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New chemtrail video

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posted on May, 13 2008 @ 09:52 AM
I just cant believe this, pretty weird chem trails,
can somebody tell me what is going on here?

One photo from the clouds or chemtrails in Japan.

Click here

Hope that this is already debunked because it is scaring me.


[edit on 13-5-2008 by PSP]

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by PSP

Don't worry, you'll get someone saying those are perfectly natural.

Don't worry, everything is fine. We've laid out some lines of water
vapor for you.

Nice catch. A picture and video of plane flying ABOVE the CHEMTRAILS.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Allright, so these clouds are pure natural caused by nature?

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:31 AM
Just curious as to why anyone would think they were not natural?

Anyway, these cloud streets are natural, nothing to do with aircraft (they form too low to be connected with alleged 'chemtrails') and can be seen in satelite images in this study here:


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 10:39 AM
Hey thanks men,
that is a pretty helpfull link.

But those clouds are so perfectly in formation.

I still have a doubt

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:01 AM
I've found what appears to be an original new story for the specific cloud streets in the video:


This photograph, taken June 18 from a Japan Coast Guard aircraft off the northeastern coast of Hokkaido, shows a bird’s-eye view of cloud streets over the Sea of Okhotsk. According to the Sapporo Meteorological Observatory, these low-altitude stratocumulus clouds were rolled into long, distinctive ribbons after becoming trapped in air currents. While it is not uncommon for wind to form such patterns in stratocumulus clouds, photos that clearly show the clouds rolled into strips are rare, says the observatory.

As I said, they're not related to contrails (supposed chemtrails) because they're a completely different type of cloud which forms under completely different circumstance at a much lower altitude.

Must say, the video is pretty impressive and despite my initial remarks, I can understand why someone might question what they were and how they formed

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:16 AM
Contrails buddy... bet you think the jews did 911 too!

Excellent video.

Chemtrails are known and is not a myth. I believe the video is about cloud seeding.

The chinese will be chemtrailing the sky for the olympics... Its called weather control. Not a conspiracy, not a myth. FACT

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 11:20 AM
Chinese Government To Control Olympic Weather

In China, weather control is nominally the function of the China Meteorological Administration, but since the effort involves planes, anti-aircraft guns and other military paraphernalia, the Chinese navy is also involved. China plans to set up a national command center for weather modification by 2010 to coordinate the practices of rain making and hail-suppression around the country.

This is exactly what the government does right here in the United States - the fictional U.S. of Robert Heinlein's 1941 novel Methuselah's Children, that is. The government has weather integrators that direct the movement of storms across the country.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Thanks for the wisdom IvanZana, problem solved I think.


posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by cutbothways

Don't worry, you'll get someone saying those are perfectly natural.

Here we go again.

Don't worry, you'll get someone saying that those clouds are chemtrails made by evil people.

Why is it that when ever anyone posts a pretty picture of a cloud formation that happens to be (yes I'll say it) a natural phenomenon or contrail and scientifically proven to be so, that someone always shouts "Chemtrail" yet have no scientific evidence or expertise to prove that "chemtrail" claim. Even when we DO bring you evidence to the contrary, scientific or other, it as always dismissed.

I admire your stance and tenacity to your beliefs but so far you have not brought forth any tangible or credible evidence to prove your case.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:33 PM

The interesting cloud formations are known as 'cloud streets', and are generated by roll vortices in the boundary layer. These are convectively driven boundary-layer structures consisting of longitudinal vortices oriented approximately in the direction of the low-level wind, usually a a small angle. The roll vortices force patterns of convergence and divergence, which tend to coincide with cloud and non-cloud streets.


more streets

And more

another cloud street site

and so on and so on. Makes sense if it was taken by a coast guard a body of water.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:38 PM
This alleged 'chemtrail' video shows clouds more specifically known as 'Stratocumulus undulatus'.

The clouds, however, look almost too perfectly formed compared to other similar photos of 'Stratocumulus undulatus', which have the general wavy pattern but ragged and uneven edges to the cloud banks.

I am wondering if the video is showing 'chemtrails' or possibly something else related to 'HAARP' activities that could account for the striking symmetry to clouds which should be randomly and naturally splayed across the skies.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:44 PM
I've seen them form like that before where I live. sometimes ragged some times neat and perfect. I posted a link explaining something to this effect above.....can't remember which one though, sorry.

posted on May, 13 2008 @ 12:56 PM

The chinese will be chemtrailing the sky for the olympics... Its called weather control. Not a conspiracy, not a myth. FACT

Its called cloud seeding not chemtrailing and that has been done in many countries (no conspiracies) produce/induce rain fall. Not for spreading disease etc. which the chemtrail posters say chemtrails are. So now that you cannot provide scientific proof of chemtrails, you in turn say that cloud seeding is chemtrailing? I admire your tenacity but....come on.

[edit on 13-5-2008 by QBSneak000]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
reply to post by PSP

Don't worry, you'll get someone saying those are perfectly natural.

Don't worry, everything is fine. We've laid out some lines of water
vapor for you.

Nice catch. A picture and video of plane flying ABOVE the CHEMTRAILS.

Are you saying that the evils governements are Chemtrailing fish too?
Clearly ,in this video, the clouds (yes this is what they are)are above a body of water.
See this link please Link

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana

The chinese will be chemtrailing the sky for the olympics... Its called weather control. Not a conspiracy, not a myth. FACT

Well, that video for from Japan. So we can dismiss that.

The clouds were over the sea too, hardly a fitting place to dump chemicals meant for human populace.

As for cloud seeding:

Originally posted by QBSneak000

The chinese will be chemtrailing the sky for the olympics... Its called weather control. Not a conspiracy, not a myth. FACT

Its called cloud seeding not chemtrailing and that has been done in many countries (no conspiracies) produce/induce rain fall. Not for spreading disease etc. which the chemtrail posters say chemtrails are. So now that you cannot provide scientific proof of chemtrails, you in turn say that cloud seeding is chemtrailing? I admire your tenacity but....come on.

[edit on 13-5-2008 by QBSneak000]

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by PSP

What to look for, a high flying aircraft, exhaust gives off condension at high attitudes, and evaprates, Chem trails open up, spread, widen look like long clouds. expect rain from light to heavy in that area. MORE snow

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by bone13
reply to post by PSP

What to look for, a high flying aircraft, exhaust gives off condension at high attitudes, and evaprates, Chem trails open up, spread, widen look like long clouds. expect rain from light to heavy in that area. MORE snow

What is the temperature at typical flight levels of jet turbine powered aircraft?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by firepilot

cruising or on afterburners, let me know when you find someone willing to get that close, have seen some air force jets fly over very high leave trails that where gone within an hour or so, but the other ones after an hour where still opening up, Stoney pt. NY, april early may then rain

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 01:29 AM
Temps at that altitude are very cold, and the water can easily freeze and stick around a while. There is no rule that says all contrails must evaporate quickly, and if they dont, it means its not a contrail. Natural cirrus can last all day, so it also can if a plane makes the cirrus due to adding enough water from its engines.

Atmosphere is very dynamic, and you just cant say that there is a certain regular appearance that contrails must adher to. And temps up there are often around -50, so if you can find a reason why ice crystals can not persist up there.

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