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The NWO has no real power over us

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posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by thebluemushroom
They are weak and exposed lets just orginize and destroy them. Lets take a vote on where to start any suggestions?

Well, that's just the problem, isn't it? Where to start planting the car bombs so that the "NWO" will suffer the most, hopefully to the point of throwing them into complete disarray, foiling their evil plans forever. Timothy McVeigh decided the best place to start was at a Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Unabomer Ted Kaczynski seemed to think it was best done with mail bombs to strategically selected corporate executives.

But you're the one with all the ants in his pants. Why don't you make a few suggestions about where and how to get them?

Otherwise, here's a tip. Like the Internet, the NWO isn't likely to be centered in any one place that you can simply bomb out of existence. And like the United States, assassinating the guy(s) in charge is not really going to slow it down a lot.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 02:51 PM
The problem is the amount of people that are power hungry, that will and do anything to enjoy hurting people, because they are in power because of the control grid.

Your ignorance of how powerful they are, helps them do what they do. For me only russia is outide it because of putin getting the rothchilds clan out of russia.

How long before america do get what they want and go upto russias borders. I for one would not want to live in a world with one ruler, no one watching the watchers, thats why russia is good for us. How long russia can hold out i am not sure, but the might of the anglo ameircan empire is strong, so we will see.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Is it even possible to defeat Americans. We are the only people so proud of our selves that even we think we're nothing but but a bunch of crazy D-bags. We even hate us (dont say you dont because if you didnt this website wouldnt even exist). "Theres too many men, too many people making too many problems, and theres not much left to go around. cant you see this is the land of confusion?" and thats the thing the government has you all so confused that you dont know how to get back to having a morale compass pointing back in the right direction.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 08:22 PM
As an individual no one ever has powers over us. Reality is we choose to give our power up. Sometimes we may be cornered or pushed, but in the long run its each of us that have the choice.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Nohup
Otherwise, here's a tip. Like the Internet, the NWO isn't likely to be centered in any one place that you can simply bomb out of existence. And like the United States, assassinating the guy(s) in charge is not really going to slow it down a lot.

It will work if the 10,000 or so people at the very top are all assassinated at once - see the Benjamin Fulford interviews

Could a veritable army of Asian assassins have the NWO's number? I think it's certainly plausible; I mean, China and Japan have the West outnumbered by HOW many people....?

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 12:21 AM
But even if that's true, we're better off relying on ourselves than anyone else to save us... Asian assassins or not. The founding fathers of the United States did not rely on anybody else to give them their freedom, did they?

'Sides, those NWO-dirtbags are long overdue for forced retirement...and execution.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by thebluemushroom

I think the best way to start would be to destroy the idea of the NWO that people have in their mind. That is where the NWO exisits just stop mentally creating it and it will cease to exists like it does already in reality.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 02:49 AM
wow.......very heavy discussion going on in here.....
um.....careful my friends...I`m sure you know all your dialog
is monitored.
feel like we are all in the middle of an ultimate science fiction horror movie.

my is getting so bad that people are starting to get desperate?
well, I can`t say that I blame them.

things are really messed up.... yup

what to do?
good question.
all I can offer is love and peace to everyone.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 05:04 AM
Maybe we should all quite simply ignore these people that constitute the NWO, and form family and small community groups to finance the things that are really important, like a roof over your head, a car that is economical to run and a way to grow food that is safe to eat and clean water too.
If at least on one level, we can remove them [and their compound interest] from our lives then things should begin to improve and their profits should begin to reduce.
Politically, we can start by compiling lists of all those who have worked against the Constitution and the common good of the American People, and stop voting for them, support and vote only Constitutionalists.
At least it's a starting point, as violence will only play into their hands.
Peace and love to all,

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by David_Reale
But even if that's true, we're better off relying on ourselves than anyone else to save us... Asian assassins or not. The founding fathers of the United States did not rely on anybody else to give them their freedom, did they?

True, but an armed uprising or wave of assassinations isn't necessarily the best way to go.

