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Terra papers : Hidden History of Planet Earth - Now Online!

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+64 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:56 AM

Back in 1947, a group of Native Americans witnessed a UFO crash and went to the site. They arrived before the military arrived. There was an injured extraterrestrial, and the tribe rescued the alien and helped bring him back to health. The alien eventually began to trust the Native Americans and imparted a special story to these folks. The story is the Hidden History of Planet Earth.

The Story is the Terra Papers, and the author is Robert Morning Sky.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by conxposer]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 02:29 AM
Interesting you brought this, reminds me of that one book. "Urantia(Sp?) book." I'll read though it and see if it's the same thing, but I'm starting to wonder about these books/papers or whatever you want to call them that are starting to pop up.

I must say though why..WHY is there always a war going on in space? for having such peaceful beings (sometimes) they sure like to blast each other...You'd think they'd be gone :p

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Leviatano]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Leviatano

I made the same mistake about 14 years ago when it came out. I was overwhelmed with UFO books and research and I had been reading tons of channeled material at the time, around 1994 or so.

I blew past it thinking it was "another channeled book". I owned Urantia at the time.

Please believe me, these two books are are different as the Sun and the Moon.

Urantia is channeled. Terra papers is REAL transmitted info, as far as I can tell.

The story corresponds with Alex Colliers story. Credo Mutwa's story. Matrix V material. Bill Cooper. Planet X (Zacharia Sithcen) HOWEVER, this information is MUCH more detailed than Sitchen could put together with major information that appears nowhere else.

This is why I posted it. It is one of the most important documents I have ever read. If you enjoy it or not, please post your opinions. I think people will be interested to know what someone who has read it thinks of it.

I really enjoyed it. I think I know where George Lucas got his ideas now.


posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by conxposer

I'm glad and surprised that you managed to find them

I remember your previous thread
Does anyone know where to get the Terra Papers?
all i've ever seen on the web was the "condensed" version, with this description:

This version of Robert Morning Sky’s "Terra Papers: Hidden History of Planet Earth" was condensed especially for Perceptions by Betty Bland who lives and works in Seattle.

Now this is interesting: at least worthy to be read (and to save to the HD just in case it would vanish from there).
Definately a good catch mate

Star and flag for your perseverance.

[edit on 18/4/2008 by internos]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by conxposer

Interesting I have already started reading it, find it to kind of be like a sci-fi book at first, but then again I try to keep an open mind on this type of stuff. So far I will say this much though that it is indeed an interesting read.
More more so than that Urantia book.

It is true that this information is much more detailed, as well as adding in various elements from a few other places. At least it has caught me attention that is all I can say

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by conxposer
Urantia is channeled. Terra papers is REAL transmitted info, as far as I can tell.

The story corresponds with Alex Colliers story. Credo Mutwa's story. Matrix V material. Bill Cooper. Planet X (Zacharia Sithcen) HOWEVER, this information is MUCH more detailed than Sitchen could put together with major information that appears nowhere else.

This is why I posted it. It is one of the most important documents I have ever read. If you enjoy it or not, please post your opinions. I think people will be interested to know what someone who has read it thinks of it.

So, it is real just on the basis it "corresponds" with stories that have been floating around the internet for a long time.

You do realize that anyone can write anything, gleaning information from various sources, then claim anything they want about it. Just because the information "matches" doesn't make it, or any of the stories it is based on real. It would be like writing a book inspired and borrowing elements from Little Red Riding Hood; it doesn't make either the source material or the inspired material true.

Tomorrow, I could write a paper based on various claims and myths about UFOs...and it wouldn't make a lick of it true. But I guarantee people would believe it's true, just because it "corresponds."

And you do realize that Bill Cooper, the belligerant wacko that he was and the world being a better place since he committed suicide-by-cop so idiots and the gullible would think he was a martyr, changed his beliefs about UFOs and said they were a trick by the NWO, right?

[edit on 18-4-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by conxposer

Back in 1947, a group of Native Americans witnessed a UFO crash and went to the site. They arrived before the military arrived. There was an injured extraterrestrial, and the tribe rescued the alien and helped bring him back to health.

And the product/story that is linked was released in [ 17-8-1996 ]

so we have to 'believe' the images seen in the surviving Aliens' crystal ball, and the 'Story' of the cosmos as interpeted by the 6 Native Americans in 1947...Is Real ???

anyhow... I will enjoy reading the story, fictional or not...


+15 more 
posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:00 AM
Stopped reading as soon as it said a galactic war was raging and earth and man was the prize

Who the hell wants this dump with it loony tunes residents, wars and atmospheric poisoning

If there offering relocation to another planet that isnt so f##ked up as part of the package then lets deal you crazy aliens

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:07 AM
So these appear to be scanned copies of this book. I'm sorry but the nice graphic cover and binding just don't seem to scream authentic to me.

I mean who takes the time to have their genuine alien history book bound and printed with a nice cover and forward page. It's even signed by the "author".

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by nyk537
So these appear to be scanned copies of this book.

I'm sorry but the nice graphic cover and binding just don't seem to scream authentic to me.

yes scanned...but from the original photo-copied material
and the 'book' is nothing more than a plastic 'spiral' notebook
which was state-of-the-art at one time, probably late '60s or early '70s.

