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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:57 PM
Well, RW has about a month and a half to go.

I wonder if he predicts this Serbia/Kosovo debacle will be the kicker or the massive attack against the US in April.

The Russians certainly didn't appreciate our acceptance of independence.

Will they retaliate?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:42 PM
Is this going to be the new RW post since they shut down the other one? If not then where is everybody posting at about Ronald Weinland 2008 book?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Father/Son

god i hope this doesnt turn into another Ron post

i say kill this post and wait til april and then we can chat about it again

he is making some exreme claims and people on here are on his side til death, it seems.

what can you do...the end is gonna happen sometime, if april so be it, you cant stop it anyway, if not oh well, go on living until it really happens

i refuse to live in fear of apocolyptic prophecies

well just wait and see

if anything what he says is interesting, i like reading on what people think will happen cause they were shown

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:07 PM
It doesn't have to be like the other post, but I really enjoyed how people where taking today events and trying to conclude if it might fall in line with what he is saying. Take for example, today a U.S. Embassy was raided. Is this part of what he was refering to as earth's labor pains?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:44 PM
Yeah I was wondering about whether a new RW thread would come up, it was quite a heated discussion in the last one, it's a shame they shut it down even though their reasoning was understandable. When I came back to this forum after a longer absence, I was quite surprised to see how that thread had developed over the months, last time I was here it had 4 pages but it turned to over 40 ^^ So it seems as if there exists a lot of latent interest on this topic...

Anyway, like Father/Son said, this one doesn't have to be like the last, but it might still be desirable to have a simliar post going, one in which they focus is not so much on the persona of Ron Weinland but more on what he's saying and how it relates to current world events. Maybe that way the discussion wouldn't have the character of ganging up on each other, which, according to the moderators, has happened in the previous thread.

The Serbia embassy thing was quite interesting to read it in the news, but I don't think it'll have any major consequences, unless riots grow worse or the Serbian government does something stupid that could spark more unrest and possibly lead to armed conflict. Even if that happens, the US would probably say lets have a European-led NATO force take care of it, since Americans don't want to be bothered with it, having enough on their hands already. Wait and see I guess.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by MurderCityDevil
reply to post by Father/Son

I say kill this post and wait til april and then we can chat about it again

No it is better to discuss it now, after April, there will be no one to talk to, LOL.

Of course, none of that is true, there will be this April, then another one, then Another one, etc., until the sun inflate up to Venus and then life on earth will not be possible (hopefully the human race will have travel elsewhere by then).

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:56 PM
I think there will be things still to talk about after april even if nothing happens like RW claims.

One thing that I see happening is the entertainment endustry is doing TV shows and movies of destruction in the USA. Like the Jerico TV series, and I saw a preview of something coming out this summer along the same likeness of Jerico.

If anything the shows and the hoopla gets everybody used to the idea, and when it really happens then it's not a big deal and a lot of people will just look the other way because it didn't happen to them. They will not think twice that it is predicted in the end times, insted it's just the way the world is now-a-days.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Father/Son
I think there will be things still to talk about after april even if nothing happens like RW claims.

One thing that I see happening is the entertainment endustry is doing TV shows and movies of destruction in the USA. Like the Jerico TV series, and I saw a preview of something coming out this summer along the same likeness of Jerico.

If anything the shows and the hoopla gets everybody used to the idea, and when it really happens then it's not a big deal and a lot of people will just look the other way because it didn't happen to them. They will not think twice that it is predicted in the end times, insted it's just the way the world is now-a-days.

tricksy little hobbitses they are, i agree, alot of conditioning has been happening for a long while now just to get it implentmented in peoples brains

even some new cartoons that ive seen are pretty crazy and show kids alot more than what i remember, atleast what i think i remember

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Speaking about RW's book, does anybody think that it is curious that the TV series Jerico shows a nuke disaster on the same cities as RW predicts.

