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Christian Anti-Christian: Must Watch: The Most Hated Family in America. Cult?

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:27 PM
Just thought I'd toss this documentary up. There is a discussion going on of the Westboro Family's picketing of deceased Heath Ledgers memorial service

This family is well known for such things... here is an excellent documentary about them.

*ADVISORY* Lots of strong language in this - But this site is not for minors *

Google Video Link

(Click the link to watch fullscreen, though watching the embed may load faster)

Is this family a cult? Has the monarch of the family, the grandfather, successfully created a group of 'Christians' designed to bring about the hate of all Christians?

Watch for yourself, the answer is painfully obvious.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:14 AM
It's only a matter of time before someone totally snaps on them. Yikes!!!

[edit on 25-1-2008 by stikkinikki]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:15 AM
It pretty much is a cult in my eyes. I dont think they realise it but I think if they pickett Heath Ledgers memorial, someone is going to start something ie. someones gonna get knocked the f@%k out.

These people are an absolute disgrace to the human race and the whole christian faith (even though I am an atheist).

One of our comdey shows (The chasers war on everything) messed with westboro church, its on youtube somewhere and absolutely hilarious. Well worth a look

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Have you seen the part yet where someone throws something out of a passing car and it hits the little boy?

Along with that, and the childrens obvious cluelessness about the message they are forced to portray, this documentary is in some ways heartbreaking. I believe the older kids, especially the girls, are actually quite intelligent and have convinced themselves with their own logic that the message is somehow right. But the children... the little ones... they're helpless. It's hard to watch.

In some sick way, this documentary has made me feel for the family, having been raised Christian and exposed to extremely devout people with extremely devout (brainwashed) children, I know how easy it is for there to be two sides to the story. These people could probably have been an outstanding, loved and normal christian family, had the grandfather not brainwashed each generation to be hateful.

[edit on 25-1-2008 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 01:19 AM
You can only be brainwashed so completely, like this family has, if you eventually accept the teachings yourself.

If you resist an attempt to convert you to a line of thinking, the harder they try to flood your mind with the ideas, the stronger your resilience to them becomes.

I think the 'like father, like son' saying comes into play here. I have NO sympathy for the children and grandchildren of this monster.

If that had any grain of morals and intelligence they would simply cut all ties and relocate. But no, they persist in helping their father spread his sick message.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:45 AM
Sick puppies in this clip. . . I'm actually somewhat surprised that they haven't yet been dealt with by an equally-opinionated response system.

How can God possibly be as upset and hate-filled as these people claim and there still remain a planet, a universe, for that matter? Is He never going to either calm down or come down and do something about all these "fags" and other devilishly delightful abominations [DDA's] advancing by the minute against the sinful, feeble minds of mortal men and women, since said abominations are obviously not disappearing anytime soon . . .

It's garbage like the content of this video which helps pollute distressed minds who might otherwise find peace or some other usefulness from spiritual meditation. Thanks for the knowledge of this, NWO, I like to be reminded of why people can abhor so deeply what seems to me should be an inspirational message of life and hope

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 11:50 PM
some one is eventually gonna hurt or retaliate at the mom----i just hope no innocent kids get hurt in the crossfire

is she a nut or what???? my gosh----and you can just feel her hate coming through the screen

thank god she did not or does not picket a funeral of my family---because i can only imagine how i would react

besides---i didn't quite get--where all these soldiers gay or does she just picket any soldier funeral because the military allows gays?????

i watched 15 minutes because i want to get the whole doc to show fanmily members how nuts and crazy people can be---

and people call us tin hat people crazy----i think not,,,she gets the gold by far!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:46 AM
While the hate that this churches is horrid, really and truly the whole thing just makes me sad.
You can see flashes of the humanity and pain in the oldest daughter especially near the end.
These kids have been treated so badly due to their families actions that they have used the church, and the behavior modeled to them as a shield to protect them from a world that has caused them all sorts of pain. IT also serves to keep them in the group because there only experience with the outside world has caused them so much pain and hurt.

