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I hate their spirit

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posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:02 PM
I live amongst some "good" religious christens. I must say that good is only part of their title and does not describe their behavior.

Spirit is real. If you think about someone it does affect them. For example if you really believe that some one has a headache then they will feel that headache.

I feel like I live in "1984" with double think and double speak every where. I know a lot about why those christens think one way and act another.

The truth is that even though they are nice to your face their minds are up your ass. There is nothing pleasant about what they believe about you.

I suppose they call it the dark side or the shadows. It's hard to talk about it because there really aren't words to describe it. Words to describe the spiritual side of life are conspicuously missing from our English language.

I WILL NOT lie about the fact that their spiritual "lights" are harm full to the body.

I do see the results of their beliefs. Not only does it cause depression in most people but it can cause more severe results. Hint - Virgina Tech.

If you don't know what I'm talking about then there are two possibilities. 1) You don't know how to "read" because you are too young and haven't woken up to the spiritual world. 2) You will not admit the truth to even yourself, perhaps the fear of god is so strong in you that nothing can be done for you.

WAKE UP! The spiritual world and the physical world never were separate. Evil does exist and I know exactly where it is.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:14 PM
just pretend every one is enlightened. Then perhaps they will be. You screaming for them to wake up is probably just going to further lull them into a deeper sleep.
But if you realize everyone around you is enlightened for the sake of your enlightenment, then you wont get itchy about the drastic "differences" in things.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:24 PM
The problem is the siege mentality of Christianity - as well as Judaism and Islam. Either you are with their religion, or you are a godless filthy hellbound subhuman who's only purpose is to provide fodder for the "coming end times" or to be converted to proper (read, their way) thinking.

It wears people down constantly. I can speak from experience that Christianity just doesn't work for some people. Perhaps they're like me and found an irresistable draw to another path. Perhaps they are like many unfortunate kids who are gay, and brought up to believe their internal alchemy makes them evil and deserving of death. Maybe they just don't like some of the practices of their denomination.

Many of these people are stuck with the fear that if they move away from their religion, they will be punished, perhaps eternally so. Of course, there are certainly more temporal concerns. How do you think a strongly Jewish family would react if their daughter found her spirit was more satisfied with Islam? I stood by a close friend of mine when he came out of the closet to his Baptist parents, and saw firsthand how well THAT goes. What happens when Muslims start talking about religious reformation in Islamic regimes?

There are many similarities between this and battered spouse syndrome. You don't want the relationship, you know you should leave, but the thought of leaving utterly terrifies you.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:45 PM

I hate their spirit

I think you need to learn that hate is a poison to the soul of the person that is doing the hating. I don't even like for the word to be a part of my vocabulary.

OK, I read your post detailing everything that is wrong with them, do you mind if I share a few things I find wrong with you? Good.

I'll start with your passing judgment on the spiritual path's of other human beings. You gripe about them passing judgment on you and then do the exact same thing to them. Two wrongs still do not make a right.

You also fail to see that this isn't their problem, it's yours. They are going about living their lives the way they see fit and actually believe they are going to make it thru some mythical pearly gates when they die. You're the one that's bitter and hating and putting other people down. Hell, this is eating you alive and they are probably enjoying the show.

I'll close this with a bit of advice, whether you want it or not. Refuse to hate anyone or anything for any reason. Take the hate completely out of your life. When that is done it leaves room for love and understanding to come in and fill the void left behind.

Then you will truly see your brothers and sisters in a new light.

Love and light my friend,

edit for spelling.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by mrwupy]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by angryScientist

It seems to me that you are truly fed up by what is going on around you, one thing I have learned about life is to live by and enjoy it on my own terms, I never let any system of believes and religious views of any type take the joy out of me.

To tell you the truth the only heated debates about spirituality and relgion has been in this board in real life I never have any problem no matter how narrow minded the person next to me is.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:11 PM
I do find it most peculiar that they claim to believe in the religion based around Jesus Christ and yet their actions couldn't be further from the actions of their supposed savior.

I mean, why is he their savior when their mentality about life is vastly different from his? Do they just want a reward? Is that all it is? Do they actually expect one when all they do is claim believe and don't actually show it?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by angryScientist

Hatred, even as a "metaphor", is never a good sign, you know.
It's up to you and you alone to NOT hate anyone, unless you want to be ever more miserable. And these people are not "making" you hate them: you're the one who is doing that to yourself.

