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Bush 'plans Iran air strike by August'

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:04 AM
I just dont see it happening. I mean for one how is Bush going to get congressional approval for this? Secondly, we've been hearing about an atack on Iran for the last 3 years and nothing has happened yet. Every few months someone comes out and says "we're going to hit Iran by such and such date" and nothing ever happens.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by princeofpeace

Another "terrorist" attack staged by our own government. They will say Iran did it then all of America will be all patriotic and begging for the US to invade Iran.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:12 AM
Wow, why didn't the just announce the date and exact time of the attack as well. Flippin media has to scream every little tid bit they get from the roof tops.

Disclaimer: this does not mean I am for OR against said attack....

For those who keep b1tchin' about how they hate the government; have you done anything to change it? Wrote to a congress man? Made phone calls? If you really want to make changes join GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House) and do something.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Lone Star Patriot

haha calling your congress critter will not do anything. If you really think that the politicians care about the people than you are mistaken.

Even the mayor for my small town only wants to fulfill his own agenda. He chose on making a bigger police force (there really is no crime it's a small town) instead of putting medians in our roads. That is the problem we need fixed, people keep getting killed trying to turn left through 4 lanes of traffic, not more cops.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by queenofangels_17
Almost all (obviously you're not one of them..where have you been?) the world knows that its not the MUSLIMS who staged your 9/11.

Of course mooslims carried out 9/11.

Where have you been? Living in a cave? You need to stop believing your fanatical leaders propaganda. BTW, most actually believe, and rightfully so, that the crazy mooslims were responsible for 9/11.

Ask the village idiot you have for a president who are truly responsible.

Wow, you are so smart.
How long did it take you to remember and then spew that thoughtful and insightful piece of propaganda from your extremist buddies?

BTW, who is the super intelligent leader/president of your country? Oh right, you are not even proud enough to say where you are from.

Do your research, before you open your mouth about things you know nothing about.

You need to take your own advice about Americans.

Islamic countries are governed by The Quran and The Sunnah, Divine Law, from the Lord of Mankind as was in the time of Moses and the Patriarch.

So what?

They are not OPPRESSORS

Really? Tell that to your woman and people who don't believe your radical religion.

but they fight back when they are OPPRESSED

Nobody is 'oppressing' you except for yourselves by following your outdated religion. Why don't you update your religion into the current century.

they will fight for the cause of GOD, until their last breath.

Well, that is the problem right there.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

I like you. You're my kinda guy!

You're not with the government are you?
(don't tell my boss I'm here, k?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Do you ever have an axe to grind!
WhatTheory, you seem to be plodding along to the all too familiar drum roll of patriotic BS that you've been fed for too many years in the US. If you cared at all about people other than yourself, you would realize that when your neighbor is doing well, you are doing well; that there is no more room for self-centered, flag waving, blind patriotism in this world. If we are to survive we ALL must put aside our conceit, ego's, pride, politics and prejudices and assist each other. Is it so hard for you to care about someone other than yourself?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by kdial1

Seems like if world war 3 is getting ready to begin, executive orders and martial law may be implemented... Is this the beginning? We shall see...

(visit the link for the full news article)

with all due respect, the media will never deem a name of "WW3"
and furthermore, most people have already, unofficially, tried calling the Iraq war "WW3".

When the War in germany was going on - nobody refered to it as "world war 2"
History remembers it as world war 2 - and maybe history will cal the Iran conflict WW3. Either way - if the USA and its allies does nothing about Iran now - future history will call it "the day america collapsed and Iran ruled the world"

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:51 AM
The US is driving itself into an absolutely ridiculous situation.
It is absolutely preposterous to watch their leaders implode the country, divide the citizens, ignore infrastructure and constitutional rights and then march blindly to incredibly expensive wars, driving up the national debt and tearing apart local economies.
The fact that there is even discussion about waging war with Iran is just mind-boggling!
If it weren't so chaotic for the rest of the world, I'd be sitting on my deck with a margarita watching the collapse of the American empire.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by solo32_98
The US is driving itself into an absolutely ridiculous situation.
It is absolutely preposterous to watch their leaders implode the country, divide the citizens, ignore infrastructure and constitutional rights and then march blindly to incredibly expensive wars, driving up the national debt and tearing apart local economies.
The fact that there is even discussion about waging war with Iran is just mind-boggling!
If it weren't so chaotic for the rest of the world, I'd be sitting on my deck with a margarita watching the collapse of the American empire.

And this years "Darwin award" goes to Solo32_98

Congradulations on your prize for the most ignorant phrase utterd by anyone anywhere.
If you hate America so much - take your stupid sleazy ass to Iraq and catch one of our taxpayer paid-for bombs and shut up.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 11:56 AM
You know, after he lost the 1992 election, GWB's father, in what many saw as a vindictive move, suddenly decided to use the U.S. military for a "humanitarian" Somalia, leaving a big headache for the next President to deal with.

If a democrat wins, it wouldn't surprise me if GWB did the same thing...not a "humanitarian" mission in this case. Rather, something like bombing Iran to create a huge headache for the next President. The neocons in his administration have demonstrated themselves to be incredibly vindictive people.

Plus, it would be totally consistent with the plans of the neocons associated with the Project for a New American Century.

