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The Plate goes in the Front and Back Pouch

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posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 04:04 PM
(Work in progress, let me know feedback.)

I don’t know how it all got started. I don’t know how I ended up here, well that’s a lie, I know how I ended up here, got here in a government-sponsored plane ride and a long car ride. There was a point I had to run a little too, I guess not everything is for free and easy. I guess what I don’t know is how exactly I came about the process of getting here, or at least why. I guess it’s because when I was a kid I’ve always wanted to be a hero, but as I would later find out nothing in this situation could possibly make someone a hero, short of suicide. The bullets whizzing by me need someone to kill and getting killed doesn’t make you a hero, I’ve seen no heroes, and I know no heroes, only heard of them, they’re legends, myths even.

Times like these I wished I had every soldier’s god-send equipped, the Field Guide to a better survival, as we would come to call it. Of course it’s an oxy-moron because as we all know in war, it’s never like it is in the text-books, but you tend to get a false sense of security when you can simply troubleshoot when you have a problem or are in a jam or something along those lines. I just needed that warm fuzzy feeling inside of having this invisible aura around me to get me through these tough times, because as luck would have it I’m out of ammunition and my knife, of all things, broke. I guess I can always just hope the battle ends quick and fast and I won’t have to continue fighting, but the last words over the battle net were “All units, fall back” so a victory isn’t really assured. I’ll tell you what though, this is a nice hovel, I really like it indeed. It’s small, cozy, quaint, has a nice little futon in the middle, no TV, a small book shelf in the corner over there and only one doorway and a boarded window. So I know the people trying to kill me can only come from one way.

Can’t say I enjoy the feeling of being left behind or forgotten, well I’m not really forgotten, I should clarify for you, my team has actually been killed so they haven’t really left me behind, they’re just not breathing. My two-way radio is broken one-way so I can only listen to what’s going on and it doesn’t sound good at all. I guess I’ve always wondered what life is like after death, you know the questions that everyone has like, is there really a Heaven and Hell? And if so which one do I belong in? Or, will I be reincarnated as a goat? It’s a miserable thought for sure, but hey, when you have a bullet in the liver you tend to be jealous of everyone who doesn’t.

My time here on Earth is limited so I’ll brief with what I have to say, it all started a long time ago, in a pasture far, far away. I was getting out of my car to go into the local 7-11 for a Mountain-Dew and noticed two men outside the double glass-paned doors talking amongst each other when they stopped and took a second to grill me and then continued on with their conversation. In any other situation I would be worried, but I had nothing to be scared about, they were only poaching for their next victims. They had on digital ACU fatigues and berets with a patch colored in blue, red and a green shield in the middle. They were recruiters and I was in my final year of high-school, I was prime meat.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 30-1-2008 by sanctum]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:20 AM
The story is easy reading and it’s almost as if I could see myself as you -- being there all alone in the end and it all started right after high school, a choice I too could have made but didn’t as this was not my fate. I had to figure out the title to your story but I later understood what happens to some veterans, I believe.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Good reading. Just remember, the eject lever works fine, leave the pins out.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:53 AM
Keep going please, good read. Love Short Story forum, its one of my favorites!

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:12 PM
Well the U2U system isn't allowing me to send a U2U to a mod to change the title, so if a mod reads this, please the change the title "The Plate goes in the Front and Back Pouch"

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 02:36 PM
I walked in and immediately made eye-contact with the cashier, he said “Hello” and I simply gave him a nod, you know the nod that every one gives when they don’t care enough to respond or even wave to someone’s greeting. I took a turn and walked towards the back of the store where the refrigerators are and took a Redbull out. Redbulls are actually good drinks, it’s really an acquired taste you need for energy drinks, but I noticed one of the recruiters walking and scanning the aisles as he motioned his hand towards some candy on the candy rack beneath the counter. I reluctantly made my way to the counter all the while the recruiter made small talk with the cashier to stall for time. I got on line behind him and the guy just finished receiving his change when he turned around and said “Hey buddy, you’re still in high school, right?” The trap was set and I walked right into it, “Yup, senior year actually.”

I don’t know exactly what transpired after that, but he must have been mighty convincing because before I knew it I was in his office and we were going over what I’d have to do to go enlist. It all looked pretty good, the bonuses, the educational opportunities, the “experience” as they so put it. “You know, you don’t have to make a definite decision now, lets schedule a testing date for an ASVAB to see where your standings are and what you qualify for and we’ll take it from there alright?” He seemed so nice about it and had the biggest smile on his face, I felt almost obliged to say yes, “Yeah sure.”

When I got home my mom turned to me and had a bit of a confused look on her face. “Where were you all this time? Said you were going out for a few minutes and now it’s been almost an hour.” At this point I’m glad I left the Army papers and brochures in my car. “Nothing, I just got side-tracked with some friends.” I threw my jacket onto the hanger and made my way in the computer room without making eye-contact with my mom, once our eyes met, that pretty much nailed me into a corner and I would have to explain myself, she’s pretty good at ciphering lies. Right now though, she was busy making dinner. I jumped right online and threw up all my messengers and went through my normal routine, Myspace, Facebook, and any other forums I’m a part of. Myspace there was nothing, but there was a message on Facebook. It was from my friend Juan. He basically broke down my Friday night for me, get out of school, meet up with him, go to the mall, and then to a party. Normally I don’t hit up parties like that, but Natalie was going to be there so I figured I’d make an appearance.

Shattered OUT...

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