And that's when this creation was probably foisted.
before the internet could send http,

because if one researches just a tiny bit -- you will find that a lot of the names are coincidentally exactly the same as what one will find in
Assyro-Babylonian Mythology
or even Assyrian and Sumerian Mythology regarding these ancient civilizations pantheon of gods, creators, progenators...
and resurrected as 'Terra Papers' in the alledged 1947 compilation
of an Aliens' crystal ball type of 360degree TV screen

I'm not saying fraud or hoax... i'm kindly saying that at least one person was in one of those shamanic journeys to other realities,
and that is what is being documented.

give me a 'phhhhttttt' if im' conclusively proven wrong

[edit on 18-4-2008 by St Udio]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 12:59 PM
Wow whoever did this sure went into "detail" Even though I'm not done with the book and I was up practically all night reading this and other stuff, I gotta say...I got tired of it around the 4th link. Pg 41~50 or something. For some reason, I don't know what call it a huntch maybe. But, why is it always a dividing line between things like the great flood?

We hear that "God" this (Three)omni being causes it, in this book an alien causes it who tries to imitate God. I don't know whether to take this as mock religion of Christianity or what might actually be truth.
Overall though I shall say it was a good read no matter what it may come out to be. (Truth or false). The way s/he described them putting so much detail into several things, but left out a lot of things that probably should have been put in. If it was the Earth papers, and later in this "Book" humans are made. Why then aren't they told exactly what "hybrids" are used, DNA structure, etc. For an Autobiography of Earth it still has a lot of holes left in it

Whether the "Alien(s)" didn't want to confess the knowledge or the guy forgot to put it in there. (Story changing after being passed down several times.) Though I find it interesting that it has reptilians in it, out of the flare of reptilian topics on this site made me wonder
Juuuuust a bit.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Well, the reason I think it's real is due to several things.

I read Sitchen's stuff a long time ago. I read Cooper's stuff a while back too. I knew Alex Collier personally, and spoke with him often. I have a close friend who had a reptilian encounter. Someone who never previously believed me concerning this stuff. I watched Credo Mutwas videos. I have read Matrix V. I have watched all the Camelot videos. I have studies 2012 now for some time. I believe I am up to speed on most topics of conspiracy research, and have studied now for almost 20 years.

The Terra Papers are the single most accurate representation of the same "theme" I have heard running through all these stories through the ages.

Sitchen was wrong about certain things, likely intentionally.
Credo has a good earth based story. The Terra Papers is a good earth based story. Alex Collier is a contactee. The Matrix V is based on Astral Travelers journeys. All of these correspond together, in a very similar way.

Of course, this is not "proof", but it's proof to me, in the nearest sense of the word.

At some point, gut instinct and intuition has to come into play. My intuition tells me this is correct, for an earth based story. In other words, from a human perspective.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by conxposer]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 07:44 PM
wow!! i don't know what to think.

it does seem to link alot of previous material i have read,seen and heard.

if anything at all it is a good read.

Leviatano: if you haven't yet . you should read through the wole thing. it kinda talls that all the "rulers" of Eridu all called themselves that the "beasts" humans would not question thier origin.

a question to the OP: whats the difference between the Terra papers 1 and 2? i just finished the Terra papers 1 and started the 2, but it seems to be the same exact story? or is this the condensed version internos mentioned? Terra papers 2 that is.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by internos

i'm having trouble saving this to my HD, can you give me some suggestions please?

uhh,.. yea,.. nevermind i got it.. duh

[edit on 4/18/2008 by keeff]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Galactic war?

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Have you ever told someone a truth that seemed so outlandish to them that they thought that you were lying?

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:55 PM
what is it with conspiracy sites and piss poor site design.

no wonder ATS does so well , its the only one thats pleasing to the eye.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by keeff

Nope unfortunantly I still haven't read through the whole thing yet, and might not, but I might just that so far it seems like the bible again and the bible last time put me to sleep. Perhaps I'll read more of it and see, but so far it seems just like a Alien-Bible.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:36 PM
I've read through most of the first part. I like the illustrations, namely the battleship that is a dead ringer for the Death Star.

Joseph Farrell talks about Tiamat. I listened to an interview he did with W. Strieber regarding his Cosmic Wars book. I think Michael Cremo goes into this as well.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:57 PM
yea. it is pretty much an alien bible. at least for our little civ.

i'm not saying i believe it, but it is alot more belivable then the bible i read.just for the fact that the bible says god created the universe 4000 or 6000 years ago? i think our solar system is estimaded,..err our sun is estimated to be 11 billion years old i think. lol alot of thinkin herelol. sorry correct me if i'm wrong. also the Terra papers goes through almost every god that i have heard of. it didn't mention some of the lower gods by name,. but i assumed who they were. it also tries to explain the crop circles and it seems to predict future use of electronics to cloud the mind of it really does try to incorrporate EVERYTHING into the equation. Crop circles ,...

idk at any rate its definitely a good read

alot more entertaining then the KJ bible and i couldn't get very far into urantia,..and i had that on audio >

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:53 PM
sounds like stargate sg1.....from the 20 pages I read so far...or...skimmed though...

I personally don't know what to least he got it right when he said Nasa was his story is alright.....

One thing that doesn't make sense about this story is if these alien races were so advance why would they require resort to primitive methods that requires slaves for construction and mining and other labor intensive work...who have to carry loads long distance...I mean doesn't that beat the purpose of technology?

They can travel across the galaxy at light speed, have laser beams that and disintegrate any matter in the known universe,and can genetically engineer slaves!!! but they have a whole freakin army of slaves.....why? why not have like 4 guys manning a machine that does the mining or the hard labor intensive work......

Don't get me wrong guys, I mean I believe in aliens, and seen some UFO personally myself, but this story just doesn't appeal to me....

[edit on 19-4-2008 by skyblueff0]

P.S. Hey conxposer, thanks for providing all of us with this documentation or paper to read....I'm sure some people will enjoy this reading...

[edit on 19-4-2008 by skyblueff0]

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