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Republican Party National Suicide

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posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 11:45 AM

How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide

By JB Williams Friday, February 1, 2008

Republicans no longer control the Republican Party and as a result, they cannot advance a truly Republican candidate through the current liberal leaning primary process.

By the time 99 percent of Republicans get a chance to vote in the primaries, all real Republicans will have already been eliminated from the race. Lesser evil choices are all that remain by Super Tuesday…?



Sad but very, very true. What will true conservatives do about this?

I envision a Romney revival, which may just be too little too late..

Your thoughts welcome.

[edit on 2008/2/4 by SteveR]

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 08:11 PM
The divisions amongst the Republican party and its core supporter base are discussed in this thread so I am not going to cover old ground again.

The author diagnosis is correct but his or her cure is all wrong and is the typical crap that comes from the direction of the right wing element of the Republican party. IMO the problem is that the extreme right wing religious nuts that have hijacked the Republican party aren't representative of wider conservativeism(SP?) .

The article does show the mindset that has lead the Republican party down the toilet . Rather then take responsibility for there mistakes including Iraq and opposing a balanced budget they are once again blaming so called Liberals .

Remember when they tried to blame the media and Liberals for the insurgency in Iraq ?

It looks like that no one has the guts to fix the Republican .

posted on Feb, 6 2008 @ 03:18 PM
McCain's nomination as the Republican presidential candidate is worse than electing Bill Clinton to the White House in '92. No only is he not a Conservative, except on the war effort, but he sides with the Democrats on ever other issue. He is essentially is a Democrat if you look at the issues one by one. So as a result, in November we will have two Liberals to chose from, a Democrat and a Republican.

Not only did McCain stab Romney in the back while working with Huckabee in backroom deals, but McCain is despised by associates who don't want to deal with his temper and stubborn attitude. Do we want to give the keys to this back-stabbing jerk?

Conservatives have no good choice this election year. The Democratic choices are pitiful socialist who's grand plans and inexperience will surely drag us to a third-world status. The choices in November are the worst in modern history. Any choice makes me cringe.

The conservative base has crumbled, thanks to Bush. Spending us into oblivion letting illegals waltz enmasse into our country has bankrupted many states and now the federal government. Printing money will only fuel inflation and do nothing for the housing debacle and high oil prices.

The Democrats are also to blame, for opposing the war, they embolden the enemies resolve. If we were committed to this war as a united people, this war would be over now. When you go to war, you cannot have one hand disabled and expect to win outright.

The illegal immigrant debacle has split the Republicans party. Thanks to the Bush pro-illegal stance, many Republicans have quite the party to become Independents or skeptical conservatives. So you now have Independents, moderates, hard core and evangelicals. Huckabee took the Evangelical vote and McCain the moderate and Independents. There were not enough votes left for a true conservative, Romney, to win.

So sad!

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Let us not forget the limited power the President actually wields...

We as Conservatives need now to concentrate on the Senate and the House and win back for America the future.....

We can't just give up because the only choice we have for President is a RINO..
(Republican In Name Only)


posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

In a time of war, which this is most unfortunately, how limited is a Presidents power truely? Every President we've had, during a time of war, has weilded truely enourmous power. Unstated, and rather vaguely defined, but all the more enourmous because of that.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 10:35 PM
It has been my experience and understanding, that the President wields simply that same power he always does except that particular special powers during conflict which is given to him by Congress.

The key is the House and Senate

Especially when faced with the current McCain dilemma..


posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

McCain truly is no better, or no worse than the other two.

I think that many of us, and I certainly include myself in this, read much too much into party affiliation. Republican good/bad, Democrat good/bad, etc... I will admit to being a democrat, rather more right than the vast majority seemingly. I'm pro military, strong foreign policy, a little less socially liberal than others who identify with the current democratic hierarchy. I suppose I identify more with conservative than I do either one of the major parties. I haven't voted for a democrat for President ever.

Party affiliation is well down the list of what should be looked at.

