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False Flag Prospects: Top 3 U.S. 'Target' Cities

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posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:48 PM

False Flag Prospects: Top 3 U.S. 'Target' Cities

Primary Target: Houston. Over the past four years military and police veterans like me have been alerting the public to government exercises aiming at the nuclear destruction of Houston petro-suburbs. Five times in those four years we were able to predict to within a day major petrochemical explosions in those petro-suburbs. The odds against this kind of accuracy are astronomical. As the center of Big Oil and the Bush Family, Houston remains the most endangered city in America. Any patriotic group, like mine, trying to alert its home city to the dangers of a false flag attack should read my recent article, "The 1/31 Nuke: Proof for Ron Paul" about the successful interdiction of a 2006 attempt against Texas City:

Secondary Target: Chicago. While Houston is the most endangered city, the most endangered building -- the best candidate to be the next World Trade Center -- is the Sears Tower. Official sources have pronounced it just that ever since the original 9/11 attack, when they said it was on the Al Qaeda hit list. Larry Silverstein, who bought the Twin Towers two months before 9/11, led a group that purchased the Sears Tower on 3/11, 2004, the day of the Madrid bombings. Federal officials have been pointing to Chicago and its Sears Tower as Al Qaeda targets since the original 9/11 attacks, and have repeated the threat ever since. In May 2006,, the government scheduled secret 9/11-type exercises in Chicago, while Chicago Mayor Daley was docked conveniently away in Israel for his first visit there. I sent a widely read communiqué to Illinois Governor Blagojevich as part of a successful Internet attempt to shut down the pending false flag attack:

Tertiary Target: Portland. Portland, called "Little Beirut" by Bush cronies because of its enmity to Bush 41 and Bush 43, only made my top three list last summer, when it was designated as a target for a nuclear attack by successive exercises Noble Resolve and TOPOFF. The language in an official press release stated the case plainly enough: "Noble Resolve will coordinate with officials in Oregon to model a nuclear attack on Portland." In the course of researching Portland for a series of articles I wrote about the city and its exercises. I discovered that Stanford and Harvard had prepared a detailed nuclear fallout map for it, that national military commanders and state National Guard commanders were telling different stories about what the exercises were trying to accomplish, and that Portland's The Oregonian newspaper was doing everything it could to avoid investigating the frightening anomalies. I wasn't at all surprised that the last day of the exercises found the Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff in downtown Portland, which was largely closed down by an "unexpected" bomb threat. For another professional perspective on how great the danger was -- and may be again -- I refer the reader to the analysis of my colleague, Major William B. Fox (USMC):
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:48 PM
YIKES...This is a MUST read IMO. A former Army Intelligence officer not only gives his take on how he believes 9/11 was an inside job, but which areas are the next primary target for the gov / military industrial complex to lauch their next 'Terrorism' false flag operation. Better keep our eyes on these regions...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 06:50 PM
How wonderful.
Just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that I am living in the number one target for the next terror attack.
I still hope its stopped before it happens.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 11:57 PM
Question to the OP and everyone else:

Do you think Larry Silverstein had inside information that there was an extremely high chance of a terrorist attack happening at the Sears Tower on the day of the Madrid bombings, and thus bought it that very day in hopes of doing God knows what with the place, and God knows why the man would want to collect property of terror attacks, unlessss ... they had an inside knowledge of some kind of upcoming reparations maybe?

But maybe the info got botched, or Sears Tower became target #2, not #1 like the Madrid bombing was, but perhaps shortly beforehand the Sears Tower was #1, and by the time Silverstein got the info, maybe it had been changed.

Just a weird idea.. seems kinda too coincidental?

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:07 AM
IMO It will not happen in any of those 3 cities. I say this because it is being talked about. People will know then. It will happen in cities no one talked about or is aware of.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:12 AM
I don't know what feels better, living in the 3rd most likely city to be nuked by its own government. Or the fact that the city you live in is referred to as "Little Beirut" by your President and his cronies.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Quite an interesting article. I agree that it's a must read. Thanks for posting. Of course, it would make sense that fallout maps for Portland would be needed. I wonder if there have been any created recently for other cities as well.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by RedGolem

Yea. At least you probly don't live in Stinkadena which is where they'd wanna hit.
Poor me.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:40 AM

This year the same three cities are still most endangered, in light of the fact that the US military has designated Texas, Indiana and Oregon as three of its four target states in the 2008 version of its Noble Resolve military exercises. Granted, Chicago is in Illinois, not Indiana, but Indiana is quite close, and has been used to stage forces for terror exercises conducted in Chicago in recent years.

