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Sick n' tired of these gas prices! What can we do?

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posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Sleuth

Expose Exxon Mobil :

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 12:52 PM
Our soldiers should be fighting the oil companies here at home instead of the poor Muslims in the Middle East. I would rather see the oil executives die and have low gas prices instead of watching the Muslims die so the oil executives can get richer and we pay record gas prices due to their greed.

Remember that the oil companies are making record profits. HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY THREE MONTHS. I think it is entirely feasible that they could bring the gas prices down and enjoy slightly less profits. I HOPE THAT I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS THIS WAY. Our boys in Iraq are dieing for the oil. Americans are paying for the oil company profits with blood as well as money.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Our soldiers should be fighting the oil companies here at home instead of the poor Muslims in the Middle East. I would rather see the oil executives die and have low gas prices instead of watching the Muslims die so the oil executives can get richer and we pay record gas prices due to their greed.

Remember that the oil companies are making record profits. HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY THREE MONTHS. I think it is entirely feasible that they could bring the gas prices down and enjoy slightly less profits. I HOPE THAT I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS THIS WAY. Our boys in Iraq are dieing for the oil. Americans are paying for the oil company profits with blood as well as money.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by jedimiller

Well 4 dollars is going to turn into 5 after the dollar gets another kick in the balls with the next interest rate cut

I had a chain letter a week ago that is telling people to stop buying Exxon and Mobil to force them into giving away incentives to alleviate the consumers pocket.

But then again what other company sells gas in the US but BP and they are UK.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:43 PM
magnetics! Im telling you the answer is magnetics.....

its one of the safest an simple concepts around.... one force repelling another, isnt that a bid like pistons? only its the combustion repelling the piston, hmmmm if only we could just put magnets in there to repell the piston an drive the shaft ( shut yer mouth ) .. lol

this concept would cripple the World thoe at least the oil world.....

Magnetics could be use for everything from transportation to energy to floating islands.

Im telling you its our future.....

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:48 PM
Dang it dg, you took the high road so I can't exactly advocate forming a tough stance by declaring war on the oil companies and start reducing their infrastructure one station and refinery at a time until they buckle. Sure they would bump the price until they took it seriously and came ready to negotiate a peace treaty with a fixed price.

Oh wait, we are just people not nations that can openly declare war for whatever tickles our fancy....yep, gotta follow suit with the high road cause if we do bad things to a few people it is a crime when it is a few hurting the many it is called capitolism.

Greed is such a downer on the little guy.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

I feel you pain, hermana I feel your pain,
but just look at the financial institutions with all the debt and collapsing the economy their CEOs still reaping record retirement packages while America home owners are facing foreclosures.

Is this corruption or what, still the big fat cat get fatter while we pay the Piper.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by Trance Optic


Actually I had that exact idea about 10 years ago. I worked on it so hard that it became the STAR portion of Ahabstar. (Standard Transportation from an Alternate Resource). After calling Ford R&D in Deerborne, MI to discuss it (young and idealistic) I started doing the patent research. Lo and behold there was that same idea patented (although with non-existing computer controls) in 1971 to a guy in Florida and I had a way to recharge the batteries while in operation based loosely on a bicycle generator.

So he question remains if an individual without a formal education can look at how different things work and develop an idea that was similar to one patented 37 years ago what the heck have top engineers been goofing off for all these years. The damn SUV are less fuel efficient than the Model T from over 100 years ago and we have known of the oil problem for almost 40 years now. Makes you want to pick up an axe handle and start busting skulls only you don't know who to hit first the oil companies or the auto industry...maybe that's why they ship all the jobs out of the country, self-preservation.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:15 PM
yeah i agreed with the tech already beeing there an no one wanting to use it... the problem i think lies in the mass production element.

u2u me id love to talk to you further about this as its been something ive been thinking about an on for 3 years myself...

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:45 PM
In a strange way, I'm kinda excited in anticipation of a major change in power plant sources. Someone is going to jump all over this to solve the problem. I have found a site on youtube about one Nano battery technology that supposedly takes as little as 10 minutes to recharge on 220 volts. It supposedly has a range of up to 350 miles but I haven't yet understood how. Maybe it's also a hybrid?

I have great sympathy though for low income people driving to work in cars they thought would deliver what they used to. Surprisingly some small cars aren't any better in gas mileage than some bigger ones. Also keep in mind that many of these lemons of small cars are costly to maintain. What auto manufacturer will really save us from the greedy oil companies and used car dealers sooner?

