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Michelle Obama - that 'whitey' tape

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posted on May, 20 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
Funny how the people constantly attacking Obama here are the same people who defend Bush... hmmmm...

hmmmm .. I KNOW you aren't talking about me.
If you are .. you are dead wrong.

Originally posted by pavil
till the MSM outlets report it,

At this point it's just going around the internet and in internet chat forums. I haven't seen it reported on SEEBS or BSNBC or any of the rest.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by xmotex

And yet racial anxieties and cultural "wedge" issues - many entirely illusory - are being expertly manipulated once again to keep the very same people in power that have been running this country into the ground for nearly a decade.

Yea just ask Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Rev Wright. Just ask all the politicians that push policy based on racial anxieties. Its funny how many people call out suspicions on the Obama's as illusory, manipulated, racial anxiety and yet support a man that supports affirmative action. Yet another double standard of the Obamaniacs.

Originally posted by xmotex
And from the looks of it, lots of suckers are falling for it...

How very true. People are following Obama like he is the messiah and not thinking any more.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 02:25 PM
link question is does this surprise anyone? Seriously? If you can't read between the lines and see who these people are by now That's like saying you don't know Bill Clinton is a pervert and George Bush is an inept monkey.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

And of course the Republicans went easy on Hillary, right?

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 10:26 PM
Obama is still going to win, so it doesn't really matter. Anyways the same things are still going to happen regardless of who gets voted in office. So sleep tight
and keep dreaming of better dayz. Oh yeah BTW, I'm going for Mccain

[edit on 20-5-2008 by pak88]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 02:44 PM
Story Here

Now there is a rumor about a tape taken of OBAMA himself ... when he was overseas (on taxpayer money) to his 'true homeland' of Africa. Apparently he (allegedly) says some things that he probably didn't want taped. More info on this is due out next week ....

Or perhaps this is just a rumor.
Or perhaps this is true.

Again - I'm reporting what the internet is chatting about.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

OMG, FlyersFan. Keep up the good reporting. It is also kind of fun to watch all the O(bs)ama sycophants squirm as he and his wife proceed to basically "swiftboat" themselves.

BTW, I'm still waiting to see how hillary pulls off the snatching of victory from the jaws of defeat, like I feel she will. Maybe this is how she's going to pull it off - swiftboating a candidate from her own party.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 05:46 PM
It is interesting to see how it all plays out -

Obama and Hillary are no fools - this whole long drawn out primary thing was cooked up between the two camps as soon as the dems realized how it could be used to draw out the republican strategy....while mobilizing their own base steadily...S'why the republicans are treading carefully dribbling tid bits into the rumour mill getting positioned for the big showdown....

The game is large and the game is deep....and the prize is my loyalty and continued cooperation

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 12:57 AM
There's a big difference between intellectually honest criticism and endlessly screeching accusations of racism.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by realshanti
.while mobilizing their own base steadily

From what I have been reading on democratic blog forums (and the Oprah blog forum) the two camps can't stand each other. Most of Hillary's voters won't vote for Obama and a lot of the Obama voters will either not vote for Hillary or stay home.

I don't think they are united at all. The press has crowned Obama as their guy, but Hillary isn't playing by their rules anymore, and neither are her voters. They aren't being brainwashed by the media.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by realshanti
.while mobilizing their own base steadily

From what I have been reading on democratic blog forums (and the Oprah blog forum) the two camps can't stand each other. Most of Hillary's voters won't vote for Obama and a lot of the Obama voters will either not vote for Hillary or stay home.

I don't think they are united at all. The press has crowned Obama as their guy, but Hillary isn't playing by their rules anymore, and neither are her voters. They aren't being brainwashed by the media.

I totally agree with you on this one! I am one of those Clinton supporters who will never vote for Obama. I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's supporters weren't already preparing to protest in some fashion if Obama "win's" the Democratic nominee.

The media makes it worse, of course. Hillary isn't going to back down and that makes me support her more. The people need to be heard, no matter what side they are on. Those who are trying to pressure her into quitting don't realize how many Democrats will not vote for Obama for various reasons. Maybe they're trying to help McCain

I've looked at the Socialist and Libertarian Party's. I'm not sure who will get my vote, but it will not be Obama!

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 06:53 AM
This is real pathetic, how low can the GOP go. Its clear that right wingers cant argue on policies and track records anymore so they turn to childish games.

now lets see here....... either 4 more years of McSame and the republican party or a democrat who intends to change the current path the US is heading into. I think Ill choose the democrats buddy.

hmmmm .. I KNOW you aren't talking about me.
If you are .. you are dead wrong.

How is he/she dead wrong? you seem to be more than happy to defend a third term for Bush, to me your another one of those pro-bushies.

Your suggesting here that some "rumour" should be one of the reasons why people shouldnt vote for Barack Obama and instead vote for another term for Bush, after the last 7years. I’m sorry but this isn’t exactly a good argument
and to add to the list, we'r suppose to take this from Karl Rove? please.

