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ATS.MIX: Philip Shenon – “9/11 Uncensored” – SE09

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Philip Shenon – “9/11 Uncensored” – SE09

In this ATS MIX Special Edition, Dave interviews Philip Shenon who is an investigative reporter with The New York Times, where he has worked since 1981. He was the lead reporter on the investigation of the September 11 commission and has held several of the most important assignments of the Washington Bureau, including chief Defense Department correspondent, diplomatic correspondent, Congressional correspondent and Justice Department Correspondent. He has reported for The Times from scores of countries across six continents. Dave asks Phil some candid questions about his book and his take on the 9/11 conspiracy community. Numerous AboveTopSecret.Com member questions are also asked and answered.

VISIT Philip Shenon’s HOME PAGE

VISIT 9-11 Commission’s HOME PAGE

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length: 42:31
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[edit on 2/14/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:26 AM
This guy doesn't even sound like he believes in what he says. He is very dismissive, and has no substance in his replies. Sounds like a future politician in the making.

In short all fluff, no meat.

Thankyou for your efforts to ask him some hard hitting questions though.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Amen. He represents the official fallback position: cover-up of gross incompetence, not complicit criminality. I do not believe a man of his talent and intelligence can honestly look at all the lies and contradictions highlighted by the likes of David Ray Griffin, et al, and hold the positions he does. He is either a liar or in deep denial and willful ignorance.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 02:59 AM
The New York Times is chock full of Judith Miller's, prestitutes for the Status Quo. I wonder who he knows in the criminal administration?

A liar, without any merit, and quite frankly, a minor league reporter.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 06:34 AM
The effort of asking this person conspiracy-minded questions was very commendable, but in the end the results were highly disappointing. The nature of his book held promise, however, his responses to your real questions were little more than the typical script we hear from mainstream media.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:45 AM
I have not bought or read the book; I refuse to support anyone who profits from 911.
However, I did read the excerpt and some of the reviews. It is my understanding that his viewpoint is that the Bush Administration is guilty of criminal negligence but not conspiracy.
I also believe that this book may be more of putting faces on those famous names then truly looking for an explanation. After all, he is a reporter first and foremost and it is often the author's prose to relay information not speculation.
Bravo to the staff here that tried to ask the “real” questions, better luck next time.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:18 AM
Interesting... I right-clicked the mp3 link and was not offered the option to save target. So I haven't heard this. But I think this guy was on the daily Show and I was grossly disappointed in what was asked and what he said. I could tell it was another cover-up of the truth. [sigh]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:25 AM
So, I am confused here...the interview is hyped for nearly a week and the only way to "see" it is to download an audio mp3? When and where is a transcript for this interview? I would like to see if he had the time to respond to a question I asked? Based on some of the others comments here (he sees the Bush admin as more criminal negligent and not behind the whole thing), I would guess he skipped my question. Oh well, not like this guy is going to solve 911 for the masses, just try and get rich with a book about it. I pretty much already decided this guy was an idiot after seeing his interview on the Daily Show (see my previous post were I asked him the question to understand what I mean)

[edit on 15-2-2008 by percievedreality]

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by percievedreality
So, I am confused here...the interview is hyped for nearly a week and the only way to "see" it is to download an audio mp3?

Well... ATS MIX is our podcast show, so yes, an MP3 is the only way to hear the interview.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:58 PM
When I was a working newspaperman (reporter, editor, columnist), such interviews as this were called "puff pieces." Dave let Shenon enumerate all Bush administration fumbles and didn't ask about even a few Clinton 9/11 "errors" of complicity, such as Billary's admission he'd been offered Osama in 'cuffs, Sandy's theft of pertinent secret documents. etc.
Dave allowed Shenon to ramble at length about Iran and the Saudis, but avoided asking him about Israel, and don't we remember those photos of Mossad agents making merry atop a truck with the twin towers burning in the background. Too, didn't current Homeland Security chief Chertoff too-hurriedly insist that they and other Mossad volunteers be "exiled" to Tel Aviv instanter? And isn't he the same Chertoff who's a citizen of both Israel and the U.S.? May I ask. which is the home where his heart is?
Asking a (Jewish?) reporter who works for the Jewish-owned NY Times
(publisher Sulzberger seems to hate the U.S.) questions that could reflect badly on Israel might bring the interview to an abrupt end. Shenon must like his job but so do the gov't workers he so offhandedly maligns as incompetent. Y'see, CSEAers dance to Washington tunes and know the lyrics. A favorite to those working in spy agencies goes: "Don't talk of missiles, learn the tricks; If you blow a whistle, you''ll hit the bricks."

At any rate, Dave can't be faulted for softballing -- honey gentles and vinegar repels. His nicey-nice tactic worked: Had Shenon gone uppity and run back to Jon Stewart's TV desk, we ATS devotees would have missed 42 minutes of blah that answered absolutely no conspiracy questions.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by ATSMIX

i just listened to this podcast... and although i appreciate the time and effort it took to get mr. shenon on, the biggest "wow factor" he was able to come up with, is that the the government bungled the investigation. sorry, but i wouldn't waste my money and time buying his book. why? because there are too many sharp people that work in our government that had roadblocks thrown up in their way as far as the investigation proceeded. to me it's not the "DUH"'s the "COVER UP" factor. and either the guy is "naive" or "intentionally naive". in his own words he said that the chairman of the investigation had a "close" relationship with the administration that was suspect, but he sited the commission's report as pretty much answering the big questions. somebody got away with this, and unfortunately, i feel after all this time and protest, by millions of americans, it's going to stay that way.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:12 PM
The star I give is for the questions Dave asked.
This Mr. Shenon gives me from the beginning in this ATS MIX show a MIXED feeling.
And MIXED because he pretends himself to be a sceptical investigative reporter of the correctness of the official 911 investigation, but when I listen to what he is saying, he gives me the very strong feeling that he in reality has no single doubt of the correctness of that rapport it in any way.

For instance.
Instead of thinking, of course, there must be indeed other security camera footage, he said, I don’t know of the existence of any other security camera footage beside the already presented footage, so end of story.

Then he said two times, and in a bit joking way, and correct me if I am wrong, that it good not be a “inside job”, because of the apparently existing incompetent ness off the government.
Well, what for a strange statement is that?
Is it not highly possible, that just because of that existing incompetent ness off the government, it clears the way for certain very evil people to make therefore use of that and make 911 happened the way it did?

Then his remark of the reason of the collapse of the WTC7 building, the exploding fuel-tanks who supposedly where placed in the basement.
Pure disinformation in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor
The star I give is for the questions Dave asked.

No stars call this an "uncensored" interview is utter bs. While I appreciated having my "question" selected and posed to Mr. Shenon, it was completely useless as Dave did not FINISH my question, completely avoiding my follow up. (which I suppose was my own fault as I did not make it one sentence) Anyway, I will never again listen to another ATS Mix show or waste my time posting questions for one. Just like the mainstream media, they will pick and choose what are the right questions! What a sham, thanks for using my thoughtful question as a 30 second time filler, it did humanity alot of good.......

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