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Disgusting Ad....

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posted on May, 5 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Shazam The Unbowed
Now maybe your not aware that both psychology, and sociology are sciences...

Oh, good one. I won't argue and simply say, "You got me there." Good ownage on your part. You are correct. Biology is what I had in mind but I will concede on your point that social science is still technically a science. Good job- I typically don't admit defeat due to my enormous ego but good job.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Umm...going back to the original topic, heres a screenshot of the picture we've all been talking about.

[edit on 5-5-2008 by louiekid333]

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:00 PM
I have now seen the enlarged picture and have to agree that is is a bit scandalous. I guess I will call it art.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 10:36 PM
Just saw the picture in question. It doesn't look like miley cyrus. Either way the picture is meant to be provacitive, and no young girl should be presented in that way. As far as the pictures of miley cyrus she is in a show that is geared towards children and some of them very young, therefore she should not have provocative photos flying around as she has an influence on young children.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:12 PM
Okay since how this thread has gotten some attention here allow me to jump right and and address the topic at hand.. and the OP claims.

Disgusting Ad....

There is an ad that apears on the right side of the Page...

It shows a picture of a young, pale, women, who looks like she just woke up in a bed after being raped.

Hmmm okay.. First off she didnt look raped to me.. her hair was teased, and it was her upper half body.. with dark (goth) type make up.
and a bed sheet totally wrapped around her top.

Why is this image bothersome? Its an add.. I think those smiley emocons are more offensive than that one.. I hate smilies.. ack!

Anyway.. its werid how in America everyone can get up in Arms over a little girl doing a pic.. When across the sea, little girls, young women, and full grown laides are being blown into pieces from bombs that the USA is dropping..
You want gross? Please... Thats like Janet Jacksons titty comming out, and everyone freaks out!!!!
OMG a titty..
Granted this girl is 15, and to some I guess this seems sexy to some.
Yet to me.. Shes not sexy.. this girl doesnt even know what love is about. Let alone sex..

Comeon guys.. People are being blow apart.. Dead babies under the rubble of bombe homes.. And you think this is sick..
WTF.. honestly.. if this bothers you then turn the channle..
There things 1000000 times worse going on in this world.
Yet no one is putting that up in an ad.
Becasue agin.. We are being brainwashed into think this is so bad..

Some places on earth, have 9 year old girls that get married to much older men.. Thats their culture..
It seems this is Americans culture.. Post a risky pic.. and its time to have a hissy fit! But lets totally forget about babies being burned alive.!

Sorry.. but this is related to the topic.. and if you dont like it, then dont read my post.. Im not agreeing this pic is kosher..
But really it depends on the eye of the beholder..
When I saw the pic I was okay.. a Goth chick.. I dont care whos kid it is..
its not as bad as babies burning alive under a bombed building that USA bombs dropped..
I hope that makes a small point for you here.

You are to busy saying how us guys are getting turned soft..
What ever man.. Im battle hardened, and Ive seen some pics that will make you freakin puke.. IM scared from some of the pics that came out of Iraq!!! mentally burned into my mind.. Ill have nightmares from those pics..
And you get all up in arms over this...

You dont know what Disgusting is..
And yeah those burning babies are an ad for how the war effort is really going.. While they may not post them.. it doesnt make them go away or not true..

Focus people.. this is yet another disney ploy to take your minds off the true horrors of this world...

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:15 PM
See, I am completely ignorant of that angle as I have never seen her show nor do I have any children (10-1 this sentence gets quoted). She is an entertainer and an actor and actors play many roles. She ain't no messiah for you or your kids. Perhaps the photo can be viewed as provocative, which if we take this discussion into account is the point of some art. Frankly I find it charming. I think she looks like a mix between a faerie and a Renaissance womans portrait. I know what's appropriate behaviour and what isn't so I guess I get a bit offended at the sheer contempt I am sensing from many posters towards my demographic and gender.

Thought policing: think about it. Think about how the male gender has been preconvicted in this thread as well as Miley Cyrus herself.

One poster was specific in refering to older men taking advantage of younger women. Check the news and you will find female teachers doing the same for underage boys. An aggressive older woman was responsible for many a younger mans crossing of the virginity threshold.

Cut us innocent people some slack. We are just human after all.

[edit on 5/5/08 by stikkinikki]

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:27 PM
True she is no mesiah for anyone, or anyone's children. However if she and her father believe that she is ready to publicly appear in provocotive ads in adult magazines, then it time for her to leave the show that she is in that is geared toward children. The publisized pictures in question are not appropriate for an actor in a children's television show.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
It says, "Who Exploited Miley Cryus?"

I don't know who this is, but can i not see this trashy little whore-look-a-like on my screen anymore.

