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Top 100 Real "Men in Black"

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Every few days, there is a post on ATS relating to government "disinformation agents" participating on ATS or elsewhere within ufology.

Given the prevalence of such suggestions, I thought it worth reposting below an article by "Andy Miller" (with his permission) which is obviously not intended to be taken seriously.

In short, it illustrates that accusing one another of being government agents is a very popular hobby with certain elements within ufology.

Kind Regards,


P.S. A note to the Mods - Springer has suggested that I note that he has "authorized" this posting of the basis that "a little levity is a good thing".

The Top 100 Real "Men in Black"
By Andy Miller. First posted April 2007.

(1) Adamski, George (infamous contactee that claimed contact with aliens during the 1950s)

Several researchers have indicated that George Adamski worked for, or was duped by, the CIA or other intelligence agency in order to cause ufology to look ridiculous and draw attention away from authentic evidence [see Footnote A]. An Australian individual that hosted Adamski during his tour of Australia reported that Adamski travelled with a passport bearing special privileges [See Footnote B].

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jerome Clark in his “The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2nd edition : “Volume 1:A-K” (1998) at pages 31, 34-35 (in an entry entitled “Adamski, George (1891-1965)”) of the Omnigraphics hardback edition.

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Dimensions” (1988) at pages 247-248, 250 (in Part 3, Chapter 8) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition.

(2) Allin, Mark (Co-owner of the popular discussion forum, uses the codename “Springer”) :

Laura Knight Jadczyk has reported that [redacted] (see Footnote A) and later confirmed that [redacted] (see Footnote B). Furthermore, the registered offices of ATS are owned by a British Governmental entity (see Footnote C). During March 2007, one of the three co-owners of ATS admitted under questioning that ATS received support from the National Security Agency (see Footnote D) including the services of 10 computer programmers (see Footnote E), and that he met with NSA officials in Aruba (see Footnote F). One of the co-owners of has written that : “ is a professional “COINTELPRO” operation using secret black-operations funding to publish and promote disinformation as part of the U.S. Government's agenda to deflect and discredit conspiracy theorists” (see Footnote G).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] LLP, Company Number OC315616, Registered office 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 3EJ. English Land Registry Title Number WT114122.

[Footnote D] Approximately 21 minutes into the explicit interview with Mr D Rabbit dated 12 March 2007 at the link below:

[Footnote E] Approximately 47 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote F] Approximately 26 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote G] See:

(3) Andrus, Walt (formerly of MUFON):

William Cooper (see entry on William Cooper below) has revealed that he considered “MUFON to be the great black hole of the UFO community. … The members of the MUFON board of directors and the members of the advisory board of consultants are for the most part supported by the Government in the form of salaries, grants, or retirement checks” [Footnote (A)].

[Footnote (A)] : Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 230 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(4) Bell, Art (popular radio presenter) :

Revealed by Laura Knight Jadczyk to be [redacted] (see Footnote A). Exposed by Bill Cooper (see entry on Bill Cooper below) in his article “Majesty Twelve” as being “a shill” for the New World Order. Cooper has reported that “Bell effectively implants the idea that anyone who believes in any conspiracy is a whacked out nutcase that should be locked up in a mental institution. He is a most effective change agent operating on behalf of our enemies” (see Footnote B).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See Bill Cooper’s article “Majesty Twelve”, available on various websites included at the link below:

(5) Berlitz, Charles (author of books relating to Roswell and the Bermuda Triangle, several of which were co-authored by William L. Moore (see entry on Bill Moore, below) :

Revealed in March 2004 by Karl Pflock (see entry on Karl Pflock below] to have been an active duty U.S. Army intelligence officer (see Footnote A). Bill Cooper (see entry on Bill Cooper below) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as an active intelligence agency asset (see Footnote B).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(6) Bower, D (one of the infamous British “Doug and Dave” crop-circle making duo):

George Wingfield and others have reported that “Doug and Dave” were agents in a government disinformation campaign (see Footnotes A and B). Researchers Colin Andrews and Jon King concur that Doug and Dave were participants in a “premeditated propaganda exercise perpetrated by the British and US governments and executed via their respective intelligence agencies” (see Footnote C).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jim Schnabel in his “Round in Circles” (1993) at pages 264-266 (in Chapter 22) of the Hamish Hamilton hardback edition.

[Footnote C] : Discussed Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 272-273, 275-277 (in the chapter entitled “Document 07”, “File 28”) of the NEL paperback edition.

(7) Boylan, Richard (Dr.) :

During 1998, Whitley Strieber revealed that Boylan is a “possible disinformation agent” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(8) Brookesmith, Peter (author of several popular UFO books):

Admitted during August 2000 that he was a disinformation agent for the New World Order (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

[edit on 15-2-2008 by IsaacKoi]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:29 PM

(9) Bryan, Colonel Joseph J (former member of NICAP’s board of directors):

Covert CIA official that infiltrated NICAP by joining its board of directors in 1960. Founded and led the CIA’s psychological warfare staff (see Footnote A, Footnote B, Footnote C and Footnote D). Admitted during an interview with Brad Sparks in 1979 that his former covert employment with the CIA. Dick Hall has written that Bryan’s “Air Force Reserve Colonelcy” was “a cover story for the CIA” (see Footnote E).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Above Top Secret” (1987) at page 343 (in Chapter 14) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Guild Publishing hardback edition and the Grafton paperback edition).

[Footnote B] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Beyond Top Secret” (1996) at page 414 (in Chapter 16) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Pan paperback edition).

[Footnote C] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 270-274 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 190-194, 239 (in Chapter 6) of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

[Footnote D] Discussed by Terry Hansen in his “The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up” (2000) at pages 180-181 (in Chapter 5) of the Xlibris softcover edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Ann Druffel in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science” (2003) at pages 470-471 (in Chapter 17) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.

