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The Chemtrail Myth

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
You know of course that you are working for Lucifer/Satan. You are fulfilling NSSM 200, Iron mountain commission has done its job, and the Protocols are almost complete. However, one thing you didn't take into account. The return of the two witnesses, the tribulations and finally Jesus Christ.

I will admint, from your [assuming] ancestors to now the illuminati has most everyone fooled. However, the foolish ones are the Illuminati in believing Satan and Mammon.

As a member of the Council of 300, let me assure you we do not work for Lucifer/Satan. We simply don't have the time. Many of us put in 40-60 hour work weeks with our "cover" jobs on top of our spare time trying to manage the world. Really, it's just a huge bureaucracy by the time you get to the 300. We can't mircro manage all the decisions made. Half the time we just let the lunatics run the assylum -- it's just easier that way. Let me assure you, however, that if Yeshua ben Yosef Ha'Messiach shows up tomorrow, we will HAPPILY hand over the reins to him. Who better to lead the New World Order?!

More on-topic: Do not confuse our grand organization with projects like "chemtrails." It's bunk. We don't need to toy around with spraying poisons from five miles above you to bugger you. We can very efficiently bugger you without "chemtrails" or their naturally occurring and REAL counterpart the condensation trail.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by tgambill
You know of course that you are working for Lucifer/Satan. You are fulfilling NSSM 200, Iron mountain commission has done its job, and the Protocols are almost complete. However, one thing you didn't take into account. The return of the two witnesses, the tribulations and finally Jesus Christ.

I will admint, from your [assuming] ancestors to now the illuminati has most everyone fooled. However, the foolish ones are the Illuminati in believing Satan and Mammon.

Yep thats rights

After a hard days work of worshipping beezlebub, denounicing faith and planning ways to rule the world, we like to conme on line to ATS and chat with the enlightened ones such as yourself that believe anyhting that is typed here

Good one Del

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:36 PM
Actually, there is no way to distinguish who is truthful or who is not. What I wrote accounts for that hot shot.
I was writing to the Illuminati or as if they were reading it. What I wrote still stands, and if you are or aren't it makes no difference. The truth stands no matter what. I doubt the real Illuminati would even watch this. The CIA/NSA might hire low level analyst to read these and take a sampling of what the public is saying. Or Illuminati wanta-bees are tinkering where little boys shouldn't be messing around with the reality of what is going on.........this spiritual battle that is real.

reply to post by OzWeatherman

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:38 PM
The government wouldn't subject us to nasty stuff in clouds would they?


Clouds of Secrecy: The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas: The Army's Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas (Littlefield, Adams Quality

The Biology of Doom: The History of America's Secret Germ Warfare Project by Ed Regis

Scientific American: The Editors Recommend: December
Regis ... interested himself in what the U.S. and other countries did during and after World War II to develop methods of biological warfare. With the aid of the Freedom of Information Act, he obtained more than 2,000 pages of formerly secret U.S. government documents on the subject. They form the foundation of this account, which traces the U.S. biological weapons program from its inception in 1942 to its termination by President Richard Nixon in 1969 ... By then, according to Regis, "the U.S. Army had officially standardized and weaponized two lethal biological agents, Bacillus anthracis and Francisella tularensis, and three incapacitating biological agents, Brucella suis, Coxiella burnetii, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. The Army had also weaponized one lethal toxin, botulinum, and one incapacitating toxin, staphylococcal enterotoxin B." ...


posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by _Del_

Originally posted by tgambill
I would guess that you folks are just low level players under the following: Illuminati, Committee of the 300, Counsel of the 33, inter-groups of the CFR, Bilderbergers, and the big think tank, Trilateral Commission.

Wait just a minute -- Don't think you can call us low level players of the Committee of 300, and there won't be consequences! I know for a fact that I am in the top 27 of the 300, and OZWeatherman is almost top 10 (six more years and he gets a gold watch) -- As for Essan, I didn't want to bring this up, but he's really only an associate member of the Illuminati (He's on two year probation after he "forgot" to pay his dues one month last fall. Truth is his check bounced, don't believe whatever other story he invents to explain the incident. He also hit on the wife of someone in the top 5 at last years "Depopulation: Make it Work for You" picnic - the fact he was fall-down drunk at the time is the only reason he's still alive).

