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That's It!!! This Anti-Obama Propaganda Has Got To Stop

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posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Yes SpartanKingLeonidas, you are asking the same questions that the media has been making people ask. The media has been MAKING people ask.

Consider this, you have a friend, a close friend, for over 20 years. Do you just ditch them because they have views different than your own? I think he did the right thing, plus read my post above that talks about the friendship departure being mutual.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by HeadFirstForHalos
You all say that digging things up is just politics, yet if we dig one little thing up on your precious little messiah Ron Paul you all freak out too.

A LOT of people here follow Ron Paul in a manner that could be called similar to a cult or religious following.

You too have the glazed over eyes and will do whatever the man tells you.

All I've heard that Ron Paul would do is 'bring back the constitution'. So technically he would be changing things wouldn't he?

So really now, you're just as bad as us. You just don't want to hear it.



Thanks for pointing this out, and how true it is. I never even thought about that, but now that I do, you're absolutely right.

Well said.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

Because, this is an opinionated debate, not one where I can just cite sources.

IMO, all this stuff I mentioned is BS compared to what we've seen from Clinton and McCain.

I can't cite a source on my opinion, so I don't know why you can't seem to understand this.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81
reply to post by LLoyd45

Because, this is an opinionated debate, not one where I can just cite sources.

IMO, all this stuff I mentioned is BS compared to what we've seen from Clinton and McCain.

I can't cite a source on my opinion, so I don't know why you can't seem to understand this.
you haven't cited a source for anything in the entire thread. Even opinions need to have some grounding in facts. Don't flatter yourself by calling what you do debating.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45

Ok, dude, go do some friggin' research. Like I said, this is a grown-up debate, so don't act like you're the cool kid coming in here who can't bother to read the thread.

I'm sorry if I talk above your head because I know what I'm talking about, just like some other people here. If you can't keep up, perhaps you need to do some reading before chiming in such a thread as this.

I feel like I'm trying to teach Algebra to a 6 year old. Do some research, and then you might have an idea what we're talking about.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81
Ok, dude, go do some friggin' research. Like I said, this is a grown-up debate, so don't act like you're the cool kid coming in here who can't bother to read the thread.

I'm sorry if I talk above your head because I know what I'm talking about, just like some other people here. If you can't keep up, perhaps you need to do some reading before chiming in such a thread as this.

I feel like I'm trying to teach Algebra to a 6 year old. Do some research, and then you might have an idea what we're talking about.
I doubt very seriously if you could speak above anybody's head, including a 6 year old's. That would require some intelligence on your part.

you try to bulldoze any opinions that differ from your's with BS and rhetoric. Those type of tactics only work on ignorant people like yourself. Do some real research, then try to post something that makes sense.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by LLoyd45


Since you just don't seem to get it, perhaps you could stop stopping by here looking for a fight.

Do yourself a favor and think before you post. This is my thread, and you seriously have no reason to be coming by here anymore except to continue your worthless attempts at insulting and trying to sound cool.

Get over it, try to accept the fact that you just don't understand the point, and move on.


You can come back here and try to throw out more stupid insults to try and win this fight you continue to elongate.

I'm done with this back and forth elementary school BS that you keep bringing by here.

You're done.

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 08:56 PM

How about an Obama / Ron Paul ticket!

One thing is becomming very clear, the main stream media is out to sink Obama's campaign.

I actually find this encouraging. I would feel pretty certain that he is owned if they did not object. They would have given him the Ron Paul treatment if they could have gotten away with it. As long as the powers that have a choke hold on America want Obama gone, I can feel confident that he is the lesser of all evils.

While I do like his presented style, I am not at all certain that he is not hiding an agenda. Of course I know the other candidates are, and I therefore have no hesitation on taking a chance on his honesty.
An Obama presidency will most certainly be hamstrung from the outset. But the mere presence of an outsider will block the two American Royal familys. Or at minimum add a third. His wife is a fairly good orator herself.

I am hoping that Ron Paul pulls a rabbit out of his hat, like running as an independant. But the silence seems to indicate that he has passed into shadow.

[edit on 3-5-2008 by Cyberbian]

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

Yeah, next they'll be accusing him of addressing the actual issues!

You know if Republicans had to run on the actual issues they would flat out loose hands down and their consultants know instead of talk about their positions on things that matter they resort to character's so transparent and right out of the Republican play book! Even worse are the people who fall for it time after time after time!

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by skyshow

Good points and post.

I actually heard someone on tv say the same thing, and it's true.

If we focus on issues, McCain loses.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

But I have done my research, you are the one who has refused to look at the huge number of contradictions in Obama stories. I have posted my information, and you have yet to come up with a counter, or anything to prove that I am wrong. Like you said, this is about opinion, and I have expressed mine honestly, and the reasons behind them. Now if you have some research that shows that the information I have that has brought me to my opinion is wrong, please gives us some links.

As it stand, I find Obama to be the least honest of the candidates.

