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Three States Subjected To 'Martial Law Sweeps'

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by particalman86
Did anyone else bother to cross reference this....all the stuff I found was related to drug sweeps and soberity check points. They were busting meth labs and marijuana growers. Which I would say is pretty good use of tax payers money. Also soberity checkpoints, I personally don't drink, and hate drunk driving, so if they throw someone in jail for a day to get sober and claim a victory arrest whatever man. It isn't like you guys don't gloat when you come across a juicy piece of news. I love this site but sometimes the line between logic and fantasy gets really blurred.

Nobody will find anything to corroborate anything other than what you mentioned. The sites these articles come from cater to people who want their stories to be factual so badly they will not even consider verifying what they are reading.

If you watch these sites they parrot each other and have one major thing in common, they are Spin Meister's. A drug raid becomes "martial law", arresting felony fugitives becomes a violation of constitutional rights and don't even consider finding credible sources who back up the fantasy claims made.

The number of people brainwashed by Jones, Prison Planet and their minions is incredible. All common sense goes out the door and I doubt they even realize that they are being led around by the nose by people who don't even believe the garbage they write. Just push that donate button or buy a fiction book passed off as fact and that is what they are after. No way Jones or any of these confidence men believe what is on their sites is accurate.

They take factual stories, flower them up with words like "Marshal Law" or "Violation of Rights" and wait for the counters to click and the Pay Pal money to come in. I'd bet this ends up being another routine roundup of scumbags and drunk drivers on the road behind the wheel of deadly weapons.

People here talk about dis-info-agents and never seem to realize that is exactly what people like Jones and his followers are. Truth never enters into the equation. When sensible, intelligent people see their nonsense it guarantees they will never believe the true problems out there. They just see the lies and exaggerations and assume its all nonsense.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 07:25 PM
i call bull# climb out of your cave and look at the state of affairs in the world, in the nation, and in your neighborhood

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Yeah, you clearly didn't read the article or follow any of the links provided. You just saw it said infowars and thought "Oh noes!!1!! A Twoofer!!1!!! Iza gotz to dizinfoz themz!!1!!1!!1!!one!!!!!!111!!".

Seriously, some of you guys have no other job on this forum then to spread disinfo, you don't do anything other than tell everybody to go to sleep cause the Government is god and it never does anything wrong.
You are a disinfo agent.

Or you could just be some guy who does'nt believe the way some of us do simply because you don't know any better.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 09:59 PM
I second that. It is hard to call all of it dis info when there are proven facts that counter what we are being told. Granted some things do get blown out of proportion. But facts still remain.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by annelidhunter

Are you agreeing with me or the Grizzly Bear?
Even though I disagree with Alex Jones methods or spreading his message, I've never seen him get anything wrong.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:16 PM
This is only the begining y'all get ready for some more Anti-Terror sweeps in your towns.As it was stated by another poster given the vage defintions of Terrorists we and many other sites can be considered Enemies of The Sate.God Bless America..

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 11:12 PM
There is something about this story that bothers me, but it isn't the part about cracking down on "crime" or that they are looking for "terrorists", nor that it's probably a total waste of money. It's very subtle, almost imperceptible.

On one hand they use the cover excuse of looking for international "terrorist links" to ordinary every day local crimes to perform "round-ups" of regular everyday people.

But on-the-other-hand, what the law enforcement is actually doing is what they are supposed be doing anyways! They are supposed to hand out traffic tickets. The Coast Guard is supposed to inspect boats. The drug cops are supposed to bust drug operations. And I would HOPE that when a criminal is caught committing big money moving crimes like drugs that his connections are checked against international links.

So it begs the question: Aren't the cops supposed to already be doing this?

I would answer that the answer to that question is, "Yes." So again, what could the point of this "Operation Sudden Impact" be, really?

It's social conditioning. It's conditioning American Citizens to accept the reasoning that ALL CRIME has the potential to be "terrorist" related. Once Americans have submitted to that, then the next logical step is to use this same claim of "terrorism" potential in everyday crimes as a justification of torturing "suspects" to stop the "next big attack".

It's not as far off as you think folks. We are within a hare's breath of losing it all. As a society, we've already accepted torture at Guantanamo to stop terrorism. Well, then look at this story and the message it is communicating (testing out).

Only we can save ourselves from this insanity.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Hi all.

I just have to say, those Police officer who carry out these insan orders agince American citizen, are SELL OUTS! they through away thier constitutional right for security, and now they want to take YOUR RIGHTS AWAY to.

I never thought that this could happened, but it is.
It is time to take up arms and stock pile WE THE PEOPLE must fight for OUR FREEDOM.

If we dont, then We dont deserve FREEDOM.
If our Police really are doing all this then they have turn against us
and so has our Govenment.

