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Bush the best president ever

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posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by ashley
Bush is the worst president i can remember.
First he allows his PNAC appointees to dupe him and let 9-11 happen. Then he starts and loses 2 wars.
We are getting a very expensive lesson right now of how he has failed at everything he has ever done.Including his attempt at presidency.

That's crap. While I don't like him in the least, he has done some really good things.

I would also not call the wars a loss.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 09:43 PM
I would like to know,what is a good thing he has done? I honestly cant think of any.
The wars are a total loss.Whenever the return is less than the cost, that is a loss.
In this case the return is almost non existent compared to the complications that will come with it. The cost is still there though and will be for the foreseeeable future.
Like i said before,we are being taught an expensive lessson in the failing life of gwb.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 09:46 PM

thanks for the well-wishes to my brother in Iraq.
He is celebrating his B-day today away from his wife and son.

My main grievance is that the intel the Bush administration used is proving to be faulty. Rolling the dice with American lives based on faulty intel is unacceptable.

I just hope that the American and Iraqi widows and orphaned children can live with our decision.....

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by bushfriend
Lets look at a overveiw of bushes presidences

In time order:


Faith based incititives


Succesful war with afghanistan

ecnomy reving tax cuts

succesful War with iraq

Economy recovers


The only bad things seem to be a defeict and and bad intel.

Sorry about spelling

Check out Bush's Resume instead...

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 09:57 PM
We could have had Saddam the night the war started, but instead we went the most expensive route in order to get his oil? And so our "allies" think we're dumb?

"Allies" such as France, who were getting very cheap oil from Saddam, and stood to lose that sweet little deal? Are these the "allies" you are talking about?

We went the long way to get something we could have had from day one, according to you? How does that make any sense at all?

Where is Osama? He was in Pakistan, and we'll get him now that Musharaff invited us in. I just fear that we've given him too much advance notice.

As far as David Hackworth, he's the equivalent of General Johnson Jameson of Art Bell fame. Wouldn't be surprised if he wore a helmet made of aluminum foil to prevent the gov't from stealing his thoughts.

You can try to paint those who support Bush as "my country, right or wrong", KJ, but it won't work. Dissent is fine, nobody said it wasn't. Just because someone supports a president doesn't make them McCarthy-type gangs any more than your hatred for Bush makes you part of the pitchfork-wielding mob that chased Frankenstein up the hill. The Constitution and Bill of Rights protects both groups.


posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 10:00 PM
Exactly lilblam,
If i knew how to use this thing i would of done that myself.

posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 10:14 PM
Yeah bush is the best president ever... just like a super nintendo is still the best console system out there... my ass bush is the best ever... or even recently... i'd rather have Tim Armstrong (from Rancid) be president and i doubt he'd make a good pres (being a punker and all... although a punker pres would make life easier for me)... but i live in Australia and what your pres does barely effects me... but think of all the innocent ppl he's killed in the two unsuccesful wars (ys unsuccesful... Osama is still on the loose, Iraq is a mess, no WMD's found... the only good thing he's managed to do in his term is get rid of Saddam... but i think Bush is more of a tyrant than him anyway)... as for you economy... well like ppl have said... its government waste that screws your economy up...



posted on Feb, 26 2004 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
As far as David Hackworth, he's the equivalent of General Johnson Jameson of Art Bell fame. Wouldn't be surprised if he wore a helmet made of aluminum foil to prevent the gov't from stealing his thoughts.

I don't know much about Gen. JJ because I can't seem to access the sites (limited as they are), but I can bet that the comparison is dead wrong. You should read about who this man is before you say anything about him.

You can try to paint those who support Bush as "my country, right or wrong", KJ, but it won't work.

Who's painting? Did you miss the word some, or perhaps you missed the quote he supported �Loyalty to the country always, loyalty to the government when it deserves it.� by Mark Twain which still rings true today.
I am conservative and I know plenty of fellow conservative/republicans who fall into the trap of following the media or propaganda blindly. That goes for both sides of the fence, but is by all means not a painting of the entire field.

Dissent is fine, nobody said it wasn't. Just because someone supports a president doesn't make them McCarthy-type gangs any more than your hatred for Bush makes you part of the pitchfork-wielding mob that chased Frankenstein up the hill. The Constitution and Bill of Rights protects both groups.

Is it sufficiant to say that there ARE those people out there though? Yes, they are there, and plenty of them.


posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 01:32 AM
Bush the best prez ever? I don't think so.