It's also very important to separate their supposed "Christianity" from their behaviour. If they have done so - in all but in word - it would be a good idea to do so yourself. They are not Christians - so why link their "faith" to their deeds or speech?

If they were "atheists" or "Buddhists" or whatever they chose to call themselves - would you also associate their faith or lack thereof with their behaviour?

(I ask because - being a Christian myself - I have met many "Christians" who were nothing of the kind; and I've also met many non-Christians who were not very good or even nice people, judging by their deeds and words.)

As for Psychedeliack's advice:

just pretend every one is enlightened. Then perhaps they will be.

it is absolutely the best piece of advice that you're likely to get anywhere.

f we treat people as if they were already the best they could be... they may become just that - or at least start growing in that direction.

That's precisely the gist of the Christian caritas.

[edit on 11-3-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:32 PM

You gripe about them passing judgment on you and then do the exact same thing to them.

What are you talking about? Did you see what they do to me?

I'll close this with a bit of advice, whether you want it or not. Refuse to hate anyone or anything for any reason. Take the hate completely out of your life. When that is done it leaves room for love and understanding to come in and fill the void left behind.

I disagree. Hate like hunger is an indication of some thing. Don't let it blind you. It's trying to tell you something.

You're the one that's bitter and hating and putting other people down. Hell, this is eating you alive and they are probably enjoying the show.

1) Disagree; Just the ugly facts.
2) Agree (in part); They, not this, are eating me alive and probably are enjoying the show.

I sure you didn't realize how stunted in my spiritual growth I have become. It's come to the point that I can't return what they give me in kind. Do you know what "in kind" means? It's a legal term. Think about it. It's not a good situation.

May you become all peaceful.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by mrwupy

Very well said, Mrwupy.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
(Which is why I didn't

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 07:55 PM
So...being such an expert on all things spiritual, you can read every ones spiritual makeup? Wow...

Sure you're not reading your own self image onto others? Judge not, lest ye be judged comes to mind.

Why do you even care, if they're so spiritually deficient, in your eyes?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:24 PM
I see that using the term "hate" was very wrong. I'm sorry!

I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to get blasted because of it.

I will use the term "love" instead.

I love what they do to my sore little behind. I love the what they do to my brain. I love that they do throw me into a pit of despair.

I love what they do to me.

I love it as much if not more that any man in my shoes would.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. Thank you for your support and consolation.

I wish you to become peaceful. May you not need for anything or have any need for desire .

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by angryScientist

The Holy Spirit of Jeshua and the spirit of this world, will never be in agreement. I used to HATE being around Christian relatives, when I was a wild, stupid young woman.
It wasn't really that they were mean to me or even pushy. Our souls did NOT click.
I didn't care how nice they were, I didn't want to be around them, because I figured they didn't like metallica or drugs... or easy women.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by angryScientist

I love what they do to my sore little behind. I love the what they do to my brain. I love that they do throw me into a pit of despair.

They don't do that. You do that and blame it on them. They don't control you or spend their days thinking of ways to make you unhappy.

Your life is a reflection of your perspective on it. If you go around seeing things as being terrible, they inherently will be.

Ours is one of the first generations to realize that you need only to change your thoughts and you can change your world.

This isn't about them, it's about you.

Why do you let other people have this much control over your life?

Happiness is a choice, that is all it is. I hope you realize that.

Love and light,

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 10:13 PM

How about this; You aren't in my shoes. You haven't experienced what I have experienced. You have not heard or seen what I have heard or seen.

I have the capacity to judge what my senses tell me because I am intimately connected to them. In fact I am the only one that has that capacity in regards to my senses.

I know you would like the would to be what desire it to be. But I have sensed with my senses have been recorded in my memory. I have reviewed my memory and even projected into the future the likely course things will take, with in reason, of course.

I'm sorry to say, because it might hurt your position a bit, that it just doesn't jive with the way that you are trying to tell me things are.

I wish your heart to be peace full.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 01:14 AM
I hear you, but think about my experience today...FWIW:

I was peacefully riding my bike down the road.

Just as I was about to swing a v. sharp right turn, some lady had snuck up behind me in a BMW and hit her horn.

MAN, did I jump. Swerved, almost fell off the bike, due to the counter lean I was in for the turn.

I looked and saw the first letters of her license plate, and took the turn.

Normally I won't do anything, but this was just beyond the pale. After all the road was a dead end, then a parking lot for a park, another dead end, and a housing development, again, dead end.