I've also heard of these companies starting up that do conversions. Maybe a conversion might be a cheaper alternative for most of us? Let's say you have a front wheel drive car and they adapt your rear wheels with an electric drive axle and install one of these nano batteries in your trunk. This could also be done on semi trucks. Tractor trailers could have brake regenerative charging systems on the trailer. They already make hybrids. Imagine how much a mile it costs to move freight around. I heard it was already over 70 cents a mile.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:49 PM
Take a look at how Martin Luther King used the power of the dollar to change things. He told the people to walk, share rides, but not to take the bus until things changed, and it worked.

We all need to do the same, to make an effort to share rides with co-workers when possible, do all of our shopping in one trip, take public transportation when possible and to stay home and watch tv or plan neighborhood events to provide entertainment and stop driving.

Until we do make changes things will stay the same or get worse. King changed things in what was seen as insurmountable odds, we can too if we take charge and cut our gas consumption, then prices will fall but when they fall instead of going to right back to our old ways we need to continue until gas prices are reasonable again.

I remember when gas was 23.9 a gallon, when I was a kid.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Trance Optic

Trance Optics, funny you should bring up magnetics I am using what is called an X-Chip, that looks like a hockey puck that uses magnetism and infrared technology that uses a self adhesive to attach to the bottom of my gas tank. WOW what a difference in power and gas mileage.

This is what the X-Chip does it uses the a magnetic field and successfully turns oil into tiny nano size particles that changes the surface structure of oil thus improves the engine, reduces emissions and raises fuel efficiency and optimizes engine power. This is a true nanotechnology product.

The problem is I can only get more X-Chips thru an incentive program with the company I am a distributor for and in other words they are not for sale to the public.

What I can not wait for is a product the company I am a distributor for has developed a device for a major major car manufacturing company and is being installed on most of their 2008 models. We will be the only company in the world to sale this device separately that connects to the battery and takes about 2 minutes install. This devise I am speaking of is not the X-chip by the way. The tests show on this new device, to be released soon, up to 20% savings on fuel costs thru scientific testing. Rik Riley

[edit on 16-3-2008 by rikriley]

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by marg6043

marg, when gas hits $5.00 a gal. there will be marches on Washington to remedy the situation. The big problem is we in the U.S. have plenty of oil in the ground but are not able to drill for it because of regulations. Rik Riley

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by jojoKnowsBest

Hello JOJO,

That is a good thought, and here it comes, but E85 is a joke. If you took every cornfield in the U.S. and planted fuel grade corn to be used as fuel, after you picked every kernel you could pick up out of the field the refineries could only make enough E85 gas for about 7% of the demand for gas in the U.S.. And after you go and buy that flexfuel vehicle, you are going to get about 6 to 15% less mpg's. That is the average for all flexfuel vehicles by all builders who produce them. So in the end you would be using more fuel than a regular gas vehicle buring regular gas and by burning more you are not really helping the cause.

Are you ready for this? If you really want to make a dent in the U.S. consumption which in turn would decrease demand and in turn would lower prices back to where they should be, about $ 1.00 gallon! (the good old days!) then this is the direction we need to be going.

Hybrid-Diesel!!!!!!!!! At the end of this year and maybe sooner, VW will be bringing their first production hybrid-diesel to the U.S.. When this car gets here it will change the way car builders think in the U.S.. This car will average 69.9 mpg!

If we took 1/3 of the registered private vehicles in this country and traded them for diesel's it would reduce the U.S. fuel consumption by almost half.
Doubling the mpg's and in some cases in certain vehicles close to tripple the mpg's. The technology is here now! We the people have to step up and demand that this be done.

Mini Cooper has a gasoline car that sells in the U.S. that gets almost 40 mpg. They have better things to come. Toyota, the prius! I hate to say this, but American cars are terrible. They break, get bad gas mileage and have the worst resale value out there. Most of the technology in U.S. cars that result in descent gas milage is usually foreign technology.

If indeed the U.S. car makers have the technology to make cars get better fuel economy they are withholding it from the American people. The Big Oil Co's keep them in check by writing them a big check. It is a sickening process. It is amazing what you can learn by spending half or your adult life in the military. When you learn how to look at the Big Picture from outside the box, you see things that the avg. person will not see.

If you want to check my info, go to the UK version of the jeep website. pick any vehicle that we have here in the U.S. and compare the stats. I just picked them because I own a jeep. You can try any U.S. brand that sells in the U.K.

