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The World Should Be Turned Into a Giant Police State

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posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness

And no, once the NWO is in power, there will be no more crime and violence...

i really wish i could contact people like you 20 years down the road, when American is in the same boat it is in right now with no NWO ruling the world just so i can tell you how paranoid and wrong you were.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:24 PM
Here is something tough for all to chew on, the human race does indeed deserve something alright. We've been asking for it for along time now and I believe (and its just my opinion) that we are very soon about to get it. And if its what I think it is, if I'm right you better pray to whatever God you believe in the OP's idea comes true and not mine. And you also better understand that we don't deserve it. We could have done alot better, but thats not what the people asked for. You can't point your finger or place the blame anywhere else, this is what the majority of the people in this world has chosen. Everyone wants someone else to come in and save them right!!! Well you asked for it, everyone is always talking about judgement day, guess what its coming. What happens when you are incapable of fixing a problem on your own? Some one else has to come in and do it for you, and chances are your not going to like the way they do it but nevertheless it has to be done!

[edit on 5/30/2008 by XcLuciFer]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by WinoBot

Paranoid ? I'm not paranoid...I want this to happen, i believe the human race is capable of much more than we are now...

Although certain people aren't capable of is they who will dig the ditches when the NWO steps in..

Mankind is meant to be ruled by the strong, and only the strong will survive...

Most of the human race are sheep, and will do as they are told, because they are too lazy to think for themselves...

The NWO won't take over guns blazing....they will coax you into your cages, and you won't even know it is being done...

Hell, we are already more than halfway there, and still most of you think you have "freedom"

When in fact you have nothing....all you have is illusion...

Now once again....go back to your black boxes for further programming....

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness

Soldier, I also think they are attempting to take control of the planet, and are already off to a good start.

How do you see it going down? and when, any predictions?

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness

Now once again....go back to your black boxes for further programming....

you're a complete fool if you believe this. and i'm even more of a fool for posting a response. you keep spouting out this rediculous crap about how we are sheep and have barley any freedom, but you arn't basing it on anything. can you give a few examples of what freedoms we do not have? or is this just relative to your own personal beliefs about what freedom should actually be... a world free of governments and coorperations. do the world a favor and stop posting this crap and go watch fight club 100 more times.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:00 PM
Already done, it was called the 3rd Reich.

You are calling for a 4th Reich, run by Israel using West as Banking and security enforcer ?

If I were Anti-Christ I would run AIPAC and Big Oil, nobody can go w/o oil and nobody dare challenge a persecuted Jew that survived the holocaust .

Fitting that a non Christ religion would have been infiltrated by Anti-Christ and a crooked Oil Cartel would be endless money vault as the endless war profiteering of the war not meant to be won........aka War on Drugs scam that populates private prisons with non-violent slaves, Private Prisons money launder and import the same drugs.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:03 PM
2 words that crossed my mind while reading your post were
gimp , control freak

i bet you've been in the army or fantasize about joining
or are part of some "law"-enforcing group

i would fight a world you describe to my last breath
your point of view probably has some psychological motives
i don't even feel sorry for you only disgusted
and i hope you will never make it into a position where you will have any power over other people

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:10 PM

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:41 PM
Sounds to me like the Howard Government hs a lot to answer for. I say that because anyone who could come up with the very naieve rubbish in the OP couldn't possibly be old enough to remember any previous Governments. Grow up lad.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness
reply to post by WinoBot

Although certain people aren't capable of is they who will dig the ditches when the NWO steps in..

Mankind is meant to be ruled by the strong, and only the strong will survive...Paranoid ? I'm not paranoid...I want this to happen, i believe the human race is capable of much more than we are now...

When in fact you have nothing....all you have is illusion...

Now once again....go back to your black boxes for further programming....

The strong?
That is you, I presume?
Sorry, the reasoning looks very childish here. The statements sound like politcal sketsches in overdrive. Monty Python?