Their beliefs are far from logical and far from being totally sane.
In my opinion focusing so rightousely and angrily at once core issue points to the fact that the founder may have one point struggled with that very issue and it was at such odds with his core belief system he could only react with such anger and hatred.

IT is often those that are the most homophobic that harbor unresolved sexuality issues. Just as it is the spouse who consistently accuses their husband or wife of cheating who is actually the one with infedelities.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I must admit, I did agree with the first line in the song in the very beginning... "I'm ashamed to be an America..." but the fact is, it's people like this (and fundamentalists of all stripes, religious or otherwise...) that make me feel that way!

I am a pretty tolerant person but watching these people makes me sick.

It's probably bad for my karma, but I've got an idea (anything to run over the dogma.) If I lived near these people and it were practical to keep an eye on them, I would gladly organize a group to picket at one of their funerals. Anyone local want to keep an eye on the obits for me?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by shipovfools
If I lived near these people and it were practical to keep an eye on them, I would gladly organize a group to picket at one of their funerals.

This family has probably been so abused and brainwashed by the grandfather they wouldn't shed a tear at his funeral. I don't see any love demonstrated by the mother for her kids in this movie, she acts very much like someone who was raised by the stick and lash and with NO real love... some Christians they are.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:45 PM
listen...were all americans ...can't we forget this type of bigotry...what is wrong with the type of life you want to live. so long as you don't commit any crime or harm anyone...fine...isn't this what this country was founded on?... and if you disagree with this...aren't you the one that is anti-american? we are all in this together and if we are not somewhat torlerent of each others views... then how can we even be considered american? we should always push for this type of's in our nature and our soul...deny this type of freedom and you take away that soul. this is what makes the "people" just and good...the tolerance to listen and to understand other peoples view... have we lost that ?...have we caved in to the cynical chants that oppose this american spirit?...i for the age of 55 still do not think so...i still have a LUST for true freedom in this country and will never give in tho the wealthy, the proclaimed elite, the people that we have entrusted with the governing of our country to take away that ideal that i still to this very day, hold true

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:07 AM
It's people like these fanatics that Give true Christians a bad name and why people turn away from the church.
I would have no problem with them getting punched in the mouth by someone snapping on them and this is coming from a christian.
I can't stand people like this who just don't get it and have a depraved twisted logic.
God will punish her for her misdeeds, she's been leading her children astray from what it is to be a true christian.
Because of people like this the Government in the future will go after christians and we will be hunted and killed in the end times!

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:35 AM
Man I pity this family. The horror of the amount of brainwashing that has gone on with these people is horrendous. I wish the state would take away the young kids from these people in order to save them a life like the older ones have accepted.

God is going to kick some A** on this family hard. Like the bible says judge not lest ye be judged. Well God is going to do to them what they do to others.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:49 PM
Loved the first portion of the video (don't have time for all of it...).

You have to be not caring at all about this country and problems that people have, and about people in general indeed. What heartless pieces of turd they are. I feel bad about myself for saying that, but I can't help.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by shipovfools
I am a pretty tolerant person but watching these people makes me sick.

It's probably bad for my karma, but I've got an idea (anything to run over the dogma.) If I lived near these people and it were practical to keep an eye on them, I would gladly organize a group to picket at one of their funerals. Anyone local want to keep an eye on the obits for me?

That would be lowering yourself to their level. The correct response would be to say a prayer for those lost souls.

Originally posted by attackofthehatta
It's people like these fanatics that Give true Christians a bad name and why people turn away from the church.
Because of people like this the Government in the future will go after christians and we will be hunted and killed in the end times!

No, I don't believe that. No sane person would equate Phelps Church with Christians. Christians don't preach hate, and any attempt by PC to call themselves Christians is very transparent.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:16 PM

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