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Triangle Ufo recorded in Copacabana Brazil

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posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by free_spirit

Good find.

A good spotlight is needed to get the body of the craft.

In day pictures you get dark blobs, what will a night picture show.

Nothing in between some lights, so the CIA MIB agents will come on
ATS and say its a tubular triangle with corner lights held by a helicopter.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit
This case was investigated by the Centro de Ufología Brazileiro who
made their own evaluation and published the report. The witness is
named Ronaldo. So far the sighting is considered legitimate.


Não fazem 3 dias que recebemos matérias com filme de um mesmo objeto

O que é legal, e que em Copacabana no Rio de Janeiro está ocorrendo algumas
atividades de SUPOSTOS OVNIs de madrugada.

Vejam isso:

Relato de avistamento de nave-mãe em plena Copacabana

*Por Ronaldo para o site do CUB*

Estou aqui para dar um relato rápido, mas assustador que presenciei no dia
primeiro de fevereiro de 2008.

Fui comprar cigarros, pois fiquei sem, às três e meia da madrugada no
quiosque do Posto cinco, em frente à Rua Souza Lima em Copacabana no Rio de

*Direto ao assunto: *

O objeto observado era enorme com duas luzes parecendo dois faróis
extremamente brilhantes em forma de retângulo, Entre as três e meia até as
quatro horas da madrugada, um outro objeto redondo e muito vermelho, muito
menor, luminoso e fosco, surgiu no alto descrevendo uma trajetória de
elipse, e adentrou, ou foi para o meio do outro objeto enorme e desapareceu!

Nesse momento pude perceber a dimensão do que estava acontecendo sobre a
praia de Copacabana! Pareceu-me incrível!

Só eu e mais os dois rapazes que trabalham no quiosque e que ficamos
assustadíssimos vimos!

Visto que o evento durou das três e meia da madrugada até as quatro e
poucas, quando cheguei às cinco horas e quarenta e cinco minutos, ou um
pouco mais em casa.

Acredito tratar-se de uma imensa nave-mãe estática, "sem pudores de se
mostrar", atrevidamente em uma região tão populosa.

Agora no dia 12 de março de 2008.

Milton Frank

Hi guys, here´s a transalation:

"It´s been 3 days since we received this footage of a similar tiangle object.
The cool thing is that there have been several Ufo reports appearing in the early hours of the morning in Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Here it is:

Account of a mothership sighting over Copacabana by Ronaldo for CUB site:

I am here to give you a brief account, but a scarry one, that I have witnessed on Feb 1st 2008.

I had gone out to buy cigarettes, it was around 3:30 a.m. , I was at the Souza LIma St. Kiosk in Copacabana.

Straight to the point:

The object was huge, it had two very bright lights like a triangle (?). It happened between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. . Another round object displaying a deep red light and much smaller (than the triangle object), luminous but opaque at the same time, appeared above the triangle object describing an eliptical trajectory and kind of "went inside the triangle object" and totally disappeared.

At this moment I could realize the importance of this moment, the event that I was witnessing over Copacabana beach. It looked unbelievable.

Only myself and two other guys that worked at the Kiosk saw the objects and we were very affraid. Since the event took place between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. I got home at around 5:45 a.m. or maybe a little later.

I believe it was a mothership that did not move and was not concerned of being spotted or seen by anyone, for it was hovering right over a densely populated area"

I guess this is someone else giving his account of the event, not the person that made the footage. This guy, Ronaldo saw the UFO from a Copacabana beach kiosk, not his apartment.

Hope it helped!!

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