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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 09:03 AM
More than 5 years ago one of my cats died. I was heartbroken. Three days after his death I asked him to show me anything in case he was still some where. I have never really believed in life after death and still I really do not know.

Anyway, that night I woke up and saw my dead cat. It took me a second or so to realize that that was not possible. One of my two left cats was also on the bed. The other one never ever ever lies or sits on me. And this cat was on me (around my knee) and also sort of sticking into the air. He looked very much like my dead cat, yet also more dense and his coat was different. I saw him from the side, he was totally quit and did not move.

So I decided to be brave and touch it. I did and felt its fur. But my dead cat had been very skinny in life and when touching this cat I felt only fur and no bones.

After having touched it, I sank back into bed and as abruptly as I had woken up I fell back into sleep. When I woke up and thought about it, it had the feeling as if I was allowed to see my dead cat yet still alive some where. Also as if there were two creatures on either side of me, sort of opening a door to see. The whole experience had been ok, I was not really that scared.

Now I do not have a good explanation. As emotional as I was at loosing my cat I am not prone to seeing things that are not there. And still, as I have said, I do not know if there is life after death. Yes I have heard the tapes with voices of the deceased and seen the videos in which dead people appear (quite scary!) but still I do not know what to think. I have absolutely no reason to think that I have dreamt the whole thing or that I have hallucinated it (now that would be a superb thing of my brain to have created this cat which I could also feel).

Has any one else experienced something like this, with actual touching?

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 09:42 AM
people will say your just emotionally imaginaging it at your time of grieving because they cannot explain it but there some things human beings will never know until they pass over for themselves,your story sounds very familar with mine,my true friend got hit by a car recently and i went to bed that night with him curled up beside me nkowing that would be our last night in the physical form with each other,the next night i was in bed and woke up in the middle of the night with pressure on the right hand part of my chest and it felt like my cats weight,i couldnt see anything but it calmed me somewhat,at this time especially you are willing to open up to anything and the lack of fear you have only makes your spirit and your soul stronger to be aware of such things.

a few weeks ago i seen the outline of him out the corner of my eye and jsut at the time put it down to the other cats in my house walking past me but i wasnt sure because he is a (full fat
)tabby grey and the other two are kittens black and tortoiseshell,so when i turned round and realised they were both around the kitchen my joy went up 100%,he looked darker than usual though before he was a silver grey now he looked very dark grey,ive felt him rub his tail only once when ive been sat at the computer but the best feeling i got was when i was looking out the window at his grave and felt and a tiny pressure on my foot,the kittens were upstairs asleep and i didnt need to look down because i knew it was him,i put it down to you can have one or two things that are a coincidence but not when you get nearly 20-30 things.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Thank you for answering, but I actually touched him
And yes my cats are my true friends, sorry for your loss! And I did not see something in the corner of my eye and so on, but he was right in front of me and he stayed there for the whole of the duration.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by QueenofWeird

It sounds like a mix of dreaming and wishful thinking.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by QueenofWeird

I know how you feel man. I am going to tell you a story, i usually do not tell.

Twas August 2002. It was one of the best days of my life, and one of the worst. I do not know the exact date, but i do know it was in august. I was 11 years old.

I was having my baseball tournament on this particular day. All the teams played 3 games each to determine who would get Gold, Silver, and Bronze. All teams got a small trophy, but the best teams, got a better trophy. My baseball team had won the first two, and tied the third. I remember i had gotten a few runs in each game, and had gotten close to a home run on the second game. When everything was said in done, two teams tied for third, My team had gotten second. We all knew the this one team would get first, they had one most of there season games. Anyways, i remember getting the trophy, and the coach telling me i was the most improved player on the team. It was truly one of the best days of my life, i had such a good time that day, until later that night.

I had this cat named taco. She was my favorite pet. We had too cats at the time, Tinkers and Taco. They were brother and sister, they were born here in 2000. From another cat i had Tedo. Your probably thinking whats with the weird names, I was 9 man, give me a break
Anyways, i immediately became attached to taco. She used to follow me everywhere outside. remember going to my bus stop, and she would follow me, right until i had gotten on to the bus. She would have gotten on with me if she could
I loved that cat.