The strong is just another human with more economical or emotional power than you. As I said earlier control is in the hands of the ones that WANT to control, they are messing things, not the sheep as you call them.

By exibiting the same attitude as the one you assume the "controlling people" have, you do not get the same power. Certainly not on a intellectual level.

You last remark is very childish and downright insulting to all the readers. I hereby ask the adminstrators to give you a warning. They need to be strong when someone is misbehaving, as you say yourself.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Pjotr]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 10:06 PM
To the OP, my God, I have read some ridiculous and not so bright posts before but yours really must take the prize. Do you know anything about history? You say you're 24 years old, my God how sheltered your life must be to spout such nonsense. You say you're an occultist and belong to a secret Temple, you sure you're not just some deluded twit with an egotistical Freudian oedipedal complex (all this talk of need for control is very Freudian). Was your father overly strict by any chance?

So time for a little history lesson oh deluded Soldier of Darkness. Your concepts and your input into what you imagine would be a better future are totally unoriginal. Even the point system you seem to want to claim originality on has already been done. Even the computer controller at the top has already been done. And you know what the result was? Probably the worst genocide of the 20th century.

No, I am not talking about Nazi German and no I am not talking about Stalinist Russia. I am talking about the incredible horror that was Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge dominated Cambodia. One of the worst afflictions ever visited upon humanity.

1975 was year zero for Cambodia, Pol Pot and his cronies transformed an educated society into a peasant class of slaves. Anyone that could read and write was executed, anyone that wore glasses was executed, anyone that used articulate words in their everyday speech was tortured and executed. The reason for this was very simple, Pol Pot did not want free and educated people under him that would question the machine of tyranny and death that he was implementing. A point system was awarded against each person, only in this case the more points you had against you the more chance you had of meeting the torturers.

The 'computer' which controlled this massive operation of slavery and death was called S-21 or Tuol Sleng. S-21 was not only a prison and extermination complex it was also an incredibly well organized beaurocracy. The Khmer Rouge were incredible beaurocrats, everything to the last little detail was noted down, examined and cross-examined.

The vastness of the S-21 project was nothing short of amazing. All Cambodians were given orders to write down a personal autobiography, detailing everything about their lives, what they did, where they were on certain occasions etc. A year later, they were ordered to write another autobiography detailing exactly the same information. Both autobiographies were then checked and re-checked and if any inconsistencies arose you would be taken to S-21 for torture and probable execution.

An example of S-21 amazing beaurocracy can be seen in the incredibly disturbing photographs they took of people about to be executed. The Khmer Rouge were remarkable record keepers and every killing had to be recorded, photographed and documented so that it could be fed into the amazing 'computer' that was S-21.

So, not to waste any more time on replying to such a frankly stupid thread, I think you need to get to know history a little better. Heck, forget history, get to know yourself a little better because you seriously need to grow up!

[edit on 30-5-2008 by sapatos]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:37 AM

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by fLANKED

So your saying you would be happy to live in a world where you have no freedom or choices in how you run and live your life?

Didn't a famous occultist once state that "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" that sounds pretty out of control to me and in my opinion they are the ones who set up this world (not alone of course).

Okay, if you are going to quote Crowley at least give him credit. And further, if you read Crowley you would also know that he said that you will also have consequences to face for doing as thou wilt. He was speaking of free will, to live as you choose, not to destroy and maim without care or repercussion.

And as far as welcoming a NWO, while we have all been debating its going to happen, it has been happening. It is happening around us all now. Bush insists on war on terror yet allows Arab oil to rise in cost while the terrorists enjoy better funding for IEDs and other weapons to kill civilians as well as troops.

As far as "terminating" the sick, why not just cure them? Oh, that's right, the AMA and the drug companies have suppressed cures so that they can maintain health care as a profit making business. Diseases including cancers are caused by either what we consume and breathe or viruses (which we probably consume or breathe.) Cures have been around for a long time, they were suppressed because they are not going to generate profits.

