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The Run Up To Full Blown Fascism?

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posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:02 PM
From a historians perspective and even an economist perspective when it comes to the histories of civilizations and the social-political economic down turns they faced compared with the current day situation..

Shes about dumb.

I prefer not to take historic information or even economical political information from a English Literature specialist.

It's like the book Guns Germs and Steel.

The guy was a genius. At what he did.

But his book was pathetically laughable. And disappointing.

And it taught me never to read a book about social evolution of civilizations from a "crop historian" who studies the history of cultivating.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

Hmm, the author brings up some interesting points I hadn't thought of...Are the gov and their sock puppets trying to incite the race issue, in hopes of creating riots that could trigger a marshal law clampdown?

I've been saying that for months now. Look at the three major candidates. Two of them will lose. The election and the racial incidents are tactical prepositioning. Put key elements in place and push a few buttons. Then let the Canadian military come down, with Presidential approval, and occupy American soil in the name of "restoring the peace."

We've got two major cities that have police openly carrying automatic weapons, so that presence will be a "normalcy" soon. It's only a matter of time before this country ends up with it's own KGB type of operations.

I still play chess from time to time. If one doesn't pay attention to the positioning of ALL the pieces, one loses sight of the game. My point is, look at ALL the pieces that are being played right now.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by kelbtalfenek

You've been ahead of me on this angle then--I've seen bits and pieces that made me start to wonder...But now I think that it should be a definite factor of consideration. We know they are pushing for total control---HOW they go about it is what we need to keep a close eye on IMHO.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:08 PM

you r a gubment agent POS

as to the OP while this may be old news i see no reason why it should not be considered pertinenent

its true we are in fascism, communism, naziism whatever you want to call it, but, whatcha gonna do bout it

no not just that ill take it a step further and ask why are we not holding each other accountable for our lack of action

we have to remind one another of our duty as humans to not just accept this any longer

you may remember the bible verse that poses the question "am i my brothers keeper" or something to that effect, well i answer absolutely at least to some extent and it is fairly easy to determine what extent that is

again i must stress, lets hold people accountable...... we must do this if we are to survive

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I see what you mean. The Fascist dictators, who have been given authority by their masters: Globalists; World Bankers; Zionists/Nazis are failing to control us, and remove our freedoms. Thanks for sharing the truth about them & other important information, on a daily basis.

As usual, you're getting a star & flag on this forum-thread, and many more stars & flags are coming your way.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by SantaClaus

Are you saying that in Phoenix they recruit cops this way? I live here and was not aware of that.

Oh, and slightly off topic, but to masqua- I believe Naomi Klein wrote "The Shock Doctrine." Both Naomi's are awesome, though!

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:29 PM
no accountability huh?

come on guys! lets get woke up it s like tryin to get a groggy teen movin

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 10:41 PM
It has been my belief that we have been living under FULL BLOWN FASCISM since Johnson took oath after JFK's murder.
Maybe MUCH longer but I think it became CRYSTAL CLEAR at that juncture.

Am I wrong?

SHOW ME how I might be wrong?

HOW is this news?....well it COULD be news to people 'just catching on' to this fact. I think that this fact is obvious to ANYONE who can read the definition, so I would be shaking my head at someone who was 'just' catching on.....

[edit on 30-4-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:17 AM
whats wrong with portland and phoenix cops?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

...I've been saying that for months now. Look at the three major candidates. Two of them will lose. The election and the racial incidents are tactical prepositioning. Put key elements in place and push a few buttons. Then let the Canadian military come down, with Presidential approval, and occupy American soil in the name of "restoring the peace."

The Canadian military? Which is already stretched in Afghanistan with troops doing frequent rotations? Are you serious? The Canadian Army couldnt occupy New York City. I'm extremely familiar with the Canadian Forces, and that statement you made about "let the Canadian miltary come down.." is totally ridiculous sensationalist, bull#. Go read a book.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by ppskylight]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by ChadAndrewATS

Are you serious? I understand you guys are on the same page politically, but hes just copy and pasting random things from google and then making baseless comments without backing anything up. This guy is clueless, even if he has some political basis he's running with, he believes its possible Canada will invade/help quell a civil war type scenario in the United States. Regardless of your stance on an impending Civil war/Situation x scenario, Canadian forces soldiers on US soil in a peacekeeping/population control mission is ridiculous. Canada is stretched thin in Afghanistan and is having trouble getting soldiers to go on more tours, as many veterans are getting out of the military after a couple tours.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by ppskylight

You expose nothing but your own ignorance of the state of the world we're living in. America is among the last strongholds of freedom, and the things the government has been doing are only ensuring this country remains free.