If it depended on the issues, Hillary would win, and that is why she has dominated in the debates. Her policies are more realistic. Her health care plan includes aid for those who need it, and that would mean people who work for a living, but do not make much money, and would be getting the aid they deserve. Obama's plan leaves out struggling middle class families.

By the way, having a college degree doesn't mean you are more intelligent or better educated. From my experience our colleges and universities turn out alot of ignorant people who are more programmed to be conformists, then to think intelligently. A guy who complete a five year apprenticeship program is more highly educated than someone with a four year college degree, but the classist talking heads want to treat all blue collar workers like they are ignorant, and it seems you have also fallen into that trap. All the media is doing with these statements is continuing to disenfranchise the working class, the people who make this country function, the people who built this country, and primarily developed our technology. As an example, most programmers did not graduate college when the industry was being pioneered. Now that all the non-college grads have been pushed out and the college grads have taken over, the software industry has stagnated. Your computer hardware is twenty times faster, but your computer runs slower because the software written by all these college grads sucks.

Keep up with the elitist statements, you are only preaching to the choir.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 06:20 AM

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by poet1b

If it depended on the issues, Hillary would win, and that is why she has dominated in the debates. Her policies are more realistic. Her health care plan includes aid for those who need it, and that would mean people who work for a living, but do not make much money, and would be getting the aid they deserve. Obama's plan leaves out struggling middle class families.

Well, this is a little off topic, but you DO understand the health care plans, don't you? Because it sure doesn't sound like it.

Hillary wants to make it illegal to NOT have it. She is not supplying it to people, she is forcing people, under penalties, to pay for it whether you can afford it or not. Basically, if you don't or can't pay it, you will be forced to with garnished wages AND have to ADDITIONALLY pay for fines and fees. Not to mention, it's another law we really don't need forcing people upon something they might not want or need. You must be for MORE gov't and regulations. You have to understand there's a difference between SUPPLYING and FORCING.

And as far as Obama leaving out the struggling middle class, well, I'd have to say that you might want to check into that a bit more. Obama's plan is to make it more affordable to people so that they have the OPTION of getting health insurance, not forcing them to, which is the more 'Free' way of doing it.

Here's a bit of info from the Wall Street Journal for you:

I hope that goes to clear things up a bit for you.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by blahdiblah


Thanks for posting that, that's a good video.

I'm all for Ron Paul, and I truly wish he had a chance to win.

He is without a doubt, the best candidate we've had in years, and I hope to see much more of him in the future.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:07 AM

You don't see something shady in Obama's list of accquaintances ?

The handshake heard round the world took place in April, 2004, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Chicago between Barack Obama and a mysterious London billionaire named Nadhmi Auchi.What does the handshake mean? It places Mr. Obama, then a state senator from the 13th District who had just won his party's nomination to run for the U.S. Senate in the fall, in the same critical meeting between Mr. Auchi and his Chicago-based partner, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, along with Mr. Rezko's patron, Governor Rod Blagojevich, as well Mr. Obama's mentor in the Illinois State senate, Emile Jones, Jr. It places Mr. Obama in association with Mr. Auchi, who is now, because of three particular wire transfers of cash, one in 2005 and another two in 2007, the latter two most suspicious to the prosecutors, a weighty figure in the trial about to begin into the felonious graft around Governor Rod Blagojevich these last years.In sum, Mr. Obama shook hands with a shadowy billionaire who is suspect of making it possible for Mr. Rezko to perform duties that won him the title of "fixer," by the Chicago media. Mr. Auchi's cash in Mr. Rezko's hands may have fixed Mr. Obama's estate in 2005. Mr. Auchi's cash in Mr Rezko's hands may have built the suspect's defense case or sustained it in 2007, a case to refute the government's sweeping charges, brought by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald of the North District of Illinois, of graft in high places in Illinois politics. And Mr. Auchi's cash in Mr. Rezko's hands could have led, in the U.S. court's opinion as of January 28, 2008, to Mr. Rezko fixing his problem by flight from prosecution to Middle Eastern countries without extradition treaties with the United States.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81
Get over it, try to accept the fact that you just don't understand the point, and move on.


You can come back here and try to throw out more stupid insults to try and win this fight you continue to elongate.

I'm done with this back and forth elementary school BS that you keep bringing by here.

You're done.
If you were intelligent enough to warrant a debate, I would gladly accomodate you. It's obvious you're either to lazy, or too biased to do a little research regarding your own candidate. I and many others have posted numerous links to facts, not just opinions, that you refuse to address.

You're absolutely right, this is an opinion thread.. there have been no facts presented to support your case or claims at all.

You obviously prefer bluster to intelligent discourse, much like the good Reverend Wright. That's also why his, and your credibility are nil. Trying to talk over someone else's comments doesn't make you right, just discourteous and loud.

A suggestion: Instead of typing dozens of replies, just post one that makes some sense and includes a few verifiable facts. Quantity does not equal quality.

