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Why are Atheists...Atheists?

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posted on May, 30 2008 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Morality has no standard thats the problem, we all customize life to our own wants and desires to what we want and not to what is right.

You said "to what we want and not to what is right".

Huh? How can you say such thing Drakir?

If there is no standard how do you know what is right?

What are you measuring by - if not a standard?

well Drakir?

[edit on 5/30/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy

Originally posted by Drakiir
reply to post by Bigwhammy

Morality has no standard thats the problem, we all customize life to our own wants and desires to what we want and not to what is right.

You said "to what we want and not to what is right".

Huh? How can you say such thing Drakir?

If there is no standard how do you know what is right?

What are you measuring by - if not a standard?

well Drakir?

[edit on 5/30/2008 by Bigwhammy]

That's the problem with subjective morality whammy is that it comes down to what ever WE think is right, IS right.

I have heard Atheists use this kind of pop-psychology to justify their own morality using such cliches as "Atheists do right because it's the right thing to do", leaving me somewhat dumbfounded by the glaring question in that statement that goes un-answered, that being, yeah well just what IS right?

What's right for you may not be perfectly acceptable behavior for another.

Just seeing the many asinine completely ignorant and idiotic claims this so called intellectually superior group of people make about Christians and Christianity speaks volumes to how contradictory they can be.

Just seeing how they take every opportunity where if something or someone has done something to cause harm to another, the first thing they do is rather than investigate the provocation for the act, they first want to know if it was a theist so they can make a connection to theism rather than what the facts are.

We have seen them do this time and time again and it is testimony to the absolute untrustworthy fallacious and irresponsible devil may care prejudice they have polluted Science with, replacing honest, impartial, forthright objectivity with bias, discrimination and angst aggression against anything, and I mean anything having religious, moral implications.

We have seen this attitude expressed in the best selling books where they have repeated the same sentiments as the authors to justify many arguments that are baseless, unfounded while still others are completely and purposefully orchestrated to substantiate their reasoning while the data they use has been either manufactured of fabricated.

I have seen them use Jail statistics to prove Atheists as the least likely to commit a crime when the accuracy of that kind of statistic using the data they are using is so absolutely ridiculous, it is understandable why most of the other claims they make are so easy to exploit as bunk upon serious examination.

If a bunch of gay men beat me, injuring me severely because I'm a straight, white male, no will argue that a history of discrimination and violence against straight, white males renders this attack as a hate crime against white males. If the opposite were to happen?

Yeah you bet it would be called a hate crime.

This is one of the the many items for Atheists who are so busy re-writing laws to protect them and their Ally's the Buddhists and gay activists. They have been the largest most industrious group of history revisionists also. Topics ranging from issues about the holocaust never happening to Christ never existing. By and large we see them wanting the NWO and are busy defending freedom of speech for pedophiles and convicted sex crimes defendants, while methodically taking our own religious freedom of expression away piece by piece. We see it all over the Internet and as AshleyD's thread "gullibility of evolution" has proven, the first to defend Evolution, isn't Scientists but ATHEIST'S and they have done it with such religious fervor that their is no question to the striking similarities and that it is a religion to them, not science at all.

This so called Science community whose posting styles are always framed where they are speaking for Science in first person experientially assumed posts as if THEY were Scientists when what we usually find is they are NOT and just think they are. We have seen in this thread the blatant bold, stuck up, conceit, over exaggerated opinions they have of themselves and other Atheist's merely because they are Atheist's.

When you have Zoo Keeper Dick Dawkins, and Professional Narcissist Sam Harris making sweeping statements such as "Atheist's are the most intelligent" of our society, it is something these people as a group will not only accept as a compliment but will believe as fact when the fact is, Sam Harris is so full of himself, so fond of his opinions he believes his own BS. We saw this when he started using theism as the reason for 911 WTC tragedy saying it wasn't Atheists crashing those planes into buildings as if being Muslim was the reason they did it and not the political facts behind the whole thing.

This is the kind of morality we can expect from Atheists like this moreover if it HAD been Atheist's, you can bet they would language their way out from under taking responsibility for it by saying "It wasn't done in the name of Atheism.

You may ask yourself, "well what the hell ever is?"

That is where Atheists will drop names like Bill Gates to attache themselves to acts of charity riding on Bills Coat tails of Atheism to show they are generous giving people even though Bill never gives to any charity in the name of Atheism.

We see this double standard for Double speak and circular semantics all the time. It is just a clever way to deceive people, another way they lie so often seen it has fast become a stereotype that fits them hand to glove.

Christians have always admitted we are a very flawed people who often Miss the mark and are guilty of many a tragedy throughout history, but getting an Atheist to apologise or even admit their is even a remote possibility they are wrong is next to impossible when the supposition is put to them by a Christian.

