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N. American Army created without OK by Congress U.S., Canada military ink deal to fight domestic eme

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by zerotime

Its been around a very long time.

The reality is that this country was born from a conspiracy theory, that being of British enslavement of the colonies, and that fear of government has persisted in the collective American conciousness to this day.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

well, i wont insult you by telling you i think your theories make no sense.

i also wont waste my time by asking if you have any proof of your very specific claims (planning on under half a billion huh?)

but i would be interested to know how exactly they are going to manage all of this?

you expect us to believe that a small group of, presumably, old white guys are going to get the military to hunt down innocent people for no pay just on their say so?

cuz even at half a billion thats a lot of people if they all come marching towards your front door with pointy sticks unless you have the military on your side. im going to guess you were never in the military cuz every millitary person knows that somethigns you dont mess with. first is a soldiers pay.

i could see it now:
cheney: "general, i need you to send your ranger batts up to south dakota and go hunt them all down"
general: "yeah about that, im afraid im going to have to just go ahead and ask you to go fornicate yourself with a large foreign object"

what would be in it for the military? sure they may share with the generals but the generals typically arent the ones out there doing the fighting. you going to get me to believe that once you cut off the pay to a battalion of infantry that they arent going to just figure out that "hey, we have guns. the old white guys dont. few of their guards do but lemme call my buddies over in the 1st armored division. OWG's guards have 9mms, lets get some abrams on the streets of DC"

yeah, shortest dictatorship in history.

for any NWO to take and hold power they need the millitary. for the most part the military is made up of guys like you and me. little nuts but generally good people.

so, im not going to go blow the kids college fund in vegas just to have one last fun weekend before "they" come and haul me off to a concentration camp. just dont see it happening

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:12 AM
One more step to a NAU... If this keeps up, by 2010, we'll be Canamerico.

I'm seeing this as a way for the government to claim feasible deniability in the event that any civil unrest happens, and the other nation's military has to step in. If they kill some of our people, then the government can declare that they aren't responsible.

Kind of scary, when looked at from a different angle. Will Watch this.


posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:25 AM
That's HIGH TREASON, the whole thing. Sovergnity, posse commitatus, all that... throught the window?

The Soviets did that in Eastern Europe and the Chineses brought russian troops for Tianamen Square...

And don't think it stop there, a lot of US troops are now foreigners.

for any NWO to take and hold power they need the millitary. for the most part the military is made up of guys like you and me. little nuts but generally good people.

When is this truth under dictatorship? SA and SS in Nazi Germany were rounding up anyone communist, jew and protesters of the regime without blinking. Sorry, but the government just say that the real patriots are terrorists, they'll believe it, they are trained.

Or they'll take foreigners who hate americans.

Who do you think run Abu Grahib? Foreign prisons? Guantanamo? Americans. But brainwashed soldiers, I mean, children are in Guantanamo and being tortured, you've got to be a sick person to do that kind of stuff.

The government just have to impress the soldiers with a nuclear attack and most will believe that those fighting are american terrorists who converted to extremism islam and they'll believe it.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Vitchilo]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Damocles

old white guys are going to get the military to hunt down innocent people for no pay just on their say so?

Where did you come up with the "no pay" part? Payment doesn't have to be made in dollars. Payment might be as simple as "we'll let you live."

for any NWO to take and hold power they need the millitary.

They will need it less and less, the more people die. You are also forgetting that machines are doing more and more work these days. Technology could make the idea of a manned military obsolete.

so, im not going to go blow the kids college fund in vegas just to have one last fun weekend before "they" come and haul me off to a concentration camp. just dont see it happening

Well, I would certainly wait it out a bit longer before going out to blow the kids' college fund. Money isn't entirely useless, yet.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Hi Damocles

Great questions.

Let's start with your first question.

why? what gain would the PTB get from us all living in camps?