Listen, guy,,I don't what planet you're getting this from but in the America I know on earth THE only Country that has the kind of resources to avail itself as an enemy to our individual freedom is ours. You won't find many of us agreeing to your slant on who is ignorant about what is going on in the world and you won't find a more passionate individual to research what is going on in the world then DD.

He will be the first to tell you I call it like I see it and don't always agree with him but the last thing I can call him is ignorant about what is going on in the world. Furthermmore what "this government is doing has got NOTHING,, absolutely NOTHING to do with ensuring our freedom for our freedom was never,. no not ever, threatened by the country we are currently meddling in the affairs of.

If you think so then you must have figured the million to 3000 ratio of military casualties of war over there was terribly over rated because Iraq was no match for us and certainly no threat to our freedom moreover we had no damn business invading it.


If you disagree with Bush's policies and the Republican way, you sure wouldn't like living under Sharia law, or have to bow down to a dictator like North Korea or Iran.

Nor would I like to "Bow down" as you put it to a foreign country with a military machine has power as awesome as ours and it is feared and respected elsewhere. No I would not like to have to bow down as you so suggest with your zealous pride, to a nation who accused my country wrongfully of wmd's while I watch a million of my people die because some pig headed republican thought God was talking to him because he fell off his daily dosage of lithium.

No I wouldn't want to bowdown for 8 years of their occupation of my own country while we with our makeshift weapons are called "terrorists" and "al-qaeda". I would hate to have to bow down to the superior weapons of drop dead accuarate guided weapons systems when the best thing we would have to counter it is by making our own people guided weapons in the form of suicide bombers.

That isn't nuts son and it isn't crazy, it is the desperate act of a people who love there own country so much they are willing to die for it just to get rid of those who invaded it without reason or just cause.

That country I would hate to have to bow down to son, is US and we are wrong but it is a little too late to turn back now isn't it. The reason we have been having so many problems with our economy are the blessings lost when we don't do what this so called strong hold of freedom is supposed to do and it sure the hell isn't to take small lil countries apart bit by bit piece by piece. We are in so much Karmic receivership and what you are seeing now is only the begining.

What you call the Republican way, let this NRA Card Carrying Republican tell you that is NOT what our party is about and Bush is NOT a republican nor is he a Christian. He is a Narcisist who has hurt this country so much, it will be long after you and I are dead and gone before what he has done to ruin it, will be repaired.

If we ever regain our moral high ground, trust and respect again, we should make a monument of George Bush's smirk.

You know the one he made just after being told operation false flag 911 was underway and going as planned, while he sat in that classroom for 45 damn minutes.

We should make a monument of that smirk on his face to remind us NEVER to allow such a thing to happen again and to make sure if it ever does we raid that crime scene and protect it our damn selves if we have to.

(No, Iran's elections are not free, and are indeed predetermined.) You can vote, be happy. This is democracy, if you dont agree with it, then go out and vote. That is what you can do to change this country. But since you don't agree with the democratic outcome of the last 2 presidential elections, hey, minus well accuse them of being torturers, warmongers, and fascists right?

Nice try, guy but it isn't because of the way the vote went down we call him those things. It is because he fits the profile.

That isn't what bothers me. What bothers me, is that after all this time, after all these lies, after all this mess, all these totally unnecesessary deaths, going from an economy in the plus to one with a debt our grand kids are now straddled with, where if we don't stop borrowing more, their grand kids too.

After all that, we still have YOU to tell us we are all wrong.

While you call dimensional Detective Ignorant this late in the game is a display of arrogance I think most would find utterly repugnant but luckily for you, arrogance like that provides its own self righteous insulation from the reprisals of us ignorant know nothings.

As for waterboarding, color it anyway you want, one of the reasons our country could stand tall as a nation with self respect is that WE DIDN'T DO that sort of thing to others and YES, it IS, torture.

If you ever had it done to you, I can guarantee you would be a babbling baby crying out for your mommy peeing your pants because I have seen it myself and it ain't pretty.

Do you actually believe DD likes this? Do you not think he would rather be talking UP our Country telling others with forthright truth and passion of REAL Patriotism backed up by a Governments leader we KNOW we can trust? One whose word is his bond and that you can take to the bank?

One whose actions lead by example and not by some silly stint he did in the national guard while he showboats landing a jet on an aircraft carrier for a phony photo op like some tinsel town twit?