That night after the baseball tournament i came home with my cousin rob, who was there in the crowd. We got home, started playing my N64. I remember wondering where taco was at the time. I thought perhaps she was just outside. My parents said they were going to go for a walk. So me and rob continued to play Nintendo. It was like 30 minutes and my parents still did not come home. So i walked outside on my front deck. I remember seeing my parents walking toward the house from the right side of the street. They looked mad. When they walked up, they told me Taco was dead. I burst into tears. After about ten minutes of crying, i ask how. They said all i should know is that taco was in heaven. I wanted an answer. They told me, that taco was found hung by a yo-yo. I immediately knew that she was not killed by accident. Someone did this out of cruelty. I remember telling rob, and he started to cry. I told my best friend who lived down the street, and he did not know what to say. He was shocked about what happened. I asked where did this happen to my parents, they said two yards down, in this old lady's yard. I know for a fact that it was not the owned of the house, cause i know the person, she would never have done such a thing. I did not see taco's body, but i did see the yo-yo. and the tree where she was hanged. It took a lot emotionally for me to forget that incident. It was like i said, one of the best days in my life, and worst. Bittersweet.

I do believe life after death. That night, i remember dreaming about taco. I know my cat is in the spirit world, it is what i believe. I am not one of those people who thinks dreams are just chemicals in the brain. I believe in something bigger. Anyways, i think this post has gone on too long. Thanks for reading my story.

[edit on 19-3-2008 by darcon]

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by QueenofWeird

It sounds like a mix of dreaming and wishful thinking.

I see....but I was not dreaming and with regard to wishfull thinking.... I actually do not now how I feel about life after death. Sure I want to see my cat again once I am dead, but what about all the horrible people that have also died? So I am not a believer in life after death. I am open as in: show my the money
when somebody says he can this or that.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by darcon

That is horrible, if somebody does that to my cats....well....

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 07:53 AM
Based on your description I am quite inclined to say that you met your cat in the astral. This is not uncommon, and it is also likely to dream it, but in your case it is unlikely that this was just a dream.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Ya, if i ever found out who it was, i would, well, let's just say the person wouldn't be able to do anything, for ever.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:13 AM
hello all ,

First of all i just want to give you my condolences and say im sorry for your loss.

Interesting thread

Tales are spread the world over about the paranormal and afterlife powers of these animals. You should have a look at them because in association with your opening post they are really fascinating.The ancient mythology on these amazing creatures is truly a spin out and if any thing like what you said in your opening thread took place i wouldn't be surprised that your cats were there.
Have a look .


posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Omega85
hello all ,

First of all i just want to give you my condolences and say im sorry for your loss.

Interesting thread

Tales are spread the world over about the paranormal and afterlife powers of these animals. You should have a look at them because in association with your opening post they are really fascinating.The ancient mythology on these amazing creatures is truly a spin out and if any thing like what you said in your opening thread took place i wouldn't be surprised that your cats were there.
Have a look .


Well somebody else on ATS in another thread said that he thought that cats were of alien descent
Indeed sometimes their little faces look like the Greys.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by HighEye
Based on your description I am quite inclined to say that you met your cat in the astral. This is not uncommon, and it is also likely to dream it, but in your case it is unlikely that this was just a dream.

Yes but as far as I know I was still in the here and now
and the "cat" also, just everything else. You know what I am thinking about? If indeed this was the materialization of my deceased cat, is there a way that I could materialize him? Raising him from death. Now that would be interesting....

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Ya, if i ever found out who it was, i would, well, let's just say the person wouldn't be able to do anything, for ever.

My cats are only allowed on my balcony that is quite large (and it has access to the neighbors' balconies as well) I do not want them outside. Too dangerous. Your story unfortunately is not unique.

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 10:09 AM
No, no, you misunderstood. You cannot materialize your cat (well you can but it wouldn't be a real version). Your experiences has more attributes of a lucid dream or OBE from the way you described it. So what you actually saw was the ghost of your cat (your real cat, not materialized).

posted on Mar, 21 2008 @ 11:02 PM

and the lack of fear you have only makes your spirit and your soul stronger to be aware of such things.