The emissions are lower, the CO2 is lower and fuel mileage is near 30% better. The diesels are twice as good. Same car, almost double mpg's and lower emissions and CO2. Please tell me why we don't do more to stop this fleecing of America.



posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by jedimiller

I'm paying 4 bucks per gallon over here; hurtin' bad!
is there a way to have the president arrested over this? Like a citizens arrest or other. who else is sick and tired of paying ridiculous prices and is looking for other ways out. And what are you doing about it? Bush destroyed our economy and due to the invasion of iraq we are paying more for the barrels. Bush used the war to get rich, control the oil production and hike up the prices. Now that he's taken over iraq, he can sell the barrels at any price he wants. either we arrest him or we go broke.

Please no blind attacks. Show proof of your statements.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Trance Optic
magnetics! Im telling you the answer is magnetics.....

its one of the safest an simple concepts around.... one force repelling another, isnt that a bid like pistons? only its the combustion repelling the piston, hmmmm if only we could just put magnets in there to repell the piston an drive the shaft ( shut yer mouth ) .. lol

this concept would cripple the World thoe at least the oil world.....

Magnetics could be use for everything from transportation to energy to floating islands.

Im telling you its our future.....

Rock on! I have been trying to figure out hoe toi make this happens inxpensively on my own time. I've messed around with more than a couple different applications for magnetics. In theory they are as close as it gets to perptual motion. ( I repeat *as close* ) The uses are mind boggeling. ? There are thousands!

More current
More magnetic draw or repulsion
practically limitless power
they push roller coaster from 0- 60 moh in 2-3 seconds flat. Thats a couple tons of weight up hill from 30 - 89 degree's.
Once again great point!

[edit on 17-3-2008 by Young minded old soul]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by bkcrt
Please no blind attacks. Show proof of your statements.

what more proof do you want? get educated man. We invaded iraq for the oil. Se we can control their oil production and sell it to ourselves for more money. Bush Co. was all about taking out Hussein because he was selling the barrels cheap and getting in the way for texas like bush to make money. the bush administration is all about taxing the people and using gas to do it. reason we went to iraq: to make money...

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 04:12 AM
What do you do ?

Well if you're Bush, absolutely nothing and tell bad jokes.

If you're Barak Obama and brave enough to break the mold declare a state of national emergency, nationalise the nation's oil reserves and refineries.

Sell down the Gold reserve and use the Fed to increase interest rates.

Pull out of Iraq like tomorrow and renegotiate NAFTA.

Tie free trade to human rights so that you only offer free access to the US economy to nations that meet a reasonable level of human rights and workers welfare.

That way you don't have to sell out to countries like China and Mexico.

Canada's rights to free trade under NAFTA remain unchanged because it adheres to basic human rights and workplace conditions.

Why allow cheap imports from nations that don't pay decent wages ?

... and yes I accept the nomination for Vice President

Oh yeah almost forgot. Draft new legislation that prevents banks selling debts to third parties as securities.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by sy.gunson]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

Dunno where you got the idea that we earn "triple" to what you do.

That website shows that the annual "AVERAGE" US income is $38,651.41

And that website shows that the weekly "AVERAGE" UK income is £457

I'll do the maths for you. £457 * 52 (weeks in the year) = £23,764

Going by the current exchange rate that would make people in the UK earning roughly $47528. Meaning we earn on "AVERAGE" $8877 more than you a year.

Hardly triple is it? So lets look at petrol prices. You say its $4 a (US)gallon over here around $8 a (US)gallon. I am using US gallons as ours in a different measurement.

So this is a double in Petrol price when we earn $8877 more.

More calculations will say that at $4 a (US)gallon you can buy in a year 9662.75 gallons of petrol a year.

We can buy 5941 gallons a year at $8 a (US)gallon. We do pay more than you by alot.

Thats the proof for everyone like dgtempe who say they are tired of hearing how people have it worse when we have such a higher standard of living.

By the by I too hate these shocking prices but most of it is down to Tax in the UK so its all down to the government.


posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by almeister 5000
Meaning we earn on "AVERAGE" $8877 more than you a year.

Hardly triple is it?

I was off by a few %'s.

If I had an extra $8877 a year, I wouldn't be hurting as much. So you guys are luck over there to be making that much. And you probably don't drive 80 miles per day. If you did, you wouldn't be saying this.

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