OF COURSE he would, and so would I

and if you knew any better,,

So would you.

- Con

[edit on 1-5-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 05:21 AM
I have felt for quite some time now that the 'racial' card is just another part of it all.

Things such as doing NOTHING about the illegal aliens... the whole Rev. Wright media circus... then you've got the Black Panthers leader on fairly mainstream news-show within the last month or two, spouting off about Hal Turner... and then, of course, there is Hal Turner with his weekly radio rant (though his hate/anger is mainly directed at our Gov't officials and Jews as of late).

Actually, come to think of it, Hal has brought up the idea of groups, such as the NSM (Neo-Nazis), going into larger cities to incite riots among the Black communities. However, he kicks in the notion that the cops would then be deployed to stop it all, whereas then the cops would be attacked. However, I don't think the cops would be deployed and they would just let the chaos and killing reign for awhile, before coming in to clean up the weakened aftermath. Simply, imo.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by ppskylight

Minus well spread propaganda about water boarding being torture

In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

"All of these trials elicited compelling descriptions of water torture from its victims, and resulted in severe punishment for its perpetrators," writes Evan Wallach in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law.


in 1947 the US war crimes trials sentenced japanese officers to lengthy sentences for water boarding - in 2007 cheny vito`d the anti torture bill.

waterboarding is torture and is a crime. deny ignorance is the motto of this website so i would take that to heart.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 08:36 AM
sorry to reply to my own post , but what organisation is this:

The ****** is tasked with the detection of actual or potential enemies of the leadership and the neutralization of this opposition. To fulfill this task, the ****** created an organization of agents and informants throughout the country and later throughout the other territories. The organization consisted of a few hundred full-time agents and several thousand informants. The ************ was mainly the information-gathering agency, and the *******, and to a degree the ********, was the executive agency of the political police system.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
sorry to reply to my own post , but what organisation is this:

The ****** is tasked with the detection of actual or potential enemies of the leadership and the neutralization of this opposition. To fulfill this task, the ****** created an organization of agents and informants throughout the country and later throughout the other territories. The organization consisted of a few hundred full-time agents and several thousand informants. The ************ was mainly the information-gathering agency, and the *******, and to a degree the ********, was the executive agency of the political police system.

Oooh!! I know! SS? KGB? NSA/FBI/CIA/OSI/DIA? USPS? TSA? (insert name of local)Police? MI5? All of the above?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

Homeland Security?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:14 AM
I would say that yes America is becoming or is Fascist State..

I believe it has been since around the Civil War era, and may have even contributed to that war.

However I do see many people misstating differing political ideologies for a conspiracy or "fascism" when in reality it is just differing opinions. And whether or not America is Fascist would be hard to say for certain, at the very least we can however say that there is in fact sufficient information to say that it is, in Theory, America is indeed a Fascist state.

However it is also opinion based, some would say America is not fascist, and they may or may not understand the eco-political environment to make said judgements, however follow a more conservative social ideology and a liberal economic ideology which leads to Fascism. The belief the Economy should not be touched, and that the State can do no wrong and intermixing the two is the definition of Fascism.

When discussing ideas or policies that have nothing to do with the intermarriage of Corporatism and Federalism, the two big components of Fascism, it would be wrong and illogical to say that it is Fascist simply because you don't agree with the politics.

We should all avoid painting each other with the Political brush because there are far more political mind sets then just Fascist or Communist.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Well I see it like this. Yes without a doubt we still live in the bastion of freedom. There is no other place on earth that experiences the level of freedom that the American people have.

On the other hand our founding fathers said these freedoms were given by God and not the government, and therefore could not be infringed by them. How then can the government take away these rights?

Just look at were we are going and read the writing on the wall. Our liberties are eroding faster than mud on an CA hillside. The time is coming when sides will have to be declared. I know ere I stand.

The true patriots are even now starting to be turned into the enemy of the masses. When, according to recently released documents, it is a sign of terrorism to read the Constitution in public, and to question authority.

It will be soon my friends. It will be soon.



posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by ppskylight

The Canadian military? Which is already stretched in Afghanistan with troops doing frequent rotations? Are you serious? The Canadian Army couldnt occupy New York City. I'm extremely familiar with the Canadian Forces, and that statement you made about "let the Canadian miltary come down.." is totally ridiculous sensationalist, bull#. Go read a book.

[edit on 1-5-2008 by ppskylight]

You quoted DD but the post was mine so I'll rebut your post with this thread:

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