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The Grand Illusion

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posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:45 PM
The Grand Illusion

"The Sun does not revolve around the Earth."
* This Statement caused Giordana Bruno to be burned at the stake in the year 1600 AD.
The fact that the earth revolves around the sun was suppressed by the church for over 200 years. How naive are we to think that the secrets of the universe are not being kept from us now.
-This info from a statement made by John Lear in 1987.

The term "Forbidden Knowledge" comes into play here. The things we think we know, or believe as truth, does not mean it is, or that it is , "All there is."It was not long ago that people were tortured and killed for speaking out, or even having thoughts that went against what the elite wanted the masses to believe. It was not so long ago that the world was believed to be flat. That those with epilepsy were said to be possessed by the devil. That the thought of a man flying in the sky or to the moon brought bursts of hysterical laughter. That one man could speak to another while viewing him on a screen in another country on the other side of the world was pure science fiction, utter fantasy. Had I been born 400 years ago I would have been tried as a witch and burned alive for practicing herbal medicine.

There is a cap on the amount of knowledge we are allowed to have.That which we do know, is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
Those in the highest power,are unknown to us. You can say aliens, or Masons, but I believe they are a pure bloodline of HUMANS.

Many things in our reality were created to keep us ignorant sheep. No matter how big a person you are, or how great you are, we all answer to a higher power here on earth. We are too wrapped up in the grand illusion that is society to question it. We are told from birth to death how we are expected to live like good little sheep. Sheepdogs always prowling in various forms to keep us in line.

New technologies are only introduced to us if there is a way to make a mass profit from us with it.They make us believe that we "NEED" it. We are after all "consumers". That is our label. From birth to death we consume. We are given mass education (brain washing), to learn to work, to produce goods and services for us all to consume more. We are told we are worthless unless we contribute to society.We must work, we must earn money, WE MUST CONSUME! Everything we do, profits a greater power than us.We are sheep or cattle. Take your pick. Your entire life is dedicated to making those above you rich and powerful.You wonder why you feel your life has no meaning?

Remember Ed and Elaine Brown?
Fear is a powerful force.Second only to thought in my opinion. It is what paralyzes us daily.Fear of the smallest things, like forgetting something, or losing something, to fear of death or what comes after it. How much does FEAR really rule your life?
Fear rules us all.THEY use fear to rule us all.We must all act in spite of fear. They only control us, because we are afraid.

You must realize how big a part the media plays in keeping us in line. They are the biggest sheepdogs of all.We are focussed on politics,sports, celebrities, and crime. Far be it for us to question anything outside of that. Science and technology are given a small part and then it is only what we are allowed to know.
Just remember that what you watch on the evening news is filtered for your viewing pleasure.A wonderful way to manipulate how we see the world.Mind control at it's finest, with a dominant place in every home.

There are many that have knowledge in one particular field or another.This in my opinion, makes you not able to see the forest for the trees. Not able to see the big picture from outside the box. There is no one that has knowledge of all things (that we are aware of).What we have is all mere speculation supported by one theory or another. Whether those theories are truth or not, they are accepted as such and we only look for that which supports the "known" theories.
It would be ignorant of us to think that we know all there is. Einstein had great theories, so did many others. They seem to apply well to our universe.That does not make them correct. Orwellian tactics. Tell the masses the same thing over and over again till they believe it and accept it as fact.Even if it takes many generations to do so.

I believe the reality of what is going on around us is perhaps beyond what our dumbed down minds can conceive. The answers would be like handing a blackberry to a neanderthal and hoping he'd figure out how to use it.
I believe we suffer from what Iam going to call "Auschwitz Syndrome" and I mean no offense by that.
The prisoners there, it is written, no matter how bad they were treated,or what horrible atrocities they endured or observed, no matter how many they saw disappear never to be seen again....inside they clung to hope. Hope that someday it would all be over. Hope that the pain, hunger and sickness..and mostly fear..would be gone. There is no doubt that they lived in a constant state of fear.That is obvious to us, reflecting back on that. We also live in a constant state of fear. However, the techniques used have become so crafty and elusive that we don't even realize it most of the time. They trick us into giving away what little freedoms we do have.
Nasty Bastards.
The same German scientists, supposedly,were taken after to the war to a different location to continue their experiments. Not just on humans though...
Anti gravity.
Now here is where I will either raise your interest or lose the reader. So be it.

What you know as truth is what you have been conditioned to believe based on society and your life experience. Open your mind to new possibilities. That is how the truth shall set you free. No longer a slave to lies.
Why do we all assume that a government conspiracy, a UFO theory, and a religious cover-up, cannot all have the same underlying cause for all?
Quantum physics. Everything is connected.You just have to find out how. That is a good theory.
Now assuming that UFO's are man made, what of aliens and abductions?
If aliens created humans, or even have been visiting earth for centuries,what use would they have for abducting or people or doing experiments on them? Especially in pro-creation. If a group or groups of aliens, is really running the show here..why are they letting a great deal of humans run amok? Why don't they make themselves known to us so we can worship them as proper little slaves did in ancient times? I don't buy the return in 2012 thing. If they are already here..what are they hiding for? Come out come out wherever you are..cause the jigg is ugly little buggers.