This is the last post for me, I have better things to do with my time.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:19 AM
Debunking Obama's Ayers "Fact Sheet"

Obama's political coming-out party in the mid-1990s was hosted by Ayers and Dohrn? What about the panel discussions in which Ayers and Obama both took part—that were organized by Michelle Obama? Tenuous? I suppose the goodbye party for prominent Israel basher and Arafat apologist Rashid Khalidi, attended by Obama, Ayers and Dohrn, is also unworthy of discussion. That Khalidi himself hosted a fundraiser for Obama's first Congressional campaign must be completely irrelevant, too.

A special tribute came from Khalidi's friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi's wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.Today, five years later, Obama is a U.S. senator from Illinois who expresses a firmly pro-Israel view of Middle East politics, pleasing many of the Jewish leaders and advocates for Israel whom he is courting in his presidential campaign. The dinner conversations he had envisioned with his Palestinian American friend have ended. He and Khalidi have seen each other only fleetingly in recent years.

And yet the warm embrace Obama gave to Khalidi, and words like those at the professor's going-away party, have left some Palestinian American leaders believing that Obama is more receptive to their viewpoint than he is willing to say.

[edit on 113131p://bSunday2008 by Stormdancer777]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by LLoyd45

If you were intelligent enough to warrant a debate

Well, it's good to see you can read and continue coming back to do nothing but insult. How grown-up of you.

It would appear that my last post was either not read, or too much information for you to handle.

Yes, YOU are the one who doesn't understand the thread, but I'M the unintelligent one? Okaaaaaay. Have you taken your meds today?

You're absolutely right, this is an opinion thread.. there have been no facts presented to support your case or claims at all.

This, genius, is point in case that you have not bothered to read or try to understand this thread, yet you keep coming on here claiming something over and over again which...why am I even bothering...if you haven't gotten it by now, you never will.

You obviously prefer bluster to intelligent discourse, much like the good Reverend Wright.

Are you kidding me? This must be a joke. YOU are the one who has failed to read through the thread. YOU are the one who just doesn't seem to understand. YOU are the one who hasn't bothered to take the time and try to see what I've been trying to tell you instead of just looking for that ever-elusive link.

Don't come on here without any understanding of what I'm talking about, and then try to start a little kid insult contest.

How old are you?

A suggestion: Instead of typing dozens of replies, just post one that makes some sense and includes a few verifiable facts

ONCE AGAIN, you prove to everyone on here that you just don't get it. It's like talking to a wall with you, yet you keep coming back without reading the friggin' posts or thread.

This is the last post for me, I have better things to do with my time.

JESUS CHRIST!!! It took you HOW long before you realized this?

I've already tried to end this, but you have some childish need to continue to come back looking for something that is irrelevant to the thread, or a way to throw out a child-like insult.

Here, let me bold this for you:

YOU DON'T GET IT!!! I feel like I'm trying to explain how to jump rope to a child. You SHOULD get it, but you just don't.

[edit on 5/4/2008 by bigbert81]

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by bigbert81

How is it that talking about the issues are off topic. Pointing that Obama's rivals have better stances on the issues than Obama, instead of just agreeing that Hillary is a liar while pretending that Obama is not is the narrow focus we must maintain? Being that Obama is your man, I can see how you would rather not talk about the issues.


If you knew anything about how our current health care system works, then you would know that the government already forces working class people to pay for their medical costs, unless you happen to be a foreigner in which case they aren't allowed to ask questions. If you are a working person without health care benefits, like a temp or contract worker, how ever you want to phrase it, and you get sick or injured and have to go to the doctor, Medicaid will pay your bills up front, and pay an extremely exorbitant price, which they will then bill you to recover the costs, all with penalties and premiums that are all very excessive. Only people who are on welfare or possibly here illegally get free health care. If you work at a company that provides health care, you still have to pay out of your paycheck to get that health care. Not only do you pay out of your paycheck, you still pay into the ever rising medicaid system. This way the working poor get to subsidize the illegals who are pulling down wages.

What Hillary's plan does is reform the beast that has become our health care system where administrative costs have skyrocketed through the ceiling, healthy people subsidize people with extremely bad lifestyle choices, administrators are making medical decisions, and malpractice law takes a huge bite. I always found it funny how doctors can be held responsible for the tiniest of mistake, while lawyers and judges are protected by law, but that is off topic. Everyone gets to deduct their health care costs, not just corporate citizens. Health care premiums can not exceed a certain level of an individual of families income. This means that health care becomes affordable for all.

Hillary has a plan where working people can start getting regular health care for less cost than they are currently paying for a medicaid system from which they get no benefit. Obama's plan is a fantasy, where the average wage earner continues to get the shaft.

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by poet1b

How is it that talking about the issues are off topic.

If you knew anything about how our current health care system works

It would appear that you're taking a page from Lloyd, not a good thing.

It's off topic because the point of this thread was to demonstrate the insignificance of the anti-Obama stuff I pointed out in my OP, not to get into an issues debate.

There are some people who have posted legitimate reasons why they're not voting for Obama, and that's fine. I have just been trying to say that the stuff I listed is pointless when trying to pick a presidential candidate.

And as far as the actual logistics and details of the health care plans, I've included a link for you to go over.

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