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The ATS Issues Thread

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posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:14 PM
I'd like to suggest that the changes made to the member rankings or whatever they are called, be announced and discussed via u2u and a separate thread.

Wading through 129 pages for info is ridiculous.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

The most detailed bbcode thread I have seen...

courtesy of member loam

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Okay, I guess I feel I need to once again comment on this ridiculous issue with the tags......

No one is saying that members who don't start thread is important why are are people saying and thinking that??? What do you all want a tag too that says "I post and read a lot of threads and am part of the best site on the Internet!!"? I mean it HAS NEVER been said that people who don't thread are worthless or less important, it was only put forth that some show of appreaciation should be shown to members who make the better of the very topics WE ALL talk about and discuss. I mean I understand some complaints with the system but not the "we feel left out" complaint. I am sorry but you all are just being childish. If you say you only care about learning and denying ignorance so much than why do you all speak out so much about this? This tag system should have NOTHING to do with you "denying ignorance", this doesn't affect you in anyway WHAT SO EVER. So why are you making a big deal out of it, I mean give it a break! So again I ask you all who are complaining about this being "elite" or "demeaning": If your only purpose on this site is to learn and deny ignorance than why do you care about this??? Obviously that is not your only purpose then. CAN WE PLEASE let this issue go? I know I would not complain if I was ranked nothing or had no blue in my flag tag. But some here obviously still want to complain. Obviously I agree with some complaints about some forums not getting attention like others, BUT I do not agree with the childish, envious bickering about "I feel left out and unwanted", well guess what if it is that big a deal the door swings both ways you know?

[edit on 6/1/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Thank you for replying to my question and keep up the GREAT WORK you and the other staff do here for ATS. I feel someone needs to say it with all this bickering.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I'm not much of a poster, lol, but I come to ATS now and then to read. I enjoy this site. Can't say I have enjoyed your posts in this thread much, however. First you state in at post that "But IMO there is only about 30 members on here who create threads that actually create good threads that are real based and not off in the sci fi realm." (I guess you are among those 30 members, eh? LOL!

And now you are telling members to get out of here?

When did YOU become the allmighty ATS God around here? You need to calm yourself seriously down.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by sickandtired

First off I never put myself into one of those 30 members.........

Second off I am not telling anyone to get out, I am simply pointing out that anyone is free to leave if they feel they must.

So please don't create words for me okay? I never said that and if you must twist my words so be it, but it is what it is. I never told anyone to leave, I could care a less to be perfectly honest with you. I was simply stating facts that there really is about 30 members who post really good threads.....NEVER did I say the rest didn't post good threads. There is levels to everything my friend.

EDIT to add: Hey I bet if I didn't have a nearly filled bar I wouldn't be getting attacked like this would I?

[edit on 6/1/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
So again I ask you all who are complaining about this being "elite" or "demeaning": If your only purpose on this site is to learn and deny ignorance than why do you care about this??? Obviously that is not your only purpose then. CAN WE PLEASE let this issue go? I know I would not complain if I was ranked nothing or had no blue in my flag tag. But some here obviously still want to complain.

My only issue now with the flag rewards is the inability to hide them if we are not thread starters (or for any other reason, I suppose).

I don't like having the empty meter on my profile; I have no problem with having no meter on my profile. The way it is now, I will probably never even begin to fill the letters in (I have a total of 25 flags, almost all of which are from BTS, and more than half of which are from a thread about my personal life in the Relationships Forum there). My concern is that since this is the only metric visible in our mini-profiles, people will assume that an empty bar means a less seasoned poster, rather than simply a poster who focuses on responding rather than starting threads.

In other words, the empty bar feels like a chastisement. I would rather see them used only as positive feedback for people who do contribute, rather than shaming for those of us who do not

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by americandingbat

Well someone who sees the bar shouldn't assume because you have a low filled bar that you are not a "worthy poster", that is just immature. I mean everyone on here is essential IMO to this site, those with high filled bars are no better than those without. I agree though that it can appear somewhat demeaning but people can tell by the quality of your posts what you are and aren't IMHO.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by americandingbat

Originally posted by jkrog08
So again I ask you all who are complaining about this being "elite" or "demeaning": If your only purpose on this site is to learn and deny ignorance than why do you care about this??? Obviously that is not your only purpose then. CAN WE PLEASE let this issue go? I know I would not complain if I was ranked nothing or had no blue in my flag tag. But some here obviously still want to complain.

