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Where is Al Sharptons Rage against Racism for this?

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:31 AM
how about if theres racism but its not about color of skin but the behavior of a certain race ? i totally disagree with judging a race by appearance. and i also disagree by being judged with the people by my sides.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio

Originally posted by SideWynder

I believe the point the op was trying to make was, why was this not reported in the media big time as a "hate crime"??IE the double standard?

Thank You! =)

There is no proof that is was.
You still don't get it.

- Lee

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
is this evidence of racism, no. But neither was Rodney King. But yet it was all over the news. The conspiracy being? Where is the coverage. Why is one crime treated different then another.

They aren't the same crime.

This appears to have been an attack based on bad attitudes that opportunists seized upon to rob the man while he was passed out. A brutal attack followed by a cowardly mugging more or less.

Rodney King was a case of police brutality. The officers were servants of the public and the law and they crossed the line. Some admittedly used racist terms for blacks and in case you didn't know, the police radio call for the drunken King had him dubbed "a gorilla in the midst". Not the first time they used racist terms to describe blacks over the radio. At the same time though one of the officers that used such language and was involved in the event was alleged to have given CPR to a black transvestite that had passed out in a jail cell. Go figure.

Racism and tensions were proven to be involved there.

Racism is not proven in the video...just in the mind of the OP (and others) that seems to be adamantly made up. No evidence of racism needed it seems.

The only thing the OP is doing, is making a prejudiced conclusion based on his own issues of race. Sure the media has something to do with that, but then again the OP decided to make this a case of race and not the witnesses or the writer of the article.

Where was this mentioned? Why the speculation?

It would be too easy to prove that this sort of thing happens to all people. I could point to cases like this where all the races were reversed...and how something like this could have been worse as in the case with James Byrd.

I could prove that blacks are no more or less territorial than whites...I grew up in W.Va, I can tell you stories of blacks walking through white areas and whites walking through black areas because I have friends and family on both sides of the tracks. Some whites have attacked other whites for being from a different area of the same city. Reminds me of the whole "townie" thing I saw in Rhode Island. Weird.

Hell even here in Baltimore I knew a guy in college that used to brag about how he and his freinds would racially and sometimes physically torment the black mailman that would come into their neighborhood.

There are foolish people everywhere. Stop trying to say one race is more benevolent than another based on an obscure video.

Could race have been involved? Maybe. You don't know yet though, so why are you prematurely calling for Al Sharpton?


The main point of this thread is all based on speculation and not fact.
Reads like some biased and alarmist opinion piece.

- Lee

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

First of all, you don't know if the victim of the crime said or did anything offensive, you are just assuming that he did.

Maybe you missed my first sentence "We don't know what happened it's just pure speculation

Originally posted by poet1b

Nobody should have to act like they must constantly worry about showing a little pride in order to avoid physical attack.

Nobody should. I never worry, but then I know my limits & I don't disrespect others especially when I'm out manned. Pride doesn't mean acting stupid. When you get into a bad situation sometimes it's smarter to swallow that pride and shut up.

Originally posted by poet1b

This ain't the wild west anymore. This whole concept that you have the right to physically attack someone because you think they were offending you is extremely wrong.

I don't remember any of my posts saying anyone has the right to attack anyone. Fact is people with low self esteem, low morals, or from poorer areas with nothing to lose do attack people both verbally & physically. We may not like it, but there it is.

Originally posted by poet1b
How would you have felt instead of this guy trying to pay for his things and leaving he responded by pulling out a weapon and taking out this group of young thugs. Would you then be saying that they shouldn't have been talking smack if they couldn't back it up?

Absolutely - hey I sense your starting to get it? Walk away, swallow your pride, get out of Dodge do what ever it takes to avoid the conflict, it takes a better man to walk away and bite his tongue then it does to ratchet up the conflict. Having to get that one last word in is the one that will sink you sometimes.

