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Anti Depressants, SSRI's, Suicides, Rash of Recent Killings

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Another theory is Subliminal Distraction, it's pretty fascinating and, I think, likely:

Subliminal Distraction

Can you cite a single case of someone blind from birth having Panic Attacks, ICU Psychosis, or Schizophrenia? I can't find one and volunteers searching the APA database could only find those with partial sight.
There were none among the completely blind. An anonymous page on the Internet says there are only two such cases in all the literature.
The subject of this site is a vision driven problem discovered when it caused mental breaks for office workers. If mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances why would the blind be immune?

and/or combined with:

Jumper Syndrome:

Another curious abnormality caused by this disorder is a sufferer's automatic reflex to obey any order that is delivered suddenly. For example, if one uses a sharp, quick voice to order a jumper to throw the object in their hands, they will throw it without hesitation; if they are similarly told to strike a person, they will strike that person, even if it is a loved one. Very often, if an individual with this disorder hears a phrase that is unfamiliar or spoken in a loud voice, they will uncontrollably repeat that phrase back, a phenomenon known as echolalia.

As discussed here:

[edit on 16/2/08 by kosmicjack]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:56 PM
Manic depression was never as widespread as bipolar is today. Back then it was about 10% of all mental patients.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by WEOPPOSEDECEPTION
Twenty years ago you never even heard the term bipolar. Recently I was working in a hospital with a psych unit and I would swear every single patient was diagnosed bipolar. What is up with that?

I think it also has to do with trends. From what I've read, and studied in school, medicine goes through trends just like the rest of society. Right now the "in" thing to diagnose people with is Bipolar disorder, the problem is that so many symptoms overlap, and everyone has up and down days so it depends on how the doctor interprets your mood swings.

People with Bipolar disorder tend to have weeks where they're really depressed, then they may even out for a few weeks, or/then have a manic, or they can crash back down to a depressive stage. I think that down weeks and up weeks are probably normal for people, it depends on how down or up you are at the time that allows a diagnosis of Bipolar disorder. The problem is there's no way of measuring someones emotions really, so it depends on weather or not the doctor thinks that the swings represent Bipolar disorder or not.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by WEOPPOSEDECEPTION
Manic depression was never as widespread as bipolar is today. Back then it was about 10% of all mental patients.

That might be true, there might be an increase in the frequency of the disease, but "bypolar disorder" is the new name for what used to called "manic depression".

It (bipolar disorder), is the new name for "manic depression". They are the same illness.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by Electro38]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:21 PM
My son just got prescribed an anti-depressant (clouxetine, me thinks). He is 15.
I took him to a doctor, was at my wits end as he was unresponsive, lethargic, not sleeping, anxious and not inspired by anything.
He was doing very well in school but one morning decided he did not want to be there anymore.
I got him immediately into a better (smaller) school and thought the drugs and change of environment would be a wonder cure.
Well I filled the prescription, gave him one pill that morning then read about the drug on the internet. Well by noon that day, I had decided to not give him anymore!
My son was not suicidal, but the prospect of him becoming that way while on the drug was not a risk I am willing to take.
I chose instead to monitor him very closely, support him as I would a very young child, spend more time with him, change his eating habits to include better nutrition. I believe that changing too many things for him at one time would not clearly indicate which change actually helped, if there were to be positive change.

I must say in the 3 weeks since the initial crisis, his demeanour has changed dramatically:
He is engaging and engaged in conversations, animated, humorous, inspired and communicative. He is also sleeping at night.
All this because I chose to put aside my selfishness and care for, pay closer attention to my sons distress and angst.
I was quite concerned by the doctor's eagerness to prescribe an SSRI. My immediate thought was he is receiving kickbacks from the drug company. I can't confirm this, but just a hunch I feel, as he made me change my usual pharmacy to fit his, also.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by solo32_98

Thank you so much for sharing that heart felt story with us. You are truly an inspiration to us all. When I hear story like this is warms my heart and I know that people deep down know the real truth.

Kudos to you and your son.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:20 PM
There are so few doctors these days that are willing to actually diagnose there patients, exhaust all methods of treatment before falling back on medications. I am certain that most doctors do receive kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies.

I can't even begin to count the number of doctors I have gone to, with one problem or another only to have pills thrown at me. Thankfully I have found a doctor that is willing to treat her patients and keep track of their progress and only uses medication as a last resort method.

