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N. American Army created without OK by Congress U.S., Canada military ink deal to fight domestic eme

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 09:54 PM

N. American Army created without OK by Congress U.S., Canada military ink deal to fight domestic emergencies

In a ceremony that received virtually no attention in the American media, the United States and Canada signed a military agreement Feb. 14 allowing the armed forces from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does not involve a cross-border crisis.
The agreement, defined as a Civil Assistance Plan, was not submitted to Congress for approval, nor did Congress pass any law or treaty specifically authorizing this military agreement to combine the operations of the armed forces of the United States and Canada in the event of a wide range of domestic civil disturbances ranging from violent storms, to health epidemics, to civil riots or terrorist attacks.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 09:54 PM
This be a good thing or a bad thing. Because, the U.S./Canada can now virtually cross each other's borders as they please. If our troops are out on the battlefields then whoever is not on call for duty are here to protect the borders as the same goes for the Canadian soldiers for us and them, vice versa.

However, this plan, seems to be closer to the NWO plan, and the North American Union as well. Now it seems they have Mexico left. I hope they do not, do the same with them.

I would like to hear everyone's comment on this article. I like to debate about things, so here it goes.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:03 PM
Always these measures are presented whilst pushing the FEAR and PANIC buttons in the public mind.

It is a dead give-away that the purpose is nefarious when couched in terms of 'fear' and 'disaster'. One wishes it were not so and that likeminded neighbouring nations could assist each other. But as the OP points out this is all about creating a united military force for Canada and the USA ... which will be followed eventually by Mexico.

The lack of attention to this agreement is striking. Perhaps Lou Dobbs will present something on his CNN broadcast. He seems to be the only voice of sanity in the MSM.

I wonder if someone is already writing a new anthem for North America and sewing up new flags for this union that none of us want but the NWO globalist elite.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 10:25 PM
Of course you need people from the outside to contain your citizens when you declare Martial Law. Can't leave it to the citizen army to round up thier family and friends.

We get closer with every passing breath.....

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Even if it is a step towards North American Union... good for you, mates. Seems to me this is exactly what US needs.. Why the paranoia?

[edit on 25-2-2008 by Alphard]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 05:54 AM

"Co-operative militaries on Home Soil!" notes one Web site. "The next time your town has a ‘national emergency,' don't be surprised if Canadian soldiers respond. And remember -- Canadian military aren't bound by posse comitatus."

Posse comitatus is a U.S. law that prohibits the use of federal troops from conducting law enforcement duties on domestic soil unless approved by Congress.

NationalPost - Canada

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Last time I checked canada was still a commonwealth state! soverign rule!

Us Brits would certainly stop any military turning on the citizens of america after all America is like our cousin

All for one and one for all!

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by ian990003100

Absolutely Ian990003100,

I feel the same way about the British and Canadians, but this is not right. This action should have been approved by Congress before being implemented.

I wonder if various State Law Enforcement Agencies know of this? Why do I feel like Dubya is pulling a fast one on this? Where did these Generals get the authorization to make such a pact? Does this not impede on a States sovereign rights? Isn't this against our Constitution?

I said it the day Dubya was "selected", and I say it again now... America will be lucky if we get through this alive!

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Alphard

In your opinion how is this "exactly what the US needs"?

Anyone in support of this move I must ask..have you ever heard of the term "National Sovereignty"

Does it not worry anyone that Foreign Troops would not be subject to US laws such as Posse Comitatus?

This is an obvious move towards a North American Union and/or Martial Law. Now the question about who would round people up has finally been answered. The old and tired arguments that " US Soldiers/ National Guard would not shoot, kill, arrest their own citizens" is now absolutely pointless and without any merit whatsoever.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 08:24 AM
This agreement also means that the U.S. Military could also be used in Canada where the Canadian Miltary might not be willing to turn it's weapons against Canadian citizens. And would the U.S. Military head into Canada, if asked, to assist the Canadians should Quebec ever try to secede from Canada? And while we are on the subject, would the U.S. consider signing such a treaty with Mexico? These questions, and more, to be answered in the not to distant future. Shine, perishing republic!

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 09:56 AM
The admission of Canada into the USA is certainly not a new idea:

The Articles of Confederation
Agreed to by Congress November 15, 1777; ratified and in force, March 1, 1781.

Article XI. Canada acceding to this confederation, and adjoining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this Union; but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States.

Military cooperation between these 2 allies has been intensified also since 9/11:

U.S. Northern Command was established on Oct. 1, 2002, to anticipate and conduct homeland defense and civil support operations within the assigned area of responsibility to defend, protect, and secure the United States and its interests.

Similarly, Canada Command was established on Feb. 1, 2006, to focus on domestic operations and to offer a single point of contact for all domestic and continental defense and security partners.

The two domestic commands established strong bilateral ties well before the signing of the Civil Assistance Plan. The two commanders and their staffs meet regularly, collaborate on contingency planning and participate in related annual exercises.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 11:11 AM
This is posted on the website. It seems to go against the information posted on the WorldNetDaily website.

This document is a unique, bilateral military plan to align our respective national military plans to respond quickly to the other nation's requests for military support of civil authorities

The plan facilitates the military-to-military support of civil authorities once government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response.

Unity of effort during bilateral support for civil support operations such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and effects of a terrorist attack, in order to save lives, prevent human suffering and mitigate damage to property, is of the highest importance, and we need to be able to have forces that are flexible and adaptive to support rapid decision-making in a collaborative environment.

Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.

