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:: The Truth of Light ::

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posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 08:32 PM

"At this point you might try varying your responses, short of playing along with the idea that the imaginary friend actually exist."

I pretty much ignore it... I don't encourage it too much. And as I said, she get's plenty of attention from both parent's...

"We say we are made of flesh, our senses perceive reality. But that flesh is made of cell, which is made of molecules, then atoms and then quarks. Knowing what we presently know about reality at the subatomic level of interaction the term abstraction is an understatement. From that standpoint objects which at this level of functioning present themselves as separate (solid object) cease to appear that way (entirely). This is an aspect of objective reality and the framework that makes possible what we are. Furthermore there are interactions between object created at the same time. Despite distance in relation to light years. There is a physical connective���s which is inherently apparent.

As far as the Earth and we, it���s most advanced occupants. At the levels of orientation I am presenting (states of matter) that interconnectedness is as well apparent."

And to top it off, there is no direct evidence that we have any mental control over it all. As far as this is going, I'm ending the discussion since it is getting way off topic. As I said, if you have a point to how this magic related stuff applies to what I was talking about, then please make that point. I have nothing to add to this part of the discusion. There is no proof of any of this crap existing, and it is usually preformed by ecentric individual's. Make your point, get back on topic, or cease discussion altogether.

posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 08:51 PM

Main Entry: [1]ec�cen�tric
Pronunciation: ik-'sen-trik, ek-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin eccentricus, from Greek ekkentros, from ex out of + kentron center
Date: circa 1630
1 a : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style b : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
2 a : deviating from a circular path; especially : ELLIPTICAL 1 b : located elsewhere than at the geometrical center; also : having the axis or support so located
synonym see STRANGE
- ec�cen�tri�cal�ly /-tri-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Pronunciation Key

� 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

Seems to me James its the other way around, beleiving in a religion is not deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways. But to be certain talking about EM
causing people to see God certanly is.

posted on Dec, 26 2002 @ 11:56 PM
I'll dispute ALL the arguments about imaginary friends.

My daughter had an imaginary sister. My son, growing up in the same environment did NOT have an imaginary friend or sibling (they were born almost exactly 13 months apart.)

A lot of writers I've talked to had imaginary friends. Many, however, did not. As far as I can see, it has some relation to how memory and imagination and the creative process works. The creative ones without imaginary friends are more likely to be creative based on research and compilation (and can be creative on demand.) The others are "inspiration-based" creators and can't restart if they run out of inspiration.

Niether is more nor less sane than the other. Niether is more nor less creative than the other. It's simply a reflection of how the brain and creativity works.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 12:31 AM
Small children love to role-play and imaginary friends are sort of the ultimate version.

Those with religious beliefs often regard these issues as a matter related to Guardian angels, friendly spirits, elves, pixies and fairies.

Have never heard of a child's imaginary friend telling the child to do violence and that is one of the criteria's for considering this issue a threat.

And as far as the idea that they are caused by Electromagnetic fields generated by the NWO watchdogs (or whoever it may be) that is Freaking HILARIOUS.

Byrd you might find these site interesting in relation to Shamanism check them out when you get a chance they are in relation to Psychology.

Neurotheology and Shamansim

This one is a sample from a book which I am not
advocating anyone purchase but the sample does
present what I wanted to sugest.


posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 11:06 AM
Sometimes imaginary friends DO tell kids to do harmful things.

I was going to make a note on some other observations: that the "imaginary friends" (the ability to pretend to be or talk to someone else) is a very highly sought-after skill for actors. The "natural" actors have it. The rest of us have to learn it.

(I happen to know this because I'm taking acting classes)

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 12:01 PM

Read the bible. The invisable god had people kill other's in his name.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 01:16 PM
"Well, people BORN with mental disorder's aren't exactley good natured..."

First, that's a generalisation. There are very diverse and different forms of mental disorder.

"From what I read in that page...I could make five dollar's in two minute's. Why would I waste some time everyday, just to have to wait for it, whenever it happen's, if it ever does..."

That's why it says to start with small things first... The more you are emotionally involved, the harder it is to trust that it works in the way you trust a car engine going on when you turn the key.

"Unless there is some scientific reason's behind this that prove's it true, I can think of a dozen reason's how the money or object's could be obtained...."

It will happen in some normal coincidental way. Not that it'll appear in front of your face out of nothing. When I did it, it came to me via another person.

"This doesn't mean that the event's that happen are happening soley because of this."

No doesn't have to be. But it's the person's thoughts and feelings that creates entirely what happens to the person.

"I have to honestley ask you, since you said it applie's to the current discussion...What make's you think it does?"

Mind power, and the abilitie to create your desired reality.

