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Negative Blood Type (RH Factor) and Alien History

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Is it just the -(RH) that is super rare? Because i was told by a doctor that all RH is rare. I have A+(RH)

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Thank you for sharing your experiences, I always like hearing someone else's thoughts. The evidence about who we are and where we came from is there, but people find it hard to comprehend. We know that there are three main blood types on the planet. Scientist have found a link between some humans and animals on the Earth through Rh+ blood. The smaller half of the humans have the Earths blood types, but a Rh- not of this world link. I myself have an Rh- blood type, and I can remember ever since I was a little kid Feeling different then all of my friends. I felt like I had an important purpose, like I knew something that no one else knew. I have also heard similar stories from thousands of people, so it is no coincidence. I found out that Rh- blood types have a 20% larger frontal lobe in the brain, then Rh+ blood types. This could be why we tend to think so much.

If you take all the knowledge of the world, modern science, religion, ancient, and personal opinions, and pick out all the recurring information, you will have the foundation to find the key that will unlock the mystery of our past.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 11:10 PM
I am RH Negative and an mother of two teenage children. I did receive a shot afetr delivering both kids to ensure my body would not fight off or reject future pregnancies. I find connection in many things and to have this connection with my blood type is really big. I beleive if we keep our hearts and minds open we will be shown a way,, Our way...Don't Crystalize stay fluid.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:57 AM
The Nephilim need blood to live and be able to exist in our dimension. Word is the Red Cross, [knights templar], provides the necessary blood and the missing children, people can be added to their list. they are demonic in nature and the original arrivals from the spirit world can be found in Genesis 6. The koran lists them as Jinn.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:02 AM
I have discovered that the need for blood and the DNA issues are from Nephilim and their beginnings the Sons of God, fallen Angels given human bodies. they interbred with humans and produced nephilim. Genesis 6, the original Illuminati. they exist today and are in human form. their existence will be revealed. They are the source of UFO's but are not ET's but now demonic, and interdimensional and many are big........very big.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

I am Rh negative with O type blood.Mixed race female. I once read an article about Star Children, They suppose to have reddish hair and green eyes, I have that. Precognition and Esp abilities. I have that too. I also have low blood pressure readings and a high IQ. It was interesting but I don't know if all of that is the bases for the theory of Rh- people.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:15 PM
I'm O-
I've always been interested in "odd" subjects, and buy into wild stories and paranormal stuff pretty easy. I'm a creative type-o-person, right brained.

O- blood is the Universal Donor, anyone can take that type, but we can only receive O-.

From what I understand, millions of years ago, Earth was taken over during The Orion Wars. The warring race that claimed the planet, changed our DNA and enslaved us. They took away our ability for telepathy and our ability to know where we're from. Being born onto this planet, is deciding to give up any knowledge of who we really are. Life here is very cocoon-like. This planet has an incredible security force around it to keep us ignorant of the truth.

What a previous poster said about the alien race that mixed with the Earth humans, and that's how the Neg RH factor happened, makes perfect sense.

Take a look at this if you're interested in some Earth history, it's from the Pleiadians:
[edit on 12-1-2009 by coney]

[edit on 12-1-2009 by coney]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:31 PM

look up Nephilim......Genesis 6 and throughout Bible.

Sons of God, Nephilim are not ETs they are interdimensional

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Perhaps you need to look deeper and further than religion; there is ample proof that the sons of heaven as you call them are the sumerian annunaki; yes, they did come from the heavens, but in carnate bodies, not as manifested spirits; there are many works far older than the account you choose.

just my 2 cents.


[edit on 1/12/2009 by the seeker_713g]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:45 PM
"Perhaps you need to look deeper and further than religion"

******This entire conspiracy is beyond Religion. I don't believe in "Religion". God is real and there is but one God. Jesus is real and he was the "Incarnate" human shell for God to enter this world and have a one on one relationship with man, die, shed his blood which is a key point, BLOOD, and be raised back from the dead to be our savior. He was the only sinless human in our history because he was not born of man, he was born of God and a virgin Mary. This was the exact reason he came from mary, royal BLOOD line of David. A direct seed willed by God and the word became flesh. Satan would have us believe in the UFO's and these beings as being good and bad so that we will think the good are good and they are not. They are luciferian and are human like but are evil.