Morality and character are foremost. By that I don't mean is he/she a good christian/muslim/whatever. What I mean is: Is he/she a good upstanding honest person? None of the currant crop strike me as being particularly honest or forthright.

Experience certainly helps, but isn't really necessary. I mean seriously, how do you train yourself for this particular job. Being a Senator or a Governor, or a high powered business exec., doesn't exactly prepare you for being the President of the United States of America.

Yet the first thing most of us look at is Party. The Party above all. Sometimes I think that that sounds remarkably like the old Soviet Union, where Party came before all, even the country and our fellow Americans. Something to think about, maybe?

[edit on 16-3-2008 by seagull]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:47 AM
You think this is only a Republican problem? The Democratic party is going through a bloodbath between Obama and Clinton that threatens to throw the election to McCain if it gets any nastier.

The problem is that the bush administration and its policies have torn this country apart and it reflects in the chaos of this electorial cycle.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Actually semper if you look at history, traditionally we have swung back and forth between a strong presidency and weak congress and a strong congress and a weak presidency. Bush, like him or not (and we all know my opinion about him) was a strong president, entirely because of 9/11 and what we are going to see over the next few years is a reassertion of congress, and its about time. The rubber stamp Republican congress failed in its duty to provide oversight of the executive branch and for the health of the country it needs to be restored.

BTW take it from a liberal... McCain is a conservative. I personally will not vote for him but at least I respect him which is a hell of lot more than I can say about bush minor.

[edit on 17-3-2008 by grover]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by grover
You think this is only a Republican problem? The Democratic party is going through a bloodbath between Obama and Clinton that threatens to throw the election to McCain if it gets any nastier.

The problem is that the bush administration and its policies have torn this country apart and it reflects in the chaos of this electoral cycle.

This is what I'm talking about. There is more than enough blame to go around. Democrats fault, no it's the Republicans. No it's not. Yes, it is. Blah, blah, blah...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Give me a break. If the Democrats had truly wanted to stop Bush, they could have, Congress controls the purse strings. If they were truly in love with the principles they supposedly support, they'd have stood by those principles and forced the issue on Iraq and whatever else. They didn't, so to my eyes, they're as much to blame, if not more so, as the President and his administration. At least he's not flipped the flop, he's been more steadfast than any of other politicians. I may not agree with him on much these days, but I respect that.

No. The blame game is what got us into our currant travails, and no one party or person is solely to blame.

This wasn't aimed solely at you, grover. You just triggered me. If I irritated you, my apologies in advance.

[edit on 3/17/2008 by seagull]

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 06:33 PM
While I certainly agree that there probably wasn't a real conservative in the race, the Republican Party isn't in such bad shape, considering where the Democrats are now.

At least the Republicans have a candidate chosen and one who as broad appeal, real national political experience, and a good handle on foreign policy.

Democrats, the tolerant, liberal, bleeding hearts that they are, are blasting each other to shreds, having all kinds of skeletons falling out of the closet, can decide what to do with their delegates, and basically are becoming the victims of their own political methods of divide and conquer class warfare.

Maybe the Republican party isn't what some conservatives prefer, but by my observation, they're not the party that's committing suicide, regardless of who wins the election.

[edit on 2008/3/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Seagull: You forget 6 out of the last 8 years the Republicans were in control of congress and locked Democrats out of committee meetings and for all intent and purpose denied them a role. The Republicans essentially gave bush minor a rubber stamp to just about everything he did. And since then the Democrats majority has not been enough to override the Republicans in congress or bush minor's veto pen.

Is it all the Republicans fault? No of course not. The Democrats have more than their fair share of the blame it is true, still the Republicans have had such a strangle hold on power over the past few years that they pretty much let bush minor have his way.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by grover

I agree with you that they've not made much progress...

However, I've not noticed a whole lot of effort either. A whole lot of furious sounding rhetoric, without a shred of effort. Sound and fury signifying nothing...

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