And our weather control isn't nearly as advanced as you make it out to be. For example my summer home's roof almost collapsed under the weight of all the snow this year. We are still working out the kinks in the system, or I'm the victim of a practical joke from the guys in the tech department again. Further, we can manipulate the weather without spraying aluminum into the air. The only chemical we spray in the atmosphere is a rare form of ozone mixed in a benign inorganic solution. You see we didn't expect you kids to run out and buy all that hair spray a couple decades past -- THAT one caught us off guard. But have no fear, we're working to correct the problem. When we want to poison people to cull part of the population we use extra quantities of Flouride in the drinking water or custom made viruses.

I hope this thread has cleared up some of the misunderstandings about our organization and the fact that "chemtrails" are benign condensation trails. We really are working hard for the public good (most of the time).

Thank you,


I will have to offer an apology for tgambill as he may have mis-spoke about being low level but you do have it wrong on the bounced check it was made of rubber by the Acme Rubber Company (a division of the petroleum industry) they are made to bounce and a good way for him to stretch his dollar, he has case's of them tucked away and they need to be processed by hand just like any other prophylactic.

As for your summer home I'm sorry to hear about your roof, but you really should have done your homework before employing a company that built a space ship to land on the sun at night when it's not so hot, because everyone knows it don't snow in the summer so why would they need to reinforce the roof for snow.

Re- your agents dumping fluoride in the drinking water could you please refrain them from dumping in my well as I woke up early the other morning and caught one of them taking a dump in my well, You
will be able to recognize him from the signature pattern of the buckshot left on his behind and if he tells you he was out hunting with Cheney don't believe him he's lying.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 01:25 PM
We also have:
Book: A Higher Form of Killing 1982 library #358.34 by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman

My notes: 1956 Aedes Aegypti mosquito was dropped onSavannah, Ga and over Florida. This mosquito was bred at Ft.Detrick to be used to give yellow fever to an "enemy".
1956 The Army began investigating the feasability of breeding 50 million fleas a week to spread the plague.

***and shortly afterward we had an epidemic of fleas which some of you may remember.

They also bred a tick contaminated with tularemia. About this time the tick born LYME disease appeared.
During the Vietnam war the Army tested airborne tularemia on a group of 7th Day Adventist non-combat troops. It is said that they were willing.

About 1957 they sprayed the West Coast of Florida with the Whooping cough germ, and there was an outbreak of the disease in children. Several infants died.

Re death due to the spraying of SM (serratia Marcescens) bacteria over San Francisco 9/27/1950
Case 78-1615-SC Mabel Nevin et al -vs- U.S.A. Judge: Samuel Conti, U.S. District Court, NorthernDistricts of California, Heard 3/16/1981 The Plaintiffs Won!

Always trust the government, they have your best interests at heart.

I live in W.Central Florida and I can tell you that I frequently see many of these chemtrails running in and E/W direction. We have very little air traffic that runs straight over the Gulf. I also see many N/S clouds drifting in from the Gulf. I do not think that there is much traffic that runs in that direction, do you?

And how about those daisy designs they make? Yes, I have seen one.
Come on OZweatherman - explain that one.
Also, I have noted that you are ignoring a question twice posed by another poster.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
We also have:
Book: A Higher Form of Killing 1982 library #358.34 by Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman

My notes: 1956 Aedes Aegypti mosquito was dropped onSavannah, Ga and over Florida. This mosquito was bred at Ft.Detrick to be used to give yellow fever to an "enemy".
1956 The Army began investigating the feasability of breeding 50 million fleas a week to spread the plague.

And how about those daisy designs they make? Yes, I have seen one.
Come on OZweatherman - explain that one.
Also, I have noted that you are ignoring a question twice posed by another poster.