Religion is manmade and Satan inspired to lead us from Jesus. God isn't religion he is the actual creator of this universe.

"there is ample proof that the sons of heaven as you call them are the sumerian annunaki; yes, they did come from the heavens, but in carnate bodies,"

*****yes, genesis 6, exactly. You got it. The Bible already covers this and even though Enoch is not in the Bible he talks about this as well. The Muslims call them Jinn. Coming from the Heavens means dimension not Planets or ET's.

"not as manifested spirits; there are many works far older than the account you choose."

******Nothing can be older than God who created the Universe as he then created the Angels and some turned bad. A war existed and they were cast out. Lucifer knows the prophesy and set up mankind to deceive others with setting up similiar conditions and legends as to the ones in the Bible to deceive. Its not the age that is significant its the source of inspiration.

We are all seeker and no one human has ever had all the answers........the answers are coming soon as are the Rapture and the Tribulations and the Anti-Christ......not far off.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

I have type O negative, which means I am a universal donor, they can give my blood to anyone. And I can assure you I have absolutely NO special abilities.

I wish I had a way to keep the people at the blood bank from bugging me about making more donations.

They are vampires!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Illuminati = Nephilim and sons of God.........

"The dust from the World Trade Center collapses hadn't even settled before the call went out immediately from the Red Cross to give blood and money to help the victims and the families of the 'terrorist' attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions upon millions of dollars to the Red Cross. The first question that occurred to me when the Red Cross started asking for blood was: "Blood for whom?". Everyone was dead! We knew everyone was dead from the very beginning, so why is the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for about a week or more?"

Genesis 6
Book of Enoch

Someone who is seeking vampires, or knowledge of vampires, usually desiring to become one him/herself.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by tgambill]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by tgambill
all well and fine; but this thread isn't about god or religion or how many toes you have, friend;

and we are delighted you have your own opinions, but that isn't the topic at hand; that is why it is in this forum instead of religious discussion, and I am not going to take it any further off topic with a heated debate with you.

have a nice day.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to You should be afraid for your son and family, It is very evil. I'm glad that your son isn't going along with its evil intentions. i would suggest that you bath him in a tub of sea salt water.....about 1/2 cup...due to his age, size and amount of water used....he should remain in the tub for 9 mins, make sure you pour the water over your sons head 3 times and if possible air dry. This will provide an protective auric field around him. (all your family members, so that it doesn't try to attach it self to anyone else in your family). I also suggest u smudge your home with white sage and ask the entity in an authoritive manner to leave you and your family alone and let it know its not welcomed in your home and not to come back, tell it that you cast out and to leave you and yours safe and free, so mote it be! Good Luck and Peace be with you and yours. -Rose-post by RoAcH420

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 04:44 PM
Wrong, it has everything to do with this thread. The Sons of God and Nephilim are the aliens and the source of the entities that walk among us. It Has everything to do with God and "religion" as you call it. This is exactly the issues going on and linked up.

They are spreading their bloodlines in the worlds population with angelic and demonic seed. They are interdimensional beings and they have dwelled among men before producing offsprings. Yes, it has everything to do with this thread.

There is a conspiracy that is so well hidden to the American public that its ingenius. There is a conspiracy to bring this world to a New World Order. It is above and beyond any subject that can be discussed here and in fact the root reason most of the subjects and reports here exist in the first place. Understand, the evidence, incidents, reports, quotes, and report of Plans is IRREFUTABLE and people are so fooled they don't even want to look at the evidence much less believe it once they pull their heads from the sand. It will in fact change ALL our lives shortly in the USA and until they declare Martial law, crash the dollar and put us in the North American Union will people wake up..........................

As are others that know about this, many of us are getting frustrated trying to warn people so as reduce the shock factor when this thing hits........its almost not worth the trouble to warn people.

Its coming now sooner than ever.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 04:46 PM
Coney wrote........

I'm O-
I've always been interested in "odd" subjects, and buy into wild stories and paranormal stuff pretty easy. I'm a creative type-o-person, right brained.