And as someone pointed out, so long as what we do does not infringe on the freedoms or harm others, we are free to do as we damn well please, without someone else's opinions infringing on our freedoms.
But I do agree that we can do away with money and even land ownership. We all have basic needs that can be met by barter and trade. Education would be provided but not under a government mandate of what should or must me taught.

Power generation locally, using sustainable resources, wind, sun, battery storage. All electric vehicles that can get power wirelessly. This isn't future tech, it is available now.

It is possible to live a good life without being controlled by a government or religious hierarchy whose very existence breeds the greed and lust for power that we are seeking to eliminate.

To create a new paradigm, we must first cease energizing the old one.

FM - No Static At All

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness
This is my own personal view.

I believe we humans have gotten to a state of mind where we are completely out of control, and i believe we should be controlled.

There is too much information, too much freedom, too much violence, terror and abuse in this world.

I for one welcome the NWO, and i can just hope they do the job properly, the world will be a better place for it.

I've been doing research for YEARS on what is REALLY making things tick, who or what is behind all of this, & I quite frankly was tempted to sacrifice my account here on ATS by cussing you out HARDCORE, because you are an insult to EVERYONE that is suffering from the tyranny that is only rising, & the ignorance of people like you is only helping it along... - But I'm intelligent, & will put you in your place without insulting you, even though you have insulted everyone who is being MURDERED in the War, & all the female babies in China that are being drowned in tubs in front of their Mothers. - Perhaps you should've been drowned in a tub, so I wouldn't have to waste my time here posting this, & so many others like myself would be spared the shock of your opinion... I just woke up to your post, & I'm MAD AS HELL!

I for one welcome the possibility that many of us can see through the manipulation, wake up, & see that things are out of control by design; people only care about their image, how much money they make, how shiny their car is (even though it's ANCIENT technology to be burning fuel) , because society has been engineered to make us think a certain way. - Perhaps the suppression of psychedelic drugs that connect us to Gais, nature, Mother Earth has something to do with it. - I welcome the time when we will all walk the streets PEACEFULLY, talking OPENLY about the extraterrestrial influence on our world to create government , banking systems & religions to divide & conquer, & put all the IRRATIONAL skeptics, & followers (SLAVES) of the government's EVIL plans & SLAVES to the Oil industry that sit in their cars for hours without even moving (idling) into an arena to be forced to view conspiracy documentary films they refused to even look at, & thus is the reason why they are still grinning, mocking, fools, ready to be destroyed by the NWO they support, whether they know it (like the OP) or not. - If the ignorance in the arena is not reduced to Zero, the skeptics will be LAUGHED AT until they die of hunger. - Seems harsh, but it's a heck of a lot more deserving & logical than what you suggest. - Your little 'personal view' makes me think you're a 12 years old, but given that the governments that you clearly support are putting fluoride & Aspartame in everything, you could be any age; just dumbed down, LOL

Too much freedom? What Planet are you from, JERK?
Too much violence? - That's one thing you got right, but if you've done any proper research you would see that it's all caused by the elite. -Every War has been funded by the UN - Both sides, & when a crackhead kills an old lady by hitting her too hard to take her purse, it's because the Governments bring in the crack & heroin, .... When someone beats you up, it's because we are all disturbed by this artificial system that is wreaking havok on ALL aspects of life, & we are not occupying good jobs that are really helping make this a better place, like working in a solar panel factory, or being a Shaman. ... oh forget it... I'm talking to a wall. Just another brick on the bottom of the pyramid...
Terror? - That's a MAJOR error on your part - You are part of the less than 20% of people that believe AlCIAda is hiding under your bed.... - The rest of us, 80% (And I'm not even in the US) are fully aware that Terrorism is BULL, & it's a no brainer that if you want to protect a country, you keep the troops home to protect the BORDERS. - Searching CITIZENS?Women W baby carages?