Better than Clinton? Yes.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 06:30 AM
Believe me, I'm well aware of who David Hackworth is. IMO, his defense of Scott Ritter says it all.


posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:17 AM
Let's see.

Afghanistan controlled by the warlords and the people looking for the Taliban for protection.

Civil war could break out in Iraq at anytime.

Environmental laws raped.

Economy unable to add jobs and the ones being added are near minimum wage.

Deficit spending increasing. Our children and grandchildren will be paying out the ying yang for a long time while the rich continue to get more and more breaks.

The most corrupt administration in a long time.

Yea, he's doing a helluva job.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by kramtronix
Bush the best prez ever? I don't think so.

Better than Clinton? Yes.

How could you possibly justify that statement?

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:42 AM
Lets look at an overview of Bush's presidency:

In time order:


Faith based incentives
I'm not even sure what you're alluding to with this one... Faith in the economy? Or faith as in religion...? Every republican pushes both... Sure, this helps the rich, and can stimulate the economy, but it has other effects on the little guy as well

Something still in question. However his administration failed to prevent it, despite ample warning to the effect of it going down... Not to mention, it was a failure of those that HE appointed into office. His handling of the aftermath was adequete, but hardly electrifying. Not to mention, we went from other nation's having sympathy on our plight to being reviled internationally, all in the short span of a couple years...

Succesful war with afghanistan
Gee, we wiped out a two bit bunch of thugs with the worlds best military....yep. Hardly successful, in case you don't read the news, there are STILL daily skirmishes there, and it is little more than a puppet state. Not to mention, at the cost of earning arab nations' hate even more...yep, good job...

economy reving tax cuts
Sure, if you're rich... And don't even try to point out the mini-refunds, as they simply are taken out of your EIC deduction anyway, so it's still the same amount, just some now, some later.... Also, in case you haven't noticed, we're still teetering on the brink of a recession...

succesful War with iraq
See the answer for Afghanistan, but multiply it by 10.

Economy recovers
The dollar is weaker than it ever was, positionally, and the Euro seems poised to push it down even further...again, we are on the brink of a recession... Ask the average business owner what THEY think of the current economy, if you really feel that way...

Sure, if you're a homophobe...otherwise, you've got "spouses" struggling with bills, because their significant other passed on, etc. and they can't claim benefits... Furthermore putting the onus on us, the taxpayers, and all because we fail to recognize a union that exists, regardless of a piece of paper....

The only bad things seem to be a defecit and and bad intel.
When you are talking about the most powerful nation in the world, those are BIG things!!! Why do we have bad intel? Who appointed the leaders of these organizations? Bush. We went from a budget SURPLUS, to a DEFECIT under Bush!!! Let's not forget another biggie....egg on our international faces...and universally being sneered at by other nations....all during his presidency...

No, he's done enough's time for him to go.... Unfortunately, the Dems picked the wrong pony, and it's too late...

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:48 AM
Bushfriend what's your age?

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 07:54 AM
I think bushfriend, may just be GW's moniker here....

That would explain the spelling.....

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 08:15 AM
I'd tell ya my age but I would have to kill you.

Why do you care?

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 08:34 AM
How can you truly trust a guy who has had many failed businesses and projects with your money? He has proved that he is in fact spending like a damn drunken sailor. He is bankrupting our country and making sure we could never return our national debt to zero. Granted, yes 9-11 and all of the other things happened. But this year is his biggest deficit spending of his term. If you and I tried that with even .01 percent of the money, our banks would call the cops and we would be arrested.

I cannot believe you people support a man that BELIEVES that by shipping jobs overseas, that makes more jobs here and opens up more opportunity here. Outsourcing and moving jobs #s over people...honest people...good people. Watch Roger and Me. GM killed 12 plants in Flint and built new ones in Mexico. It destroyed the town. I know...I'm the asshole here. After all, that is only one small town. So I should just shut up, because I still have my job...

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 08:36 AM
He's 17, and it matters because someone that young is not an adult, they are children still.

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
Let's see.

Economy unable to add jobs and the ones being added are near minimum wage.

I guess 2.2 million new jobs since 2000 is not big deal, huh?

posted on Feb, 27 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Bush should have stayed in Baseball. He went from running a baseball team to govenor......qualifications anyone??

How can you expect a man who before becoming president had never in his life traveled outside of the US(except Canada) to have some kind of grasp of foreign policy?

I do not doubt his intentions, but how well(or-ill)informed is he when he say's he does not read the newpapers and has others tell him what's going on???

Please read a newspaper mr. bush! You might learn something....

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