(10) Butler, Richard D. :

[Redacted] (see Footnote A)

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(11) Campbell, Glenn (ufo researcher):

In 2001, Baktar revealed that Glenn Campbell “was paid by the military-industrial complex to create the Ufomind Web site as a vehicle for releasing disinformation and monitoring what people believe about UFOs” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] :

(12) Carrion, James (International Director for MUFON):

Has admitted that he was an Intelligence Analyst for the U.S. Army (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(13) Carvalho, Bernard J (Chairman of NICAP’s membership subcommittee):

Revealed to have been a CIA agent (connected to the Fairway Corporation, one of the CIA’s dummy corporations) that infiltrated NICAP (see Footnote A, Footnote B, Footnote C, Footnote D, Footnote E, Footnote F and Footnote G).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Above Top Secret” (1987) at page 344 (in Chapter 14) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Guild Publishing hardback edition and the Grafton paperback edition).

[Footnote B] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Beyond Top Secret” (1996) at pages 415 (in Chapter 16) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Pan paperback edition).

[Footnote C] : Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on Alternative 3” (1994) at page 121 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote D] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Dimensions” (1988) at page 248 (in Part 3, Chapter 8) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 270-274 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 190-194 (in Chapter 6) of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

[Footnote F] Discussed by Terry Hansen in his “The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up” (2000) at pages 180-181 (in Chapter 5) of the Xlibris softcover edition.

[Footnote G] Discussed by Ann Druffel in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science” (2003) at page 470 (in Chapter 17) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.

(14) Chorley, D (one of the infamous British “Doug and Dave” crop-circle making duo):

George Wingfield and others have reported that “Doug and Dave” were agents in a government disinformation campaign (see Footnotes A and B). Researchers Colin Andrews and Jon King concur that Doug and Dave were participants in a “premeditated propaganda exercise perpetrated by the British and US governments and executed via their respective intelligence agencies” (see Footnote C).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jim Schnabel in his “Round in Circles” (1993) at pages 264-266 (in Chapter 22) of the Hamish Hamilton hardback edition.

[Footnote C] : Discussed Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 272-273, 275-277 (in the chapter entitled “Document 07”, “File 28”) of the NEL paperback edition.

(15) Clarke, David (British researcher and academic):

Revealed by Max Burns to have been, along with colleague Andy Roberts, to have been “serial planters of disinformation” (see Footnote A). Andy Roberts confirmed during February 1999 that Dr Clarke and he are “in the pay of MI5 and the Security Services” (see Footnote B). They may also have links to an element of the British Police Force called Special Branch, since their book “Flying Saucerers” (2007) includes material purportedly based on documents supplied by that organisation.

[Footnote A] Discussed by Max Burns in his article entitled “The Usual Suspects : Anatomy of a Disinformation Campaign in Ufology” in “Notes from the Borderland” Issue 5, Winter 2003/2004 at pages 21-31 (particularly pages 30-31). Available online at:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] : Clarke, David and Roberts, Andy “Flying Saucerers” (2007) generally.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:31 PM

(16) Cooper, Bill/William (conspiracy theorist) :

Revealed by Norio Hayakawa to have been an “unwitting participant” in disinformation (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(17) Cooper, Vicki (editor and publisher of UFO magazine):

Bill Cooper (see entry on Bill Cooper above) has reported that Vicki Cooper yelled “You know, my magazine might be financed by the CIA” to Ron Regehr and Lee Graham in 1988. Bill Cooper has written that the relevant magazine was “without any doubt controlled and are probably … financially backed or controlled by the CIA” [Footnote A].

[Footnote (A)] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at pages 230-231 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(18) Condon, Edward (scientist– see Footnote A):

Author of the Condon Report (see Footnote B). Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12 (see spreadsheet at Footnote C). In response to questions from a citizen suggesting that the Condon study was “a whitewash to cover a CIA-initiated program began prior to January 1953”, an internal CIA memo suggested giving the untrue response that “we’re sorry, but we … have no files … on the subject” (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] This individual is discussed in the Wikipedia entry at:

[Footnote B] Full text of Condon Report available online at:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] Discussed by George Fawcett and Barry Greenwood in their “Clear Intent” (1984) at pages 141-142 (in Chapter 9) of the Spectrum softcover edition (with the same page numbering in the Fireside softcover edition published under the title “The UFO Cover-Up”).

(19) Corso, Philip J (author of “The Day after Roswell”) : –

Confessed to various intelligence roles for the US government, including as a member of the National Security Council (see Footnote A). Corso was exposed by Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) in his article “Majesty Twelve” as being a CIA agent (see Footnote B). When asked to comment on Corso, Tim Matthews (see entry below on Tim Matthews) commented “once a spook always a spook” (see Footnote C).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See Bill Cooper’s article “Majesty Twelve”, available on various websites included at the link below:

[Footnote C] See:

(20) Crisman, Fred (key witness in the famous Maury Island incident):

Revealed to have been an undercover OSS/CIA/AEC agent by John Keel (see Footnote A] and others (see Footnote B and Footnote C).

[Footnote A] Discussed by John Keel in “UFO: 1947-1987” (1987) (edited by Hilary Evans with John Spencer) at pages 40-43 of the Fortean Tomes softcover edition (Chapter 2.2.2, entitled “The Maury Island Incident”).

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on the Men in Black” (1997) at pages 47-48 (in Chapter 3) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote C] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 72-79 (in Chapter 2) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 35-42 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

(21) Doty, Richard “Dick” (Infamous ex-AFOSI agent)

Richard Doty has admitted that as a Special Agent in the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) he was engaged in UFO disinformation projects, particularly regarding Albuquerque defense electronic contractor Paul Bennewitz. Various researchers, including Dr Richard Boylan (see entry on Richard Boylan above) have revealed that Richard Doty was a member of “the Aviary” (see Footnote A, Footnote B and Footnote C). “The Aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

(22) Drake, Frank (SETI scientist – see Footnote A) :

In 2001, Baktar revealed that Frank Drake is “a military intelligence insider who knows a lot about ET-human contact. As the first director of SETI, he knew its true purposes to monitor secret satellites, monitor UFOs, and be a trusted institution through which a faked announcement of ET contact could be made” (see Footnote B).