Many abductees claim to have been taken many times in their life, right from childhood. When I read these stories,they sound to me like they have been implanted with the very same chips they want to put in all of us. It also sounds like the experiments done at Montauk. Abductees are guinea pigs for the rest of us.Not by aliens..but humans on a power trip.
Children were and probably still are, subjected to horrible treatments and abuse.The abusers themselves wear masks..quite often of cartoon characters.The children come to believe that they are being abused by Mickey Mouse or Donald duck. Not much of a stretch to make someone believe they are being abducted and abused by an alien.

OK so the question is why? Why make people believe in Aliens?
Fear and deceit.
We have already established how fear plays a role in our society. It keeps the majority of us from asking questions. It works very well.
The deceit, is the real reason behind UFO's.
They are only unidentified to us. Antigravity crafts do exist and have existed a very long time. Only a choice few perhaps, are aware of this.Only a choice few even more so, are aware of what they are really used for.
Now here is where Iam going to lose all but the most dedicated reader.
We are all familiar with the Philadelphia Experiment.Invisibility turned time travel perhaps?

What of using antigravity craft to time travel?
Discussed before? Yes...but why?
Look back in ancient times.
Recall the sightings of UFO's and ancient astronauts. Recall the knowledge that there is no possible way some could have had without help. I don't believe aliens. I believe humans with the ability to time travel.
I know some will argue that it is not possible according to the way we see physics.You may be correct. Against the "KNOWN" laws of physics. Don't think anyone has surpassed good old Albert in all these years? Naive to think so.
Remember the beliefs of our ancestors years ago? We know not all there is.
The Tunguska event. An experiment with time travel gone wrong?
Roswell Crash, an experiment with not one but two antigravity crafts..ending in failure.

If time travel is occurring, and has been for a great many years....yes this boggles the mind because it is not just happening now, but in the past, and the future...a great paradox. Our timeline has been altered, and continues to be altered. Perhaps those who believe in parallel dimensions could add to this.
[Continued next post]

[edit on 22-2-2008 by AccessDenied]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:48 PM
When dabbling or tampering with time travel, the floodgates open up. Spirits from one existence or another re-connect with the familiar events and places of their time here.Other sightings, appear to be like a movie..the same scene over and over again..literally trapped in time.
People disappear from one place and end up in another..same with things.

The problem with these experiments is that they created holes in time and space. We have ships and planes that disappear over the Bermuda triangle.
Missing persons.
Ghost sightings.

The grand illusion is that the elite don't just control our time...but all time.

So for those readers that made it to the end of this, THANK YOU for your time.As you can see, it is truly a precious thing.
This theory does bring up so many questions, and I have refrained from bringing up the aspects of evolution versus creationism, and the part that religion plays here. It would have made this far longer than need be and it is not my area of expertise.

Edit to add...
For those who may have a hard time grasping this-
Look around you , at everything from the clothes you are wearing, to the building you are in, to the computer in front of you, and your lunch beside it.
EVERYTHING around you started with a thought. Not of an alien, or a god...but a HUMAN thought, acted on and made reality. To believe we as humans are not capable of such great things is to deny a belief in what you see everyday and our capabilities as a race on this planet.We do not give ourselves enough credit for our own accomplishments. We feel the need to believe that something greater than us is responsible. How truly, truly, naive we can be.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by AccessDenied]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:51 PM
Worth the wait and twice as good.


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by V Kaminski

Many thanks Vic. More appreciated than you know.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 09:32 PM
Open your mind to new possibilities. That is how the truth shall set you free. No longer a slave to lies.

Yes exactly, Great thread O.P.
you should visit my thread, you probably would like it,'

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:08 PM
I also believe we've had anti gravity technology (at least since Hitler)
I heard of the programs usurped by the American forces.

I believe aliens accounts are both military and satanic.
The bible says that in the days of the tower of Babel, Knowledge became so
high-tech that God caused confusion to dispel the tyrannical Nimrod from TOTAL domination.

The Epic of Gilgamesh gives the account of the 'gods' giving that knowledge to the Babylonians.
The book of Enoch says the same thing.
Modern alien aficionados say it was alien tech.

Why do we as people have to be seperated from each other? Divided and conquered?
Because the Devil knows how much POWER we would have if we became one in righteousness.

Now, the Babylonians began their power-grab as violent, evil people, worshiping stars and animals, Which God did not approve of. Not to mention making their children 'pass' through the fire as human sacrifices!

Gen 10:8
And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.

Gen 10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

Gen 10:11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,

Gen 11:1 ¶ And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

Gen 11:2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

Gen 11:3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Gen 11:5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.

Gen 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

Gen 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

Gen 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

Gen 11:9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

Notice that when they became ONE, nothing was impossible to them!

[edit on 23-2-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:58 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Open your mind to new possibilities. That is how the truth shall set you free. No longer a slave to lies.