This whole thing about the Obamas being racist is just republican hypocrisy again. I don’t blame blacks for being angry, I mean heck we’re talking 200years of slavery, another 100years of segregation and another 50years of continued inequality and discrimination towards blacks to this very day, and Katrina confirmed the stench of bigotry coming from the GOP party. Its no surprise why there are blacks acting in this manner. Do I agree with this attitude? No I don’t, two wrongs don’t make a right, but my point is that it’s understandable and this whole fake reaction from various groups who are for the most part conservative and anti-Obama, are just for show. It is time for blacks to get over their issues and take responsibility themselves and their future but the anger is still there and the GOP will go so low as to exploit this anger.

Just another tactic the republicans are using this year. “Call them racist so we don’t get accused for being racist from our racist tactics.”

By the way you should have seen the ad put up during the elections for the Northern Mississippi seat, boy that went splashing for the republicans, so did the Louisiana elections... im sure this one will to.

[edit on 22-5-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
right wingers cant argue on policies and track records anymore so they turn to childish games.


1 - exposing the racism of a potential POTUS and his chief advisor - the potential First Lady - are not 'childish games'.

2 - Political tactics are what win elections. This is the way it's always been done. Obama is doing the same damn thing. No hope. No change. No unity.

you seem to be more than happy to defend a third term for Bush, to me your another one of those pro-bushies.

:shk: If you had bothered to read my posts over the years you'd know better than to post this drivel. I INTEND TO VOTE FOR RON PAUL.

1 - Where exactly did I defend Bush (nowhere)? Point it out.
Good luck with that.

2 - McCain is NOT a third Bush term no matter how much the Obamatrons want people to think that. BTW - that's an election year TACTIC - and you are resorting to it. (Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones southern-guardian!)

Your suggesting here that some "rumour" should be one of the reasons why people shouldnt vote for Barack Obama and instead vote for another term for Bush,

:shk: You didn't even bother to read the damn thread, did you?

1 – That’s a lie. No where did I suggest that this 'rumor' was a reason to vote for McCain.

2 - Again, McCain is NOT a third Bush term. (By stating that McCain is a third bush term you are guilty of exactly what you are accusing me of)

3 - We are discussing the rumor, who could have started it, why they would have started it, and we are questioning if it could be true or just an election year tactic.

we'r suppose to take this from Karl Rove? please.

:shk: Oh please, right back at you.

If you had bothered to read the thread you’d know that the rumor is ABOUT Karl Rove … not that it was started by him. It COULD have been started by him, but if the rumor is true then Rove wouldn’t want the info leaked out.

This whole thing about the Obamas being racist is just republican hypocrisy again.

:shk: You haven’t read his book, have you? Here, hear it in his own words You must not know what so-called Black Liberation Theology is all about, do you? Listen here . Then watch this here Haven’t you heard the fact that, for 20 years, Obama sat in the pews of that ‘church’, nodding his head in agreement, while the anti-white and anti-jew puke spewed forth from the pulpit?

Obama is an anti-white, anti-Jewish RACIST.

Katrina confirmed the stench of bigotry coming from the GOP party.

:shk: You do know that the Mayor of New Orleans was a black democrat, right? You do know that the governor at the time was a democrat, right? You do know that the White House offered assistance but the Governor refused all the way up until the day the hurricane hit, right? You do know that the Katrina Death Stats show that racism did indeed exist … AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE, right?

Just another tactic the republicans are using this year. “Call them racist so we don’t get accused for being racist from our racist tactics.”

:shk: Anyone who can see through Obamessiah’s sham and says so is automatically called ‘racist’ by his glassy-eyed disciples. That’s just a fact.

[edit on 5/22/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
This whole thing about the Obamas being racist is just republican hypocrisy again. I don’t blame blacks for being angry, I mean heck we’re talking 200years of slavery, another 100years of segregation and another 50years of continued inequality and discrimination towards blacks to this very day, and Katrina confirmed the stench of bigotry coming from the GOP party.

So you are justifying racism aren't you?

Have you ever thought that there are people that are suspicious of Obama's racist connections that just happen to be NON-WHITE?. You do know that non-whites (other than blacks) might actually be negatively affected by a president that has ties to a black racist church?

Have you ever thought that there are many whites today that aren't a bunch of bigots and have nothing to do with 100 years of segregation, 200 years of slavery, and these 50 years of "inequality"? Have you ever thought that many whiter aren't 100 years old?

Sorry but the Obama connections to racism make just as big an issue as is it would be on any white candidate.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 01:38 PM
So many possibilities... so many suspects... indeed, at this point, everyone's suspect, and there's probably more than one guilty party.

First, it could be a bluff. Maybe Rove's saying he has some such evidence, but has none. Maybe it's just part of Operation Chaos, meant to embolden Hillary to keep her campaign going, keep the voters suspicious of Obama, keep the Obamas walking on eggshells, and/or raise funds for McCain.

Or maybe it's Hillary's bluff, hoping to ebb the flow of superdelegates to Obama, raise more funds, and/or keep the Obamas walking on eggshells.

Altho a good portion of the Republican base (the "true" conservatives) hate McCain and refuse to vote for him, Rove has been publicly supportive of McCain. So I have no problem believing that if Rove did have such damning videos that he would/could use them to raise funds from donors who might not otherwise give to McCain.