Time to fight and TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!
Why are we all sitting home doing Nothing about this?
You all may have to STOP WORKING FOR A WHILE ,STOP paying those bill .
If the whole County will do this NOW, then what can our EVIL Government do to us ? Nothing not a thing. We are 300 million strong, They dont have enough fire power to kill us all.
and if they do, then they will have Nothing left will they. So whats the point then.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 11:32 PM
Wow I live in Memphis Tn and I had no idea this was going on.Thats a shame lol

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Essan
So let me get this right, there's a crackdown on criminal and criminal activity under what is described as a "an anti-crime and anti-terrorism initiative" and everyone is up in arms about it (and the guys at Infowars make little jokes about speeding terrorists

I assume had it simply been an "anti-crime initiative" everyone would be congratulating them on clearing the criminals from the streets and making everyone's lives safer?

Maybe the real question is why your police needed a 'special operation' in order to do what they're paid to do?

You a totally missing the point. The real crux of the issue here is look at how many agencies were involved in this. Look at the types of agencies. Our local Law enforcement is incrementally being indoctrinated into Federal service. DHS in encompassing anything that is seen as an authority figure. One Federal agency with way too much power.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by annelidhunter

Are you agreeing with me or the Grizzly Bear?
Even though I disagree with Alex Jones methods or spreading his message, I've never seen him get anything wrong.

Consider the supposed "disinfo' that Mr. Jones spreads. Consider the allegations he has made and then tell me how many times he has been sued for what he says. You don't have to like him, but he gets it right.

Oh thats right - he actually is one of them - yeah right!

back on topic.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:10 AM
You know whats even scarier than all this going on! Is the fact that theres not a damned thing any of you or I can do about it. When it come time for them to come in to you home and look around or even take your weapons, there still wont be a damned thing we can do. If you resist pray you dont die. I want answers to this, and I am scared to death that there isnt one. God help us

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Dan Tanna
Karl + Jimmy, I could not agree more with your posts.

I am totaly against these sweeps, BUT, and its a big but, if they have to be done stop using that blooming 'terror' tag.

Its fear mongering at its worst, and reminds me of the old macarthy 'communists under the bed' paranoia of the years past.

I'm so glad people are finally willing to compare this to McCarthyism. Even Osama seems to be gloating over us doing his job for him--bankrupting the country. Mission Accomplished--for Al-Quaeda. Let's get back to just using our common sense and realize that not every swarthy person out there is out to kill us all. There will be events, yes, but one of the prices of freedom is that you not only have to defend it, but that you're not safe as a babe in the womb. Down with the nanny state, in other words.

If America really is one of the best countries on Earth, let's start demanding that we get back to being that. Stop spending more on defense than the rest of the world, admit the War on Terror is both a failure and a fraud, start paying off our crushing debt, and last but surely not least, humble ourselves before the world and admit we've been wrong but that we can change. I don't see that happening before November, though.

Now, as far as this action goes, though, this sounds less like fearmongering and more like fraud to me--if it's an anti-terrorism initiative, there's federal money to be had. It scares me that Memphis, of all towns, got anti-terror funds for this, since their jail system reportedly has the sorts of problems you expect in a prison at best, and human rights violations at worst.

I'm amazed it took them this long. Here in Illinois this has already been abused and seems to be going back down again.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by want2believe
You know whats even scarier than all this going on! Is the fact that theres not a damned thing any of you or I can do about it. When it come time for them to come in to you home and look around or even take your weapons, there still wont be a damned thing we can do. If you resist pray you dont die. I want answers to this, and I am scared to death that there isnt one. God help us
want2believe,we can resist this police state they can't put all of us in the detention camps.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by Amaterasu

...Every camp on the list has been debunked by ATS'ers.

Really? Why is this up with pictures and everything:

Guess I'll search around here, but what I have seen, no one has debunked so much as merely expressed doubt.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
I know a lot of people who lived martial law in Quebec in the 70s, and the police searching everyone in the streets, entering home of anyone they wanted, ransacking... checkpoints everywhere... it sures looks like today's america.. without the army. But eh, now your police is militarized, so it's the same thing.

Yep. And it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better?

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Nobody will find anything to corroborate anything other than what you mentioned. The sites these articles come from cater to people who want their stories to be factual so badly they will not even consider verifying what they are reading.

And you think it's ok to raid citizens on the off chance they have something hidden? Purely counter to our Bill of Rights? No American, you!

If you watch these sites they parrot each other and have one major thing in common, they are Spin Meister's. A drug raid becomes "martial law", arresting felony fugitives becomes a violation of constitutional rights and don't even consider finding credible sources who back up the fantasy claims made.

