is there and always will be. It is above any law and not even martial law can change that. People need to be reminded of this. You don’t need to join any group to be an American. You just need to be free.

2) You've also expressed an extremely hostile reaction & used unfounded accusations towards a friendly warning of the T&C's from one ATS member to another...That extreme of hostility is also a violation of ATS T&C's.

Sorry kiddo. I don’t take to kindly to warnings I basically see them as threats….Its just my nature. Again let the mods do their job pleas we don’t need more of them. If you think I was being hostile well you need to get out more, but I would defiantly tell the mods about it if you truly think that. As for my post being unfounded well, it’s just what your mood and location is on your profile. Pleas keep in mind that I don’t know you. So if you jump on a thread warning me and telling me to tone things down (which to me means shut up) I might get a little cute sorry.

3) I'm not so emotionally volatile that I can't think things through...You have obviously been writing with extreme emotion, because you couldn't even put all of your retorts into a single post. Therefore, since I've noticed that you've been around ATS for almost 2 years, I'm not going to take any action based upon your hostile attitude, because you do have the Right to express your opinion...But I won't put up with open hostility for long.

Well thank you from the bottom of my hair for putting up with my god awful rights for this long. You read me like a book I do everything in my life with “extreme emotion” (I personally call it balls). And thank you for yet another warning.

Now, if you could set aside your hostility, we can get back on topic.

Boy when you do get back on topic you do it good you got moxy kid. To me it seams you are a very intelligent and informed person that cares about his country and we definitely need more people like you in the world. I’m not done reading all the great info you and others have provided but I will and get back to you. As of now I only disagree with your idea that corrupt people in our Gov run the show. I feel we just need to remember that we give them control but it really is in our hands always has been. I highly recommend all the reading of all the info you have provided. And thanks again.


posted on Jun, 2 2008 @ 07:05 AM
Hello all,

Problem Food: Shortage, price increase and contamination.

Most people in first world countries are totally dependent on grocery stores and restaurants for food (simpler to that of a domesticated dog). Developing countries also get food from stores but they also know who to kill a chicken if they need to, some even have animals and gardens or farms for their own consumption. Very, very poor third world countries get their food from the UN and as you can see not to much of it.

Ethanol is one of the main factors for the price of food going up. It is raising the price of grain and livestock like cows and pigs eat grain. So stake and pork chops is going to get high in price for us now that commodities like rice and flour are the focal pint of the stock market people in poorer country are starving to death.

One solution to this problem is to grow our own food. There are many laws preventing people from killing their own food so we need to demand (if you wish that is) that we can. We do it every day every time we buy a hamburger we just need to be able to do it in our kitchen. ( If you are a “pleas don’t kill food vegan” pleas make sure to take plenty of vitamins especially b12 that is only found in meat or you will become a depressed emo with mood swings). Fruts and veggies are another thing you should start planting (If you wish that is). The hydroponics farm or garden is the best way to grow food and herbs. For meat rabbits and chickens are the way to go and a goat for milk if you have the room.

Why cute cuddly rabbits well they produce more meat than a cow per year for 1/6 of the grain. And their poop is by far the beast fertilizer in the world (no need for the poop to compost). Chickens for the eggs and meat, and a goat for milk…..mmmm goat milk.

Info on rabbit farming.

Hydroponic food farm

Build Your Own Hydroponic Food Garden

More info on Hydoponics for food

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