We have seen the blunt repugnant and absolutely disgusting hatred and prejudice of the Christian so convincingly but erroneously expressed and displayed by weedwhaker. When his hatred is exploited however, what does this arrogant angry Atheist do?

He completely ignores his monumental hypocrisy and slings even more vile hatred and "Nastiness" as he calls it.

This is the kind of self reflection the Atheist has shown as not what is wrong with them but what is wrong with YOU and finds no shortage of excuses to ridicule others unjustly regardless for the provocation he causes for the treatment he got in the first place.

Not only do we see it with Atheist's who are NOT scientists where they can not be honest with others much less be honest with themselves, we see it at the very top in our Science community and top Scientists.

This is why the argument they give for why we can trust the Scientific method fall so far short of a convincing reason we can trust the so called mountain of evidence supporting evolution.

The Scientific method is only as fool proof as the Scientists are honest and evolution science has a long long history of fraud, deceptive, dishonest cloak and dagger subterfuge even criminal acts against colleagues or anyone questioning the theory of evolution.

Just this past year whammy, senate hearing and a congressional inquest has discovered this is NOT a rumor but in fact it is true and proves once again, that Atheist running our Science Depts in Public Schools, Museum's etc,. that among them, the Atheist / evolutionist are not only liars, manipulators but downright crooks and thugs justifying why we Christians have to constantly examine and re-examine so called evolutionary facts that later turn out to be yet another hoax another scam another lie.

If their is a reason for them to keep religion out of Science, THAT would be it. To make it easier for them to get away with the BS they are known for and the US senate has proven is true.

Yeah it's a FACT.

If someone spray paints a racist slogan on a family's house, apart from the vandalism, how is that different from the constitutionally protected right to hold a demonstration in front of the home with signs that say the same thing?

The Christian pastor killed overseas by angry Muslims is just as dead as the Muslim imam killed by racist punks over here who think they're doing God's work.

I believe someone should be allowed to stand up and say, in public, "I don't want gay people living in my neighborhood."

THIS isn't about hating gays or the over used allegation of bigotry, this is an issue of morality and is where the slogan for doing right because it is the right thing to do is not going to work as a slogan for Atheist morality. If they believe in subjectivism like this, then that would explain the millions of millions of deaths Christians have suffered at the hands of Atheistic regimes. Rather than understand that, what do we see them doing? Rewriting history again saying Christians burned hundreds of thousands of woman during the Salem witch trials when only a dozen were killed and most of the Christian community knows this was wrong then as it is now.

Had it not been for Gays obsession for their "in your face" "this is my lover and I have sex with them" style of getting their message across when their message is none of our damn business, no one asked.

Atheist's have joined them seeing them as a sympathetic ally joining forces using the same logic of liars looped in circular semantics and silly sophomoric sophistry. The double standards are just as obvious as they have always been where they use the distinction for the common denominator of pedophiles being priests to attack religion while enlisting the aid of the ACLU, defending the rigths of Atheist sex crimes convicts who wish to have conjugal visits for consensual sex with boys.

What escapes them is the alarming monumental hypocrisy in that which not only goes unnoticed but rebuffed with the same typical Atheist denial for taking responsibility for the glaring inconsistencies they have in their agenda. They will argue they don't have an agenda or they aren't a cohesive group attempting to stay under the radar as Sam Harris has spoken of in his book "The end of Faith".

I don't know who they think they are fooling with all the shenanigans they are about but they are not fooling me and as long as I am observing this group with a more serious interest, I'll also be watching with more scrutiny making no apologies

for the reasons why

- Con

[edit on 30-5-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 03:52 PM
I'm not a religous person either. I was raised a Christian, but many things have changed in my life and I no longer am a man of faith. I am well educated and religion doesn't make sense to me. It all comes down to one word; Logic!

Please watch this video. Please answer these questions...

You Tube Video

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by MrWilliams

If you had read any of my posts you would understand where I stand. You are making assumptions:

A. That I am religious
B. That I am Christian
C. That I perceive the Bible like the religious do.

I ask that you please go back and read my posts on this thread and perhaps read these other threads of mine? I would really appreciate it!

Thank you so much.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:26 AM
Here's the ultimate contradiction folks.

"Treat others as you would like to be treated".

This is such a retarded philosophy that I almost don't know where to begin and want to trash it altogether.

For one, I want to kill people and I don't want to live anymore. So, I should go do it to others? Pft.

It's treat others as they would like to be treated, not treat others as you would like to be treated.

Reall, I'm tired of your religion now and your illogical Jesus. Peace. Enjoy yourselves Christianity, YOU ruin the world.

[edit on 31-5-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
Here's the ultimate contradiction folks.

For one, I want to kill people and I don't want to live anymore. So, I should go do it to others? Pft.

No you shouldn't -- Get help *snip*!!