As I've said in other threads, I think the absolute best thing people can do for themselves is an organized effort to begin trading in actual useful materials as opposed to fiat currencies made of worthless paper - metals, hemp, other natural products, whatever. That is the best way to take power away from NWO, since control over the money supply is their primary mechanism of control....

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Maya432

sci-fi horror?

You speak of things fantastical and unperceived by the naked eye - what is being talked of is more like a adventure/mystery, kinda like indiana jones except less humour and more speculation and reasoning.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 09:10 PM
Its power over us is based on our willingness to comply and support the system they designed.

Most people don't understand their part in it, and don't understand that their energy is used to hold it together.

If it wasn't for our ignorance of where the orders come from, and what they are designed to do, most of us would reply without hesitation, "hell no, I'm not going to do that."

This would include participation in the income tax, participation in paying interest on money to those who create it from thin air, participation in warfare to acquire control over populations, etc.

We are being lied to. Almost everything that is expected of us strips us of our individual identity and rights of self-control. There is evidence everywhere of efforts to strip us of all our self-reliance and control.

We must demand what we know is ours, and never surrender it. The courage to do this in the face of the real enemy is the measure of bravery of the real American soldier... and every man, woman, and child in this country is one of us.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Some suggest voting with our dollars. While this might help in an even playing field, don't forget that those who have gained this power over us have done so by always coming up with all the money necessary to do it. They reserve for themselves only, the right to print and create as much checkbook money as is needed to buy up anything they covet. This includes all the media, corporations, and government.

THE FIRST STEP IN A WAR AGAINST THESE MONSTERS is to deny them the right to create any more money. No matter what we do before then, they will always counter with the flick of a pen, creating more money than the rest of the earth can spend trying to fight them.

While a direct frontal "assault" on their system - that is to say, forcing through legislation to repeal the federal reserve and change the banking laws, might work... it doesn't seem like that'll ever happen since they've deprived us of virtually any acting members of government who care or would do this.

The other option is for the people to start creating their own systems of "money" that work for us and can't be used by them. Community currencies, Ithaca hours, that sort of thing.

Once more and more people see that we have the right and the option to use a different money system, and how much less they can steal from you when you use it, the more people will switch to it.

Your labor is your property. Taxing it is slavery. Don't let your property exist in a form they can take from you using legislation or interest rates.

[edit on 5-4-2008 by ianr5741]

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 10:11 PM
Don't know if you guys realize this or not, but the book of revelation talks about everything that is happening and is about to happen in the future concerning the NWO (just had to get that out there).

One really sad thing that I notice is the fact that it doesn't matter how loud we shout (like Alex Jones), people don't want to know the truth. I've shown my mom evidence of this conspiracy stuff ( some concerning 9/11) and she told me "I don't want to believe that our Government would go against it's own people, I won't believe it no matter how much evidence you find.". Seriously? You gotta be kinding me, my mom (a Christian lady and a pastors wife) does'nt believe that our Gov will turn agianst us? Has she even read the Bible? This is freakin rediculous. Sadly most people are like her, willfully blind to the obvious, willfully blind to the truth, even if there own religion/beliefs say it's true, that NWO will happen and America is what we're told it is. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this country, I just hate the leadership.
One thing people really need to wake up to is the fact that there is no Republican or Democrat, R's and D's were created to have us fight each other over something, then when we're so busy fighting each other we do see what's really going on. Like this whole Hillary, Obama, McCain thing, what's really going on? Do we even know the "fast one" TPTB are going to pull on us next? I think it will be a false flag and they will say it was perpatrated by "us" the conspiracy theorists, that way they can turn the mass herd of mindless sheep onto us and get us, they're biggest threat outta the way, then they will comense with the Martial Law on the rest of the population. Honestly, I don't think we can do anything to get back this country (like we ever had it to begin with). All we can do is tell people, one great place is to find a way to influence the pastors of churches, make the connection between the NWO and the Anti-Christ clear to them, then if they believe in what we're saying they will begin to spread this message and people will be able to see the truth. Sadly I belive the big time Christian leaders (like Pat Robertson, I truely hate him) and many other big time TV preachers are all part of this NWO, they may be part of it or they may just be really, really fooled, like they majority of the population.