All good points, now they run to the higher up's and ask " how do we respond to this"
I guess they are low level since they only hit on low points that are easy to spin but when Government facts and Court Doc's hit-em in the face it's no comment.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I know thre are so many to point out but one from I beleve was also 1957 was the Bio Chems they placed in the New York Subway and the cars that were fitted with spray valves to spray on the streets of New York.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:16 PM
If you can show me how chemical or biological weapons relate to the ability or inability of a contrail to persist, I'll be happy to entertain you. If you have even the flimsiest evidence of chemical or biological weapons being dispersed other than clouds that don't conform to your pre-conceived ideas, I'll be happy to try to tell you how senseless that would be or tell you where you can learn more about natural condensation trails and/or cirrus clouds.
If you want to debate evidence for chemical weapons used amidst the populace in non-contrail distribution please make a thread about it and I'll be happy to attend later.
Unfortunately, even #27 of the Council of 300 has to mow his own lawn (my minions refuse to believe the grass is actually taller, they say I make it look that way with holograms to provide them with busy work so they don't have time to stumble on to my more nefarious schemes. They are very crafty. Note to self: add more mind control agent to water supply)...

[edit on 19-4-2008 by _Del_]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by _Del_
If you can show me how chemical or biological weapons relate to the ability or inability of a contrail to persist, I'll be happy to entertain you.
[edit on 19-4-2008 by _Del_]

The spraying aluminum particulates micron in size will float in the trade winds for days before falling to earth.

Sorry about your grass maybe you should hire some illegal's to take care of it for you, there cheap. Pelosi will put in a good word for you.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by DOHC

Originally posted by _Del_
If you can show me how chemical or biological weapons relate to the ability or inability of a contrail to persist, I'll be happy to entertain you.
[edit on 19-4-2008 by _Del_]

The spraying aluminum particulates micron in size will float in the trade winds for days before falling to earth.

Sorry about your grass maybe you should hire some illegal's to take care of it for you, there cheap. Pelosi will put in a good word for you.

Trade winds only happen near the equator. They do not affect the United States. The reason I have not answered your questions is because unlike some of the other chemtrailers here, your argument purley revolved around making stuff up on the spot. You even lied about dog flu which makes me think I should be reporting you for deliberately posting false information

You have not produced even one little bit of evidence yet or even demonstrated that you can put together an intelligent answer. You also have no clue about physics or meteorology which you just proved with your trade wind theory. I bet you dont even take into account the jetstream where winds at 200mph exist. In fca I bet you dont even know what it is and you most probably have no idea what cirrostratus is, or even any of the basic cloud types

Put together an intelligent post and maybe I will respond. Keep posting rubbish like you are and you only further discredit the topic.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
I live in W.Central Florida and I can tell you that I frequently see many of these chemtrails running in and E/W direction. We have very little air traffic that runs straight over the Gulf. I also see many N/S clouds drifting in from the Gulf. I do not think that there is much traffic that runs in that direction, do you?

Air traffic does not all run in the one direction and neither do clouds. Unless you launch weather balloons for a living you wouldnt have a clue what way the winds were going in the upper stratosphere regions. You dont sound like you know what you are talking about. There are pilots on this thread who live in Florida, I wonder if they can back up your observations

And how about those daisy designs they make? Yes, I have seen one.
Come on OZweatherman - explain that one.
Also, I have noted that you are ignoring a question twice posed by another poster.

Daisy designs? First I heard about thes. Provide some evidence please and I will be willing to discuss it

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by DOHC

Originally posted by _Del_
If you can show me how chemical or biological weapons relate to the ability or inability of a contrail to persist, I'll be happy to entertain you.
[edit on 19-4-2008 by _Del_]

The spraying aluminum particulates micron in size will float in the trade winds for days before falling to earth.

Sorry about your grass maybe you should hire some illegal's to take care of it for you, there cheap. Pelosi will put in a good word for you.

Trade winds only happen near the equator. They do not affect the United States. The reason I have not answered your questions is because unlike some of the other chemtrailers here, your argument purley revolved around making stuff up on the spot. You even lied about dog flu which makes me think I should be reporting you for deliberately posting false information

You have not produced even one little bit of evidence yet or even demonstrated that you can put together an intelligent answer. You also have no clue about physics or meteorology which you just proved with your trade wind theory. I bet you dont even take into account the jetstream where winds at 200mph exist. In fca I bet you dont even know what it is and you most probably have no idea what cirrostratus is, or even any of the basic cloud types

Put together an intelligent post and maybe I will respond. Keep posting rubbish like you are and you only further discredit the topic.