Has somebody been listening to RW speak and then wrote out the Jerico script for TV?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Does anyone know if the guys from the other thread (one that was shut down) are posting somewhere else?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Jericho shows nuke attacks on almost all the major cities which is easy to recognize when you look at Hawkin's map in the show. Anyway, a year ago or so RW even referred to the show Jericho, saying it's not too far off base of what's actually going to happen. But what do you mean curious, I mean it's pretty obvious that if someone wants to nuke the US he is going to go for NYC, Chicago, LA, Houston, Washington DC etc and not some other place. That is where you can do the most damage to the country as a whole and also the easiest way to attack because of the many ways you could smuggle in and hide a nuke.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by WaterAmerican]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:22 PM
hi its truthseekers here, im the guy that started the last ronald thread, i was suprised by the amount of interest that it got! it fact i was shocked!

I sitll dont know why the shut it down, i dont think there was any need for it?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:55 PM
hi truthseekers, yeah i remember you starting that thread even more so because i had posted in it way in the beginning; then for a couple of days it had seemed to have died out and i kind of forgot about it, but the amazing thing is, when i checked back just 2 days ago now in february i discovered it had mushroomed. well i suppose using a little hindsight it's not that big of a surprise, since more and more people are coming in contact with the message of the 2 books by RW that is being sent out via increased advertising.

their argument for shutting it down was that a "forum gang" supposedly had taken over the thread and kind of shouted down other voices which disagreed. i can understand how it can seem that way when you look at it from afar and see several people being in unison agreement on everything, because then it appears as if they had conspired with each other. still though, i think when you look at the thread you could also interpret it in an entirely different way since there were various opinions being expressed in it. what they also didn't like was, i think, injecting discussion/coordination of offline activities like meetings etc in this thread. well, i do have to say that on an overall scale they're probably right in this respect, and, even though people can get really excited about this topic, we should all stick to the forum guidelines.

that doesn't mean we can't have another ron weinland thread though, does it? i mean after all there is so much interest here. we should just take into account the rebuke from the previous thread closure and keep the discussion going properly.

to throw something in concerning ron's predictions (don't know if everyone is aware of this but those who listen to ron's sermons certainly are): what does everyone think the pope is going to say at his visit in the US in april? according to ron it's going to tie in with what happens when everything begins and it's going to have an effect on politicians in europe who will be influenced by his speeches.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by WaterAmerican]

[edit on 22-2-2008 by WaterAmerican]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by rkay101
Does anyone know if the guys from the other thread (one that was shut down) are posting somewhere else?

I know where several of the the pro Ron folks are.

I personally don't think that the attack on the embassy in Serbia is a labor pain, discomfort leading to that maybe.

Water American is probably right, about the other thread. Mistakes, passions and bent noses... sounds a lot like any number of white house administrations.


posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by gnipp gnopp

I know where several of the the pro Ron folks are.

Where? xD I wanna come over^^

p.s.: don't say dallas, TX.... j/k

[edit on 22-2-2008 by WaterAmerican]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:11 PM
Well I just heard of this guy a few days ago so I only know a few things so far and they are all wrong.

One is that the sabbath seems to be big with this guy, but one thing he fails to know is that we are NOT under the sabbath, it was a law for the ancient Israelites and Jesus was the end of the law.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 08:30 PM
I listened to a bit of some radio show with this guy on it and the host was reading letters and one was from a woman who said she had a dream or something that things would not happen till after the next election and asked if any of what she was told goes along with him and he said no, that there are only 'two' prophets and he was one. (Something like that anyway)

The guy obviously never read Acts 2:17-20

Anyone with half a brain can blow this guy out of the water, plus on his web site he talks about tithing....I would love for him to show me where we are still under that!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:02 PM
This thread might help validitate this guys claims: and be of some interest to y'all.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by ChrisJr03
This thread might help validitate this guys claims: and be of some interest to y'all.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Rumrunner]

The guy is a fake, he's not saying anything that probably half the posters here couldn't have 'predicted'!

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Rumrunner]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Hey for the hell of it, lets say me vs him .....Hit me with your best shot!

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