About 30 seconds after turning around, I see her car right in front of her house.

I turn and ride by.

"Ma'am, did you HAVE to honk at me like that? You scared me to death"

I didn't stop but rode into the park.

I know she heard me because her window was down and she had been sitting there for a minute

I thought: 'What's the rush, to just sit in your car?.'

A mile down the bike trail I started thinking. What good did that do? I should have rolled by, turned around again and come up to her window and introduced myself. We're neighbors, after all, since I live down the street. We're even in the same neighborhood association.

Without saying anything negative, she'd have been embarrassed, I just know it. Imagine scaring your own neighbor for no good reason?

But I messed up. I got mad. (more like scared...) and I didn't react in a way that would help me.

So, lesson learned. Maybe I'll see her later in the week and I plan to fix things. I'm thinking I might even ask her to 'look out for me (my well being) as I ride there.

She might be a dick behind the wheel (who isn't at one time or another?), but she won't be able to act like that if she knows me.

In fact, just thinking about that new plan made me feel better.

2 cents...

[edit on 12-3-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 02:01 AM

She might be a dick behind the wheel (who isn't at one time or another?), but she won't be able to act like that if she knows me.

Agreed! It is much harder to deny that someone has a soul if you know them.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 02:15 AM
The united States is not the buildings, they are just stone.
The united States does not exist on paper, those are just words. They
only mean anything to those that can read and understand them.
The united States is not the ground. The ground was there before the
united States was and it will be there after the united States is
gone. In fact the united States does not own the ground it only owns
the title to the ground.
The united States exist only in the minds of humans and not in any
other animal on the planet.
So why don't we play pretend. Let us play house. Let us play white
house. It will be fun.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 03:07 AM
Another somewhat different rant would be about the people, who actually think that whoever believes in Jesus is supposed to be messiah himself. There's no sound logic behind it. That is an opinion of theirs which is there because of feelings they have.

You may have heard about evolution, you may believe in it and you may even support it to be teached in schools. Evolution is a theory, so there is no feeling whatsoever behind it. Yet you do not act as supposed in evolution, so you are propably a moron, too. You are a moron, because there is behaviour in you that is not perfect in terms of adaptation, survival and getting laid to maximize reproduction. You may even choose to watch TV instead of having sex, which is a stupid thing to doo if you have not reproduced yet.

See my point? I mean no offence to anyone.

It is a very very stupid thing to demand perfect behaviour based on what you believe in. For human being, who is not perfect by nature, such behaviour is impossible in the long run. It does not really matter what you believe in. Be it evolution, be it christianity, be it islam, be it druidic beliefs - you are going to make a mistake within your construct of belief. Partly, that's what it is to be human.

And, well, I believe in evolution, yet I spend time doing things that really do not help me to survive - at all.

[edit on 12/3/08 by rawsom]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 04:01 AM
@ rawsom

It's true that I don't behave as is supposed to be in evolution because it is just a theory that tries to describe reality. I live and act in reality. I was born into reality just as my parents were, and there parents, and there parents, etc... How can I avoid my instincts being rooted in reality?

Reality existed before any theory of it and so did my progenitors.

It would take for ever to be proven perfect. Since I, my self, can't be proven to be perfect, I can only be a step in that perfection, and there is absolutely no guaranty of that. I can only say that I am perfectible and not perfect.

All that being said, I am a reasonable man. If you find something in me that is not perfect then let me know. I will take it under consideration and act as appropriately as I able to.

There are no guaranties of my offspring living forever, although, I wish there were. I must be aware of where I am, my position and my surroundings else it is easy to die. (Much too easy)

No, Jesus was killed by the people that the "god" of the old testament talked with. They would not put up with some youngster trying to usurp their authority. And they never will.

Go figure.

And remember; God damned humans. And he did.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by angryScientist]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by rawsom
Another somewhat different rant would be about the people, who actually think that whoever believes in Jesus is supposed to be messiah himself.

I just read that again. Did you mean to say that those that believe in Jesus are to be a messiah?

(I had to look this up because I think mostly about reality and not religion. The two are disparate.)

[Middle English Messias, Messie, from Old French Messie, from Late Latin Messìâs, from Greek, from Aramaic mèšîhâ and or Hebrew mâšàh, the anointed, messiah.]

Anointed? like king David, the murderer and appointed of "god"? (Most of them where murderers and thief's. Not to mention progenitors of genocide. Sorry, rant.)

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