Well, seeing as you're able to log on to ATS and post your opinions, it's amazing that you don't kow how to perform a Google search, but for a quick primer on who she is and why this may or may not be exploitation, just follow this link...

And on a personal note, next time you want to call someone you've never met and know nothing about something, try reaching for a less derogatory term than "whore". You admit you know nothing about her, but assume she earns her money off her body and on her back. Even modified with the (poorly spelled) "-look-a-like", the addition of the adjective "trashy" to the description shows that you're thinking emotionally and not rationally and that those emotions are ever-so-slightly disturbing in their basis.

But that's just a personal opinion. Much like yours...

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:24 AM
My point simply is.

Why do i have to see a 15-year old, near-top-less, as an ad?

Also, isn't this where we can report where we found weather or not some ads were anoying or not. This one is. I don't like it. I would rather not have to look at it.

At least with the smily face one that talks, you can just not move over the smily face Ad, but this is just not right...

I mean, if you were reading some ghost stories or some scary stuff on ATS, and then that poped up on your screen, wouldn't that freak you out a little?

PS, I dont care about Hana Montana. From the link you posted, it seems the show is a satirical aproach to her life? A joke that everyone is in on, just to make the girl seem like a fool.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 10:47 AM

The Full Story

Okay, I'm sad to say I actually have a handle on what's going on here from three perspectives: As the husband of a wife who is a slave to pop culture and the "E!" channel, as a student of photography, and from the perspective of a parent.

Miley Cyrus = Hanna Montana, a fictional character played by a fictional character. This is somewhat complex, but Miley Cyrus (daughter of Billy "Don't break my achey-whiney-no-talent-breaky heart" Cyrus) with her own music career and "acting" career as the main character of a TV show about a school girl named Miley Stewart who is famous pop singer "Hanna Montana" by night.

Here's where it gets complex. Her fan-base are mostly pre-teen girls, and they are as rabid about her as kids get about anything. They want to be like her, be with her, or just flat out be her. So anything she does carries a pretty significant consequence, whether she likes it or not.

Now, moving on. Vanity Fair is a fairly well respected magazine, and the photo shoot itself was being coordinated by Annie Leibovitz, one of America's most respected photographers, ranking up there with the likes of Ansel Adams. She did for people what he did for landscapes. Being a longtime fan of her work, I have full confidence that in the mind of Leibovitz, she didn't see anything wrong with the shoot. To her, this was simply another celebrity going through the Rite of Passage of being photog'd by the best. Once you've been in front of Annie's lens, you know you're a star, basically. Though to Annie, it's just another canvas to work with.

Two guardians were with her once her parents left, one was a family member (I think her grandmother), the other was, I believe, an agent of hers. Her parents left, and Miley was asked if she wanted to do one last photo. She was not actually nude in the shot, she was covered, and it was tastefully done.

That said, she's a minor, and her fanbase are rabid pre-teens who want to be just like her. There was a major huge error in judgment, and we really can't expect Miley to fully comprehend the rammifications of agreeing to the photo, and truthfully, I couldn't blame her grandmother either, as its unlikely she knew much about the situation. Her agent, on the other hand, should have known better. Of all the people there, he was in the best position to know Hanna's base majority demographic, what sort of media uproar would result, and the backlash against Miley's career. As an agent he should be fired and brought up on charges of criminal neglect.

That's not to say Miley shouldn't take some of the blame, I just don't think the outrage should be specifically directed at her, it should be at her agent for making an extremely poor ethical choice. I place no blame on Vanity Fair, they were simply doing what they are paid to do, and have done, for decades. I place little blame on her parents except that they should have stayed through the entire shoot. Never trust other people's judgment when your own daughter is in a position to be exploited. That was poor judgment on their part. The agent, however, should be hung out to dry.

Anyway, hopefully that brings everyone up to speed on the story.

That said, complaints about ads really need to go to the complaints submission form, not to BBQ.

[edit on 5/6/2008 by thelibra]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by thelibra



Do you think that perhaps it's a possibilty that her manager completely knew the uproar this photo-shoot would cause and his mindset was "any publicity is good publicity"?

He may have known that this was inappropriate, but it would give this girl a lot of attention, which is exactly what they want.

It's almost a conspiracy. But yes, just another thought.

Personally I know absolutely nothing about Hannah Montanna, but I do love Achey-Breaky Heart. I grew up listening to that song so I have an unwavering respect for Mr Cyrus

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Toy_soldier

Dunno. BBQ threads are like that. Even I can't star posts in this forum. I appreciate the thought though, thank you.

Originally posted by Toy_soldier
Do you think that perhaps it's a possibilty that her manager completely knew the uproar this photo-shoot would cause and his mindset was "any publicity is good publicity"?