We would not all be living in camps. Just the people who tried to rebel against what they were doing. The people who will not bend and break to the will of the sytem. Those are the ones that would be rounded up.

The compliant sheep would be left alone, to be the happy sheepish snitching slaves of the society.

if we were all suddenly slaves, where does the tax money come from to pay for all the cool toys the military would need to keep us in line?

Again we all would not need to be slaves, just the none compliant one. Just like everyone does not need to be a Snitch for the contry to be controlled. Eg. The former East Germany controlled the whole country by having just 1 in 6 citizens be snitches. The same could be true for the slave class.

By the way, we are already primarily slaves, many of you just have not woken up to that reality yet, and by the time you do, it will likely be too late. :-)

if our govt imprisoned us all, what other countries would continue to trade with us to generate money for all the cool toys our military would need to keep us in line?

Again they don't have to imprison everyone. You just have to make an example of enough people to beat the rest, mentally and emotionally in line. Why do you think part of the reason is, that we are not seeing more protests in the streets recently?

who's going to grow the food or raise the cattle to feed us hungry slaves? let me guess, work or get shot? yeah that will work out wel....

Again once you get rid of the outspoken, which is happening right now, then you won't have to worry about it. The rest will just submissively do what they are told. You don't realise it, but there is a worldwid effort to get rid of these people already. The system is working it's will.

i could go on but i wont. so, if someone could answer those questions...or simplify it down to: enslave us toward what end?

The big picture is that someday we will have a chip or rather scanned population of sheep. People who know no other will other than what the government, the one world government, wants them to think and feel. Everyone will be educated the same way, and have their loyalty to that state much the way that they do in Brave new world.

We will be easier to control, and from what I understand, the powers that be are hoping for fewer sheep. Easier to control when there are fewer. They will have all the power, and the sheeple will live in sub conditions and not even have the will to complain about it. It will be for many over time all that they have ever know.

How does that sound?

i keep hearing "oh they want to control us" ok...what do they want us to do once they "control us"? dance a merry jig for them at their fancy parties with their other NWO buddies?

Imagine a world where you work for the state, under not great conditions, and have no will of your own to protest against the state. Complete control. There will be a ruling class that can do anything that they wish. You will have no way to protest or complain about anything. You will be beaten into submission.

Have you ever read the Franklin Cover Up's or anything about the Monarch Project? See you could just do things like that in the open and no one would stand in your way.

just a single rational explaination would be good

I don't know if the example is rational, but that is the end game plan, or part of it. You can watch videos on youtube, read books, and find out more on your own if you wish.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR
OH nose .. 200 guys on horses with sticks and rocks are going to come and round us up into pens . Were gonna be herded like cattle . OH nose.

Really now? Does the Canadian military really pose a threat ? Well one things for sure. I live around 8 miles from fort Wayne in Detroit .
If all hell breaks out meet me there . Its the most strategic position to defend against a Canadian strike .
(Its what it was built for) At the thinest point of the Detroit river.

Bring your friends . After we take out the bridge we can laugh as the Canadians drown trying to forge the river (Oregon trail style)

That was in pretty bad taste man.

Both sides are affected by this, this is no time to start trying to make enemies of each other.

With that being said...

Unlike the American forces, at least the Canadian forces can:
1) Find the bridge.
2) Manage to bomb it without hitting our own people.
3) Swim.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR

OH nose .. 200 guys on horses with sticks and rocks are going to come and round us up into pens . Were gonna be herded like cattle . OH nose.

As a Canadian,I take offense to your comments.We aren't some backwards nation with no means of defense.Granted we don't have the fire power of the U.S.
We are known as a peaceful country with a good reputation in the world community.

Some Canadians are well aware of this pact on don't like it anymore than Americans do.We want to be left alone to live in peace and have our natural resources free from plunder.

I'm also guessing that you think no Canadians possess any weapons or are capable of using them.I for one,am a damn fine shot.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by johnsky
That was in pretty bad taste man.