[Footnote A] This individual is discussed in the Wikipedia entry at:

[Footnote B] See:

(23) Easton, James (British debunker – suggested that Kenneth Arnold’s sighting was caused by pelicans) :

Revealed by Jim Mortellaro to be an agent for the CIA, the NSA or NASA (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(24) Einstein, Albert (famous scientist) :

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote A. Worked on reverse engineering alien spacecraft for the MJ-12 secret Government committee.

[Footnote A] See:

(25) Fowler, Ray (author of several UFO books):

Revealed to have been in the military and intelligence services (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:33 PM

(26) Friedman, Stanton (possibly the most famous active UFO researcher):

The first edition of Jacques Vallee’s journals include a reference to a rumour that the McDonnel-Douglas company “have a secret team, employing a physicist named Stanton Friedman to collect physical data in a hush-hush manner” (see Footnote A). Stanton Friedman’s name is mysteriously omitted from the relevant sentence of the later softcover edition of the book, with no indication of any redaction (see Footnote B). A document by Stanton Friedman relating to the McDonnel-Douglas UFO project can be found online at Footnote C (with further little known documents relating to that project at Footnote D). Furthermore, Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has revealed that Stanton Friedman is “CIA all the way” and that he saw Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as an active intelligence agency asset [see Footnote D]. Paul Kimball (a Canadian film-maker) has written that "... Friedman is highly suspect, and probably an agent of the government… " (see Footnote E).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969.” (1992) at page 304 (in Chapter 15, journal entry for 1967.0802) of the North Atlantic Books hardback edition.

[Footnote B] Omitted from the relevant entry in the 1996 Marlowe paperback edition of “Forbidden Science: Journals 1957-1969” (on page 307).

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at pages 224, 226, 228, 220 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote F] See:

(27) Geller, Uri (famous “psychic”):

Uri Geller has admitted that he secretly worked by Mossad and the CIA (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] Discussed by John Strausbaugh in his article “Uri Geller: Parlor Tricks or Psychic Spy?”, New York Press, 27th November 1996. Available online at:

(28) Good, Timothy (author of “Above Top Secret” and numerous other popular UFO books) :

[Redacted] (see Footnote A and Footnote B).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

[Footnote B] – [Redacted].

(29) Grace, John (UFO researcher) :

Worked with John Lear

Revealed by William Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) to have been “CIA all the way” [see Footnote A].

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(30) Gray, Simon (Co-owner of the popular discussion forum) :

Laura Knight Jadczyk has reported that [redacted] (see Footnote A) and later confirmed that [redacted] (see Footnote B). Furthermore, the registered offices of ATS are owned by a British Governmental entity (see Footnote C). During March 2007, one of the three co-owners of ATS admitted under questioning that ATS received support from the National Security Agency (see Footnote D) including the services of 10 computer programmers (see Footnote E), and that he met with NSA officials in Aruba (see Footnote F). One of the co-owners of has written that : “ is a professional “COINTELPRO” operation using secret black-operations funding to publish and promote disinformation as part of the U.S. Government's agenda to deflect and discredit conspiracy theorists” (see Footnote G).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] LLP, Company Number OC315616, Registered office 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 3EJ. English Land Registry Title Number WT114122.

[Footnote D] Approximately 21 minutes into the explicit interview with Mr D Rabbit dated 12 March 2007 at the link below:

[Footnote E] Approximately 47 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote F] Approximately 26 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote G] See:

(31) Green, Christopher “Kit” (Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors, former head of the CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk”) :

Various researchers, including Dr Richard Boylan (see entry on Richard Boylan above) have revealed that Hal Puthoff was a member of “the Aviary”, with the codename “Blue Jay” (see Footnote A, Footnote B and Footnote C). “The Aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

(32) Greer, Steven (head of the Disclosure Project – see Footnote A) :

Reported by Dr Richard Boylan (see Boylan, Richard above) during 2004 to be a disinformation agent [see Footnote B]. Laura Knight-Jadczyk has written that there is evidence that Greer’s Disclosure Project is [redacted] (see Footnote C). During 2002, Jan Aldrich (of Project 1947) commented in relation to Project Disclosure that “_If_ the goal were to discredit the field of Ufofoly, then, you would want the good with the bad so that the bad taints everyone! Who are the real disinformation agents?” [see Footnote D]. Also subtly implied by Paul Kimball in various articles.

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See [redacted]

[Footnote D] See:

(33) Groff, Terry (UFO researcher) - revealed by Greg Wight (partner of Nicholette Pavlevsky, a channeller).See article at Footnote A.

[Footnote A] See:

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:36 PM

(34) Hall, Richard (ufo researcher – see Footnote A) :

A CIA memorandum indicates that Richard Hall gave NICAP material “on loan” to the CIA, that he gave the CIA various items of information and that a “security clearance” had been requested for him (see Footnote B). See also Footnote C.

[Footnote A] This individual has a web presence online at:

[Footnote B] Relevant CIA memorandum included in Richard Hall’s “Uninvited Guests” at pages 351-358 of the Aurora Press softcover edition.

[Footnote C] See:

(35) Hamilton, Bill (ufo investigator) :

Admitted during late April 2003 that he is an “NSA insider” (i.e. an National Security Agency insider) - see Footnote A.

[Footnote A] See:

(36) Hansen, George P:

[Redacted] (see Footnote A)

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(37) Hillenkoetter, Rosvoe H (Admiral, member of the board of directors of NICAP) :

The CIA’s director from 1947-1950 [See Footnote A, Footnote B and Footnote C].

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Dimensions” (1988) at page 248 (in Part 3, Chapter 8) of the Souvenir Press hardback edition.

[Footnote B] Discussed by Terry Hansen in his “The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up” (2000) at pages 180-181 (in Chapter 5) of the Xlibris softcover edition.

(38) Hoagland, Richard (researcher and author):


[Footnote A] - [Redacted]

(39) Hopkins, Budd (alien abductions researcher) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported that this researcher is “a CIA agent”, and printed material in support of that report [see Footnote A and Footnote B].

