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12 steps to the Elite's Total Financial Control

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:33 PM
Alright everyone. I decided to post in this forum as the uncertain economy is definitely a current event involving all of us. The following article from The Financial Times, IMO, illustrates exactly what the globalist elite's plan is for placing total control and financial power into the hands of the Central Banks. There are many angles to take with this but I will begin by focusing on only a few of the 12 steps outlined in the article.
Steps one, two and three are self explanatory. We all have seen the huge increase in foreclosures due to default mortgages. People are also trying to sell just so they don't default. When they sell, unfortunately, they are not receiving fair market value. Most are having to settle just so they can get out before it gets too bad. This is due to all of the "toxic" mortgages that were distributed by companies such as Countrywide. We all know what happened to them. Bought out by none other than Bank of America with the owner of Countrywide receiving around 100 million, give or take, as a result of the buyout. BTW, how does that work? you drive a company down the crapper and walk away with millions while homeowners are now under the BofA regime. Doesn't seem right.
Skipping to step seven... we can see this happening all the time. Perfect example is that of the Countrywide buyout. You hear of smaller companies with large debt being swooped up by bigger corporations all the time.
Step nine is the big one. This gives the central banks humongous power in the special investment aspects. With all the hedge fund controversy, the central banks have everyone right where they want them.
Step ten is one that we will see in the not so distant future. Falling prices will be a key indicator. I know it is easy to say that stock are cyclical, but c'mon. How certain can anyone be about stock investing these days? Not very.
Finally, step twelve will basically see people not receive fair value for there assets. As i said before, people are losing on housing value and retirement plans, etc. Look at what the central banks are doing to gold. They are trying to control all of the gold reserves globally. Control gold, control any nation's economy.
As the article states, the only ways out of this downward spiral is to be saved by the government. Can we at this point rely on them to do what is best for us? Especially when they continue to do things such as this
you may have to sign up for financial times to read full article, but it is free and worth it. If not, the little snippet you get is the gist of it.
In conclusion, I believe that this scenario by Professor Roubini shows exactly how the elite and central banks plan to start with the US and use its powers to bring about their one world government and economy. What better way than to crash the once very strong US economy? They will then surface and announce that they can "save" us by using their one world economy tactics. this will then allow them to introduce the one world government after we have been "rescued". I hope I am wrong on this scenario, but the way our economy has gone as of late, I see nothing to show us that we will again be able to crawl out from the basement on our own. The elite's have us in their sights and they are about to pull the trigger.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:49 PM
The fed is wall street's baby. The fed operates in wall street's best interest's, when the media says fed rate cuts are to boost economy , insert Wall street investment banks for economy and things make more sense.

Things are getting dodgy with the bond insurance company's and the fed is waiting for the gov't to bail them out.

The gov't is in need of a massive jobs program to revive the "real" econosmy which is having it's legs cut out from underneath, falling housing values, difficult to secure credit (more expensive) and rising costs of living.

We hear all this talk of inflation this and inflation that, it makes my head spin, commodity price inflation is going strong and supply and demand factors for food and energy are bullish , however who knows how much of this price rise is due to speculation in markets ( as more money chases the last of the few appreciating assets).

due to real economy recession i think company earning will be down this year and next and that stocks will be hard pressed to stay even, even with the monolines not being allowed to go bankrupt (what ever it takes)

good talk , wish i knew more.


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