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NEW: credible ROSWELL 'debris field' witness

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:18 AM
courtesy of open minds forum

NEW: credible ROSWELL 'debris field' witness

Now a seasoned 82 veteran, - Sgt. Fulford was an original witness who was researched by Thomas J Carey and Donald R Schmitt for their ground-breaking book - 'Witness To Roswell'. Tom Carey was good enough to hook Earl Fulford up with the Open Minds Research Team - who have now interviewed Sgt. Fulford and produced an exclusive audio account compiled from hours of candid conversations on the subject of the Roswell crash - in particular, Sgt. Fulford's deployment into the 'debris field'. In this amazing audio - we learn of entirely new evidence. Descriptions of the 'memory material'. How it felt. How it behaved and how it looked. Sgt. Fulford is clear about one thing - the material he saw all had "geometric shapes". There were no tears, splits or jagged edges - all the material had completely straight edges. This is important information - not only does this show that the material was not 'balloon material' or 'mylar' (not invented then) - but there is an intriguing aspect to the material having 'geometric shapes' ( "there were no curved edges") - does this suggest something about the inherent nature and structure of the material itself?
Does this mean the balloon story is now dead in the water? There's an audio link to the interview, I think. Haven't gotten around to listen to it...

earlier article

american chronicle article

They haven't put up the audio interview yet....

[edit on 16-2-2008 by reject]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 12:26 PM
Audio interview part one of three is up now - about 40 minutes. Am listening as I write. Sgt. Fulford's memory is clear.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by jenny52
Audio interview part one of three is up now - about 40 minutes. Am listening as I write. Sgt. Fulford's memory is clear.
Im just downloading it right now. Windows media won't stream it.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 11:37 PM
The link automatically opened for me in Quick Time Player. Do you have this?
I'm waiting for parts one and two but they're not up yet.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:46 PM
Well, I'll be very interested to see the independent laboratory analysis of the debris material he presents. Oh, he doesn't have any? All he has is a story? Gee whiz, that's a little disappointing.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:56 PM
I wouldn't get too excited. The "Open Minds Research Team" are the same folks who hosted the Serpo junk.

No more to be said there.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by jritzmann]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:44 PM
Its probably just a childs science experiment/balloon/chinese lantirn that floated over the farm there, and somehow induced mass hallucinations of a UFO type imaginary event. All these people aren't lying, they have just caught a mass virus like hypnotic suggestion and all saying the same story. No biggie IMHO (an acronym for IN MY HONEST OPINION in case you didn't know LOL!

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by jainatorres
All these people aren't lying, they have just caught a mass virus like hypnotic suggestion and all saying the same story.

It would be nice if they were all saying the same story. Unfortunately, they aren't. The stories tend to be vaguely the same, but always seem to differ on very specific points. It doesn't necessarily mean they're lying. But it may indicate some other kind of influence on memories a half century old.

As for alternative explanations better than balloons and crash test dummies (and aliens, for that matter), with Werner Von Braun and his boys playing with modified A-4s down the road at White Sands, there are all kinds of possibilities.

P.S. -- If we're going to count "all the people" who have been asked or interviewed about Roswell, we really need to include all of the people actively working at the base at the time who would have naturally been involved with it, who have said they never heard or saw anything, and consider all the alien "Roswell Incident" stuff an annoyance and an embarrassment.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Nohup]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:53 PM
WOW! I can't believe the absolute ignorance on display here! This guy is a very important person in terms of getting the facts of Roswell out there.. he's one of the only people left. He is of course, 100% credible and telling the truth. A workmate of mine also heard the interview, and also believes Earl Fulford is also 100% legitimate and telling the truth, as it reminded him very much of his own father, who worked for the New Zealand Air Force, the way he spoke, the way he described the crates and engines, the details, his manner... and of course my workmate ALSO had his own personal sighting almost the same as Mr Fulford's 3 or 4 weeks before the actual Roswell incident (Fulford, that is.. my workmate had his in 1979). According to my workmate, everything fits perfectly. It also fits that we were building the atomic bomb and ETs were gravely concerned for the potential consequences. If you watch the Dan Burisch testimony over at the Project Camelot website, he says that the occupants of the Roswell crash were us from a future time, trying to prevent a catastrophic event by meddling with timelines. Also take into account Robert Salas's account (as related via the Disclosure Project) regarding a 1967 incident where a flying saucer hovered over a military installation and disabled all atomic weapons, witnessed by all personnel at the base.

Now, I've seen posts dismissing this testimony, Roswell in general, people saying "this comes from the people who brought you the serpo junk" - where is the open mindedness? If you're going to attack something - don't attack the messenger - attack Earl Fulford. Oh, that's right, I bet none of you even bothered to listen to the interview itself. And I thought this place was dedicated to denying ignorance! It's a real shame to see so many people pooh-poohing this very important interview - I think one of the most important interviews in oral history and mankind. Dismissing what he had to say just because he didn't give you any real bonafide alien trinkets and treasures in the palm of his hand for you. Shame on you all.

We must accept that Roswell was real, Roswell did happen, there was a cover up.. the press reported it, witnesses have come forward. It should've been the most amazing event in the history of mankind. But in the years since, we have been slaves to the oil cartels and ruling elite. We could've chosen freedom. But we continue to hush the secret down, and ridicule those who speak out. Even on this board.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by RiotComing]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Yea I know! That guy who left the deathbed testimony was obviously trying to cash in on the whole thing...from beyond the grave!!!Lol

Originally posted by Nohup

Originally posted by jainatorres
All these people aren't lying, they have just caught a mass virus like hypnotic s

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 10:40 PM
There is an interesting quote in that piece that I would like to know more about:

new developments in UFOlogy reaching an all-time high; with reports coming from around the world more so than in any time in history

How is that statement quantified? Reports coming in more so than in any time in history? Over what span of time, and how many reports? New developments at an all-time high? By what measurement?