Perhaps more doctors could actually treat there patients, rather than stuffing medication down their throats whenever the slightest sniffle happens. It could solve a lot of problems.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

I took Paxil for 3 days and began having thoughts of mass murder. Serious thoughts. I had never had thoughts of murder before. I stopped taking it. I've never had thoughts like that since. If I had listened to a doctor telling me to give the medication time to work, (6 weeks for the med to start working) I may have done something horrible. IMO, these meds are a cause of suicide and murder in alot of people.

I'm not against treating mental illness. My Mother had schizophrenia. She had antipsychotic meds that helped. BUT...she became suicidal after starting Prozac.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:13 PM
I had my yearly checkup a couple weeks ago. I call for my lab results, everything is fine except my cholesterol is higher than usual. They want me to take statins. Doctor was aware of the fact that I had recently been on a high dose prednisone regimen prescribed by my eye doctor. Prednisone causes elevated cholesterol levels. You would think this asshole doctor would bother to put 2 and 2 together before trying to push statins on me (which I would never take for any reason). All they know how to do is whip out that Rx pad and write for more drugs.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 05:37 PM
just to post a counter point there are some of us that need this type of medication. im skitzoaffective with a disassociative disorder and show signs of bi polar. im on a regimin of many meds some anti depressents some mood stabelizers and some anti psychotics and with out them im not a good person to be around. but i also belive that dr's do hand these meds out to people like its halloween and there giving out candy .for some of us there severly needed others that are misdiagnosed or like many who have adhd are diagnosed just because the parents cant control there childs energy level dont realy need to be medicated at that sever a level and the side effects arent worth the risk. so in conclusion i belive the meds are needed for some individuals other times they are just being thrown at people and they become over medicated and the act of stopping that level of medication with out a slow decline can be dangerous.

edited cuzz i cant spell

[edit on 2/16/2008 by krill]

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 09:58 PM
We need a little hard evidence that even the dumbest jackass burrocrat can understand.

What about a spread sheet totaling up the SSRI Massacres?
(Vertical collums would be: Place, Date, Killer(s) Name(s), SSRI Drug, Perscribing MD, Killed, Wounded.)

I think the list would be quite embarressing to the pharmacutical Manufacturers, and might spurr Congress (or greedy contengency lawyers) to act to clean up the problem.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 03:26 AM
I've got some experience with anti-depressants. I haven't been on a pure SSRi like most of these murderers. But I've been on other anti-depressants and even tried an anti-psychotic.

I was on Effexor for a year. It gave me mad insomnia and eventually killed my libido. Did stop my depression but not all aspects of it. I quit it cold turkey and was fine. I just was really sleepy for a week.

I was on Wellbutrin for roughly two years. The stuff made me feel great. I was more confident, energetic, sharper. Stuff got to me less. It also didn't kill my libido. Eventually my dosage was upped to the maximum. I started getting insomnia. So the doctor put me on Remeron. An anti-depressant that caused sedating effects. Wellbutrin increased dopamine and norepinephrine levels. Remeron increased norepinephrine and serotonin levels. Dopamine is one of the chemicals that supposedly runs amok in your brain during psychosis. According to Elektro38 "The nonselective types are scary because they'll also make norepinephrine more available in the brain too (norepinephrine is also known as noradrenaline which becomes "adrenaline" which equals "koo-koo" "Koo-koo!" )" I wish my family doctor, an indescriminate pill pusher, had known of this. My mood just kept ramping up until I became manic. I thought I had a destiny to save the world, and that I was gonna get this one chick who was way out of my league. I thought I had really good insight. I did also have some precognitive dreams, which I think was due to the hightened amount norepinephrine in my system which causes intense dreams. Anyway I quit the meds and post psychotic I developed really bad social anxiety and I can't [edit] anymore as it gives me negative trains of thought, anxiety, and social anxiety. I never felt violent on the meds, but I was more confident of my ability to fight, and was probably more likely to win a fight on them.

Mod Edit: The Discussion Of "Illegal Activity" On The Above Network Sites

[edit on 2-3-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by Merle8

Since were mentioning names.....what the heck does Zoloft do?
I noticed that when my ex was taking it she had absolutely no conscience or compunctions about anyones welfare.She became totally self indulgent and absorbed....
Later, she became totally despondant and almost catatonic in her behavior, sometimes id find her sitting in the same place she was when i left for work, with the same cup of coffee before her having not moved(presumably)all day.
Her behvior became so bizzare i had to bow out permanently after she had me jailed and worse...ive never seen anyone change personality so quickly and so radically.....and talk about a manipulative,!phew!
But the absolute conscienceless and destructiveness was totally shocking.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by John, Sartell, MN, USA

Good idea. But bear in mind one thing about research methods and statistics: Correlation does not equal Causation!