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at pages 229-230 (in Chapter 12) pages 490-500 (in Appendix G) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote B] See Bill Cooper’s article “Majesty Twelve”, available on various websites included at the link below:

(40) Howe, Linda Moulton (researcher and TV producer):

[Redacted] (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(41) Hynek, Allen J (UFO researcher) :

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote A. Confirmed by Gary Alevy [see Footnote B, Footnote C]. Furthermore, Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as a CIA agent [see Footnote D]. See also the evidence for adopting a “stance of wariness regarding J Allen Hynek” presented by Richard Dolan [see Footnote E].

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 307-308 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 221-224 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

(42) Icke, David (conspiracy theorist) :

Reported by Coral Snake to probably be “nothing but another paid stooge of the N W O/Jesuit/Roman axis and Jesuit ‘short robe’ whose purpose is to pose as an anti N W O “leader” … in order to demonize as “kooks” the truly legitimate anti N W O movements …” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See the section entitled “Bite 3” on the following webpage:

(43) Irving, Rob (co-author of crop-circle debunking book, “The Field Guide: The art, history and philosophy of crop circle making”) :

Rob Irving’s colleague Jim Schnabel (see entry below on Jim Schnabel) has admitted that Irving was “one of our best people” in a conspiracy involving “this country, and the United States... the Vatican as well” (see Footnote A). When challenged by Henry Azadehdel (see entry above on Henry Azadehdel) as to whether he worked for an intelligence agency, Irving admitted he was intelligent (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jim Schnabel in his “Round in Circles” (1993) at pages 290-291 (in the Epilogue) of the Hamish Hamilton hardback edition.

(44) Irvine, William (Co-owner of the popular discussion forum, uses the codename “Skeptic Overlord) :

Laura Knight Jadczyk has reported that [redacted] (see Footnote A) and later confirmed that [redacted] (see Footnote B). Furthermore, the registered offices of ATS are owned by a British Governmental entity (see Footnote C). During March 2007, one of the three co-owners of ATS admitted under questioning that ATS received support from the National Security Agency (see Footnote D) including the services of 10 computer programmers (see Footnote E), and that he met with NSA officials in Aruba (see Footnote F). One of the co-owners of has written that : “ is a professional “COINTELPRO” operation using secret black-operations funding to publish and promote disinformation as part of the U.S. Government's agenda to deflect and discredit conspiracy theorists” (see Footnote G).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] LLP, Company Number OC315616, Registered office 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 3EJ. English Land Registry Title Number WT114122.

[Footnote D] Approximately 21 minutes into the explicit interview with Mr D Rabbit dated 12 March 2007 at the link below:

[Footnote E] Approximately 47 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote F] Approximately 26 minutes into the interview referred to in Footnote D above.

[Footnote G] See:

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:38 PM

(45) Jeffrey, Kent (organised collection of signature’s for the Roswell Declaration petition) :

[Redacted] (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted]

(46) Keel, John (author of several popular books on UFOs, including the Mothman Prophecies) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as an active intelligence agency asset [Footnote A].

[Footnote A] : Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(47) Keyhoe, Don (author of several early, and very influential books on UFOs which promoted the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis) :

Jim Keith has revealed that Major Keyhoe possibly “functioned as a UFO disinformation agent for the government”.

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on the Men in Black” (1997) at page 107 (in Chapter 8) of the I-Net softcover edition.

(48) Kimball, Paul (ufologist, film-maker and UFO blogger) :

Paul Kimball’s comments about various individuals (particularly Steven Greer and Billy Meier) resulted in questions being asked. Mr Kimball has confessed that he is a “secret agent”, with the rank of Colonel in SOPS.

[Footnote A] See:

(49) Klass, Philip :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) revealed seeing documents demonstrating that Klass was a CIA agent: "Philip Klass is an agent of the CIA. This was stated in the documents I saw between 1970 and 1973. One of his jobs as an aviation expert was to debunk everything to do with UFOs..." [Footnote A]. Klass was reported by Travis Walton to have been behind a “massive, multifronted campaign of calculated disinformation” over a span of decades (see Footnote B). Also suggested by Don Berliner (see Footnote C). Terry Hansen has written that Klass had “many of the qualifications one would expect in a deep-cover propagandist. He has a history of working for the secretive military-industrial complex, a demonstrated aptitude for duplicity, a District of Columbia address, remarkable mass-media savvy and success, an evident belief in the necessity of government secrecy and, of course, a convenient cover as a journalist with Aviation Week” (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] : William Cooper in his book "Behold a Pale Horse" (1991) at pages 226 and 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition

[Footnote B] : Walton, Travis in his “Fire In The Sky : The Walton Experience” (1997) at pages 141 (in Chapter 10), 272-274, 277, 279-280 (in Chapter 16), 285-292, 295-302, 343-344, 358-359, 370 (in the Appendix) of the Marlowe & Co softcover edition.

[Footnote C] : See:

[Footnote D] Discussed by Terry Hansen in his “The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up” (2000) at pages 180-181 (in Chapter 5) of the Xlibris softcover edition.

(50) Knapp, George (researcher and journalist) :

In 2001, Baktar revealed that George Knapp “works for an Area 51 disinformation intelligence collection group, putting out what information they tell him to” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote B]

(51) Koi, Isaac (British researcher) :

[Redacted] (see Footnote A, Footnote B and Footnote C).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

[Footnote B] – [Redacted].

[Footnote C] – [Redacted].

