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Improvised Munitions

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 05:18 PM
An improvised weapon is one you use when you can't get your hands on a regular weapon.

The zip gun is one example. A modified "potato gun" could be another. Or just black powder and some galvanized pipe can become an improvised weapon.

These are not choice items.

These are last resort items, and since Delta has a wonderland of weapons to choose from, this claim makes no sense.

One would never choose an inferior, usually single shot improvised weapon over a production or production/modified weapon.

I would question as to whether this guy was in Delta. Usually, they're kind of quiet about their employment.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
Hello all. I'm brand new to this forum and I wanted to inquire about something I haven't been able to find anywhere.

My friend was telling me about a weapon used by Delta Force called an Improvised Munitions rifle, or something along those lines. He said basically that the gun can use anything as ammunition. Melt sand into glass shards, compress snow into ice balls, etc. I haven't been able to find anything about this weapon on the internet, and I figured why not ask about it here.

Has anyone heard of this gun? Is it real? Is my friend mistaken? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Pipe-guns, will not spin such loosely packed materials. However, will accelerate like a shotgun, with direction.

DO NOT assume you know how, don't really even do it. As, they are HIGHLY ILLEGAL, and unless you're an ATF agent investigating, or leading to, don't make one.

If you must, stand clear and do the min. 1000+ firings. If not, you'll be the target.
Do not use tempered alloys, too brittle. Which leave out stockyard mat's.
Make your own, with melt downs of non-conductive and metallics. Where I won't get into the receipt.

Non conduction is necessary due to the forces of propulsion expanding outward, and if a tiny spark is generated will cause a leading wave of pressure that will blow you apart.

You may, emphasize MAY, find info on this with local agencies and hospital attendees.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Probably a blank (cartridge sans bullet) where the power of the discharged gases is used to projection....whatever (much like they used for a gun based RPG).

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Faisca

This technology was featured in the novel Deception Point by Dan Brown.
Two main characters are attacked by by a group of Delta Agents who fire at them and incapacitate two of their friends with these weapons.
This is probably where your friend heard bout this technology

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:45 PM
Improvised Munitions TM 31-210

Field Manual for Soldiers, stuff for if your stuck behind enemy lines,

Viet Nam Era MacGuyver stuff.

there is really no reason for civilians to own this... i used to have it when i was 13, bought it at a Army Surplus Store... there are pdfs of it all over the net...

i was gonna post the link to it but its something i dont think should be in a forum like this... the table of contents is down right bad stuff

Table of Contents
Section 0 — Introduction
0.1 Purpose and Scope
0.2 Safety and Reliability
0.3 User Comments
Section 1 — Explosives and Propellants (including igniters)
1.1 Plastic Explosive Filler
1.2 Potassium Nitrate
1.3 Improvised Black Powder
1.4 Nitric Acid
1.5 Initiator for Dust Explosions
1.6 Fertilizer Explosive
1.7 Carbon Tet – Explosive
1.8 Fertilizer AN-Al Explosive
1.9 “Red or White Powder” Propellant
1.10 Nitric Acid/Nitrobenzene (“Hellhoffite”) Explosive
1.11 Optimized Process for Cellulose/Acid Explosives
1.12 Methyl Nitrate Dynamite
1.13 Urea Nitrate Explosive
1.14 Preparation of Copper Sulfate (Pentahydrate)
1.15 Reclamation of RDX from C4
1.16 TACC (Tetramminecopper (II) Chlorate)
1.17 HMTD
1.18 Potassium or Sodium Nitrite and Litharge (Lead Monoxide)
1.19 DDNP
1.20 Preparation of Lead Picrate
1.21 Preparation of Picric Acid from Aspirin
1.22 Double Salts
1.23 Sodium Chlorate
1.24 Mercury Fulminate
1.25 Sodium Chlorate and Sugar or Aluminum Explosive
Section 2 — Mines and Grenades
2.1 Pipe Hand Grenade
2.2 Nail Grenade
2.3 Wine Bottle Cone Charge
2.4 Grenade-Tin Can Land Mine
2.5 Mortar Scrap Mine
2.6 Coke Bottle Shaped Charge
2.7 Cylindrical Cavity Shaped Charge
2.8 Not Available
2.9 Funnel Shaped Charge
2.10 Linear Shaped Charge
Section 3 — Small Arms Weapons and Ammunition
3.1 Pipe Pistol for 9 mm Ammunition
3.2 Shotgun (12 gauge)
3.3 Shotshell Dispersion Control
3.4 Carbine (7.62 mm Standard Rifle Ammunition)
3.5 Reusable Primer
3.6 Pipe Pistol for .45 Caliber Ammunition
3.7 Match Gun
3.8 Rifle Cartridge
3.9 Pipe Pistol for .38 Caliber Ammunition
3.10 Pipe Pistol for .22 Caliber Ammunition — Long or Short Cartridge
3.11 Low Signature System
Section 4 — Mortars and Rockets
4.1 Recoilless Launcher
4.2 Shotgun Grenade Launcher
4.3 Grenade Launcher (57 mm Cardboard Container)
4.4 Fire Bottle Launcher
4.5 Grenade Launchers
4.6 60 mm Mortar Projectile Launcher
Section 5 — Incendiary Devices
5.1 Chemical Fire Bottle
5.2 Igniter from Book Matches
5.3 Mechanically Initiated Fire Bottle
5.4 Gelled Flame Fuels
5.4.1 Lye Systems
5.4.2 Lye-Alcohol Systems
5.4.3 Soap-Alcohol System
5.4.4 Egg White Systems
5.4.5 Latex Systems
5.4.6 Wax Systems
5.4.7 Animal Blood Systems
5.5 Acid Delay Incendiary
5.6 Improvised White Flare
5.7 Improvised Iron Oxide
5.8 Improvised Yellow Flare
5.9 Improvised White Smoke Munition
5.10 Improvised Black Smoke Munition
Section 6 — Fuses, Detonators & Delay Mechanisms
6.1 Electric Bulb Initiator
6.2 Fuse Igniter from Book Matches
6.3 Delay Igniter from Cigarette
6.4 Watch Delay Timer
6.5 No-Flash Fuse Igniter
6.6 Dried Seed Timer
6.7 Fuse Cords
6.7.1 Fast Burning Fuse
6.7.2 Slow Burning Fuse
6.8 Clothespin Time Delay Switch
6.9 Time Delay Grenade
6.10 Can-Liquid Time Delay
6.11 Short Term Time Delay for Grenade
6.12 Long Term Time Delay for Grenade
6.13 Detonator
Section 7 — Miscellaneous
7.1 Clothespin Switch
7.2 Mousetrap Switch
7.3 Flexible Plate Switch
7.4 Metal Ball Switch
7.5 Altimeter Switch
7.6 Pull-Loop Switch
7.7 Knife Switch
7.8 Improvised Scale
7.9 Rope Grenade Launching Technique
7.10 Bicycle Generator Power Source
7.11 Automobile Generator Power Source
7.12 Improvised Battery (Short Lasting)
7.13 Improvised Battery (2 Hour Duration)
7.14 Armor Materials
Appendix 1 — Primary High Explosives
A1.1 Mercury Fulminate
A1.2 Lead Styphnate
A1.3 Lead Azide
Appendix 2 — Secondary High Explosives
A2.1 TNT
A2.2 Nitro

[edit on 9-2-2009 by werk71]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:29 AM
compacted snow is too weak because the bonds between snowflakes are too weak but if they had a way to parcially melt it then it might be possible
This is because ice is quite tough it has similar crystaline structure as diamond

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