Yes exactly, Great thread O.P.
you should visit my thread, you probably would like it,'

Thank you darcon..I will do that. My only reason for writing this was to inspire people to think. If I have accomplished that then I have done well.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Clearskies

Clearskies, I would like to thank you for adding the info that you did, as that is not my area of expertise. I would hope that members read all the info provided to them, think hard, and make informed decisions for themselves. That is all I want.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:24 AM
[edit on 23/2/2008 by mungodave]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:29 AM
"free your mind and the rest will follow"
Its nice to see there are growing numbers of open minds. It seems to me that the more they 'pile it on', the easier it is for a kid to figure out its all illusory.
I think all the brainwashing is well under way of backfiring on those reliant upon it and all its infrastructures.
I think it turns out they will only have enslaved themselves in the end.
great post OP

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by psychedeliack
"free your mind and the rest will follow"
Its nice to see there are growing numbers of open minds. It seems to me that the more they 'pile it on', the easier it is for a kid to figure out its all illusory.
I think all the brainwashing is well under way of backfiring on those reliant upon it and all its infrastructures.
I think it turns out they will only have enslaved themselves in the end.
great post OP

I completely agree. Those of us that are breaking free don't come close to outnumbering the sheep...yet. Tis only a matter of time.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:32 AM
Excellent,Skilled,Crafty i will be lost in this thread for days!!i love ats!

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by AccessDenied

Originally posted by psychedeliack
"free your mind and the rest will follow"
Its nice to see there are growing numbers of open minds. It seems to me that the more they 'pile it on', the easier it is for a kid to figure out its all illusory.
I think all the brainwashing is well under way of backfiring on those reliant upon it and all its infrastructures.
I think it turns out they will only have enslaved themselves in the end.
great post OP

I completely agree. Those of us that are breaking free don't come close to outnumbering the sheep...yet. Tis only a matter of time.

What if they don't want to break free, what are you offering as an alternative. Most of the people i know make informed decisions all the time. Informed in finding a safe home, feeding their kids, trying to give them an education, involving themselves within smaller cummunities and thus the greater society. Why are people labelled sheep for participating within the mainstream. To the OP, I like your post, very thought provoking.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 12:37 PM
Very inspiring post i think.

And about that time traveling thing , I used to think that the UFO's nowadays came from the future to warn us about something, but your theory makes much more sense.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Very, Very impressive, AccessDenied.

You have really done your homework and put this together well.

One of the best threads I've run across lately.

I opened a couple of links and will definitely spend some time reading all that you have compiled.

There are many dots offered up to connect.


Thread Flagged.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:10 PM
As Morpheus queried in the first matrix, what is real. The matrix hit so close to a home run that I have been troubled by the wachoski brothers arranging this movie into "real".

I firmly believe this world is subjective in that our real self is somewhere else operating in a viqr or virtual input quantum reality where time is not this time, where a beat of the clock hand is long between cycles if compared to time as we measure it..

I have concluded this world is full of irregularities that most are completely unaware of and following the indoctrination of living in a world manipulated by forces hidden behind our conscious focus of that which plays out before our eyes, we don't know nothing.

Sure we have science, theories, calculations. Thats because the very sophistication of it builds upon itself while directed by that which remains as a mystery.

Think about it, run all weirdness back and forth through your mind and you will begin to see something is not right with the world. Why can a human being have the same idea, pursuits as another, yet only one finds fame and fortune in the idea. Both are driven by the basic premise of creating something from nothing with the hope to achieve some form of wealth.

Than there is all the mysteries that go unexplained such as bigfoot, lochness, ufo, aliens, ghost and all the est.

What is real?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by atlasastro

What if they don't want to break free, what are you offering as an alternative. Most of the people i know make informed decisions all the time. Informed in finding a safe home, feeding their kids, trying to give them an education, involving themselves within smaller cummunities and thus the greater society. Why are people labelled sheep for participating within the mainstream. To the OP, I like your post, very thought provoking.

Great thread and very well thought out OP Access denied. While it would be great to think that one day we could all be set free from the shackles of little worlds we live in I think atlasastro's post is pretty much right on the mark. While there may be a small percentage of the people that will question all around them. The vast majority really are quite happy to sit back and let someone else be responsible for the big decisions and as always there will be people willing to step up and make those decisions for them..Not always with an altruistic purpose...or should I say.. less and less with an altruistic purpose..


posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Great post although I am not sure what to make of it. Seems as though you are giving humans too much credit. Almost surely, a "priviliged few" seem to know much more than the rest of us but to say they know everything and create everything is like saying they are PLAYING GOD!

I have not reached this conclusion as of yet but who really knows?! Maybe what you say is true and most of us are not intelligent enough to realize it. The ghost part and parallel dimensions makes a lot of sense. I guess this is time travel in all its glory.

[edit on 23-2-2008 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Great thread AccessDenied, I totally agree, could not have explained it better myself.
Kindest Regards,

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:49 PM
While your theories remind me of a cross between a Clive Cussler and a Gregory Benford novel, I have to admit that they are ideas that I have pondered, myself.

I wish that we could know the truth of it all...maybe, just maybe we can learn the truth...someday.

Another wish upon a star...

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