(52) Korff, Kal (author of books on Roswell and Billy Meier, webmaster of :

In his book about Billy Meier, Korff denied that he worked for the CIA and claimed that he was “a UFO researcher pure and simple”. He repeated these denials in his later book about Roswell, in which Korff firmly and expressly stated that “For the last time (since I have no intention of dignifying such an absurd allegation in my future written works), I am not a CIA operative or any sort of ‘disinformation expert’ or agent”, and added that “those who claim ‘Kal’s with the government’ are ignorant of the facts (to put it politely)” (see Footnote B). However, he later confessed that he is a Captain in, and “poster child” for the SSS, founded in Israeli in or around the time of the Second World War. He has admitted that he has been on missions with Czech agent and supermodel, Martina Tycova (Footnote C). He also states on his website that he founded Syberdine Systems in 1981-1983. Investigations indicate that Syberdine Systems is a military hardware company responsible for developing the Terminator T-100 and Terminator T-1000 (see Footnote D). Kal Korff has repeatedly stated that his forthcoming “TV” series “Secret Wars” is a “reality based” series. The series will therefore join the ranks of series such as “The Anna Nicole Show” and “Jackass” (see Footnote E). Out of fairness to Mr Korff, the League notes that his interest in soccer may provide a means of reconciling his statements that the is not “any sort of … agent” and his statements that he is a Captain in the SSS – perhaps the reference to “Captain” is not a quasi-military rank but indicates that he is the Captain of the SSS soccer team. This leaves unanswered the role that Mr Korff played when he went on missions with Czech agent and supermodel Martina Tycova, but we note that Mr Korff has stated that he cooks for others within the Czech Republic.

[Footnote A] Discussed by Kal Korff in his “Spaceships of the Pleiades : The Billy Meier Story” (1995) at pages 408-409 (in Chapter 11) of the Prometheus hardback edition.

[Footnote B] Discussed by Kal Korff in his “The Roswell UFO Crash” (1997) at pages 225-227 (in Chapter 6) of the Dell paperback edition.

[Footnote C] X-zone radio interview, 22 March 2007

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] See:

(53) LaPaz, Lincoln (scientist):

Involved in “green meteor” investigations. Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12 (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(54) Lazar, Bob (Area 51 Worker):

Revealed by William Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) to have been “CIA all the way” [see Footnote A].

[Footnote A] : Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:40 PM

(55) Lear, John (pilot and researcher):

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as an active intelligence agency asset [see Footnote A and Footnote B]. He has also stated that John Lear is the agent dubbed “Condor” on the TV production of “UFO Cover-Up Live” and “is in reality a government agent … CIA all the way” [see Footnote C]. For further information on links between Lear and members of the intelligence community, see also Footnote D. See also comments by Jacques Vallee (see Footnote E).

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote B] See Bill Cooper’s article “Majesty Twelve”, available on various websites included at the link below:

[Footnote C] : Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at pages 227-228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote D] : Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on Alternative 3” (1994) at pages 122-123 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote E] : Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Revelations” (1991) at pages 55, 58, 61, 62, 80-81 (in Chapter 3), 181, 185 (in Chapter 6) of the Ballantine Books paperback edition.

(56) Lieder, Nancy (author) :

Exposed by Mark Hazlewood (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(57) Maccabee, Bruce (researcher) :

William Cooper has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents naming Bruce Maccabee as an agent of the Office of Naval Intelligence (see Footnote A). Various researchers, including Dr Richard Boylan (see entry on Richard Boylan above) have revealed that Bruce Maccabee was a member of “the Aviary”, with the codename “Sea Gull” (see Footnote B, Footnote C and Footnote D). “The Aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote E). The “aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote F). Maccabee’s “secret relationship with the CIA” has also been reported by the Associated Investigators Group in an article entitled “The Fund for CIA Research?” (see Footnote G). The report by the “Associated Investigators Group” has been said by Jim Moseley (see entry on Jim Moseley below) to have been written by Todd Zechel (see entry on Todd Zechel below) - see Footnote F.

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

[Footnote F] Discussed by James Moseley and Karl Pflock in their “Shockingly Close to the Truth!” (2002) at page 246 (in Chapter 11) of the Prometheus hardback edition.

[Footnote G] See:

(58) Matthews, Tim (British researcher, author of “UFO Revelation”) :

Reported by several researchers to have been a government disinformation agent (see Footnote A and Footnote B). See also the comments of Max Burns in relation to Tim Matthews in his article (see Footnote C).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Larry O’Hara and Steve Booth in their pamphlet “At War With The Universe” generally.

[Footnote B] Summary of relevant evidence available online at:

[Footnote C] Discussed by Max Burns in his article entitled “The Usual Suspects : Anatomy of a Disinformation Campaign in Ufology”in “Notes from the Borderland” Issue 5, Winter 2003/2004 at pages 21-31 (particularly pages 30-31). Available online at:

(59) Meaden, Terence (scientist):

[Redacted] (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(60) Menzel, Donald (author of several books debunking UFOs) :

Revealed by formerly Top Secret Majic documents to have been a member of the infamous MJ-12 group controlling information about the truth about the crash at Roswell [see Footnote A]. Furthermore, Stan Friedman (see entry entitled “Friedman, Stan” above) has published material revealing Menzel’s links with intelligence services in considerable detail [see Footnote B]. Richard Dolan has also discussed Menzel’s “long standing association with the National Security Agency” and revealed that “through the entire 1950s, Menzel was still a serving intelligence officer” [see Footnote C].

[Footnote A] Available online at:

[Footnote B] : Discussed by Stanton T Friedman in his “Top Secret – MAJIC” (1997) at pages 24-25 (in Chapter 1), 26-40 (Chapter 2 generally), 67 (in Chapter 4), 233-234 (in Appendix C) of the Michael O’ Mara hardback edition.

[Footnote C] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 307-308 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 221-224 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

(61) Moore, William/Bill (infamous UFO researcher, co-author of "The Roswell Incident" with Charles Berlitz – See Footnote A) :

Bill Moore confessed during the 1989 MUFON symposium in Las Vegas that he had worked with intelligence agents and played the "disinformation game" (see Footnote A and Footnote B). This episode is at the core of the book “Project Beta” by Greg Bishop (see Footnote C). Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher's name as an active intelligence agency asset. Cooper has also referred to findings that Moore received money for research from at least two CIA front companies (see Footnote D). See also Footnote E.

[Footnote A] The wikipedia entry at the link below discusses this individual in the final section:

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jerome Clark in his "The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning - 2nd edition" (1998) at pages 304-305, 315-316 (forming part of an entry entitled "Dark Side" at pages 301-319) of Volume 1:A-K of the Omnigraphics hardback edition.