"Does making thing's pop out of thin air have beneficial effect's for world peace? Does it change human nature? No...I didn't think so either...."

What I mean is that you can use the same process to create peace in your life and around you and so you are influencing the world around you, wether do be at peace or at war.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 01:37 PM

I'm sorry, but what you just posted, make's me doubt the validity of it even more.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 01:56 PM
Too bad...

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 03:46 PM

It's one thing to actually make something appear. But to think, "Hey, I need five buck's!", and two week's later somone hand's you five buck's, is something else. There isn't any proof that your thought had any resulting affect's on getting that five buck's... It's totally flawed in every way...

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 04:29 PM
Unless you do it repeatedly...

If you're interested, you could do a search on the net on the following:

You create your own reality
Power of the mind
conscious creating
subconscious mind
law of attraction
vibrational frequency
thought power
what you put your attention on
remote influence

Some sites are bull, new agey sh!t, but there are some good ones if you have the time to search for them.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 05:07 PM

No... There still is no proof even if you do it repeatedly... What happen's if, for six year's, everyday I think "I want to own a lamborgini.", and it never happen's? I did what was said, yet, still nothing...

It's interesting they have you start off with small thing' money. Something everyone can come across easily. But, when it come's to the big stuff, they say you might have problem's... Wonder why... Maybe no one is going to just hand out lamborgini's because I've been wishing for one for six year's...

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 06:58 PM
"No... There still is no proof even if you do it repeatedly... What happen's if, for six year's, everyday I think "I want to own a lamborgini.", and it never happen's? I did what was said, yet, still nothing..."

JamesG, you haven't even tried it.

"It's interesting they have you start off with small thing' money. Something everyone can come across easily. But, when it come's to the big stuff, they say you might have problem's... Wonder why... Maybe no one is going to just hand out lamborgini's because I've been wishing for one for six year's..."

When you pick up a basketball for the first time... Do you start dunking, doing crossovers and hitting three's right away???

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 10:48 PM


Explain the physic's behind this idea, and why scientist's think it is possible. What physical law's dictate that the human thought process has that kind of an effect on the world?

It is much easier for me to simply ask to borrow five dollar's than it is for me to think about getting five dollar's untill someone give's it to me.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 11:05 PM
What is interesting James is that you had no problems with the idea that electo-magnetic feilds would be used to cause Hallucinations. But cannot accept the fact that thought (an inherently electro-magnetic process) can be applied is similar ways.

What wrong James no Christmas spirit this year

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 11:16 PM

LOL, your right. I have no problem's about the fact that EM wave's can cause people to see/hear thing's based upon their belief's when the EM wave is aimed at certain spot's in the brain.

But, show me some scientific evidence that we human's can generate simillar EM waves and conscously direct them to cause any desired effect. Might be kinda hard for you...considering how much trouble you seem to have latley with posting relevent proof of what's asked for.

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 11:32 PM

But, show me some scientific evidence that we human's can generate similar EM waves and consciously direct them to cause any desired effect. Might be kinda hard for you...considering how much trouble you seem to have lately with posting relevant proof of what's asked for.

James that is not true (meaning you are lying sir) have had not problems with providing evidence. Just problems with your behavior (lack of respect for

I already did present scientific evidence in a post presented at this thread. This in relation to Russian research including references. the purpose of a reference is for other to look it up and verify the information as correct. You sir are a disrespectful and rather nasty person again Thomas is correct.

James those Games are rotting your mind

posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 11:45 PM

Yes, I remember that post. I also remember it had nothing to do with what I was talking about. World peace and human nature. I'm sorry, but psi skill's have nothing to do with thos thing's.

posted on Dec, 28 2002 @ 01:02 AM
James you are playing games you asked me a question in your last post I responded by referring to an article, which presented a list of references. The Soviet Union no longer exists but all the people who the writer of that article provided as references are alive and well. In relation to our discussion I have presented evidence you are responsible now for refuting it. Pretending the article is about our first discussion, in this thread. Which by the way, you are wrong about it not relating to world peace. And you have not offered evidence (links) to the contrary, while I have. But as well because it is related to the issue you just brought up.

James I met with someone once who was involved with the KGB (Russian Scientist) he stated that the paranormal research was valid in relation to Shamanism. Did you read the other links James I gave you on Shamanism, can you dispute with evidence that the references presented are not related to members of the KGB.

James I cannot present CIA record into same issue, They are still classified but these records are not.

James all your doing is contradicting me without any basis or documentation of your own. If you want to talk the talk James then walk the walk, otherwise your behaving like an immature child.

posted on Dec, 28 2002 @ 01:21 AM
James just so we understand each other I am not plaing Games (like you are), I am for real.

That Russian Scientist he was an employee of mine

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