Anyone have any figures/sources to back this up?

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by RiotComing

You got a star bro.
I have to agree with what you said 100%.
One merely has to examine the ones who consistently derail such to know who
are COINTELPRO. They show up time and again. Now, bologna is bologna, but Roswell happened. Too much evidence even from military who were there.
I am all for debunking BS, but when IMO an honest case of "Something very very odd happened" IE: Roswell occurs, when people rant about there is nothing there...that tells volumes about their motives.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:40 PM
credible ROSWELL 'debris field' witness

After listening to part one and reading everything on this particular site I am still baffled about the OP's thread title where it states "Credible Witness". I think it should be something along the lines of "Yet another old timer makes claims conserning Roswell". Man, and then so many just out right take it for "proof".
I am almost convinced I could set up a web site and claim anything about Roswell and I will have believers lol! And they will attack my critics for me he,he.
Come on, nothing on that site makes this guys story any more credible than anyone elses version. I am certain that the Government is lying about what happened there but, I don't believe the carted off a UFO and a few dead little guys and hid it from the world AND then gave the material to Col. Caruso to spread out among the skunk works and such lol. I would have to have proof of such claims not stories about them lol. And that does not make me a bad person by the way

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by WhiteWash
I am all for debunking BS, but when IMO an honest case of "Something very very odd happened" IE: Roswell occurs, when people rant about there is nothing there...that tells volumes about their motives.

Oh yes, I totally agree. I'll happily debunk YouTube videos of Hilary Clinton in reptilian form, haiku gibberish from a foreign tongued wannabe philosopher vaguely talking about aliens in his mind, people claiming to have photographs from O'Hare or the Drones that turn out to be copy & paste jobs straight from Google Images.. there's so much stuff that we can and should be ruled out. Earl Fulford is not one of those to be dismissed.

I eagerly await parts two and three. Why the delay?

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by vance
Come on, nothing on that site makes this guys story any more credible than anyone elses version.

It would be nice if there was some sort of study/experiment conducted on a large group of people that were part of some sort of controversial event. I wonder how many people would be compelled to lie and make up stories about whatever controversy is supposed to have occurred.

Something tells me that the percentage of people that end up lying for whatever reason would not be quite as high as the number of Roswell "witnesses" that have come out of the woodwork, but I could be wrong.

One thing is for sure though -- there most definitely was a cover up; even the government admits to that much.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Riposte
One thing is for sure though -- there most definitely was a cover up; even the government admits to that much.

of course, otherwise why would they first say UFO, then change their story to a weather balloon?

anyone with an ounce of intelligence would know the difference between the 2.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by RiotComing

I eagerly await parts two and three. Why the delay?

I have just emailed the admin team to ask when 2 and 3 will be up.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by reject

From Amazon review of Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60 Year Cover Up

S. Sgt. Earl Fulford saw his close friend, S. Sgt. George Houck,
drive off at 5:00 a.m. July 8 in a low-boy truck, which he
presumed was to pick up some wreckage, one of his standard

Fulford was an aircraft mechanic who often worked at Hangar 84.
During the day civilian mechanics from town kept questioning him
about the rumored spaceship with little spacemen. At 4:00 p.m.
as he left duty, Fulford saw Houck returning towing a lowboy
trailer and carrying a tarped object about the size and shape of
a VW Beetle. Houck refused to tell him what was under the tarp,
saying he had been ordered not to say. When Fulford tried to get
him to talk in the present-day, Houck still refused to talk
about it.

There was even more to Fulford's story. The next day he said he
was "volunteered" to be part of a work detail of 15-20 men taken
out to what we call the Brazel debris field to finish cleaning
it up. They were given burlap bags and ordered to pick up
anything "not natural".

He described an area hundreds of yards in extent and, like other
witnesses, said it was ringed with MPs. He said it had obviously
been cleaned up before, because there wasn't much left, and he
could see tire tracks from big trucks that had been there
hauling things away. He said he found only 7 pieces, and
described picking up and handling, like so many other witnesses,
the "memory foil" that returned to its original shape.

When he got back to the base, he was awakened at 2:00 a.m. the
next morning and ordered out to Hangar P-3. He was also a
forklift operator and was ordered to load a wooden crate, 7 feet
square, into an idling C-54. It handled as if whatever was
inside weighed very little.

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by RiotComing

Well said it seems this board is full of people that dismiss the ufo matter as a joke! Why? Is it because the E.T's havent come down to save their sorry asses most likley.

If people did enough research on UFOS most people here wouldnt be so quick to judge. Of course Roswell was a crashed or downed saucer!!
Why is it classified still "the answer is simple" IT HAPPENED

posted on Feb, 23 2008 @ 10:03 PM
I'd like to know if anything the Roswell Team discovered lines up with this guy.
"TEAM ATS" Is in Roswell
I've read the thread and am wondering if anything discovered by the team matches with this guy's story in a remarkable way.
Chances are if their WAS a similarity, ATS couldn't tell us here for legal reasons..
soo I guess I'll remain curious to that matter and wonder when we can get more facts that overlap.

I give this guy a weight factor of 8 outa 10 on the importance of the Roswell story. Many other stories have proof in more tangible ways like the well water being radioactively contaminated when it wasn't before the crash due to pieces from the crash being in the well.
At this stage in the game its taking a hammer and just pounding the already sunk in nails though; I feel the importance but mourn the jaded impact time has created within society.


[edit on 23-2-2008 by Bspiracy]

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