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[edit on 31-5-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by Yosimitie Sam

My point exactly. And the morality and morals of Christianity would not help me, they would only serve to worsen my situation.

Do I really feel this way? No, but thank you for taking part in my hypothetical scenerio.

The psychos are the one's that are illogical and don't consider others, rather only theirselves - "do unto others as you would want done unto you."

Some people want to be treated badly, some don't. It's about treating each other how you'd both like to be treated.

You're truly ruining this world with all your non-sense.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

I apologize if you misunderstood i meant YOU need help dude.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Conspiriology

I believe someone should be allowed to stand up and say, in public, "I don't want gay people living in my neighborhood."

Absolutely!!!!! I agree.

well please excuse me I got a message about 1 line post so I will say on another line I would rather not have untreated atheists in my neighborhood either. Now if they are in a atheist treament program thats different. Thank you

[edit on 31-5-2008 by Reverend SamuelTophatJack]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 07:09 AM
I know for an absolute certitude that atheism is a mental illness. I work in the field at a respected S African hospital and we treat it regularly now. It stems from patriarchal abuse and lack of proper religious training. It can be cured with medications counseling and prayer.I usually recomend all three. Atheists are usually such depressed folks we cant get them stabalized without an antidepressant. Once stable we can use loving care to heal the childhood trauma and introduce them to God. It is such a pathologically overwhelming condition that many die unaided.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Reverend SamuelTophatJack
I know for an absolute certitude that atheism is a mental illness.

This is funny. Very funny. I may laugh for days because of this reply.

So basically what you're saying is you work in a camp where you force religion onto anyone that doesn't yet believe in it. Great. Another fanatical radical.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Reverend SamuelTophatJack
Now if they are in an atheist treament program thats different. Thank you

This is getting funnier as it goes.

An athiest treatment program. WOOOWWWW, you guys are funny.

So basically you want to invite me to a camp in Africa, tell me I have problems, drug me up and then have me worship your invisible diety.

I have a decant adoration for my athiesm. Not only is it more intellectual and freely so, it's also not forceful, simply logical.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Yosimitie Sam
I apologize if you misunderstood i meant YOU need help dude.

Oh yeah?

Well maybe you can help me. Please, sir. Tell me what I should do? Fall to my knees and waste time crying and worshipping nothing?

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:22 PM
The word is NULL and VOID
it is a false word it has no meaning.

it is only valid in the confines of the religious context.

one must first except that the religion is valid in order to
use the word as if it were also valid.

anyone see what i`m saying ?

I see 80% of the world(around 5.5 billion people)
clinging to these books ... BOOKS I say.

they all claim to be the ONE TRUE VOICE OF GOD..

its like a sick marketing scam gone crazy.

I am GOD
WE ARE GOD ... don`t you all get it yet?

the desperate man on the corner who will slit your throat
and rob you and laugh at you all at the same time is

don`t think for a second that the ELITE wouldn`t CONJURE up
anything to RULE.....RULE....RULE

they are no different than the guy on the corner.

we are so far into being SHEEPLE that I fear we
will never pull out of it.

brainwahsed in all faucets of our lives.

not just religion........NOOOOOOOOOO

the ELITE take ANY ADVANTAGE they can think of.......ANY

Atheists ??

never heard it... doesn`t exist in my "BOOK"

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Actually what you're saying is that the universe is all and we're all interconnected. That energy is everything and everywhere. I've been saying this for the past 7 pages.

Obviously all is not God. We have a definition for God, and the definition that we are given is not true.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal

Now I do understand the denial overwhelms you to the point you areunable to see clearly. Do not commit suicide please! There is help.
You are not an evil person you are a sick person. Please contact the Samuel TopHatJackson Center For Theological Illness. I shall post an address to my profile as sson as I learn my way aruund this environment

Everyone by now knows that alcoholism is a disease. We know that because it has been repeated thousands of times by authorities on the subject, (such as Alcoholics Anonymous). The possibility that atheism is a also a disease recently occurred to the Atheologist as he was perusing the internet and came across this quote by Plato:

“Atheism is a disease, and a corruption of the soul; and no man ever did an unrighteous act, or uttered an impious word, unless he was a theoretical or practical atheist”

miss work a lot......................................................miss church a lot.
will kill for adrink......................... .........................will kill because they don’t believe in hell.
don’t admit that they have a problem.......................don’t admit that they really believe in God
are not very happy when sober...............................are not very happy listening to sermons.
think they can stop drinking anytime.................think they can stop church and state from merging.
have bad livers........................................................have bad morals.
use any excuse to have a drink.................................use any excuse to annoy theists.
panic when the bottle runs dry...............panic when they think they are losing their war on Christmas.
sometimes get thrown out of bars...............................sometimes get thrown out of jury duty.
often try to stop drinking, but can’t...................often try to prove that God doesn’t exist, but can’t
often hide their drinking...............................................often hide from Mormons.
are not big fans of prohibition........................................are not big fans of Billy Graham.
think drinking and driving laws don’t apply to them..think the 10 commandments don’t apply to them.