From the perspective of the political process, it makes no sense for Rove to release the videos publicly at this point; better to let Hillary and Obama fight it out to the end... If Hillary gets the nom, then they keep it for future opportunity when it will benefit them most. If Obama gets the nom, they have powerful ammunition against the opponent when it counts most. Whether they'll wait until October remains to be seen. It's also possible that if they have one damning video (and that's still a big "IF"), they could have more than one, so they'll parcel them out over late summer and fall...

Maybe the videos came from Hillary originally, but it was too hot for her (she doesn't want to alienate Obama's voters from voting for her), so she passed it off to Rove... not what one would normally expect, but "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that. She wanted Rove to do the dirty work. But in that case, she probably didn't expect Rove & Co to sit on it. She expected it to come out ASAP, knocking Obama out of the race and securing her the nomination. But Rove didn't cooperate as she thought, and now she's stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Not sure what to make of the "Republican billionaire" offering $1mil... Is this offer just for the specific video in question? Or is this an open offer for any such videos? And if this billionaire did achieve such a video, would it be released from a conservative source? An anonymous source? It certainly couldn't be traced back to Hillary in any way (at least that would be the plan).

Given the fierce resentment and animosity - even hatred - so many Republicans have for McCain, and many have sworn to vote for the Dem already, I have no problem believing that this could happen.

Finally, with this rumor currently racing across the blogosphere, it's all the more intriguing that Obama chose this time to put his wife on the "protected list:"

ABC News' Good Morning America -- "If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful, because that I find unacceptable -- the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family," Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said.

But then again, maybe it has no factual base whatsoever and someone just thought it would be fun to start the rumor... All we really know for sure is that we know nothing for sure (yet).

Just my thoughts...

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 02:34 PM
Dudess ... great post. One possible culprit you left out ... Uncle Rev. Wright. Obama threw him under the bus (finally). The New Black Panthers said that if obama is elected then it's the 'fulfilment of black liberation theology' - which would put Rev. WRight into a bit of a pickle. WRight could have started a false rumor in an effort to make sure Obama doesn't get elected.

It's possible.

Perhaps October will tell ....

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yes, Rev Wright is definitely another possibility, and I meant to include him. If the Rev was indeed a mentor to Obama as claimed, then he has good reason to feel Obama betrayed not just him, but the cause, and/or the faith, making Obama a traitor, so all's fair, right?

I'm also wondering where the alleged video might have come from and how old the footage is now. Was it a member of the congregation? One who supports Hillary... One who has it in for Obama for personal reasons? Or did Hillary or Rove have someone attending services just hoping to catch a moment like this?

Obama must know about the rumor. He and Michelle must know if there's any possibility that such a video could exist (i.e., they know if Michelle said it or not - if she didn't say it, there could be no video of it). I'm wondering if the video does exist, and if it is released publicly after Obama secures the nomination, and if it's as ugly as portrayed, will Obama try to rationalize it away? Or will he throw his wife under the bus just like he did Wright? Which would be worse for him - losing the White vote or losing the Women's vote?

Honestly, I tend to believe that if there is a video, it's not nearly as damning as the rumor would have us believe. Obama and Michelle are not stupid; he's been planning his run for Prez for a long time, and they knew better than to leave that kind of a record around to be used against them (just look at his voting record in Congress.)

Having said that tho, nothing surprises me anymore!

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Sonya610

Writing about ones experiences as black woman is racism then is it?
If this was written by a white woman and her experiences would it viewed as racism. I doubt it will.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Dudess ... great post. One possible culprit you left out ... Uncle Rev. Wright. Obama threw him under the bus (finally). The New Black Panthers said that if obama is elected then it's the 'fulfilment of black liberation theology' - which would put Rev. WRight into a bit of a pickle. WRight could have started a false rumor in an effort to make sure Obama doesn't get elected.

It's possible.

Perhaps October will tell ....

And don't forget about the other Poverty Pimps like Jackson and Sharpton, an Obama win would obviosuly mean they no longer have a cause to fight for, nor a leg to stand on. Kick the crutches so to speak.

I for one feel the demise of Jackson/Sharpton would be a big plus for America because with every major situation always comes unforeseen irony. But as it stands now, too many negatives still outweigh the few positives that can come with an Obama win.

posted on May, 22 2008 @ 09:39 PM
This is in response to Flyer Fan's diatribe o'FEAR regarding Obama's supposed "racism" - ie, his candid analysis of his own fears and anger at oppression, discrimination and the experience of being Black in this country.....

I went to the you tube link provided and listened tho I had heard it all before - Obama's outlook is NOT racist - it is an honest expression of his experience and why some of you find it sooo threatening is a mystery to grandpa was mulatto who passed for white and this secret was kept in our family until my generation? Why???? Why do you think???????? Because of the racist attitudes that permeate this it changing? Of course because nothing remains static forever - change is inevitable but sometimes painful.... Obama spoke nothing but the truth in his video and as I have said before I guess some of you can't handle the truth -

Walk a mile in someone elses shoes for a change instead of yelling reverse racism like you actually know what that means... you don't.....

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