[Footnote C] Discussed by Greg Bishop in his "Project BETA : The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security, and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth" (2005) at pages 49-54 (in Chapter 8), 58-66 (in Chapter 9), 67-73 (in Chapter 10), 118-132 (in Chapter 16), 209-210 (in Chapter 24), 219-225 (in Chapter 26), 231 (in the Epilogue) of the Paraview Pocket Books softcover edition.

[Footnote D] Discussed by William Cooper in his "Behold a Pale Horse" (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Jim Keith in his "Casebook on Alternative 3" (1994) at pages 123-124 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

(62) Moseley, Jim (author of the “Saucer Smear” ufological gossip magazine) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as a CIA agent (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:41 PM

(63) Myers, Royce (operates the website):

Revealed by Don Ware of the International UFO Congress (IUFOC) as a disinformation agent (see Footnote A). In response to the revelation by Jason Darensburg of “disinformation work” by Myers, Royce Myers has admitted that he receives “secret government funding” (see Footnote B). Baktar revealed in 2001 that Myers is “connected with a low-level government power-elite collaborative circle” (see Footnote C). Myers has also attempted to recruit other ufologists, by offering to get Government funding for their disinformation (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

(64) Nixon, G Stuart (former assistant to NICAP’s president) :
Revealed by Todd Zechel (see Zechel, Todd below) to have been a CIA agent that infiltrated NICAP (see Footnote A). Gordon Lore considered this likely (see Footnote B).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on Alternative 3” (1994) at page 121 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote B] Discussed by Ann Druffel in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science” (2003) at pages 472-473 (in Chapter 17) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.

(65) Oppenheimer, Robert (scientist):

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote A.

[Footnote A] See:

(66) Pflock, Karl (author of a debunking book on Roswell) :

Revealed to have been a former CIA briefing officer that infiltrated NICAP, chairing NICAP’s Washington DC subcommittee in the 1960s [see Footnote A, Footnote B, Footnote C and Footnote D]. Revealed by Stanton Friedman (see Friedman, Stanton above) to have been a “disinformation agent” [See Footnote E]. See also discussion of Karl Pflock in Footnote F.

[Footnote A]: Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 270-274 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 190-194 (in Chapter 6) of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

[Footnote B]: Discussed by Ann Druffel in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science” (2003) at pages 471-472 (in Chapter 17) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.

[Footnote C]: Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on Alternative 3” (1994) at page 121 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote D] Discussed by Terry Hansen in his “The Missing Times : News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-Up” (2000) at pages 180-181 (in Chapter 5) of the Xlibris softcover edition.

[Footnote E] See:

[Footnote F] Discussed by Daniel Kagan and Daniled Summers Ian in their “Mute Evidence” (1984) at pages 350, 362-363, 368-371 (in Section 3, Chapter 5) of the Bantam paperback edition.

(67) Plait, Phil (author of “Bad Astronomy” – see Footnote A) :

Exposed as a NASA disinformation agent and “gov-paid-con-artist” by James McCanney (see Footnote B and Footnote C). Corroborated by Mark Hazlewood (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] This individual has a web presence online at:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

(68) Pope, Nick (author of several UFO brooks and entertaining science fiction novels):

Has confessed that he used to work for the British Government’s Ministry of Defence on a UFO project (see Footnote A). In fact, several sources reveal that Nick Pope had actually held the post of Defence Minister of the United Kingdom (see Footnote B and Footnote C) and/or is a former chief of the Ministry of Defence (see Footnote D). Furthermore, a former employee of the United Kingdom’s MOD has written that Nick Pope had been “manoeuvred … [into] the position of UFO desk officer” by “the Enterprise” (a powerful underground group) - see Footnote E. The Wikipedia entry for this individual (see Footnote F) states that Nick Pope is “good friends” with Andy Roberts (see entry on Andy Roberts below), Timothy Good (see entry on Timothy Good above) and Nick Redfern (see entry below on Nick Redfern)

[Footnote A] This individual has a web presence online at:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] Discussed by Nick Pope in his “Operation Lightning Strike” (2000) at pages 50-51 of the Simon & Schuster softcover edition.

[Footnote F] This individual is discussed in the Wikipedia entry at:

(69) Puharich, Andrija (claimed contact with “the Nine”, extraterrestrials with the highest minds in the universe – also worked with Uri Geller):

Revealed by Ira Einhorn to have worked for the CIA [see Footnote A].

[Footnote A]

(70) Puthoff, Hal (American physicist – see Footnote A) :

Various researchers have revealed that Hal Puthoff was a member of “the Aviary”, with the codename “Owl” (see Footnote B, Footnote C and Footnote D). “The Aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote E).

[Footnote A] This individual is discussed in the Wikipedia entry at:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:43 PM

(71) Randle, Kevin (researcher) :

Revealed by Whitley Strieber (see entry on Whitley Strieber below) during September 1999 to be “either a military disinformation agent or a professional liar" (see Footnote A). Baktar revealed in 2001 that Kevin Randle is “a puppet of the military, who have planted thoughts in his mind that help them control him” (see Footnote B). Walt Andrus (see entry on Walt Andrus above) suggested that Kevin Randle had been “influenced” by the US Air Force. Bill Moore (see entry on Bill Moore above) suggested that Kevin Randle was, like Moore himself, a source used by the Government to gather information on APRO. One publication reported that Kevin Randle had worked with Hector Quintanilla on an alien craft recovery team (see Footnote C). Stanton Friedman (see entry on Stanton Friedman above) and Don Schmitt (co-author with Kevin Randle of the book “UFO Crash at Roswell”) have also suggested Kevin Randle is a government agent (see Footnote D). During 1996, Kevin Randle admitted that he was “an agent of disinformation” and boasted about the size of his cheques (see Footnote E).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] See:

(72) Redfern, Nick

Michael Salla (Chief Editor, “Exopolitics Journal”) has revealed that Redfern is “ingenuously promoting disinformation”. See page 97 of Volume 1:1 (October 2005) of the Exopolitics Journal (see Footnote A). Nicholette Pavlevsky, a channeller, had this information confirmed during 2005 by an extraterrestrial named “Baktar”, who revealed that “Nick Redfern is an operative whose job it is to spread disinformation about government secrecy” (see Footnote B). This confirmed information revealed by Baktar in 2001 that Nick Redfern is “a disinformer” (see Footnote C).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See article by Terry Groff at

