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Do U Think That The American Government Is Planning An "Alien Terrorist Attack"???

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posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
How can you label Aliens " Terrorists " ?
Dont believe everything you read.



I read that as Tourists!!
I was like, well, technically, they are visiting us from a different place, possibly sight seeing, doesnt that make them tourists?

Im stupid.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 09:01 PM
lol @ milk! I actually read the same thing at first glance... hahaha

theysee all- I personally don't see the government 'hoaxing' and alien attack.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL



Sounds like someones to much of a puss kid to take on the big challenge of a debate thread. Those are big time showcases, if you think your so much hot# youd jump at the offer.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
I just downloaded and watched: "Alien Interview" and there was a part with President Reagan talking to the U.N. and he said something on the lines of: "I hope that mankind will soon be completely united. If this is not possible maybee there will be a universal outside event that will cause all mankind to unite". Makes u think right??? I mean the U.S. government hoaxed the moon landing, planned Pearl Harbor and 9-11...whats in there way of doing something like hoaxing an alien attack??? Something was done be4 (War of the Worlds). That was only a RADIO SHOW and looked how well it worked!!!

How would the U.S. perfect something like this???

Youre Thoughts???

I agree with you that President Ronald Reagan's comment during his speech leaves room for thought, however, Hoaxed Moon Landing?, Planned Pearl Harbor, and Planned 9-11? That quite frankly is a load of garbage. I know people who were around for all three, and who have higher government clearances than most, and I know for sure that the Moon Landing was Real, Pearl Harbor could have been prevented, but was not planned, and September 11th was pretty much the same as Pearl Harbor. I don't mean to trash your theories, but at least provide evidence to back up the claims.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 09:27 PM
Well? What do you say kid?

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
I just downloaded and watched: "Alien Interview" and there was a part with President Reagan talking to the U.N. and he said something on the lines of: "I hope that mankind will soon be completely united. If this is not possible maybee there will be a universal outside event that will cause all mankind to unite". Makes u think right??? I mean the U.S. government hoaxed the moon landing, planned Pearl Harbor and 9-11...whats in there way of doing something like hoaxing an alien attack??? Something was done be4 (War of the Worlds). That was only a RADIO SHOW and looked how well it worked!!!

How would the U.S. perfect something like this???

Youre Thoughts???

I think that it would all have to be well planned out by the U.S Government, along with all its Intelligence agencies. The major player in this type of scenario would, of course, be the Military strategists.

The Military strategists would have to utilize their most secret flying crafts, the ones that perhaps a large majority of people mistake for alien UFO's. An alien attack on such a scale in order to be believable would also require, along with these top secret flying craft, the use of holographics, in terms of light projection into the sky, making the appearance of an alien UFO doing unimaginable feats.

As for the terrorist alien attack, the Top secret aircrafts that look alien-like would have to, regretfully, fire their weapons against innocent civilian establishments, such as important buildings or parts of cities, or even the White House.

The President would then need to establish with the world that America is under attack by an unknown threat, possibly alien craft. Then, this would have the world really upset, not to mention American citizens.

U.S forces fighter jets would probably be scrambled, while some of them get hit with alien aircraft fire. There would be a planned out attack with the U.S fighter jets and ground artillery as well, perhaps even the utilization of the star wars weapons.

After all this fake alien threat, the supposed UFO's get shot down, taken in by the remaining U.S forces and seized against public inquiry. The eventual downfall to such an event is Martial Law and further restriction on peoples lives with laws, and a full blown fascist state. The world may perhaps be forced to unite under a world government, a fascist one. Maybe, because of a fake alien attack, people will realize what freedom really means.

posted on Feb, 23 2004 @ 11:09 PM
I think the possibility our governments would concoct a fake alien threat is very plausible and almost certain, if in fact extraterrestrials do visit our planet. It wouldn't necessarily require much effort either. By using the media they could plant news stories, television shows, popular books and movies that suggest aliens are abducting people against their will. This would allow them to justify various countermeasures including extravagant military spending, expansion of the police state, intrusion of our civil liberties and privacy, a ubiquitous state intelligence apparatus, cooperation and coordination between law enforcement and organized crime, etc.

Having an official enemy is extremely useful to the state, and to the class of people--the ruling class--who are the owners and managers of states. In fact enemies are so important that if they don't have enemies they'll create them. How many citizens of the USA know that we shared nuclear weapons research and development with Soviet scientists who worked at the Nevada test range along side their American counterparts during the so-called Cold War? How many citizens of the USA understand why we fought the Vietnamese? Nobody knows the reason for the Viet Nam War, probably because there was no real reason except that wars are useful for controlling public investment in vital industries, and for various other economic and social engineering objectives. Was 9-11 the work of real terrorists or of our's and allied intelligence services? Why is Donald Rumsfeld's company allowed to sell breeder nuclear reactors to North Korea? Why is the US trying to build up Japan's military now? Why does the CIA web page discuss a future nuclear war between China and Japan? Why has the USA invested so much into China's manufacturing, and allowed transfer of so many high technologies to China?

The ruling class demands a double standard; the state must never impinge on their freedoms and businesses unless to support them, but for the little people a different set of rules apply. The oligarchs are above the laws of states. They are international citizens and own homes and large investments all around the world. They travel freely in their private jets and yachts without being subjected to search and customs. They transfer millions of dollars between banks at a whim, and hide assets in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. Their wealth and power give them immunity from the most serious crimes. They can get away with murder.

If there is a group above these people, a group more resourceful, intelligent, more powerful, and less hindered by ordinary human limitation, it would be these extraterrestrials. ETs pose a hypothetical threat to most of us, but they pose a very real threat to the lifestyles of the oligarchs. ETs imply the end of the oligarchic system of control, imply a higher order of interplanetary law and governance, universal systems of morality, and more powerful military technologies to back it up.