My only issue now with the flag rewards is the inability to hide them if we are not thread starters (or for any other reason, I suppose).

I don't like having the empty meter on my profile; I have no problem with having no meter on my profile. The way it is now, I will probably never even begin to fill the letters in (I have a total of 25 flags, almost all of which are from BTS, and more than half of which are from a thread about my personal life in the Relationships Forum there). My concern is that since this is the only metric visible in our mini-profiles, people will assume that an empty bar means a less seasoned poster, rather than simply a poster who focuses on responding rather than starting threads.

In other words, the empty bar feels like a chastisement. I would rather see them used only as positive feedback for people who do contribute, rather than shaming for those of us who do not
Ding... I am going to go flag all your threads. Not that it matters, but I know what you mean. I am going to go flag most of my friends threads. A little rebellion release. And then when that is expressed, we still wont start that many threads. Because that is who we are. We contribute. Whether our profiles say it or not. The people who frequent the boards know who is who. That's what matters to me.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by jkrog08
Okay, I guess I feel I need to once again comment on this ridiculous issue with the tags...... Obviously I agree with some complaints about some forums not getting attention like others, BUT I do not agree with the childish, envious bickering about "I feel left out and unwanted", well guess what if it is that big a deal the door swings both ways you know?

People expressing their personal opinions is not childish or bickering. Last time I checked that was the whole idea behind this site. I will not get into a bitching match with you but I have freely left my opinion, no demands or foot stomping or childish bickering, just stating my opinion on a topic that I felt compelled to reply to.
And your "the door swings both ways" comment could be construed as childish, by someone not as understanding and tolerent as I. And yes, I "do know". But that is just your "opinion" and I'm fine with that.

[edit on 1-6-2009 by zlots331]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by seagrass
Ding... I am going to go flag all your threads. Not that it matters, but I know what you mean. I am going to go flag most of my friends threads. A little rebellion release. And then when that is expressed, we still wont start that many threads. Because that is who we are. We contribute. Whether our profiles say it or not. The people who frequent the boards know who is who. That's what matters to me.

Believe me, there's not much that's flagworthy in my thread history. But as you say, it really doesn't matter. It does sound kind of fun to go on a wild flagging binge though, just for the heck of it

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:57 PM
This is getting ridiculous.

Why are the staff and mods catering to this kind of rhetoric I wonder? It is ok to express your opinion and not be happy with the way something is going, but at the end of the day, this was a RECOGNITION program.

Not a hey I want my cake and eat it too program. No, the staff want to thank the people who CREATE content. Regardless of what that content is, and regardless if you think it's worthy of flags or not, that's the way it is.

They won't just remove the system because of a few system. I think we've seen enough of those changes already in the past 2 months.

I would like my avatar to be left alone if you please.

This system works fine, it's based on flags which are based on the community's interests.

Stop your complaining,if you don't care about the flag system or the recognition, then you have no business arguing the fact.


posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 06:57 PM
Seriously.... the most childish thing I've read in this thread...

"flagging spree".... come on guys,

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:01 PM
You can't all go on a massive flagging spree. Then I'd be all alone with my empty bar.

Seriously not having flags doesn't mean you aren't special, because that would make me not special too and that's just not the case. I'm one of my favourite people on ATS.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:02 PM
It is childish... but now it is new craze... Whaaa deemed it "Flag Love". It's the new "in thing" to do...

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by seagrass

I can't speak in an official capacity... but if it was my board.. it would result in a banning.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by Duzey

Seriously not having flags doesn't mean you aren't special, because that would make me not special too and that's just not the case. I'm one of my favourite people on ATS.

You're special.

[edit on 1 Jun 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

So we who post and discuss are not considered people who contribute to the site? Yea that makes us feel really good.

Americandingbat sees it the way I see it. An empty bar people will associate with a less seasoned poster, when that is totally misleading. Immature or not that is what people are going to assume.

They arent going to change it, but we can still voice our dislike. The only thing I've seen the new system contribute to is people flagging all their friends threads just to give them more color. Good idea, very bad implementation.

As somebody a few posts before me said, why not just remove the ability to discuss and just have us all create threads? Thats what it seems like you want us to do anyway.

ATS is trying to become the new user-generated news source, not a conspiracy board.

[edit on 6/1/2009 by deadline527]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
reply to post by seagrass

I can't speak in an official capacity... but if it was my board.. it would result in a banning.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by deadline527

That isn't at all what I said.

You guys do have a system for recognition it's called Applause and stars.


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