[Footnote C] See:

(73) Ritzmann, Jeff (researcher and photographic analyst) :

[Redacted] (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(74) Roberts, Andy (British researcher) :

Revealed by Max Burns to have been, along with colleague Dr Dave Clarke, to have been “serial planters of disinformation” (see Footnote A). Nick Redfern (see entry on Nick Redfern above) has confirmed that Andy Roberts is a disinformation agent (see Footnote B). Andy Roberts confirmed during February 1999 that he and a colleague (Dr Dave Clarke) are “in the pay of MI5 and the Security Services” (see Footnote C). They may also have links to an element of the British Police Force called Special Branch, since their book “Flying Saucerers” (2007) includes material purportedly based on documents supplied by that organisation (see Footnote D).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Max Burns in his article entitled “The Usual Suspects : Anatomy of a Disinformation Campaign in Ufology” in “Notes from the Borderland” Issue 5, Winter 2003/2004 at pages 21-31 (particularly pages 30-31). Available online at:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] : See the book “Flying Saucerers” (2007) by David Clarke and Andy Roberts generally.

(75) Rochefort, Count Nicholas de (vice-chairman of NICAP in 1956) :

A member of the CIA’s Psychological Warfare Staff, revealed to have infiltrated NICAP as its first vice-chairman [see Footnote A, Footnote B, Footnote C, Footnote D and Footnote E].

[Footnote A] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Above Top Secret” (1987) at page 344 (in Chapter 14) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Guild Publishing hardback edition and the Grafton paperback edition).

[Footnote B] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Beyond Top Secret” (1996) at pages 415 (in Chapter 16) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Pan paperback edition).

[Footnote C] Discussed by Jim Keith in his “Casebook on Alternative 3” (1994) at page 121 (in Chapter 17) of the I-Net softcover edition.

[Footnote D] Discussed by Richard M Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 270-274 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 190-194 (in Chapter 6) of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Ann Druffel in her “Firestorm : Dr James E McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science” (2003) at page 470 (in Chapter 17) of the Wild Flower Press softcover edition.

(76) Ruppelt, Captain Edward (head of Project Bluebook) :

Three years after writing his influential and popular book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects”, Ruppelt added three chapters which concluded that UFOs are simply a “space age myth”. Various researchers have reported that Ruppelt was acting under government coercion/pressure, possibly linked to his employment by Northrop – a major defense contractor. See Footnote A and Footnote B.

[Footnote A] Discussed by Richard Dolan in his “UFOs and the National Security State: Volume 1” (2000) at pages 298-299, 318-321 (in Chapter 6) of the Keyhole softcover edition, at pages 234-237 of the 2002 revised Hampton Road softcover edition.

[Footnote B] : Discussed by Donald E Keyhoe in his “Flying Saucers: Top Secret” (1960) at pages 258-261 (in Chapter 19) of the G P Putnam hardback edition.

(77) Sagan, Carl (famous scientist involved in the UFO debate) :

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote A. Sagan’s name appears in a November 1998 Top Secret message that concerns the SDI "Star Wars" program, Majestic 12, Dreamland, Joshua, Edward Teller, assassination programs, and liaison with the Russians on MJ-related operations [see Footnote B]. In 2001, Baktar revealed that Sagan’s novel “Contact” was “a controlled information leak by good guys within the power elite” [See Footnote C].

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

(78) Salla, Michael (Xenopolitician) :

Revealed by Dr Steven Greer during 2006 in his article entitled “Exopolitics or Xenopolitics?” as possibly part of “a concerted effort to dis-inform the public and create the false impression of a threat from space, so that eventually a multi-trillion dollar build-up of weapons in space will be accepted by the masses” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:46 PM

(79) Schnabel, Jim (author of the crop circle debunking book “Round in Circles):

When challenged by Henry Azadehdel (see entry above on Henry Azadehdel), Schnabel admitted that he and Rob Irving (see entry above on Rob Irving) were involving “this country, and the United States... the Vatican as well” and that “we are not just feeding information, we are taking active measures” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] Discussed by Jim Schnabel in his “Round in Circles” (1993) at pages 290-291 (in the Epilogue) of the Hamish Hamilton hardback edition.

(80) Schuessler, John (researcher) :

Baktar revealed in 2001 that John Schuessler is “enough in the power elite inner circle to be used by them but not enough in the circle to know much inside information or to know that he is being used.” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(81) Shandera, Jaime (researcher) :

Revealed by William Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) to have been “CIA all the way” [see Footnote A].

[Footnote A] Discussed by William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(82) Simms, Derrel

[Redacted] (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(83) Sitchin, Zecharia (author of several books on aliens) –

In league with reptilian aliens as a disinformation agent, reported by “Arizona Wilder” (formerly Jennifer Greene) . See Footnote A.

[Footnote A] : See:

(84) “Skeptic Overlord” - See entry above in relation to William Irvine (codename “Skeptic Overlord”).

(85) Sparks, Brad (UFO researcher):

[Redacted] (see Footnote A and Footnote B

[Footnote A] - [Redacted].

[Footnote B] - [Redacted].

(86) “Springer” - See entry above in relation to Mark Allin (codename “Springer”).

(87) Stacy, Dennis (former editor of the MUFON Journal):

Admitted during January 2002 that he worked for the CIA (see Footnote A), confirming an earlier indication in at Footnote B.

[Footnote A] See:

[Footnote B] See:

(88) Stefula, Joseph J (co-author of a critique of the Linda “Cortile” abduction case) -

See page 14 of “A Critique of Budd Hopkins' Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda Napolitano” by Joseph J. Stefula, Richard D. Butler, and George P. Hansen - available online at:

(89) Stevens, Wendelle (researcher) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported seeing Naval Intelligence documents which give this researcher’s name as a CIA agent [Footnote A].