[Edited on 23-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
How can you label Aliens " Terrorists " ?
Dont believe everything you read.


Therefore how can u label Terrorists "Terrorists". You are the one who shouldn't believe everything you read. terrorists have done these activities for a reason not for fun. I know that no one wouldn't give up their life for an unworthy cause. There fore a terrorist would have given up his life in 9-11 because the US has been putting a stranglehold on the middle east with many people dying because the US wants the middle east set out its way!

You people cant just say that terrorists are really bad just because they kill people (which still isn't good but look at them compared to how many the US has killed e.g Japan). All you guys are doing what the media has fed you guys and you have just regurgitated it. The government wants you to know this because they dont want you thinking that the government is the foundation for all these attacks.

Anyways, back to the UFO topic. I think that it will be impossible for the US to stage a UFO attack because they should have some kind of EMP or HPM defences which fry electrical circuits and make planes go down. Even if they dont have them they can use missles or lasers (which they shgould have now) to get the UFOs out. If the government does shut down all of its defences then the UN will become suspicious to why it did so because i believe that the US has patriots set up in many areas because of the terror alerts. If they do shut them down then the people will over throw the government!

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:30 AM
hmmm, alien terrorists, I read a sci fi book on this subject years ago. I forgot the name but the plot went like this. Spaceship lands outside UN building in New York City. Aliens make demands of the world. A New York gang infiltrates the aliens ship in response to some sort of challenge. The gang causes unexpected havoc withing the alien ship.

Meanwhile outside, I believe the UN jams all alien signals according to a predetermined plan if this ever occurred. The aliens terrorists suddenly decide it's time to implement their standard terrorist routine. They previously issued global demands, now they say those demands weren't satisfied. The aliens now announce that an alien fleet will annihilate all humans on the planet as punishment for defiance. Supposedly this announcement has worked on hundred's of planets but here the signals were jammed so no economic global disaster occurred from a fictitious panic. (no real alien fleet). Meanwhile the gang really screwed up their ship. It was a very funny book.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by CanadaCANfight
4. never eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever belive what a website tell's you EVEN ATS

Are you THENEO?

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:01 AM
Reminds me of an Outter Limits episode that I saw the other day. The goverment transformed some guy into an alien, launched him into space and he was supposed to come back and land near the Pentagon. I just saw bits and pieces, so I am not sure how it turned out or even what the purpose of it was. But really, think about it. Something like this would shake this world up. There would be a joining of forces against the aliens, there might be a peace type of thing happen, where people realise we are not alone, religous freaks spazzing out, the possibilities are endless.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:26 AM



posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 04:39 AM
First of all about the pearl harbor you don't know it was planned you assume it was just like Alien and Goverment interaction I don't know it happens I assume it happens because of the evidence I see. Have you heard it direct from a goverment official? If you have then I will stand corrected but if not once again I say you assume it happens from the evidence you have seen.

Now the US goverment could plan a terrorist attack with Alien life forms but the people will want action from the goverment and I don't think the goverment will have the technology to attack them try chasing one of their ships in space with one of ours. Maybe when we have the technology to fight back then possibly but I think it might just be an annoucement that they are here on earth and mean us no harm.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL
I just downloaded and watched: "Alien Interview" and there was a part with President Reagan talking to the U.N. and he said something on the lines of: "I hope that mankind will soon be completely united. If this is not possible maybee there will be a universal outside event that will cause all mankind to unite". Makes u think right??? I mean the U.S. government hoaxed the moon landing, planned Pearl Harbor and 9-11...whats in there way of doing something like hoaxing an alien attack??? Something was done be4 (War of the Worlds). That was only a RADIO SHOW and looked how well it worked!!!

How would the U.S. perfect something like this???

Youre Thoughts???

How do you know the government faked the mmon landing? How do you know the government planned pearl harbor/9-11? Why would the U.S government want to kill hundreds of it's own people? I'm sorry my friend but the days of tyrany is long over and done with.
Yes that radio broadcast was a joke, but many people took it seriously and the man who made it seem as if we were in fact being invaded, was in s**t higher than his elbows when he pulled that clever stunt.

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 02:47 PM
it is more likely that they know an attack is coming
all the payloads they sent up in the early 90's on the shuttle were starwars related stuff and are there to try to defeat the aliens not to stop the russians or chineese or whoever but it can be used for that

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 02:56 PM
on second note what they said is very much the truth of
what is happening..
what is happening now is the stonewalling of high strangeness
oh by the way you two im voting for both of you

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 03:03 PM
The aliens are probably behind it
they may want to stave off the attack of aliens that want to help us knowing that we screwed up and made an alliance with the bad ones
or it may be more subtle than that
but i doubt it

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 03:05 PM
i highly suggest that you all read the book "exterrestial friends and foes" author george c andrews if you havent already

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
there was a part with President Reagan talking to the U.N. and he said something on the lines of: "I hope that mankind will soon be completely united. If this is not possible maybee there will be a universal outside event that will cause all mankind to unite".

Reagan was attempting to convey the message that for the world to unite, there may have to be an unknown/unnatural/whatever the hell you want to put here threat to the world, that would unite the world. I don't think he was trying to hint that would be the way to do it.(fake an invasion to unite the world)
He meant that as a people we can and have pulled together before to fight off world wide problems.
And that speach was what 6-7 years ago? What happened to the invasion?
It would take more that just the US to say to the world "we're being invaded" for the world to say "oh please tell us what to do"
Even if something like Independance Day happened, there would STILL be leaders of the world that would doubt and refuse to join a united mankind front

[Edited on 24-2-2004 by NetStorm]

posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 03:25 PM
AGENT--- set it up...

r u afraid of a "KID"???

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