Both sides are affected by this, this is no time to start trying to make enemies of each other.

With that being said...

Unlike the American forces, at least the Canadian forces can:
1) Find the bridge.
2) Manage to bomb it without hitting our own people.
3) Swim.

That is what our Seals and Special Forces Units are for. But yea there are always alot of friendly fire going on, I don't know why so much. Reminds me of that pro football player who turned down a 3 million contract to be a ranger, and his own men killed him. He even through Military Smoked grenades and showed them his helmet, and still got fired on.

Anyways there are some goof balls in the army I have seen them. But alot of the guys are well trained, and highly disciplined.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 02:38 AM
The way I see this is that if the Canadian troops are deployed to the US for let us say martial law, then Canada will leave some parts vulnerable. If this does happen it should make a revolution easier with all the soldiers already spread our so thin.

I for one will not stand while our troops implement martial law to another country. But this is just the thoughts of one Canadian. I hope nothing goes down in these terms.

Also, this could be used because the US military is already spread out in many other places. If a war was to break out the US would be vulnerable for some attacks. What is the best way to defend the nation? Ask for help from your neighbors.

My 2 cents

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 05:16 AM
Sounds great. We need more cooperation between our world nations and our neighboring countries.

I love how the conspiracy goons over at worldnet can spin Civil Assistance Plan into North American Army
They love using loaded phrases to get you paranoid types of riled up.

On top of that, the spin doctor who wrote the OP says it's for fighting "domestic enemies".

Some of you people are sick in the head, either because you actually believe this crap, or you are trying to scare other gullible people.

If you go to any site other than a nut conspiracy site, you'll get something like this:

“This document is a unique, bilateral military plan to align our respective national military plans to respond quickly to the other nation's requests for military support of civil authorities,” Renuart said. “Unity of effort during bilateral support for civil support operations such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and effects of a terrorist attack, in order to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate damage to property, is of the highest importance, and we need to be able to have forces that are flexible and adaptive to support rapid decision-making in a collaborative environment.”

Of course, that's a lie right? Yeah, they really want to kill you and put you under martial law.

Like I said, sick and twisted.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Damocles

"but i would be interested to know how exactly they are going to manage all of this? "

Here is the scenario in brief:
A quarrantine will be called for H5N1 virus. There is no need for an actual outbreak. Please see my comments in the "Black Death" thread for H5N1 for greater details than here.

When this happens people will gladly isolate themselves. The quarrantine plan is for 6 weeks.

Most homes have about a 2 week supply of food at any time. After 14 days without food your body cannot be brought back to a state where it can once again process food, at 21 days you die. So at 4 weeks most familys will reach the point of no return, if they did not die of thirst in the third or second week.

Fear of contamination will keep most people locked down tight long enough for it to be too late.

When everyone comes out of their homes most of them will be dead of thirst or starvation.

No food will be shipped. Troops and local police will shutdown all entrances and exits to highways and neighborhoods.
Help will not come.

The same way the practiced it in New Orleans for the first week, the government will be there to lock down the situation. For this scenario to work, they only need to lock down from the third to the fourth week.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 07:49 AM
Don't get me wrong, despite having posted a lot of very pointed criticisms of America, I am a friend of America and am delighted when America prospers . . . legally. However, American paranoia borders on the hilarious.

Talk about the elephant shrieking and jumping up on the stool to avoid the mouse! Compared to America, in military terms, virtually everyone in the rest of the world, including Canada, are mice. The permanent members of the security council of the United Nations are the only countries in the world with enough military muscle to give America pause.

As a Canadian I believe the military agreement referred to by the OP has the appearance of a prelude to a scam. Isn't the fake invitation for assistance one of the classic methods used by agressors to whitewash an invasion? That worries me as a Canadian.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR
...200 guys on horses with sticks and rocks...

Fort Wayne, hmmmmm... I was there once, it's actually a very nice Museum.... tons of History, and a great location for festivals...What did you do there? Maybe we have met... lol etc.