Yes, a "drug raid" is Martial Law when it comes with no warrant, no probable cause. So the "spin meisters" at these sites are taking the spin off what we are being told so as to pacify us into accepting this BS. If we were told, "We are going to invade your space and property and see if you are hiding anything we can use to pluck you out of society," which is what they're doing ala Gestapo, we would think a bit differently about this activity.

So that "for your own good" crepola has to be spun into things, and any MSM outlet will parrot THAT!

The number of people brainwashed by Jones, Prison Planet and their minions is incredible.

Hahaha! A very great many of us WISH we saw no evidence that Jones, et al, were correct. But we look out at the world and see the Bill of Rights crucified on the cross of "for your own good." Seems a number of our Founding Individuals warned us about giving up freedom for the illusion of safety, as well as what the cost of freedom is: eternal vigilance. We let slip our vigilance, and evil people took us over.

All common sense goes out the door and I doubt they even realize that they are being led around by the nose by people who don't even believe the garbage they write.

Where is the common sense lacking in seeing none of the rights written in the Bill of Rights as being alive fully today? Where is it lacking is thinking something is very amiss with the whole "Patriot" Act placing Fuhrer powers in the hands of the President? Sir, I am observant, and a true American. I can easily see that my country is dead. I saw all this LONG before I knew who Jones was or read anything at Prison Planet. And it was quite a relief when I found others who can see as clearly as I do.

Just push that donate button or buy a fiction book passed off as fact and that is what they are after. No way Jones or any of these confidence men believe what is on their sites is accurate.

How do you know this? Good shill tactic of making the message all about money. I roll my eyes.

They take factual stories, flower them up with words like "Marshal Law" or "Violation of Rights" and wait for the counters to click and the Pay Pal money to come in. I'd bet this ends up being another routine roundup of scumbags and drunk drivers on the road behind the wheel of deadly weapons.

They call a spade a spade, sir. The vast majority of information is available FREE. And, again, businesses were invaded.

People here talk about dis-info-agents and never seem to realize that is exactly what people like Jones and his followers are. Truth never enters into the equation. When sensible, intelligent people see their nonsense it guarantees they will never believe the true problems out there. They just see the lies and exaggerations and assume its all nonsense.

Who pays you to say these things? I found most of the evidence they use all on my own, through many sources, and I added it up. And it all neatly fits, with the move towards Martial Law becoming more and more widespread daily. Every time they write something to give more power to the Pres, suspend another right, or reduce our freedom, it comes as no surprise to me at all, because it all fits in.

I think you are the spreader of disinfo, sir.

[edit on 4/20/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
But on-the-other-hand, what the law enforcement is actually doing is what they are supposed be doing anyways! They are supposed to hand out traffic tickets.

They are supposed to gather in huge gangs and raid homes and businesses without warrant or probable cause??? Really? Where's the Fourth Amendment in all that?

The Coast Guard is supposed to inspect boats. The drug cops are supposed to bust drug operations. And I would HOPE that when a criminal is caught committing big money moving crimes like drugs that his connections are checked against international links.

The whole drug war thing was engineered as the first steps in killing the Bill of Rights. Through its application we came to accept police breaking down our doors. Through it, unconstitutional property seizure power was given such that if you are accused (only!) by anyone, they can come and take your property without due process. 80% of people who have lost property this way are never even charged with a crime!

So really very little is being done on the large scale. The little guys and users are the ones "taken down."

So it begs the question: Aren't the cops supposed to already be doing this?

No. Not without probable cause and warrant.

I would answer that the answer to that question is, "Yes." So again, what could the point of this "Operation Sudden Impact" be, really?

No (again), not without probable cause and warrant. The point was to get us to accept being raided by Gestapo.

It's social conditioning. It's conditioning American Citizens to accept the reasoning that ALL CRIME has the potential to be "terrorist" related. Once Americans have submitted to that, then the next logical step is to use this same claim of "terrorism" potential in everyday crimes as a justification of torturing "suspects" to stop the "next big attack".

Well... You have this pretty much right. And to accept unconstitutional behavior on the part of our police.

It's not as far off as you think folks. We are within a hare's breath of losing it all. As a society, we've already accepted torture at Guantanamo to stop terrorism. Well, then look at this story and the message it is communicating (testing out).

Only we can save ourselves from this insanity.

Well... Despite your start, you've still nailed it.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by cashlink

I like your words. But the fact is... Most of us don't know what to do but to write the congresscritters. And many of them.... [shakes head]

What would you have someone do who is struggling to keep food on the table? (Which I add, in edit, is 98% of us.)

What would you suggest?

[edit on 4/20/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 03:38 PM
A few more thoughts I had...

Doesn't this venture send federal tentacles into state affairs all the further...? Who was it who said, "Get the F out of my local affairs, G-man. Any "terrorists" down here are the ones you've planted...?"

What are the odds?

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