Yes, absolutely, though this would be very hard to prove in a court of law, it'd be much easier to sue for criminal neglect as he would have been her legal guardian at the time.

Originally posted by Toy_soldier
He may have known that this was inappropriate, but it would give this girl a lot of attention, which is exactly what they want.

Exactly. Very poor short-term thinking on the agent's part. Because, while it did get the media spotlight on Miley, it alienated a huge number of sponsers, fanbase, and will probably destroy her Disney career. She'll be forced to go the route of Brittany Spears, IMHO, just to eke a few more dollars out of the spotlight.

Originally posted by Toy_soldier
Personally I know absolutely nothing about Hannah Montanna, but I do love Achey-Breaky Heart. I grew up listening to that song so I have an unwavering respect for Mr Cyrus

Ouch. I uh... I'm not a big fan of Mr. Cyrus's work. My C&W repertoire is limited to Old School, like Cash and Robbins. And I've never listened to his daughters work or watched the TV show, so I can't really critique Miley's works. I just know that most of this is the result of a slow news day combined with yet another person of dubious judgment being far more famous than wise executing poor judgment due to inexperience and a lack of altruistic guardians nearby.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by thelibra
Ouch. I uh... I'm not a big fan of Mr. Cyrus's work. My C&W repertoire is limited to Old School, like Cash and Robbins. And I've never listened to his daughters work or watched the TV show, so I can't really critique Miley's works. I just know that most of this is the result of a slow news day combined with yet another person of dubious judgment being far more famous than wise executing poor judgment due to inexperience and a lack of altruistic guardians nearby.

Hmmm, it seems we must agree to respectfully disagree on this. Although I must admit that the *only* song I know from Mr. Cyrus is Achey Breaky Heart, so clearly my fondness for him only goes so far ...

This song is a prominent feature of my childhood so it will always remain special to me. Surely you have some songs that mean the same? Just certain songs you remember being played when you were younger and will always stay with you?

More examples of these songs, from my childhood are: (forgive me for not remembering the actual names for some) The horses song, where "we'll be riding on the horses, yeah yeah", many beatles songs, many abba songs, Hot Chotcolate, Bread and most definately The Carpenters. And Simon and Garfunkel. oh my god. Simon and Garfunkel hold a very special place in my heart.

And I just realised that I named bands rather than songs, but you get my point.

I hope I didn't just de-rail this thread

Edit: Remain doesn't have an E in it. Just a heads up.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by Toy_soldier]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Toy_soldier
Although I must admit that the *only* song I know from Mr. Cyrus is Achey Breaky Heart, so clearly my fondness for him only goes so far ...

Billy Ray Cyrus - Some Gave All

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Annie Mossity

"We're sorry, this video is no longer available"

Your post atleast did make me smile

I shall look it up in youtube myself and reply to you soon

EDIT: After looking the vid up in youtube I can't say I've ever heard that song before. It is definately a well written and heartfelt song, though I can't help but feel I would appreciate it more if I were an American. I'm pretty sure it doesn't speak to me as well as it would to you.

And back on the OP's topic, I saw the picture in question and I really don't see a "whore" :s I think that is a pretty unfair description of this girl. I hope she comes out on top of all this controversy.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by Toy_soldier]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by louiekid333
heres a screenshot of the picture we've all been talking about.

Good grief! Talk about a tempest in a teapot. The ad in question here nearly has her covered up to her neck and doesn't break any of the restrictions for what people can use as an avatar. I dont' understand what's disgusting about it. So I guess her hair makes her look like a "whore"? Perhaps it's the lipstick? Is it the fact that you can see her shoulders and arms? I can understand how this would be pornography in Saudi Arabia, but not in the rest of the world.

I hope no one saw her at singing at the CMT awards or saw what she wore at the Teen Choice Awards this year. If material up to your neck makes you a whore, then this would just make you pass out in shock.

[edit on 6-5-2008 by dbates]

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:18 PM
That's the ad, but the basis for a lot of the argument, at least mine, is this picture:

External Image


posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:32 PM

oh wait. um. Thats bad? It looks like she just woke up. Is that Disgusting? really? Wow I must be really desensitised to disgusting imagry cause I don't find that lewed or disgusting at all.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

I don't like that picture - I find it profoundly disturbing.

It looks to me like an attempt to "sex-up" an underage girl - if an ordinary member of the public took that photo, they would (should?) be investigated for grooming.

I find ANY picture of a child posed as an adult disturbing - like those child "beauty queens" in full hair and make up.

I know nothing about this child other than that her dad made a couple of dodgy records in the late 80's or early 90's.

But I do not like that image one little bit.

posted on May, 6 2008 @ 01:48 PM
BTW, am I the only who thought the name "Hannah Montanna" sounded like a porn star name the first time I heard it?

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