I don't know if you saw this DD, but I started a thread recently on Noble Resolve 2008, and pretty much out of similar suspicions as your article here from globalresearch. We have got to watch them, and I will not be deterred from doing so by those that choose to keep their blinders on. Your article just reinforces my suspicions, thanks.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:31 PM
I'm glad my city isn't on that list. Little Beirut huh? That's comforting. I can only guess at what pejorative would be used to describe my city. Big Mogadishu prolly.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 02:29 PM
Something is about to happen along these lines . First there are the missing nukes. Along with the deaths of most men involved. Then you have NSPD-51 that was passed very recently And our military getting trained for just a

[edit on 25-2-2008 by L.HAMILTON]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 03:17 PM
I do not think Houston would be the target. But I bet the Bush Crime Family would be willing to sacrifice Dallas.

After all Dallas has better world recognition and would strike fear deeper into just about everyone than a false flag nuke in the Houston-Galveston metro area.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

I am glad you don't think Houston would be a target. I do think as far as notoriety goes, Houston does rank up there with Dallas. Mostly because of the space center.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by RedGolem

I don't think one can underestimate the influence of "Dallas" on television around the globe. While people know Houston from NASA, I don't think that knowledge compares to the level of knowledge of "J.R. Ewing" among adults over thirty around the globe.

However, there is a dark cloud over Texas City when it comes to inexplicable explosions (as well as those that can be explained). It is incredibly vulnerable. And should something nuclear happen to Texas City that event would take out the Johnson Space Center as well as Galveston Island.

Let us pray that such an event never takes place anywhere.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Not to downplay the affect television has on the sheeple, when you menchened Dallas for its notoriety I was thinking of the history of it from the Kennedy assassination.
Best to hope that it never happens.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Make no mistake about it, if you live within 300 miles of any of those cities, you would be affected too.

I don't feel safe. I live in the country and the nearest city is less than 60,000 people and over 50 miles away. I fully expect to die if anything happens to that city.... if I lived anywhere near a major city I wouldn't even think about it... I would just take for granted the possibility of whipe-out.

I really like Portland, it doesn't surprise me that a liberal city which never hurt anybody would be a target. But Seattle seems like a much bigger target that would gather more attention.

It's just... when it all comes down to it, any major disaster in any city is going to gain attention AND initiate Martial Law. It doesn't matter which city they sacrifice first.

I really think 'they' are waiting to put the finishing touches on their underground bases etc. Then they're going to push the button.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:57 AM
My boyfriend and I found information along these lines about three months ago, and since we were living within spitting distance from Texas City and working in Galveston (and weren't all that fond of being in Texas anymore anyways) we decided that it was better to err on the side of paranoia then to find out too late that what we took to be a coincidental finding of information was actually some kind of cosmic warning. (sounds really kooky, I know, but, then we didn't have any ties that a two week notice couldn't resolve.) Dunno if we are in any kind of safer place now, but at least the scenery and air quality is a hell of a lot better where we are now *grin*
And for anybody who would castigate me for actually admitting to moving just because of a "supposed" threat... it really doesn't HAVE to seem like sound reasoning to anyone else. We made it a decision based on overall quality of life issues, not just fear of a false flag threat. The whole false flag thing basically only affected WHEN we moved, we had already decided we wanted to move, the information we found just moved our date up by about 6 months.
Even if nothing ever happens, I for one am glad that we got moving instead of staying in an area where we really werent happy just because the money was good.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 02:44 AM
wasnt phoenix one of the cities used in Noble Resolve for a nuke attack? That place seems a better choice then the other 3 for a false flag. Its secluded ,its alone in the desert, seems like everybody in america know someone there, its surrounded by huge mountains and theres nothing vital to the country there ie oil refinerys, farms etc..... but its still a major city.

just my two cents

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by HellcatEmi

And for anybody who would castigate me for actually admitting to moving just because of a "supposed" threat... it really doesn't HAVE to seem like sound reasoning to anyone else. We made it a decision based on overall quality of life issues, not just fear of a false flag threat.

The reasons you moved aside I think its great you are living some place you like. I wish I could do the same. For me if I want to keep my job there are few places I can live. I don't mind Houston, or Texas, but just not where I would choose if I had the choice.
Perhaps if I live long enough to retire I can live some place where I can enjoy the scenery.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 02:35 AM
Yea, we both pretty much lucked out on being able to make a major move like we did especially on such short notice. It's great not having things like kids or house payments to worry about. Anyway, we still live near the beach (albeit a much nicer one than Galveston) and the one thing that had me worried (we both tattoo, so both of us finding jobs in such a small community) has worked out nicely. Who knows what disasters the next few years may bring, but whether they be natural or man made (or perhaps even none at all) at least we can enjoy TODAY in a place that we both like.

Also, I didn't mean to sound like I was slamming Texas, I pretty much grew up there, but after 15 yrs in West Texas, and a year in Galveston, I was just ready to see a bit more of the world, especially since we moved a lot when I was younger and I was always just too aware of what all is out there in the big wide world

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