Once again you pass over the fact of The spraying of aluminum particulates in the sky, trade wind was used as a medafore.
let me put it in plain simple english

As for the canine virus I was just telling you what I was told by the vets I contacted no intention to mislead anyone. If there was any misleading it would be from the vets.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by DOHC

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by DOHC

Originally posted by _Del_
If you can show me how chemical or biological weapons relate to the ability or inability of a contrail to persist, I'll be happy to entertain you.
[edit on 19-4-2008 by _Del_]

The spraying aluminum particulates micron in size will float in the trade winds for days before falling to earth.

Sorry about your grass maybe you should hire some illegal's to take care of it for you, there cheap. Pelosi will put in a good word for you.

Trade winds only happen near the equator. They do not affect the United States. The reason I have not answered your questions is because unlike some of the other chemtrailers here, your argument purley revolved around making stuff up on the spot. You even lied about dog flu which makes me think I should be reporting you for deliberately posting false information

You have not produced even one little bit of evidence yet or even demonstrated that you can put together an intelligent answer. You also have no clue about physics or meteorology which you just proved with your trade wind theory. I bet you dont even take into account the jetstream where winds at 200mph exist. In fca I bet you dont even know what it is and you most probably have no idea what cirrostratus is, or even any of the basic cloud types

Put together an intelligent post and maybe I will respond. Keep posting rubbish like you are and you only further discredit the topic.

Once again you pass over the fact of The spraying of aluminum particulates in the sky, trade wind was used as a medafore.
let me put it in plain simple english

As for the canine virus I was just telling you what I was told by the vets I contacted no intention to mislead anyone. If there was any misleading it would be from the vets.

Like I said before....please provide some evidence of this and a source and I will be happy to debate it

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Like I said before....please provide some evidence of this and a source and I will be happy to debate it

United States Patent 5,003,186 March 26, 1991
Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, i.e., from the greenhouse effect. Such gases are relatively transparent to sunshine, but absorb strongly the long-wavelength infrared radiation released by the earth. The method incudes the step of seeding the layer of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere with particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity. Such materials include Welsbach materials and the oxides of metals which have high emissivity (and thus low reflectivities) in the visible and 8-12 micron infrared wavelength regions
Inventors: Chang; David B. (Tustin, CA), Shih; I-Fu (Los Alamitos, CA)
Assignee: Hughes Aircraft Company (Los Angeles, CA)

Appl. No.: 07/513,145
Filed: April 23, 1990


Current U.S. Class: 250/505.1 ; 244/158.1; 250/503.1; 250/504R
Current International Class: A01G 15/00 (20060101); G21K 001/00 ()
Field of Search: 250/505.1,54R,503.1,493.1 244/136,158R
U.S. Patent Documents

3222675 December 1965 Schwartz
4755673 July 1988 Pollack et al.

Primary Examiner: Berman; Jack I.
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Sales; Michael W. Denson-Low; Wanda
What is claimed is:

1. A method of reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a layer of gases in the atmosphere which absorb strongly near infrared wavelength radiation, comprising the step of dispersing tiny particles of a material within the gases' layer, the particle material characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said material has high emissivities with respect to radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength spectra, and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength spectrum, whereby said tiny particles provide a means for converting infrared heat energy into far infrared radiation which is radiated into space.

2. The method of claim wherein said material comprises one or more of the oxides of metals.

3. The method of claim 1 wherein said material comprises aluminum oxide.

4. The method of claim 1 wherein said material comprises thorium oxide.

5. The method of claim 1 wherein said particles are dispersed by seeding the stratosphere with a quantity of said particles at altitudes in the range of seven to thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface.

6. The method of claim 1 wherein the size of said particles is in the range of ten to one hundred microns.

7. The method of claim wherein said material comprises a refractory material.

8. The method of claim 1 wherein said material is a Welsbach material.

9. The method of claim 1 wherein the number of said dispersed particles per unit area in the particle layer is greater than or equal to 1/.sigma..sub.abs 1, where 1 is the thickness of the particle layer and .sigma..sub.abs is the absorption coefficient of the particles at the far infrared wavelengths.