Crap will hit the fan, the NWO will take total control, there will be a time of peace under they're Martial Law world wide, but there will be no peace for us. There peace will only last 7 years, then it will implode and the earth will start over new and true peace for everyone left will be a reality.


posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

While I sympathize with your claims, would you say that they were applicable in Germany in 1938? Same things were happening, but the predicted outcome was not to be.

Don't forget that the bible has had plenty of time to be edited and corrupted, and many scholars around the world believe that indeed that is so. Knowing this, would you take every word in Revelations to be the absolute undeniable truth?

Trusting a prophecy is a problem: because if prophecy exists, then what is its purpose? If it is truth and inevitable, knowing the future would make no difference upon it. So why bother telling it?

I see no sense in the value of prophecy if it isn't used in a preventative manner, or in a manner where a person can do something to avoid something tragic. Otherwise, what is it for?

Perhaps prophecy is just the past, retold. There is nothing new on earth. What has been said and done here has been done elsewhere long ago. The echoes of these things move throughout the universe, and this is what prophets pick up. So the lesson to be taught is what HAS happened, not what WILL happen. Otherwise, why bother...

If you have any other insight, I am very interested in hearing it.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by ianr5741

Well technically a prophet is someone who delivers a message from God, at least from a Christian standpoint. The only thing is that a lot of things in revelation is being put into effect today (i.e. the RFID chip inplant as currency, a mark in the right hand or forhead is used as a one world currency in the Bible). So the purpose of knowing what will happen in a prophecy is to try and get as many people to see the light as possible, even though you may not be able to stop it, you can prepare for it and get others prepared for it and try to save some lives, or in a Christians case, some souls, which is what matters the most to us. It's kinda like watching the weather man, yesterday he said there would be rain, well I see clouds on the horizon so I better make sure the windows are rolled up on my truck (just a real world example).

Did I make any sense? I tend not to most of th time lol.


posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by ianr5741
THE FIRST STEP IN A WAR AGAINST THESE MONSTERS is to deny them the right to create any more money. No matter what we do before then, they will always counter with the flick of a pen, creating more money than the rest of the earth can spend trying to fight them.
The other option is for the people to start creating their own systems of "money" that work for us and can't be used by them. Community currencies, Ithaca hours, that sort of thing.

Great post and well said, ianr5741.

A currency and system of trade created and controlled by the people is indeed the best way to free ourselves

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Heres a few ideas to start;

Take responsibility for yourself.That means if you made a mistake own up to it.
Get rid of credit.That means payoff your debts and cut up all credit cards and restrict bank accounts to limits to what you can withdraw.
Grow your own veggies and fruits if at all possible.Or support your local farmers and stay in touch with them.Theyre human too.
Stop the victim mentality.You know the poor me syndrome look at me.I got news no one is looking until you take action to improve your own life first.
Ego.Dump it.its counterproductive to what you are.
Family.This is the cornerstone to any society.Call up old friends or family you havent spoken to in a long time and stay with them and communicate.
Above all else make sure you love yourself first,before attempting to love others.In other words dump the fear,suspicion and hate you have towards those who are different.

Always question authority,for authority is not always right.

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I keep hearing advice to get out of debt.

Do you know that there is less than $1 trillion in every checking account, savings account, and wallet in the entire world?

And yet we owe $9.4 trillion.

Does that make sense to anyone? How could more dollars be owed than have ever been created?

If we all tried to get out of debt, we could spend every penny in the world trying to do it and only get 10% there.

Something ENTIRELY different has to be done to relieve the world of this burden.

"The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens, ever accumulating." - Thomas Jefferson

posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by ianr5741
If we all tried to get out of debt, we could spend every penny in the world trying to do it and only get 10% there.

Something ENTIRELY different has to be done to relieve the world of this burden.

"The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens, ever accumulating." - Thomas Jefferson

Well, the people could start producing their own currency.... made out of some sort of actually useful material like hemp....

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