[Footnote A] : William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 228 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

(90) Strieber, Whitley (author) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) has reported that Whitley Strieber is “a CIA agent” [Footnote A].

[Footnote A] : William Cooper in his “Behold a Pale Horse” (1991) at page 229 (in Chapter 12) of the Light Technology softcover edition.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:47 PM

(91) Todd, Robert (UFO researcher):

[Redacted] (see Footnote A)

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(92) Vallee, Jacques (author of several UFO books) :

Bill Cooper (see entry above on Bill Cooper) considered Vallee to be part of the conspiracy, and reported knowing who funded Vallee (see Footnote A). In 2001, Baktar revealed that Jacques Vallee is “part of the private industry group that wants to control the ET agenda, and toward this end he puts out disinformation” (see Footnote B). Various researchers have suggested that Vallee was a member of the “Aviary”, with the codenames “Parrot” and “Partridge” (see Footnote C, Footnote D and Footnote E). The “Aviary” has been described by author Jon King as “a kind of latter-day Majestic-12 working group” (see Footnote F).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jacques Vallee in his “Revelations” (1991) at page 77 (in Chapter 3) of the Ballantine Books paperback edition.

[Footnote B] See:

[Footnote C] See:

[Footnote D] See:

[Footnote E] See:

[Footnote F] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

(93) Victorian, Armen (infamous British researcher, also known as Henry X, Henry Azadehdel, and Cassava N'tumba):

Reported by George Wingfield to have been part of a Government disinformation conspiracy (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Jim Schnabel in his “Round in Circles” (1993) at pages 290-291 (in the Epilogue) of the Hamish Hamilton hardback edition.

(94) Von Braun, Wernher (scientist – see Footnote A) :

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote B.

[Footnote A] This individual is discussed in the wikipedia webpage at:

[Footnote B] See:

(95) Von Neumann, Dr John L (scientist – see Footnote A) :

Revealed by Dr. Robert M Wood and Ryan S Wood to have been a Government scientist linked to MJ-12. See spreadsheet at Footnote A.

[Footnote A] This individual is discussed in the wikipedia webpage at:

[Footnote B] See:

(96) Williams, Matthew (UFO researcher, convicted of criminal damage for creating a hoaxed crop-circle) :

Admitted that “I’m … a Government Agent” in Issue 16 of Stuart Miller’s “UFO Review” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] Available online at:

(97) [Redacted]:

[Redacted] – See Footnote A.

[Footnote A] – [Redacted].

(98) Wood, Robert (researcher) :

In 2001, Baktar revealed that Robert Wood is “a member of MJ-12, the agenda of which is to disinform” (see Footnote A).

[Footnote A] See:

(99) Wood, Ryan (researcher):

In 2001, Baktar revealed that “Like father, like son” (see Footnote A). See entry above in relation to Ryan Wood’s father, Robert Wood.

[Footnote A] See:

(100) Zechel, W Todd (UFO researcher, director of research of Ground Saucer Watch and co-founder of CAUS) :

Has confessed that he was a National Security Agency employee (see Footnote A and Footnote B). Confirmed by Tim Good (see Footnote C). Jon King has suggested that the possibility that Todd Zechel “was acting on behalf of the NSA” in relation to CAUS “must be a consideration” [see Footnote D]. See also the discussion at Footnote E and Footnote F. Jerome Clark has said of Zechel that “at this moment in history, it’s distinctly possible that W Todd Zechel is Ufology’s major figure” (quoted by Robert Sheaffer in Footnote A and Footnote B and Jim Moseley in Footnote F).

[Footnote A] Discussed by Robert Sheaffer in his “The UFO Verdict” (1980) at pages 28-29 (in Chapter 4) of the Prometheus softback edition.

[Footnote B] Discussed by Robert Sheaffer in his “UFO Sightings: The Evidence” (1998) at page 50 (in Chapter 4) of the Prometheus hardback edition.

[Footnote C] Discussed by Timothy Good in his “Above Top Secret” (1987) at page 344 (in Chapter 14) of the Sidgwick & Jackson hardback edition (with the same page numbering in the Guild Publishing hardback edition and the Grafton paperback edition).

[Footnote D] Discussed by Jon King in his “Cosmic Top Secret” (1998) at pages 72, 74 (in the chapter entitled “Document 03”, “File 08”) of the NEL paperback edition.

[Footnote E] Discussed by Philip Klass in “UFOs: The Public Deceived” (1983) at pages 291-293 (in Chapter 31) of the Prometheus softback edition.

[Footnote F] Discussed by James Moseley and Karl Pflock in their “Shockingly Close to the Truth!” (2002) at pages 242, 243-246 (in Chapter 11) of the Prometheus hardback edition.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:47 PM


If a UFO researcher fails to agree with your views, it is probably because he is a Disinformation Agent.

Trust no-one. Not even yourself.

If anything should be learnt from the history of ufological research, it is that claims should not necessary be taken at face value.

Exercise critical thinking when faced with assertions not supported by verifiable facts.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:57 PM
How long did it took you to compile all this information and while I can not really comprehend the intended meaning I will like to know is this some kind of exposure, please by all means explain.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:00 PM
nice. You gave me a good giggle.
FYI, Change the yellow ; ; MY EYES!!! *dies*

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Are you trying for a cut and paste world record or something ?
Wouldnt links suffice ? How come I am not on that list ?

[edit on 15-2-2008 by RWPBR]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:02 PM
I am upset, very upset, that I did not make the list. Obviously, Isaac is a disinfo-agent for not including me!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:06 PM
Its not like special interest groups focussed on disseminating "information" (a certain bias / worldview) do not exist.

Information War is what our whole world is currently involved in.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Thank you for citing David Icke as Disinfo!!!

You are forgetting Alex Jones unless I missed him.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Its not like special interest groups focussed on disseminating "information" (a certain bias/worldview) do not exist.

Information War is what our whole world is currently involved in.

I don't think anyone is disputing that, Sky. However, this is satire, pointing out the attitude prevalent among certain UFO researchers/believers that anyone who does not agree with them has some ulterior motive.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Issac.... you missed me out

I guess I shall have to increase my notoriety

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