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1984: Are we a "Police State"

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posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 12:23 PM
I get on everyday check the news, sometimes the weather and have definately been paying attention to the politics of the election primaries. Anyway lets get to the point of this blog. I read on Yahoo news today that 1 in 100 adult Americans or either in prison or jail!!!! You have got to be kidding me. Seriously that is way too many people and there is no way that all of them really deserve or need to be there. Having been sentenced to jail time myself for drinking 1/2 a beer when I was 18 does really give me the clear judgment that some of these people are there when there really is no need.

The thing I find compelling is that with my terrible little life the way it is and always has been I still find time to pay attention to just about everything. I speak my mind when needed or feel compelled too or even when I speak before I think. I get myself into trouble with this sometimes especially when I am right 99% of the time. Now saying I'm always right isn't to say I'm special or that I'm smart nor is it to say that this blog is correct about our current state of government, but only to say that if people would actually pay attention to social interaction, their choices, the things they ignore ect ect and step outside of thier fake little happy box and actually pay attention to things that are going on around them, in their life or in the world then they too might find that they see things for what they are without the fog.

Now for those of you who don't know of the book 1984 or what a police state is the following will be very informational and you might learn something for once in your life. Also just so you know 1984 is a FICTIONAL book.

The term police state is a term for a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population, especially by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional republic. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

The classification of a country or regime as a police state is usually contested and debated. Because of the pejorative connotation of the term, it is rare that a country will self-identify as a police state. The classification is often established by an internal whistleblower or an external critic or activist group. The use of the term is motivated as a response to the laws, policies and actions of that regime, and is often used pejoratively to describe the regime's concept of the social contract, human rights, and similar matters.

George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four describes Britain under a socialist totalitarian régime that continuously invokes (and helps to create) a perpetual war. This perpetual war is used as a pretext for subjecting the people to mass surveillance and invasive police searches. The state destroys not only the literal freedom after action and thought meant by expressions like "freedom of thought", but also literal freedom of thought.

Anyway it is odd that the brief description of the book describes our country exactly as it is now and with 1 out of every 100 people in custody it seems more evident that this is the cycle. I won't get into conspiracy theories surrounding Afganistan, Iraq, US Government ect ect but I do suggest that everyone start paying attention to the facts. Just because it doesn't affect you at the moment doesn't mean that it won't in the future.

We seriously need another revolution much like that of the 60's which was signifigant and helpful but could have worked a lot better.
Lets try it this time without the drugs and sex.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 12:42 PM
Well lets see:

# - You must have your papers/id on you at all times and remit it when asked.
# - The US govt keeps a HUGE 900,000 name db of supposed terrorists
# - US Citizens can be held w/o habeous corpus.
# - The CIA is now allowed to operate domestically to investigate citizens of the US
# - The Govt has admitted that they wiretap domestically w/o warrants.
# - The Govt will, (and has many times) squashed any court cases involving human rights, civil liberties, and privacy violations due to 'national security'
# - Peace activists are photographed and catalogued.

And on, and on, and on.....

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 12:45 PM
Dont forget video surveillance your every move.

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 02:15 PM
Can't get away from those viideo camera's anywhere. They even have them in most businesses, street lamps have them now, housing has them. The police can ask for id and for your name and info. If you don't cooperate, they can take you in for 'interfering with governmental operations'. And anyone of at least a thousand other ways of curtailing your civil rights. So a police state? It's turning out that way. Shine, perishing Republic!

posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 02:21 PM
We are a police state in that we police each other.
We police and carefully watch over each others emotions - not to or for their benefit, but to feed some ailing ego trying to stay alive.

As people begin to free their minds of the things that bind (fear) then change from within will reflect without.

So the police are an outward manifestation of what is within.
And in a larger since the law protects the majority from themselves.



posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Wally Conley
Can't get away from those viideo camera's anywhere.

Well Im sure the military has some advance google earth type deal where they can see in the houses live via satellite while Im on the toilet.

So what can you do? Make the best of it and smile.
For their sake hopefully they cant smell the surrounding environment they are peaking at.



posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 03:01 PM
One quick way to see if we're a police state is to go do something illegal. You don't have to kill somebody, just something slightly illegal, and victimless. Changes are pretty good you'll get away with it, and that probably nobody will care.

See, running a police state costs an awful lot of money. Money that could be going to line to pockets of our crooked politicians. There's always an economic break even point where the cost of looking over your shoulder outweighs the benefit of siphoning money out of the system. We haven't gotten nearly to that point, and are actually drifting away from it, because there are so many people in the world it's just way too expensive to watch them.

Unless you're doing something really illegal and nasty, I wouldn't worry about the police state. Get a nice, comfortable job as a police man, with good pay and benefits.

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