I feel very weary about this type of agreement between our Countries... Mainly to support the thought of soldiers not having to police their own people. I think that it would be easier for our governments to attempt to control the mass populous that way... and if it doesn't worry you, it may worry others...
It may be more likely that Retired Military Installations, will be used by Alternate Military Forces from inception... so you had better get a move on, and wait... we'll keep you informed with updates... "Nous Promettons"!

On a serious note tho'...

Maybe, instead of looking at the extreme possibilities for a second... it would seem logical to look at another scenario from this...
The question I have is, How will this affect the A.W.O.L. status soldiers from both countries? The reason I ask is because my cousin is A.W.O.L. from the U.S. Army (though he is a Canadian Citizen), he left before his National Guard Unit headed off to Iraq a few months ago... I think that it would be easier to retract those soldiers if this agreement were put into place... The "Conscientious Objector Clause" didn't work for him, or at least that's what his BC told him... so he decided to come back to Canada, for the simple fact that the U.S. MP's or whoever, couldn't cross the border to bring him back...
After hearing this, I am feeling that my Cuz' needs to be a bit more concerned with the fact he may be headed to Iraq... or better yet, prison for the rest of his term...

And back onto the sarcasm boat...

Now that we know that you and your "Force de Libération" will be watching the river, I will be advising our current offensive locations, to flank from the "Nordique" and "Méridional" locations behind you... lol

C'mon man.... And let's get it right, we'd be using Hockey Sticks and Maple Syrup!!!! Sheesh....

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 09:52 AM
worldnutdaily is nothing about a paranoid right wing website who thinks Muslims, gays and communists run America. I would not believe anything written on that site.

This military agreement is similar to NATO. An Army needs a Commander-in-chief, NAFTA does not have one so how can it be a super uber army? it cannot. It does not combine the armed forces of Canada and America, far from it. Just a military agreement. Assistanting each other in times of needs.

As for the Civil Assistance Plan, my sources cannot find anything solid on the plan. We've been looking for the news stories in Canada, but nothing. NAFTA, which holds detailed information on all North America cooperation, has nothing on it. Other contacts in the conspiracy field cannot find any evidence.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 04:47 PM
This thread is now ever more relevant. Has Posse Comitatus been suspended? I saw this earlier and thought of this immediately.

It doesn't look good for the future of our nation... Thankfully I have been stockpiling some supplies and I'm going to start buying some more bullets ASAP. Maybe pick up a rifle to go with my glock.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by merryxmas

Has Posse Comitatus been suspended?

Yes it has. Even if not specifically by law, effectively under the Patriot Act.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 05:45 PM
this is horrible

I don't want no taser happy law enforcers from a fascist country to come over here

If Canada had a chancellor I bet Bush would kidnap him too

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by jca2005

Its about time.Contrary to what people think they know,Canada and the US share more common interests.Bottom line is this,we depend on America for our defense.Yes we have well trained troops.But thanks to socialist policies since the 1960s our military is no match for Russia or China.Our special forces are top notch.However the money not spent on military went to technology so there are good and bad moves here.All the technology of course we share with the US.
I would be the first cheering for american troops in Canada if North america was attacked.I have more in common with americans than anyone else in the world.Other countries i like are Holland ,who have always been grateful for us and are backing us up in Gani,Australia who are just as plucky and determined as we are,Britain for obvious reasons, Israel since they are brillant also with technology,France simply because i like their language(i learned french in school),Japan as their culture and way of the Samurai is fascinating,India whos people are innovative and industrious as any country,and the Scandinavian countries because of WINTER!I love winter.

Country first.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:49 PM
I would be much more at ease sniping a Canadian soldier trying to silence the voice and action of the USA citizens, on USA soil, rather than taking out our own troops in the event of an uprising.
So as sad as it seems, that works out better for my conscious in the end.

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