Indeed. Very well said.
(And that's not the only thing in your post that impressed me.)
And nothing transcends fear better than grief.
I suppose that's why so many artists - for example - had to go through hell before creating their most daring works.

As to your experience... I suppose it could all be explained by the survival of patterns: everything in existence is energy, "woven" into a myriad of individually distinct patterns. And so, any individual body can (and likely will) cease to live, and even decompose... but where's the evidence that the same pattern cannot be woven again and again and again (albeit - perhaps - in a subtler form of "flesh")?

(And no: the vocal majority's assessment of what reality "is" - or isn't - does not constitute "evidence" of any type. Mankind's present blindness to anything that is subtle, not to mention invisible to our eye, certainly isn't a reliable indicator of the nature of reality.)

BTW and totally off-topic: I love, LOVE your signature.
(The first one, I mean; the second one too, but for a different reason.

[edit on 21-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:42 AM
thanks Vanitas,you talk a lot of sense yourself,when you dont fear anything, you can accomplish anything that you thought you would have a hard time doing,the burning desire inside you makes you feel proud and stronger as, if..i can go through this i can go through anything thats put in front of me.

i used to think and still do to some degree that human beings will never get the full materialization they want because as humans we are not ready and never will be to see the other side till we die and also that the spirit side do not want to shock or tease the people they are visiting,so will do things in a subtle way so you give them a little thought,usually when your not expecting it.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 02:50 PM
Cats have been shrouded in legend and mystery since their domestication (and even before that). I am truly sorry for your loss, and having lost two cats I know how it feels. Their names were Bunny and Miata, one lived to be 19, the other 17. They were indoor cats who died painful deaths due to their illnesses.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by HighEye
No, no, you misunderstood. You cannot materialize your cat (well you can but it wouldn't be a real version). Your experiences has more attributes of a lucid dream or OBE from the way you described it. So what you actually saw was the ghost of your cat (your real cat, not materialized).

I have had many lucid dreams, and this was not one. With regard to OBE, I once had a partial one (my legs were "unzipping" into another realm but I managed to stop the process as I was too afraid) and this was also not that. I was truly awake, I have absolutely no doubts about this. There was a third cat, resembling my dead cat very much albeit different, which I touched and which felt like a cat.

If there is no such thing as a real death and my cat was brought back to this plane (for a lack of a better word) than how is it done? Could we create a portal between this world and the world of the dead? I am not saying that that would not be dangerous, I am wondering how to accomplish this. What kind of physics would be involved and so on.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 04:05 PM
My mum and I are British, and my parents had been living over here in the UK, when in the early 90's decided to move back to the US where my dad was born.

My mum gave me her two cats, one was named Charlie, who was like my mate, he was very loyal to me and made friends with me when I came home after a bad marriage to my first husband. My mother had another cat named Leo, who was a bit of a wanderer. I had let him out and I didn't see him for a couple of days. I assumed he was on his rounds.

I heard what I thought was his scratching on the front door. I let him in and went to sit down. This is where it gets strange. The door opens and Charlie looks to the door, Charlie like me follows what looks like Leo under the table. I got up to go and pick him up and ask him where he had been, as I went to touch him he vanished into thin air. I knew that he had left his physical body, but must have came back to reassure me that he was all right. A short time later, Charlie, the elder of the two cats got ran over, rather than the neighbour bringing him to me,he just disposed of him in a wheelie bin. I was upset about that bit, but I knew him and Leo were together.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by QueenofWeird
I have had many lucid dreams, and this was not one. With regard to OBE, I once had a partial one (my legs were "unzipping" into another realm but I managed to stop the process as I was too afraid) and this was also not that.

I've had OBEs before where I woke up at night and talked to people and supernatural beings in my room, I thought I was actually talking to them, but no it's not possible so it must have been an OBE. At night time, our worlds merge and our mind becomes paralyzed as to how to discern between astral and physical realities -> so both become one in your mind. However OBEs vary in experience, you can have one and not know it, with the same feeling that most ghosts have for years (thinking they are still alive...)

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