O- blood is the Universal Donor, anyone can take that type, but we can only receive O-.

From what I understand, millions of years ago, Earth was taken over during The Orion Wars. The warring race that claimed the planet, changed our DNA and enslaved us. They took away our ability for telepathy and our ability to know where we're from. Being born onto this planet, is deciding to give up any knowledge of who we really are. Life here is very cocoon-like. This planet has an incredible security force around it to keep us ignorant of the truth.

What a previous poster said about the alien race that mixed with the Earth humans, and that's how the Neg RH factor happened, makes perfect sense.

Take a look at this if you're interested in some Earth history, it's from the Pleiadians:
[edit on 12-1-2009 by coney]

[edit on 12-1-2009 by coney]

This post was submitted and you said nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!

this post is exactly what I'm talking about......he is well aware of the situation and I've given you the details exactly.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Coney, read my posts are the only one that has a clue what is going on. Everyone else is in lala land.

We, Watchmen, are trying to tell those in our sphere's of influence what is really going on with what you have already detected........we KNOW the conspiracy and the people involved and their agenda. NO ONE wants to hear it or face will not be denied and we are trying to warn people to reduce the shock factor and to know the enemy that is causing this to happen.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by tgambill]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by tgambill

Just more to discuss and not agree on; you say nephillim and sons of god, I say enki and his renegade alien tribe;

the only difference is you believe they are angels and demons,i.e. supernatural beings;

i say they are not supernatural, just extra-terrestrial and highly advanced and evil;

either way the cards are stacked and apparently soon will fall;

we wil all know soon enough without a war of words, for no one has conclusive proof in the matter.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by coney

read te terra papers; they are available here; many of us believe as you do, that alien is the key here, controlling us and corrupting our dna as we are programmed by them.

Check out seentoomuch's threads; i feel you will have a good read.


posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by tgambill

tgambill, What are you trying to say? Are you saying that our creators are more spirit like, than the Sumerians flesh and blood creators? I happen to think that on a universal scale, that maybe there are spirits, and other dimensions, but our creators were not a perfect God by any means. We have over 4000 flaws in our DNA and counting. A lot of good people die horribly for no good reason, but the bible tells us that it is all part of a divine plan, and people spend their entire lives believing that. Thats because our Gods have no more control over what happens in the Universe, than we do. In fact God has been gone for about 3597 years. If you believe anything in the book of Genesis, or the book of Enoch, then you have to believe it when the Sumerians said that our creator's will be back in the year 2012, because all those writings were derived from Sumerian texts thousands of years older.
You also talked about the Nephilim. They are us, or we are them, well some of us. Our creators have white skin and Rh- blood. The created race, (humans) black headed people with Rh+ blood, slave gold miners. Second set of Adam and Eve Had a little dose of creators blood, making them light complected and a little smarter. Arabs and Native Americans fit this description, were used as slave servants. The third set of Adam And Eve had yet a little more creators blood than before, causing them to be even lighter complected and smarter. Asians fit this description, and they were used for builders. When the creators planet would leave for its long journey, the creations were put on separate lands, divided by waters to make sure the different levels did not mix. When the creators returned 3600 years later they were surprised to see how quick the humans had adapted to the different environments. For some reason when they left this time some of them stayed behind to watch over the humans. They ended up mating with human women and the Nephilim was born. God and human mixed in one. Rh-blood mixed with Rh+=lot smarter humans. God+God, Rh-+Rh-=pure blood Rh-. When the Gods returned and seen what had happened, they were not happy. If left like this, the Nephilim will most certainly pose a threat in the next 3600 years, so they were dealt with by the great flood. Noah proved he was Rh+ with no trace of - and was spared. The Nephilim did survive the flood however, and were not accepted by normal humans, and were in constant battle. Every time the Gods returned, there was a slaughter. Nobelium cities were destroyed including Atlantis, and where the sphinks is at Today. For thousands of years the Gods have tried to wipe out the Nephilim, and keep the humans ignorant, so they never pose a threat.
Now the Nephilim epidemic is spread beyond there control and we are advanced more then ever before. Will there be a war in 2012 when they return, or will there be a truce?

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