That's where true mental strength lies - having the ability to control your emotions & let that other person get the last word in. You'll have greater respect if you can control your emotions - rather than just losing control all the time.

Originally posted by poet1b
This is ridiculous, and all communities should come together to condemn this type of aggressive behavior,

We have come together and condemned it - that's why we made laws, we still have police, courts & jails.

I understand what your saying poet1b, I'm just saying that's a nice thought, but that's not where we're at - yet.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:54 AM
White people are the only race which cannot be victims of racism.

Its bollocks.

Last year over here in the UK some black lad got killed in Liverpool, it was all over the news for months.

A week later a white lad in manchester got kicked to death by 6 asians and theres was a tiny write up in one of the papers about it, no media coverage what so ever.

Now i dont know if a certain race is to blame for this or what not, but could this just be the media moguls censoring certain racist incidents purley for ratings?

I dont know, hopefully not but it does seem the case.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by Silenceisall

I'm not sure what world you are from? But in mine when your having a verbal interaction with someone, your usually looking at them. This gentlemen was sucker punched, from behind. It doesn't matter what was said if anything, no one I repeat no one has the right to sucker punch someone like that. The fact everyone around him was black and didn't lend a hand speaks volumes. Let me ask you something. If you are white male and had been in that store, would you have went to that gentlemen's aid stopped them from robbing him, or would you have been a coward and watch them take his money? Call me cynical if you want to, but I'm guessing that if Mr. White man would have been a HoMEEEEEEEEEE, this would never have happened.
I can't speak for anyone else but me, but I believe you flip the script and put the black man in a white area and the odds of this happening greatly decrease. I think this speaks more of the conditions of the inner city than it does for a certain race hating another. Through my extensive traveling I have come in contact with many different races. I have found that a certain amount of racism exist in all people, its only in poverty conditions that it manifest itself on a regular basis.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by csulli456

Ok so what your telling me is if you get into an elevator and its you and 3 black guys and the black guys have gold teeth, pants down to ankles, talking loud your not going to feel apprehensive and sterotype in some sort of racist fashion? If you say no your lying everyone would same if your black and in an elevator with 3 white guys with cowboy hats and jeans he and talks with a drawl he is going to feel the same. EVERYBODY feels this but like I said in my post if you read it I said some more than others.

Oh and I thought I would also mention to those who think Im some white suprmesist my wite is from Inda, My sister in law is black, and my mother in law Muslm and father in law hindu. Trust me I look beyond skin color doesnt mean there arent racial stereo typical tendancies in me.

If all blacks had this guys outlook on life we would all be better off.

Caution Extremely Funny

[edit on 21-2-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by xion329alpha

Imagine even more. People come into your land and you welcome them. They then begin to take over. Eventually they attempt to completely kill off every man woman and child through either military might or disease. Then those that survived are placed on some worthless piece of land and forgotten about. I don,t see that kind of racial hatred from the Native Americans. As far as Al Sharpton is concerned you don't hear him talk of reparitions for the red man.



edit for content

[edit on 21-2-2008 by reluctantpawn]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma

Originally posted by ShiftTrio

Originally posted by SideWynder

I believe the point the op was trying to make was, why was this not reported in the media big time as a "hate crime"??IE the double standard?

Thank You! =)

There is no proof that is was.
You still don't get it.

- Lee

No No I get it, I fully understand what you are saying. I just do not agree. Big difference.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by reluctantpawn
reply to post by xion329alpha

Imagine even more. People come into your land and you welcome them. They then begin to take over. Eventually they attempt to completely kill off every man woman and child through either military might or disease. Then those that survived are placed on some worthless piece of land and forgotten about. I don,t see that kind of racial hatred from the Native Americans. As far as Al Sharpton is concerned you don't hear him talk of reparitions for the red man.



edit for content

[edit on 21-2-2008 by reluctantpawn]