A famous example of this rule comes from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

Although the above is pretty absurd, mistakes similar to it can be made when one does not examine other external factors.

Further reading:
When Does Correlation Imply Causation?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by WEOPPOSEDECEPTION
If you stop taking an SSRI abruptly you will go bonkers. The media is making it sound like it was the person's fault. If he would have just kept taking the drug for the rest of his life this would not have happened.

One problem with SSRIs is that for many taking them, they feel better. So they quit taking them. There are safe ways to quit taking medicines; they are just not being explained to the public.
Other reasons for quitting anti-depressions; weight gain, sexual dysfunction, sweats, night terrors, sleep walking, ringing of the ears, in ability to drive or operate equipment for work. And very important Cost.
I agree that Drs do not explain medicines well. They are quickly prescribed. Often general family doctors do not have a grasp of mental health, for instance, prescribing anti depressants to bi polar and tossing a bi polar into a manic phase.
It is the doctor’s responsibility to know what type of withdrawals there may be and explain them to the public.
Anti depressants are not the only drugs that have extreme affects on people when they come off them.
Anti depressants and the publics perception/demand of a quick fix pill are not going away the only way to counteract this is education and research.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by krill

I agree. My Mom was schizophrenic with manic depression ( I usually just tell about the schizo part to shorten things). Some people really need medication. But I believe that antidepressant therapy needs to be monitored closely. My Mom was never suicidal until she started antidepressants. My Father became a person that I had never seen before while on antidepressants. He has a stroke. They put him on meds for "depression". He started telling women outloud his desires about them. This was completely out of character. We had the meds stopped and he has not done it since. I like zoloft. It freed me. It elevated my thyroid and I had to stop. I tried paxil and by day3 was thinking about killing a bunch of people. I'm in the medical field. I stopped the paxil and haven't had any of those thoughts since. I never had them before the paxil either.

posted on Feb, 27 2008 @ 04:33 PM
Interesting that recent studies of relatively new anti-depresents imply they
are no more effective than sugar pills, (We all know how sugar can perk you up then let you down) Are the drug companies starting to CTCA (cover their collective a$$?) with regards to suits from the relatives of mass murderers?

The researchers looked at four commonly-used antidepressants and the clinical trials submitted to gain licensing approval. They included antidepressants regularly prescribed in the UK, including fluoxetine (Prozac), venlafaxine (Efexor) and paroxetine (Seroxat).

They found little evidence of benefit when analysing both unpublished and published data from the drug companies. Furthermore, the seemingly good results for very severely-depressed patients came from the fact that a patient's response to the dummy pill (placebo) decreased rather than any notable increase in their response to antidepressants.

How does that track with all the replies here? Seems like people here are reporting more than a placebo effect.

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Eagle1229]

Just came across this study

Teen angst linked to brain development

"In particular, there was one part of the brain which is called the amygdala. [It] is a small part of the brain that's right deep towards the base of the brain. We know from other research that that part of the brain is very important in emotion, the experience of emotion, and also perceiving emotional things in the environment," Professor Allen said.

"This part of the brain - when it was larger, we found that the kids were more likely to spend time being aggressive or angry or unpleasant towards their parents during the interactions."

How much of this teenage "Angst" factors into parental decisions to medicate their kids?

Study says most teenagers will outgrow this behavior by the age of 25:-))
Family Feud till 25 or they move out, whats next after drugs amygdala resectioning?

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Eagle1229]

[edit on 27-2-2008 by Eagle1229]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 04:50 AM
Checkout the index at

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:31 PM
This has happened to my friend who was mildly depressed, loving and kind person. Always helps people whenever they could and never asked for much in return. Grew up in a healthy environment.

He went to the doctors to tell them about his low feelings and stress. Even though this could have been treated easily he was put on prozac, then switched to zoloft.

Over the coming weeks he became a changed man and was angry, resentful and had confided openly with being annoyed and wanting to kill, commit suicide and hearing voices in his head telling him to do that. He became violent. He could quote the bible back to front and we made sure not to speak anything religious around him as it would have been a debate about Satan and negative stories. He also believed everything he heard and read after being on them and was never like this before the meds as he was intelligent and could think for himself.

We took him to a regressionist who was also a herbalit, naturopath and chemist. He got him back to his normal self again and was able to get off the meds slowly. We are no longer afraid of him and he is the gentle loving person he is again.

We got him to get treatment straight after we saw the documentary on Zoloft and suicide and violence. We made the connection and researched all we could and found many people were suffering the same effects with their children, family and friends.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by meadowfairy]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:09 PM

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