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness

You are right. most of us do not want to be accountable or take responsibility for living, so we blame it on others, call it Satan vs. the Lord, and pray that Allah or Jesus will save us. Well here is what is true about that:

Those that preach that bullpuckey are no better than the NWO pushers that still want to make us all sheeple, to obey and fall in line under strict controls. I can only speak for myself, and I would oppose and reject all of that as I have all of my life.

If you feel you need control outside of your own being, then by all means seek it, embrace it, and allow it to run your life. As for me, I take responsibility for all of my thoughts and actions, and act with accountability, without the necessity for someone or some law to be there to warn me of punishment for actions that would do harm.

The world that you propose would reduce us to domesticated animals, waiting for slaughter as the next carnivorous specie's dietary delight.
Wake up and smell the java, and take responsibility for your own life.

FM No Static At All

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 11:36 AM
Hmmm I'm getting to think it is the other way around. We are being deluted to the fact that freedom is just all an illusion due to the fact of the reality of being controlled.

We can change that by thinking that our freedom is reality and that control is just an illusion, and I think it really is. Control is a distraction to our reality. From getting bogged down from entertainment, to the media. We all have a choice to avoid these distractions.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by memyself_I

I am a mother. And I do not agree with anything you said.

There is no way in hell I would hand over the safety of my child to anyone else.

Invasive medicine.
Public school.
Commercial food.
Big business.
Big Pharma.

THIS mother will not be leading anyone into NWO, nor demanding it, nor even looking int the general direction of. THIS mother understands her own personal power over and above her own personal responsibilities. THIS mother shows her child the Source of this power. THIS mother does not resist. THIS mother EMPOWERS.

We are not pawns, unless we choose to be.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by The Soldier Of Darkness

Well in that case maybe you should make a little trip to cuba or better yet try to get arrested as a terrorist and see how that feels, to have everything controlled.
In todays time we are faced with absolute power and corruption where things are free, it is that what we are still fighting for, and if it were to be a police run world, then i guess we can just leave the taliban alone because thats excatly what they were doing, and we all know how well that has worked out for them and the rest of the world.
Taking away basic rights of a human being is not the way to run the world.
Get out of your house and your city maybe travel a little, that should change your course of thought.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

Well fiftyfifty in my experience if you don't act on something or contribute to society you are just part of the problem personally i don't think this police state thing will work but i don't think that some utopia is going to just spring up out of the ground either this your generation why don't you take it into your own hands and make something of yourself before you go crying on the internet like some pansy @#%/?#! all of your views are just a little to self centered i'm going to guess you're about 17
you probably think the world is your oyster i'm sure you're aware of whats going on in iraq you can't watch tv without seeing it well i've got first hand experience from that @#$%! hole man if you could see what i've seen all of you're sensibilities would count for nothing on the police state topic it would never work man is as gentle as a wild tiger when caged and he would have no fear of death because what more would he have to lose you would only promote genocide

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by The Soldier Of Darkness
reply to post by WinoBot

Paranoid ? I'm not paranoid...I want this to happen, i believe the human race is capable of much more than we are now...

Although certain people aren't capable of is they who will dig the ditches when the NWO steps in..

Mankind is meant to be ruled by the strong, and only the strong will survive...

Most of the human race are sheep, and will do as they are told, because they are too lazy to think for themselves...

The NWO won't take over guns blazing....they will coax you into your cages, and you won't even know it is being done...

Hell, we are already more than halfway there, and still most of you think you have "freedom"

When in fact you have nothing....all you have is illusion...

Now once again....go back to your black boxes for further programming....

Just thought I'd tell you - I get it.

It's been in the works since the beginning of "man".

True or Symbolism?: "The War in Heaven" - was it a real war between higher evolved beings fighting over control of Earth and Mankind?

Anyway - I would have been at the Boston Tea Party - - because we must evolve.

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