10. A method for reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect resulting from a greenhouse gases layer, comprising the following step:

and the list goes on need I continue?

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by DOHC

seeding the greenhouse gases' layer with a quantity of tiny particles of a material characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said materials have high emissivities in the visible and far infrared wavelength spectra and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength spectrum,

whereby said particles are suspended within said gases' layer and provide a means for converting radiative energy at near infrared wavelengths into radiation at the far infrared wavelengths, permitting some of the converted radiation to escape into space.

11. The method of claim 10 wherein said material comprises one or more of the oxides of metals.

12. The method of claim 10 wherein said material comprises aluminum oxide.

13. The method of claim 10 wherein said material is thorium oxide.

14. The method of claim 10 wherein said seeding is performed at altitudes in the range of seven to thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface.

15. The method of claim 10 wherein said material comprises a refractory material.

16. The method of claim 10 wherein said particle size is in range of ten to one hundred microns.

17. The method of claim 10 wherein said material is a Welsbach material.

18. The method of claim 10 wherein the number of said dispersed particles per unit area in the particle layer is greater than or equal to 1/.sigma..sub.abs 1, where 1 is the thickness of the particle layer and .sigma..sub.abs is the absorption coefficient of the particles at the far infrared wavelengths.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by DOHC

Yes do go on I need more info

All I see is methods there. I am pretty sure this has been discussed before and the plan was never implemented

If they were using aluminium though it would be invisible like the chaff fighter jets use to scramble radar beams. In fact chaff is aluminium pretty much but not in quantity that is harmful to humans. It wouldnt be showing up as a trail either

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 04:51 PM
Chem trails are real!
Is it a problem?
check it out

Here is the plan and it ain't good.
Lower restistance by;
Mercury and other toxics in shots
Genetically modified foods
Fluoride in the water and getting ready to spray on produce.
Release the bird flu or some other lab created killer and wipe out most of the population.
The elite want 85% to 90% to die off to protect mother earth.
No need for man any more because robotics can do it all and they don't have to pay them.
After all, if you have the big money and you can never spend it all power is all that's left.
If you can't understand this get off the Fluoride it eats holes in your brain!

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
reply to post by DOHC

Yes do go on I need more info

All I see is methods there. I am pretty sure this has been discussed before and the plan was never implemented

If they were using aluminium though it would be invisible like the chaff fighter jets use to scramble radar beams. In fact chaff is aluminium pretty much but not in quantity that is harmful to humans. It wouldnt be showing up as a trail either

Here is a screen save from Weather Wonderground you will see that it states "The long streamers of high reflectivity apparent on Doppler radar across the Bay area are being caused by chaff...small particles released during a military exercise. Please disregard these radar returns. Isolated rain showers will continue across the area through this evening...though not as heavy as what the radar would currently indicate."

So are you trying to mislead us by saying it would be invisible like the chaff fighter jets use to scramble radar beams ? I guess you just threw your creditabilty out the window as well.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 05:03 PM
I am glad this came up again today.

I have been watching the skies for a little over 3.5 years. I live near a very busy international airport, so our skies are rarely clear. Yet when they are clear, it doesn't always make sense.

Wednesday (3 days ago) it snowed. Obviously the humidity was high. Thursday the snow had melted, although it remained cool outside with relatively high humidity. Little puffy clouds dotted the sky, like thousands of cotton balls, yet, no contrails of any kind to be seen. Friday the sky was clear, no clouds, no contrails. Today (Saturday) the sky started out clear and is now covered with a thin layer of cirrus clouds.

Earlier I saw lingering contrails... and for the first time I saw black contrails. I had never seen or read about black ones, so I wondered if my eyes were playing tricks, so I verified with my daughter that yes indeed there were black lines in the sky.

I agree with the poster(s) that say they do not trust the powers that be. I do not know for a fact that some terrible thing is being perpetrated in the form of chemtrails. But I have not been given a reason to believe otherwise. I have reasonable doubt based on other actions by the same powers that be. And so for now, I will keep a skeptical eye on the skies.

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