Clearly it is a disease.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Reverend SamuelTophatJack]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Reverend SamuelTophatJack
Now I do understand the denial overwhelms you to the point you areunable to see clearly.

This is not true. In fact it's the complete opposite. Your Bible is a contradiction and an illogical mess.

Do not commit suicide please! There is help.

What? What are you talking about crazy? Do you mind if I call you that?

You are not an evil person you are a sick person.

What the heck are you talking about? I'm neither sick nor am I evil. You're deranged...

Please contact the Samuel TopHatJackson Center For Theological Illness. I shall post an address to my profile as sson as I learn my way aruund this environment

omg... save yourself the time and energy. Theology is the illness. You don't cure aids by injecting more aids into the system.

Everyone by now knows that alcoholism is a disease. We know that because it has been repeated thousands of times by authorities on the subject, (such as Alcoholics Anonymous).

It's also an addiction, it could be referred to as a psychological disease, sure. The way to cure this is not through God, it's through psychology. Most people that drink too much have problems in their life such as lack of self control, low self esteem, etc. Whereas others have no problems at all, they simply enjoy drinking. They kee it inside of their house and they harm no one. They are happy drunks and happy sobers. It's all about the people, not necessarily the substance.

“Atheism is a disease, and a corruption of the soul; and no man ever did an unrighteous act, or uttered an impious word, unless he was a theoretical or practical atheist”

I have never seen this quote before, nonetheless it does not surprise me coming from such a religious illogical zealot. You're still trapped in the confines of millenea old philosophies. So I'm just curious. What is your defense of all the priests that are molesting children? Are they Athiest in disguise, giving the church a bad name?


I hope you're not serious. I know plenty of alcoholics that are religious and I know plenty of athiests that are not alcoholics. Take me for example.

miss work a lot........miss church a lot.

They don't miss church. Trust me. I don't go because it's the most ignorant place I've ever been. I recognized this when I was 5 years old.

will kill for adrink....... will kill because they don’t believe in hell.

But it's okay to kill for God, right? And it's okay for God to kill, though he gave us free will. Anytime he gets angry that we are excercising our free will he'll just go ahead and vaporize us, right?

I can not give a serious reply to the rest of your post. I hope that this was sarcasm. If it wasn't then you need to practice being more gregarious.

You're a fanatic, you're the type that have me scared for the future of this world.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Reverend SamuelTophatJack

Maybe you have more in common with the 'reverend' Jim Jones, than any sort of 'hospital' did say you're in Africa, correct?

By the way, you're full of nonsense, (trying to sell us your Kool-Aid, perhaps?) with the 'patriarchal abuse' claptrap.

My father never hurt me, never abused me in ANY way!!!!

On the other hand, my friend, devout Catholic, had a very abusive (also Catholic) father, who cheated on his wife, and left the family to fend for themselves. Oh, and he was a drunk Irishman.....that one, the abusive much for your 'theories'....

So.....which father exhibited 'patriarchal abuse'???

Really, either you are just making jokes, or you are in serious need of a mental evaluation. I'm guessing you're just having a bit of fun, because I'd hate to imagine the alternative.

[edit on 6/1/0808 by weedwhacker]
edits for spelling, extra text.

[edit on 6/1/0808 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:47 AM
I don't know about youtwo specifically but I many by far the mjority of atheism victims I treat also suffer from gender identification issues. For example there is ahigh incidence of atheism amongst homosexuals. It i also a sociological fact that the vast majority of atheists are substance abusers and alcoholics. Fopr example famous atheist writer Christopher Hitchen frequenty appears drunk on national television. It is no surprise that when you remove God that other temptations like deviant sex pactice and drug abuse take over. Yet like other mental illnesses , it is a curable disease. The difficulty in treatment lies in the denial of the suffering patient.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Reverend SamuelTophatJack're confirming my 'belief' that your are delusional....likely dangerous as well!!

You're comparing ME to Mr. Hitchens? I do not look, nor do I act, anything like him. He's actually quite Right-Wing....weird, huh? A drunk Republican??? Hmmm.......another one comes to mind.......a certain 'Leader of the Free World' who was overheard saying he could not remember whether or not he did coc aine!!!!

Back to the point....I actually prefer the phrase 'secular humanist' as a possible explanation for what I think.

What this entails, is a strong resistance to mythical mind-control techniques, a solid understanding of science and technology, and still a full knowledge that I (unlike the religious zealotry out there) do not have all of the answers.

So....that equates to an open mind. And, a very strong will.

Didn't your imaginary friend, 'god', give us free will????

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