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What UFO evidence couldn't be Debunked?

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posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 02:51 PM
I was reading a topic that made me ask myself, of all of the reported cases of UFO visitations,sightings,abductions, cattle and animal mutilations and other strange phenomenom over the course of history, has anyone actually found any undeniable proof that aliens exist?
this made me wonder..
obviously some people believe in alien lifeforms etc, while others don't, but what I'd like to know is what would be UNDENIABLE proof of the existance of extraterrestials?

What sort of evidence would it really take to prove once and for all to the whole world that aliens are out there?
If they are that is!

What actually makes you believe/disbelieve in UFO's etc?

Your thoughts please..

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 03:46 PM
The Phoenix Lights is one great example, that does not fit any "reasonable" explanation by the government. Not to mention it was seen and reported by thousands!

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 05:53 PM
i've haven't heard of that case before, i'll look it up

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:45 PM
i have seen many strange things and i believe that aliens exist.

my only question is why do these things seem to mainly be reported in the USA????

why land there? (apologys to all americans) but if the lil aliebums are coming here why america lol.

but i see that americas tech has increased well beond other nations so theres somthing there from another world (i think)
alll i see is americas progress in tech went on a rapid increase since roswell.

so in conclusion they must be workin with the lil grey fukkkas

or am i just so wasted and dumb that i beleave they exist

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 08:39 PM
Best UFO evidence ever came from the U.S. government. The 1965 Edwards Air Force Base incident. Objects were spotted, two types of radar tracked them, and at least one plane was sent to observe. We have declassified documents on the event and declassified audio (that was originally scrambled until somebody descrambled it).

Edwards AFB was at least at the time (and could still be today, I don't know) a testing ground for secret experimental aircraft and NASA equipment. If everybody at the base didn't know what the objects were, then that leaves little room for them to be terrestrial creations.

Now the reports never went that far, but thats the information we have on the sighting.

You must also take into account that there are many government personnel in the past and present who have come forward with their knowledge of UFO/ET information and cover up. In criminal trials, many times all it takes is witness testimony to prove guilt or innocence. Unlike all other situations, witness testimony regarding the subject of UFO/ETs is apparently useless despite it being useful for all other situations. Now why is that? If the same standard was applied to witness testimony for this subject we would have no need to be speculating at this very moment.

As for myself, I originally became interested and believe in extraterrestrial visiation by having two good UFO sightings. One so good that it left no doubt in my mind that what I was witnessing was a craft of extraterrestrial origin.

[Edited on 13-2-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Oswald
The Phoenix Lights is one great example, that does not fit any "reasonable" explanation by the government. Not to mention it was seen and reported by thousands!

This was debunked. The lights were military flairs that disappeared behind the mountain, which couldn't be seen in the footage because it was dark.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 08:58 PM
Yes. The Phoenix Lights have been debunked as flares, but that answer only came from the government after a civilian suggested it.

Another great debunked UFO that to this day has no real powerful debunking to it is the Hale-Bopp anomaly. Sure our astronomers claim it was nothing but star SAO 141894 screwing up amateur equipment, but that doesn't debunk the multitude of photos taken by many observatories and even the Hubble Telescope itself which also show the anomaly.

We have lots of great debunked stories that still don't stand up to the debunking. Roswell, the STS-48 and STS-80 videos, the Greifswald Germany UFO videos from 1990. Lots of things are given debunked answers, but they aren't good answers. Unfortunately, thats usually all it takes to end the controversy.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 09:06 PM
I'd say Roswell,although being debunked by the Military/Govt,is largely considered to be the UFO event that has generated the highest belief in extraterrestrial visitation.I would say the vast majority of folks don't believe the govs account on it.

Rendlesham was also a pretty remarkable case.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 11:03 PM
I'd be surprised to see anyone successfully debunk this case:

This is obviously the same object seen over Belgium in the 1980s.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:00 AM
The USAF academy once issued a manual (sorry, I forget what type it was) to cadets that had a picture on the cover that depicted a chase between an RB-47 and a UFO from the late 50s. A long time ago I wrote a thread about that incident... if you search under RB-47 you might find it...

1952 Washington UFO flyovers
1942 "Battle of Los Angeles"
and the Phoenix lights heel mentioned all involve UFOs that were photographed and printed in major newspapers. The LA incident, at the time, was thought to be a Japanese raid, buit years later it was learned that no such attack was launched by the japanese. Instead, if you look back at the photos from the Battle of LA, you can see a disc shaped craft under fire from AA batteries.

Myself and others have posted links to those incidents several times on ATS... sorry, but I don't have the time tonight to go refind them, so you might just want to do a regular google search.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:18 AM
Thank you OIMD for bringing up that 1957 RB-47 event. I had nearly completely forgotten about it until you brought it up. Good one!

Truly an undebunkable case right there.

The Battle of L.A. event had some debunker answers for it, but none are good enough to explain what was witnessed and photographed.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:23 AM
considering the control the system has over most people, there is only one way a large percentage of people are going to believe in ufo's and that is either seeing one for themselves or if the SYSTEM tells them that they in fact do exist.

I am a person that saw them for myself but I did believe before those events. The numerous stories I had read and the mass of evidence I had seen convinced me. Those people that debunk them often have a great underlying psychological fear which drives their need for brutal proof. In some cases their fear is so great that actual encounters are still passed off as explainable in everyday terms.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Oswald
The Phoenix Lights is one great example, that does not fit any "reasonable" explanation by the government. Not to mention it was seen and reported by thousands!

Weather balloons silly! Everything in the sky that isn't a plane is a weather balloon! Them meteorologists are trying to stay current on the weather and stuff... they need more balloons! Duh!

Hell.. in fact, in the end times that are coming up, there will be SWARMS of weather balloons all over the sky.. shiny metallic looking weather balloons.

Yes they are upgrading our meteorology department. They are planning to place lazers on weather balloons to do seismic readings. So if you think it's swarms of UFO's invading and attacking the Earth, you're dumb! It's seismic weather balloons! Repeat this many many times please.

[Edited on 14-2-2004 by lilblam]

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:30 AM
What about the UFO's that were flying over the white house decades ago? That was seen by hundreds of thousands.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
What about the UFO's that were flying over the white house decades ago? That was seen by hundreds of thousands.

I heard of that... either they did a great job of covering it up and removing all mention of this, or someone made it up

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:35 AM
There are videos of it. I can't actually remember what year it was though. You see the clip of it every now and then on the history channel through the ufo shows they play. I know some people who were in DC and saw it happen. They scrambled fighter jets to go after them.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:36 AM
Onlyinmydreams already mentioned it. The 1952 D.C. UFO sightings. They were debunked as being temperature inversions even though its improbable/impossible for that to be the case.

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by John Nada
This was debunked. The lights were military flairs that disappeared behind the mountain, which couldn't be seen in the footage because it was dark.

Oh yeah one of the canned answers the Govt knows, forgive me....pffft. flares...sure it wasnt swamp gas? Maybe a group of weather balloons?

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:39 AM
Yeah I have to rate the Washington DC Capitol Hill buzz by as a significant ufo encounter too. Especially when you consider the times. Actually it was a relatively well received event and several newspapers covered it. Funny how now with more advanced technology and the social conditioning of decades of work by Hollywood, everyone now is HOPING that there isn't such a thing as UFO's. Maybe the truth has been revealed and the truth is that they are not all friendly.

[Edited on 14-2-2004 by THENEO]

posted on Feb, 14 2004 @ 12:44 AM
Especially when members of my family were there to see it.

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