But I'll also agree that this story keeps resurfacing and has for years and nothing has happened yet. So it might just be a ruse to get the Iranians to negotiate.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

Wow so much hate. All he did was state the truth and if you can't see that then your not very bright. Most likely ignorant.

I feel the same way but I love America. It's called being a patriot. Falling in line and going along with whatever propaganda they spew is not American.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

And which "ignorant" phrase would that be?
The one about your leaders ignoring the well being of their constituents and driving their country to the brink of collapse?

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by solo32_98

What "BRINK"?????

i'm not blindly following anybody. What collapse????????

This country has never been so prosperous!

You can say "well the housing slump"
That was caused by politicians telling banks they HAVE to loan money to people regardless of this and that. So banks loan the money to these people who CLEARLY cannot pay it back (and probably got the loan because they're a minority...face facts) and when the homes defaulted, the banks got hurt. Its called risky lending...educate yourself on it.

You can say "high gas prices"

Europe, Chinda, Japan, Russia, etc etc etc etc etc.
Its because the greedy Saudi bastards are getting more greedy and are recognizing that this is their moment to capitalize. They can charge whatever they want because we have no choice but to pay it. That does not make it "on the brink of collapse"

Milk has increased an average of 60 cents per gallon. So the next time you listen to fat-assed house wife on the news who is complaining "i cant even afford to feed my 19 children because 'milkuhhh' has gone up so high" remind yourself that its only 60cents and if that fat bitch didnt have so many kids and a job at McDonalds part-time, then she could afford it.

Im not angry at you for thinking this way - im angry at liberals who have an agenda against conservatives and take it this far. They are dilluting your thoughts with "the collapse of an empire"

This isnt 2000 b.c.
America isnt Rome.

Why did Rome collapse? Ask yourself that.

America is going no where. Ever. Unless God wishes it to be so, of course.

You dont have to have blind patriotism to be a patriot, but saying "america will collapse!!!" is NOT patriotism, its' anarchy, and how dare you mistake one for the other.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by solo32_98
Do you ever have an axe to grind!

Huh? Why would you say that? Oh, I see.....the guy spewing hatred towards America does NOT have a axe to grind but since I am defending America from obvious extreme talking points somehow I have the axe to grind. Ok, got it.

Boy, this says a lot about you and it's not good.

you seem to be plodding along to the all too familiar drum roll of patriotic BS that you've been fed for too many years in the US.

Ok, so what?
It's better than plodding along to the all too familiar drum roll of anti-american BS that you've been fed for too many years. You have been brainwashed by the liberal mindset and cannot think for yourself. You just believe and spew the same old tired talking points. Think man!

If you cared at all about people other than yourself, you would realize that when your neighbor is doing well, you are doing well; that there is no more room for self-centered, flag waving, blind patriotism in this world. If we are to survive we ALL must put aside our conceit, ego's, pride, politics and prejudices and assist each other. Is it so hard for you to care about someone other than yourself?

Wow, you got all that about me from one post.

You must be the smartest person in the entire world or you can read minds. Which is it?

Please....take your faux outrage elsewhere because I am not buying what you are selling which is brainwashed liberal dribble of which cannot hold up to any sort of logical thought.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by WhatTheory]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:42 PM

you're my new favorite poster

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by ybab hsur

This country may not be on the brink of collapse but our freedoms are definitley on the brink of collapse.

They want you to think everything is ok.

O I see you believe in god and yet you seem to spew the most hatred out. Just saying.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by theendisnear69]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ybab hsur

you're my new favorite poster

Thanks, and you make some excellent and intelligent posts yourself.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
reply to post by ybab hsur

This country may not be on the brink of collapse but our freedoms are definitley on the brink of collapse.

They want you to think everything is ok.

O I see you believe in god and yet you seem to spew the most hatred out. Just saying.

[edit on 28-5-2008 by theendisnear69]

What "hatred" am i spewing? I've been talking about ANTI-hatred. This "solo" guy clearly hates America - i clearly love it.

I said that solo gets the darwin award for his comment about the "Collapse of the American Empire"

Thats a very stupid thign to say, but for me to call him out on it isnt hate.

What i do hate is people with mindless rhetoric.
Your name alone says everythign i need to know about you - "the end is near"

Yes i believe in God, that is the only thing in your reply that you got right.

Go back to the "the US govt is responsible for AIDS" posts and leave the real talk to the big boys and girls.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 12:51 PM
oh - and on the "loosing our freedoms"

A freedom should not exist if it creates a serious cause for concern.

"Freedom of speech" doesnt mean you can walk onto the street and hit a black guy, call him a n***er and away with it.

"Freedom of religion" doesnt mean that if your religion says you can have 10 wifes, it makes it so.

But the freedom to go unchecked in this country is what led to 9/11 in the first place. If we had the govt then, that we have now, 9/11 would never have happened. So you go ahead and complain that you're loosing freedoms, because the only thing i see different about post-9/11 USA is that there are far too many liberal hippies that need shipped off to a 3rd world country if they love it there so much.

That being said - im assuming you can't even name the "Freedoms" that have been taken away from you. (because none have)

I issue you that challange, and anxiously await your mindnumbing reply

[edit on 28-5-2008 by ybab hsur]

[edit on 28-5-2008 by ybab hsur]

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