Certainly does not sound like Canadian troops are going to start pouring down into America (or vice verses) on every little issue.

This seems to have to be said again and again, but maybe we should recognize that WorldNetDaily is not a good source of news or unbiased information. All of their "news" posts are slanted so bad that they border on boldface lies and outright deception.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:18 PM
But that would also mean British intervention wouldn't it? Alot of Canadian troops can join the British Army and so forth, because Canada won their independence from the British, so now they can join their military.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:41 PM
OH nose .. 200 guys on horses with sticks and rocks are going to come and round us up into pens . Were gonna be herded like cattle . OH nose.

Really now? Does the Canadian military really pose a threat ? Well one things for sure. I live around 8 miles from fort Wayne in Detroit .
If all hell breaks out meet me there . Its the most strategic position to defend against a Canadian strike .
(Its what it was built for) At the thinest point of the Detroit river.

Bring your friends . After we take out the bridge we can laugh as the Canadians drown trying to forge the river (Oregon trail style)

[EDIT: I used to work there ]

[edit on 25-2-2008 by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:12 PM
Now troops can cross the Canadian border easier than Citizens.

God I love this country, oops, I mean continent.

click here

[edit on 2/25/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Hi Zerotime,

I agree with your post, and if we didn't have NSPD 51, HSPD-20 hanging over our heads, it would not concern me so much. But... if for some reason Dubya decides to enact NSPD 51, this agreement would immediately come into play.

I like Canadians, I think they are wonderful neighbors. But, it would be outrageous to have foreign troops on our soil without congressional approval! And I am sure the majority of Canadians would not like having American troops patrolling their towns either.

I smell a big NAFTA/NEOCON rat! This agreement is like putting the cart before the horse. It is totally illegal and unnecessary without the implementation of Martial Law! This agreement is nothing more then a way for Dubya to bypass the Posse Comitatus Act if he needs to. Our politicians and government knows Americans will never allow a ruling body to supercede our own Constitution and Supreme Court (as crooked as they are right now) so long as we still have the right to vote, and choose our destiny.

I hereby assert that the hidden purpose of the U.S. government is not to serve the needs of the people or to make the world free and democratic, as it so boldly claims; it is to accrue ever more wealth to the obscenely rich, the global elite. Its intent is to do to the U.S. what it has done to Iraq; to revoke the Constitution and the rule of law; to bankrupt the federal treasury and to privatize everything that is publicly owned. Ultimately its objective is to pursue the religion of unregulated free market capitalism, and to establish global corporate rule.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by yankeerose

Tired of hearing all the martial law rumors, which have been going on for over 20 years. When, oh, when is this going to happen?


Probably never

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by chromatico
reply to post by yankeerose

Tired of hearing all the martial law rumors, which have been going on for over 20 years. When, oh, when is this going to happen?


Probably never

At least 20 years if not more, maybe these fears have been around since the country was founded. Back in the late 1980's I was in high school. We didn't have the Internet or all this great communication technology but even then I remember people saying that Ronald Reagan was the anti-Christ and that he was going to declare marshal law to take over the USA. He was going to stay president of the USA forever and then start nuking other countries to take over the world. Of course none of that happened but here we are again with an unpopular president and almost the same scenario is being told. The weird thing to me is that younger generations do not seem to know this has all be said hundreds of times before. This whole process is completely new to them. They have not studied history and seem to not understand that all of this has been said before about other presidents including presidents that we love today like Abraham Lincoln. And it will be said again about the next president, and the president after that one, and so on and so on...

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:48 PM
oh joy, another martial law thread with no explaination of WHY anyone would want to impose a martial law. i started a thread of why i think there will never be martial law/police state but no one will give me rational counterpoints. so, ill ask a few questions here if ya'll dont mind?


why? what gain would the PTB get from us all living in camps?

if we were all suddenly slaves, where does the tax money come from to pay for all the cool toys the military would need to keep us in line?

if our govt imprisoned us all, what other countries would continue to trade with us to generate money for all the cool toys our military would need to keep us in line?

who's going to grow the food or raise the cattle to feed us hungry slaves? let me guess, work or get shot? yeah that will work out wel....

i could go on but i wont. so, if someone could answer those questions...or simplify it down to: enslave us toward what end?

i keep hearing "oh they want to control us" ok...what do they want us to do once they "control us"? dance a merry jig for them at their fancy parties with their other NWO buddies?

just a single rational explaination would be good

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Damocles

They want us all to die. That's the simple explanation.

As far as worrying about martial law coming, the point has become moot. We have a global police-state instead.

why? what gain would the PTB get from us all living in camps?

Control, slave labor, and extermination of the "unfit".

if we were all suddenly slaves, where does the tax money come from to pay for all the cool toys the military would need to keep us in line?

Who needs money when you already own everything? Money is an illusion at this point anyway.

if our govt imprisoned us all, what other countries would continue to trade with us to generate money for all the cool toys our military would need to keep us in line?

They already have all the technology they need to "keep us in line." There would not be other countries. Hence the "World" part of New World Order. Again, money is already an illusion.

who's going to grow the food or raise the cattle to feed us hungry slaves? let me guess, work or get shot? yeah that will work out wel....

They won't feed us. A small slave labor force will be maintained to support the ruling class. The total global population threshold is planned to be maintained at a half-billion people.

i keep hearing "oh they want to control us" ok...what do they want us to do once they "control us"?


...enslave us toward what end?

THE end.

[edit on 2/26/0808 by jackinthebox]

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