You are correct, though I have American Indian friends who are on both sides of the fence. Not one blames me or my skin color for what happened. Some may generally distrust white people, this is more better safe then sorry then hatred towards a race. Perhaps thats why its not it the news. Its sad really.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

OH MY LORD, Thats some funny stuff.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:55 AM
I'm a new ATS user. but I had to comment.
Racism is a very ugly thing. But I can tell you being a white man who went to school in a 90 percent black student body.
When you are walking down a hallway and 4 or 5 black people come up to you and throw you against the locker, call you cracker, hit you in the back of the head with books, While your just trying to get to class, and on a regular basis. Something is very wrong here. And this happened all the time to many white children. This was all in plain view of staff and other students, nothing was ever done, Until I got my neck broke when I was 13, When 2 older black students didn't like the way I walked pass them in the hallway, called me a few names and decided to pick me up and throw me down head first. The sad part is that this is where all or most racist tensions start , in school, growing up.
Now, I don't consider myself to be a racist, but those experiences are always going to be in the back of my mind. And I don't see anything changing between races in the near future. It's a dangerous world on both sides but we still have to stick up for ourselves, on both sides.


[edit on 22-2-2008 by Morrison71]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Morrison71

Hey, I gave you a star for sharing your story. Welcome to ATS.

I'm new here as well so I try to not say too much. Just trying to get the hang of things. had your neck broken. Sad---and I'm sorry that you suffered so much. Hope you're OK now.

More than likely we'll not hear anything more about the guy that was assaulted. In my opinion, it's not near as news-worthy when you're a white victim.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Who Dares Wins
White people are the only race which cannot be victims of racism.

Its bollocks.

Last year over here in the UK some black lad got killed in Liverpool, it was all over the news for months.

A week later a white lad in manchester got kicked to death by 6 asians and theres was a tiny write up in one of the papers about it, no media coverage what so ever.

Now i dont know if a certain race is to blame for this or what not, but could this just be the media moguls censoring certain racist incidents purley for ratings?

I dont know, hopefully not but it does seem the case.


I agree with you about the media, And as I tried to say before. this I think is the actual point that the op. is trying to make.. Not if this was a racial attack or not, but if the Victim was black and the attackers were white Would this have been hyped up alot more??
And also if it were hyped up more, Why??? what would be the differance in this act, other than the skin colors???

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by SideWynder

Another person who gets it =) thanks for your input

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 06:28 AM
Well I will say this. In my opinion, Al Sharpton is a racist. A perfect example is the Jena 6 case. In this case, 6 black males were arrested for nearly beating to death 1 white male sitting under a tree. Mr. Sharpton thought the 6 individuals got a raw deal and wanted them released and claimed racism. Unfortunately his myopic thinking prevents him from understanding that there was a hate crime perpetrated against the white male VICTIM of the vicious attack by 6 people. Why would he want ANYONE, regardless of color, released from jail, if they attacked and mercilessly beat someone? Why would Sharpton take their side over the victims side?

The reality is that he cares nothing for justice and only wants to promote a racist agenda and he obviously believes that white people don't deserve that same rights as american africans which makes him, at best, an incredible hypocrite.

Racism against anyone, should not be tolerated in a free society and people should not give those racists such as sharpton, a podium to speak from. The people who follow sharpton, are his only power so they are just as guilty of racism as he is.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:09 AM
all of u are jumping on skin color when it may or may not have something to do with it

truth is, that if the white guy was black then it woulld be black on black crime, which happens all the time but it wouldn't even show up on the media

wake up ppl

Mod Edit: Please Refrain From Making Personal Attacks]

[edit on 23-2-2008 by MemoryShock]

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
this thread is stupid and full of ignorance

all of u are jumping on skin color when it may or may not have something to do with it

truth is, that if the white guy was black then it woulld be black on black crime, which happens all the time but it wouldn't even show up on the media

wake up ppl

Personal attacks are frowned upon

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by jfj123

Personal attacks are frowned upon

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by jfj123

Personal attacks are frowned upon

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